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KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
Graduate expands recruitment firm
A YOUNG entrepreneur from Huddersfield is using Yorkshire know-how to expand his successful London-based international recruitment consultancy. Just three years after setting up Vivid Resourcing in the capital, Charlie Walker has guided the business to a £1.6m profit on turnover totalling £7m. Now the 27-year-old, who grew up in Linthwaite and attended Colne Valley High School and Greenhead College, is looking to expand the business over the next 12 to 18 months by taking on other like-minded young graduates and opening new offices in Leeds and Birmingham. Charlie, who regularly returns to his home town to visit family and friends, studied modern history and politics at Wadham College, Oxford, after gaining a scholarship. He launched his career in recruitment after realising he lacked the financial resources to embark on a career in politics. Just a few years later, he was able to give up a £150,000 salary with a leading recruitment firm in Bristol to set up Vivid – working 13-hour days alone for four months before establishing a small office in Farringdon, north London. “It was the right time to do it,” he said. “I had no mortgage and I had paid off most of my debts. “I thought that it I left it 10 years, I could be married with kids and responsibilities. If you fail in business at 24 it’s not the end of the world, but if you fail with children to look after, that’s different.” Said Charlie: “I had a great time with my previous company, but I always had the desire to work for myself in London.
“To start with all I had was a couple of desks and computers and phones. The financial climate in 2008 also didn’t do us any favours, but I never doubted it was going to be a success.” Vivid Resourcing focuses on providing contract and permanent staff for the ICT, finance, engineering, public service and new media sectors – ones which Charlie sees as growth areas over the next 12 to 18 months. The firm employs 14 consultants and this month relocated to bigger offices in S t Jo h n’s S t r e e t , g iv i n g Viv i d Resourcing the scope to employ up to 42 staff. Vivid’s present team of recruiters includes an ex-professional cricketer, a Cambridge English graduate and graduates from a broad range of disciplines including engineering, business, French and law. Charlie is now looking for 12 young graduates to boost his consultancy team. He said: “I’m not concerned by people’s background. It’s really more a case of whether graduates can display the raw competencies and attitude needed to develop into successful consultants. “People who excel in this area are almost without exception great verbal communicators, intelligent with ambitious financial goals..” Said Charlie: “Recruitment has become something of a dirty word. Some people working in recruitment have a bit of a ‘wide boy’ image as pushy sales people. “We recruit graduates who are ambitious and intelligent, but who we can mould to deal with clients and candidates properly.” By accident or design, Charlie, who
INSIDE Team in top gear A NEW management team is driving ahead at a Huddersfield car dealership. Huddersfield Volkswagen appointed four new sales and business centre managers in late 2010 – and has reaped the rewards by receiving praise for improved customer service in mystery shopper and customer satisfaction surveys.
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■ LONDON CALLING: Colne Valley-born Charlie Walker, of Vivid Resourcing, is making a success of business in the big city
lives at Tufnell Park in London, has recruited a strong contingent of northerners. He also regularly meets up with a group of other Huddersfield “exiles”. Although he frequently returns to his home town, there are aspects of Huddersfield he misses when he’s in the big city. “I miss the people quite a bit,” he says. “Generally, people in Huddersfield have a dry sense of humour. A lot of people in London have a patronising attitude to places like
Huddersfield because they don’t realise how good it is. I also miss the moors and the music.” Before moving into recruitment Charlie helped to run the Rocks Off record shop in Huddersfield. He also manned CD stalls at festivals across Europe as well as playing trumpet and singing with a variety of groups. Now Charlie’s tuning up to make Vivid one of the top 50 fastest growing UK businesses in under five years.
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Profitable pursuits DEWSBURY company Rixonway Kitchens has been named one of the UK’s fastest-growing businesses. It has been listed 36th in the Sunday Times Profit Track 100
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