Kirklees Business News January 4th 2010

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ANDREW LOCKE He’s tapping into business

JILL HAGUE Lending a helping hand

Full inter view - Page 3

Column - Page 5

An EXAMINER publication

KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees

Haulage firms find a route to savings HAULAGE firms across Yorkshire are taking a new route to reduce costs, cut crime and tackle climate change. A European-wide organisation counting Huddersfield University among its backers is developing a vehicle intelligence system which allows truck drivers to get key information via their mobiles. The new device, developed by North Sea Freight Intelligence Transport Solutions, will help the freight industry to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging better driving and avoiding excessive engine idling times. The communications system will provide live information to commercial truck drivers and their managers as they work across the North Sea region. The system will supply data including traffic updates and lorry-specific road conditions, the locations of secure parking and freight crime hotspots, information on foreign laws and route planning from a variety of sources and providers. The information will be available to users in text, graphical and map

formats, using mobile and satellite technology. To use the system, the driver will download the application to his or her mobile phone. The dispatcher also has access to the information through a PC version at their premises. Both systems are then synchronised to enable communication from trucker to dispatcher at headquarters and vice versa. Using a mobile phone, the driver will be notified when the container ship is in port, avoiding unnecessary delays and additional carbon emissions. The driver then uses the new system to plan the route, taking into account weather and traffic incidents and known crime hotspots. On the way to the container terminal, the driver will get another update that the ship has been unloaded. Just before getting into the terminal, the driver will be told which truck line to join and given an approximation of the length of time it will take to complete the transaction within the port. The result is increased efficiency, which should result on lower carbon

■ FREIGHT LINE: David Ransom, of People United Against Crime

emissions to benefit the environment and the haulage firm’s bottom line. Development and testing of the NS FRITS system will be completed this year.

The university’s partners include Sheffield-based charity People United Against Crime, truck manufacturer Volvo, Avanti Communications and the Dutch Police. David Ransom, chief executive of People United Against Crime, said the system would provide a major boost for Yorkshire’s 6,900-plus logistics companies, which together employ 91,000 people and contribute £4.2bn to the regional economy. “Reducing CO2 and road congestion will have dramatic impact upon the industry as a whole and help the region’s economy,” he said. “According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the issue is not just a ‘massive threat to the global environment, it is also perhaps the greatest economic challenge facing us in the 21st century’. “The UK is leading the carbon economy effort with a commitment to cut emissions by 80% by 2050. The climate change agenda affects the freight industry dramatically, in particular road transport. In the UK road transport, accounts for 92% of freight related carbon emissions.”

Don’t ignore January tax deadline, firms told SMALL firms in Kirklees have been urged to make a New Year’s resolution to complete their self-assessment tax returns now – and avoid hefty fines. Nick Brook, of TaxAssist Accountants in Huddersfield, said that although the official deadline for payment is not until January 31, many owner-managers caught up in the Christmas and New Year rush could end up paying unnecessary penalties. “Christmas and New Year can be a hectic time for West Yorkshire small businesses,” he said. “We all want those repairs, home improvements and decorating done in time for Christmas, so local traders are in big demand. “And for local retailers, Christmas gift buying and New Year sales can be one of

their busiest periods. “Before you know it, the January deadline for payments and returns is looming. HM Revenue & Customs will levy an automatic penalty of up to £100 if your return is received late.” Mr Brook warned: “If by the end of February you still haven’t paid your tax bill, you may face a 5% surcharge added to your bill. “If after six months you have still not paid, another 5% may be added on top of the amount you still owe – while all the time the tax remains overdue, interest will be accruing on a daily basis, currently charged at 3%. “Unless you want to needlessly lose a significant amount of your hard-earned

income to the taxman, the advice is to keep on top of your tax return and payment deadlines. “This will become even more important next year – as both surcharges and penalties are set to rise from January, 2012, applying to 2011 returns.” Mr Brook, whose Lockwood-based business provides advice and services to more than 350 local small businesses, said the self-assessment payment deadline was the same whether taxpayers file on paper or online. He said: “Local businesses should have received a self-assessment statement of tax owed, but if they haven’t they would need to work out tax due themselves or with their advisers, or by registering with self assessment online.”

■ ADVICE: Nick Brook, of TaxAssist Accountants

INSIDE Fitted furniture A FAMILY-run kitchen, bedroom and bathroom furniture firm is sitting pretty after emerging from the downturn in good shape. Slaithwaite-based Daval turned in “fantastic” results – despite one of the toughest recessions to hit the furniture industry. The company said business was booming in all areas – with sales of kitchens up by 54% compared to 2009, more than £900,000 of potential new turnover identified and an order book at its biggest for 10 months.

● Full story - Page 4

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Dealer’s principles A CAR dealer has overcome the economic slump to steer ahead on sales. Lockwood-based Colin Appleyard Cars was named Sukuzi Dealer of the Year in recognition of its sales record over the past 12 months. The presentation was made to directors Robin Appleyard and Nigel Smith at a celebration dinner.

● Full story - Page 8

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