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KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
Growing company is in good health! A FIT-OUT company formed less than a year ago has landed a hat-trick of contracts for work at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Lockwood-based CPI Contracts was successful in tendering for the contracts for one of the wards at the L i n d l e y h o s p i t a l a n d fo r i t s out-patients’ and endoscopy departments. Work on the endoscopy unit, which began at the end of April and finished in September, included fitting the lightweight structural steel walls and installing interior partitions. Towards the end of that contract, CPI was handed the task of installing internal partitions, flooring and fixed joinery on ward 21 on the top floor of the infirmary. Now it has begun work at the out-patients’ department on a contract which is due for completion on Christmas Eve. CPI Contracts was launched last December by quantity surveyor Grant Pinder and business partner Jason Carolan, who has more than 20 years experience in construction, latterly as a site manager. Mr Pinder said the company
planned to focus its efforts on winning public sector work, especially health and education. “There are concerns about public sector spending cuts, but we are establishing a track record with our work at the infirmary which we believe will give us an edge when tenders are placed,” he said. “Working at the infirmary was quite a demanding job. “Materials and equipment had to be brought on and off site before 8am and after 5pm and security was paramount. “We also had to work to strict timetables to minimise disruption for staff and patients.” Mr Pinder said the company was now tendering for further work across Yorkshire in a bid to get the new year off to a flying start. CPI Contracts is already expanding. The business has moved from a start-up unit at the Ray Street Enterprise Centre in Huddersfield to larger accommodation at Lockwood’s Gateway Enterprise Centre, where it has more space for offices and storage.
Brand on the run A VEHICLE hire firm has a brand new image thanks to the work of a Huddersfield agency. Manifest Communications, based at New North Road, has provided a new look for Northgate Vehicle Hire, the UK’s largest vehicle hire company. Northgate has moved from a network of 20 local, individual brands to one national brand – Northgate Vehicle Hire – operating as 12 business areas with more than 60 sites covering the UK and Ireland.
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■ FIT FOR THE JOB: Grant Pinder, of CPI Contracts, with the fittings installd by the company at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary’s endoscopy unit
Kitchen firm achieves 100% recycling rate A DEWSBURY-based company has hit a 100% recycling rate. Social housing kitchen manufacturer Rixonway Kitchens has implemented a new waste management contract to ensure every last scrap of its waste is now recycled. Rixonway has moved all its waste management requirements to Leeds Paper Recycling, allowing it to confidently claim that no waste from the plant goes to landfill. Wood waste is recycled into biomass with larger pieces being sent to be reworked back into chipboard. Rixonway has also become the largest organisation in the UK to install the
Ecogate System dust control system, which has been developed to support large woodworking manufacturers like Rixonway. Traditional dust extraction systems run constantly across the whole plant, even if a machine is not in use. The intelligent Ecogate System monitors when a machine is not in use, shutting down that particular extraction unit, saving the electricity needed to run the unit and heat the factory as less hot air is removed. Rixonway operations director Nick Greenall said the Ecogate System was expected to save about 23% of the site’s electricity usage, significantly reducing its carbon footprint.
“We expect to see a return on the Ecogate System investment within two years and a substantial annual saving thereafter,” said Mr Greenall. “All these initiatives led Rixonway to receive 100% in its environmental credentials in a recent tender application, a position of which we are tremendously proud.” Formed in 1978, Yorkshire-based Rixonway Kitchens is the only UK kitchen manufacturer working solely in affordable and social housing. It makes 12,000 units a week and employs more than 400 people at its UK headquarters and manufacturing site in Dewsbury.
■ WASTE NOT: Nick Greenall, Rixonway operations director
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Canada contract RAVENSTHORPE company Chem Resist Ltd has added Canada to its list of export markets. The firm, which makes and supplies thermoplastic storage tanks and process equipment, has landed a five-figure contract with chemical company ClearTech.
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