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KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
Internet shopping helps village store
A VILLAGE newsagent is helping high-tech online retailers get their goods to customers. At a time when many “bricks-and-mortar” shops face fierce competition from online retailers, Roy Bowden, of Denby Dale News, is benefiting from the shopping revolution. As well as delivering the papers, Roy is a collection point agent for Parcel PickUp, an internet shopping network. Instead of having deliveries made to shoppers’ homes, buyers ordering online can ask for their goods to be delivered to the Wakefield Road shop, where they can be collected by the shoppers whenever it’s convenient. The first delivery is free, after which it costs £2 per delivery – or a little more for goods worth more than £100. Customers are sent a text and email the minute their parcel arrives at the shop. Ed Fraser, who set up the award-winning Parcel PickUp service, said: “Internet shopping is such a quick, convenient and cost-effective way to shop, but for all its advantages it’s the ‘last mile’
– getting purchases from the online store in to our homes – which can cause internet shoppers stress. “Having bought something online, unless we can have it delivered to work or have a trusted neighbour at home to take a delivery for us, we have to wait around for the courier company – or otherwise risk finding the dreaded postcard on the doormat informing us we have missed a delivery. “All too often, this can mean having to drive miles to the depot to pick it up where it is not unknown around Christmas time to have to queue for up to two hours to collect a missed delivery – sometimes only to find it has been sent back to the retailer.” Said Mr Sharp: “The Parcel PickUp service is such a simple idea. We take on local, independent shops as Collection Point Agents to take delivery on the internet shopper’s behalf. “We’re a ‘one stop shop’ for all internet deliveries as the system is designed to incorporate any e-retailer using any courier service and pretty much any item purchased.
“Having successfully tested the concept out myself as a Collection Point Agent from my home in Bristol, I've launched Parcel PickUp across the UK and we now have a number of agents nationwide. “It’s good to see small businesses which might be under threat from large supermarkets and chains have an extra ‘lifeline’ of local business.” Said Mr Sharp: “I am really pleased to have the Bowens on board. They have a great shop in a great location for commuters travelling to Huddersfield, Wakefield and Barnsley.” Roy took over the shop in 2004. As well as providing a collection point for internet goods, it also offers dry cleaning, top-ups and a cash machine. Shoppers can become a Parcel PickUp customer by visiting www.parcelpickup.co.uk and registering with any Collection Point Agent. Shops, pubs and taxi businesses can register to become an agent by visiting the website w w w. p a rc e l p i c k u p. c o. u k o r phoning 0117 2307787.
costs and restructuring their businesses to preserve profitability. Top 10 law firms were able to benefit most from making these changes while a number of niche practices had emerged among mid-sized legal firms. Profit per partner also declined, despite many firms reducing partner numbers. David Thurkettle, director and leader of PwC’s professional partnerships advisory group in the North, said: “With a focus on cost reduction in 2010, it is not surprising that headcount reductions have been made by most firms. “With the sustained market and financial pressure, it is perhaps not surprising that the number of firms predicting mer-
Safety on the roads TWO firms in Kirklees are hailing the success of a road safety initiative for schools. Marketing and branding agency Fantastic Media teamed up with haulage firm Bedfords Transport – both based in Birstall – to launch the Beddy Campaign. The campaign included creating an interactive website providing road safety lesson plans and games for pupils and teachers. Over the past month, the average time spent on the website has increased by more than 40% while page views are up by 60%.
● Full story - Page 4
■ PASS THE PARCEL: Roy Bowden, of Denby Dale News, collects a customer order
Contrasting fortunes for law firms YORKSHIRE law firms have reported contrasting fortunes in a new survey of the sector. Figures from PricewaterhouseCoopers showed that 50% of firms polled in the region saw an increase in fee income of between 6% and 10% during the past year – while the other half experienced declines of between 1% and 5%. Across the UK, most UK law firms reported a fall in fee income – driven by downward pressure on prices coupled with a contraction in the international legal market. The report said many firms had responded to the fall in revenues resulting from the global economic downturn by cutting
gers as ‘fairly likely’ in the next two to three years has risen from half of those firms in 2009 to 83% in 2010. “Half of Yorkshire firms predict that they are ‘fairly likely’ to merge with another firm in the next two to three years.” Mr Thurkettle said the legal sector was approaching a “tipping point”. He added: “There is ongoing pressure on firms in the mid-tier – including those in Yorkshire – and it is inevitable that a number will need to consider their response to ongoing, difficult market conditions, client pricing pressures and new entrants to the market.”
■ MERGER TALK: PWC’s David Thurkettle
The most trusted news brand in the business
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Make it a double! PROPERTY developer Conroy Brook has won two top industry top awards. The Brockholes firm took the plaudits for Housebuilder of the Year in the small-medium category and Best Design at the Housebuilder Awards 2010 for its Somersby Court development.
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