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An EXAMINER publication
KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees
Company reaches next ‘green’ target
■ JOURNEY MAN: Mark Scanlon. managing director of FMG Support
A COMPANY in Huddersfield has furthered its environmental credentials. Independent vehicle incident management and roadside assistance company FMG Support has achieved another major business accreditation from the British Standards Institution by successfully completing ISO 14001 certification. ISO14001 is an internationally accepted standard that sets out guidelines for putting in place an effective environmental management system . It aims to address the balance between maintaining profitability and reducing environmental impact. The certification process was a lengthy and detailed one that involved audits, planning, processes and implementation, including putting a formalised staff training programme and environmental policy in place. During the 12-month certifica-
tion process, FMG worked with Calderdale-based Green Business Network, the award-winning not-for-profit business support organisation which delivers environmental advice and projects in West Yorkshire. The network helped FMG assess its environmental business practices and set clear benchmarks by which to measure its performance. FMG, based at St Andrew’s Road, also set up a steering group made up of members of staff, who were given the task of carrying out a detailed risk assessment and a scoring system to measure its performance levels. A group of internal representatives, known as “eco warriors” has been appointed to ensure compliance on a day-to-day basis and will report to FMG Support’s facilities and procurement manager – to collate the data collected and identify action plans. Mark Scanlon, managing dir-
ector of FMG, said: “We are delighted to have added another BSI certification to our portfolio. “Certifying the company’s environmental management system to ISO 14001 means that FMG Support can not only demonstrate its compliance with environmental legislation to regulators and government, but also demonstrate its environmental commitment to customers and business partners. “The qualification process has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to refine our environmental business practices and to improve the environmental knowledge of our employees. “The result is a more environmentally aware and energy efficient operation, which will not only benefit our staff, but also our customers, suppliers and ultimately, the environment. “Achieving this certification is another step on the company’s ‘Journey to Excellence’.”
Food firm stocks up the supermarket shelves A KIRKLEES food and cookery business has landed a deal to supply a supermarket chain. Dewsbury-based Curry Cuisine will provide its branded Chutnee’s Handmade premium pickles and chutneys to food and drink retailer Booths. T h e s u p e r m a rke t w i l l s t o c k products from this month in 19 stores spread across Yorkshire, Cumbria,
Lancashire and Cheshire. The award-winning pickles and chutneys to be listed include Spiced Beetroot Chutney and Rhubarb & Mango Pickle, which uses locally sourced rhubarb. Booths will also stock Lime Pickle. Paresh Tejura, operations director of Curry Cuisine, said: "We are delighted to be supplying Booths,
which has a strong reputation for good quality regional food that offers real p rov e n a n c e, t r a c e ab i l i t y a n d something a little bit different.” Booths buyer John Gill said: “We are delighted to be working with Curry Cuisine as the products are superb and the company shares our passion for top quality food with real regional origin.”
The success follows Curry Cuisine landing a contract last year to supply products to more than 270 Asda stores Leeds-based Asda is stocking the company’s award-winning premium Luxury Mango Chutney as well as its Beetroot Chutney. Curry Cuisine also runs cookery courses and visits schools.
INSIDE Start-up advice THREE top business people have joined forces to help start-up consultancies get off the ground. Judith Cork, Heather Jones and Stephen Moulds have set up Your Firm Foundations, a mentoring and support programme for start-up consultancies.
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Legal niceties TWO firms have linked up to spell out the legal duties of being a company director. The Howarth Partnership and Wilby Risk Management will stage seminars during the spring.
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