5 Steps to 7 Figures - $2795

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5 Steps to 7 Figures Inside: See how these contractors get top results in today’s economy: › The email that yanked in $29,957 of HVAC sales in a “slow season” › Low-Tech Mega Response: 175 leads… from a postcard?

› Website goes from 24 visits to 112 visits in two days from a simple change › Sales letter pulls in $265,667 for a surprised contractor



n peak season, you’re slammed with work and put in tons of hours. You’ve got to“make hay” while you can, so family and recreation time must wait. Off-peak season is a different story… During then, you may wonder if the phones and email inboxes still work. If you do get an equipment lead during a service or agreement call, you may have to slash profit just to keep crews busy. Otherwise, you may be saying goodbye to good talent. Again. And that’s considered normal, because sometimes this happens:

The hot or cold weather doesn’t arrive. Or the economy dips. You can spend years recovering from any one of these. It’s like working for the most unpredictable boss ever. How are you supposed to build a reliable business depending on things you can’t control? Then you get to deal with these “business killers.” This includes web marketing that is constantly changing. Plus, post-recession price shoppers, tougher lending laws and more expensive equipment. Throw in a few cheap “one-truck” contractors and you wonder how to keep fueling your business with leads and sales. After working with hundreds of HVAC contractors and developing break-through marketing programs over the last 14 years, we’ve uncovered a new “marketing formula” that can generate more leads in less time with predictable accuracy. I’ll show you in a moment, but first know this: The new marketing model is very different from the one that quit working around 2008. The new model includes “Pre-lead” and Social marketing methods (and four others) we didn’t think about back then. Plus, no one knew to “integrate” online and offline marketing. (In fact, many contractors still treat them separately. I promise you that is a very, very costly error.) So if you wonder why your marketing isn’t working like it used to, now you know. But the real question is this – 2


HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE A GREAT HVAC CONTRACTOR AND A MARKETING EXPERT? Seriously, how many marketing questions were on your license exam?! How are you supposed to keep up with all the changes? Just a few years ago, nearly every HVAC contractor used a nearly identical, basic marketing model, like this: You ran a few ads – spending a wad in the Yellow Pages – sent a few letters and postcards (most didn’t change for years), put up a website, used some good ol’ manufacturer co-op, then let the weather and word of mouth do the rest. Pretty straightforward. However – Today that “model” is nearly designed to bankrupt you. It is broken, wasteful and ineffective. Consumers buy differently. Web marketing reinvents itself monthly. Yellow Pages is in a nosedive. The “ideal” marketing budgets (published annually) have shifted radically in the last 2 years. Even once-slow “word of mouth” is now an online “Rating Scale” which can build you up or viciously tear you down in front of your market, sometimes before your tech gets back to the office. Yes, my friends. HVAC Marketing has changed. In fact, some of it has changed back. For example: Some so-called “experts” will tell you – and sell you – that “good marketing is all online.” Hogwash. Direct mail is making a huge comeback, with many web-based companies such as eBay, J.Crew and Amazon spending millions more on direct mail letters and postcards with incredible results. They don’t lead their categories by being foolish. The coming trend is that many “old school” mega-successful methods are being blended into modern media with even better results. Studying these clues, we began testing ads across media, both online and offline. That’s when we tripped over a discovery. As we tested more “integrated marketing” techniques to HVAC, results climbed. We advised clients to begin this, and saw results skyrocket. We knew we were on to something. Of course, competitors kept marketing the “old” way with the same poor results. Yet this was pretty exciting: Though marketing probably seems to have gotten far more complicated…



This was a breakthrough! Leads increased dramatically when marketing messages were “aligned” and integrated across media. This reduces confusion, increases lead count, plus another huge bonus you’ll see in a moment. Yet most HVAC contractors market like this: Common Example of “Broken” HVAC Marketing: The radio ad rep wants you to use their ideas for your ads. Your web designer uses different ones. Your service manager wants to promote tune-ups. Your distributor pushes a replacement ad. A staff member used a bill stuffer for Agreements. And you’re considering a direct mail offer that worked well last year… Still wonder why your marketing is hard, costly, confusing and still not performing well?

“When you align the right messages across media, your marketing aligns with your customers.”


Seriously. No wonder you feel lead generation is so difficult! Yet we all see a company like GEICO – with dozens of complex product lines – run one ad with one message on Television. The same one is in your mailbox, on billboards, in search listings, on radio and in the newspaper. This is not coincidental. They integrate messages to pull more leads and to lower their cost per lead. Then they convert and retain that customer. This is the trend in marketing, which means: Multi-directional, fragmented marketing is officially dead. When you “align” the right messages across media, your marketing also aligns. Prospect confusion drops. Message penetration (a big problem with today’s distracted consumer) improves. Better-qualified prospects stream in, meaning a higher closing ratio, often at higher prices. 1-800-489-9099 ︲ 40 MONROE STREET ︲ MONTGOMERY, AL ︲ HUDSONINK.COM


5 STEP HVAC Marketing Formula I



n the old days, we didn’t need this step, but for top results today, it’s required. Fortunately, it’s simple, and your competition probably isn’t doing it. The goal here is to a) Generate leads and b) Build your list. These are your front-line ads that “attract” prospects to you. But unlike the old days, you don’t have to guess what will pull leads each season. That’s because modern analytics prove the exact words, photos, phrases that your prospects are already searching for! This is like prospects telling you their “buy buttons”! You can find them on Google’s ‘Insight for Search’ (free and good) or invest in several AdWords tests (costly but much better). We find the Top 20 search strings for each season and create our ads from those. When you do that, your ads act like a magnet to pull the right prospects at the right time. Use these in “broad” places like your home page, news sites, even Yellow Pages (which is NOT dead), radio, direct mail and your media releases for online and offline. That last one is a nearly “undiscovered” way our clients attract hundreds of good prospects at no cost! We advise at least one per month – according to season – to build credibility, image and leads. In Step 1, you generate leads quickly, but there are hundreds more prospects who just need a little “nudge.” So you use the same magnetic marketing messages, but now you turn up the volume:




hese ads are your salespeople. You “push” them to an eager T and receptive group (based on what you learned in Step 1) with an enticing offer. This virtually guarantees a higher response than contractors who are “guessing”!

Sure, these ads generate leads but they are “softer” than oldstyle sales messages. Testing proves they work better on today’s consumers who are tired of the old hard-selling tactics. They’re designed to achieve blistering results in most media including email, direct mail, YouTube and even Community Newspapers. (Yet they do NOT work well in Google AdWords, Yellow Pages or Billboards. Don’t waste your money there.) Push ads must be powerful and different. You can’t stand out in today’s crowded marketplace with the “same old stuff.” Example: Most HVAC contractors offer a version of “Get $X Off a New System.” Boring. Or a “15 Point Tune-Up.” Yawn. Everyone has seen those and has become “blind” to them. Yet using just one of 120 pre-tested ads we send clients, here’s how you stand out: You can bundle your “branded” tune-up to include an IAQ check, plus a discount toward your Maintenance Agreement program. This can’t be shopped and is more valuable (since those things could add another $100 of value). Then you throw in a “Guaranteed Return on Investment” for energy savings and send the value through the roof. Add a time limit and response rates jump. Harsh reality: Ads that don’t stand out aren’t seen; Ads that aren’t seen can’t generate a lead.




A compelling headline or “grabber”.


A “bundled” offer that your prospect can’t shop elsewhere. This is important. (See example.)


A guarantee that almost scares your competitors, but attracts leads.


A limit driven by date or quantity. One pulls slightly better than the other, but both pull far better than no limit.)



You must differentiate today, or expect poor results. Clients use distinctive “Push” ads in two main ways: 1) To generate leads quickly from a fresh, targeted audience and 2) To generate “warm prospect” leads from Step 1 above. See? The steps build in a logical fashion, leading to…



ere’s another huge change from “old” marketing H because engagement used to be expensive on a mass scale; now it’s dirt cheap, fast and – lucky for you – overlooked! People are hungry to know about those they do business with. They go online. They read reviews. Dozens of HVAC scam stories make them look for specific phrases that build confidence. So unlike the old days – You’re known before the first call. Using this step puts you in a positive light, virtually guaranteeing more calls. But that’s not the biggest benefit. Most contractors stop at Step 2. It’s almost “blue ocean” for you from this point forward. Your biggest profit windfalls are ahead. This can be done with Social Media, postcards, YouTube, newsletters and voice broadcasts (short non-sales messages you post on your site or in email. Prospects love ‘em.). But here’s what they don’t love – Social Media has tons of traffic, but two problems can kill your results. First, evidence does not support multiple posts per day. It wastes time, and makes you look either un-busy or unprofessional. Second, do not try to sell on Social Media, any more than you would at a cocktail party. We advise posts that use curiosity to “point” to your main site, where you can sell. Make sense? In this step, maintain a “70/30” ratio of information to promotion for maximum effectiveness. This is an ideal balance of selling with integrity. Plus it helps you with the following trend. Your “Online Reputation” is like “word-of-mouth” marketing on steroids… with a few extremely important differences. WARNING: You should actively collect “Positive Reviews” since unhappy people are 7 times more likely to leave a review than happy ones. This can kill business you never had a chance to get! We built a “Positive Review Accumulator” that clients use to turn happy customers into mass referral sources. (Some clients say this tool outperforms their website.) Engaging with people builds likeability. Maybe the methods have changed, but your grandparents were right: we buy from people we like and trust. Remember: no trust means no sale.


“First, the letter pulled in $265,667 in sales. That was great, but then your postcards generated 175 calls and our phones are still ringing!” — Bill Bell, Energy Savers




ear me on this: If you only did Steps 1-3 above, you’d H still do great. Yet this step builds numbers: leads, sales, customers, dollars, profit. Most contractors don’t grasp the

power of “replicating” effort. This is one of the biggest problems we hear from new clients. They make each season too hard, wondering what ad to run, what media to use… when they could be multiplying what has already worked! I’ll be brief because I’m running out of room – You simply use what had good response in “small” numbers (from previous steps), then multiply it to a bigger group, or over a longer period of time. Like this – We’ve tested hundreds of ads, headlines, email subject lines and sales offers. We also use website “heat-mapping” to measure response. Yet even with a proven offer, we often coach clients to do a small test first. (Unlike ad agencies, we don’t make a dime off media.) For example, we’d send you an “Energy Savings Report” to post on your site. This report leads to a proven Replacement Offer. Then you’d send a short email to your list that has links to this report. Pretty simple. So far, you’ve invested a few minutes and zero dollars. Once you hit “send,” you merely start counting leads (with our coach helping you). If the response is good, and you can handle more leads, you merely multiply the effort using the exact same offer to other larger lists of likely respondents! Since these offers are all “integrated,” you’d already have pieces for up to 16 different media. (From mail, radio, inserts, even yard signs, billboards, you name it.) All you do is pick the target and go. It really is that simple. And to me… The fanciest process in the world is worthless unless you do it. Yet this simple process works. Which brings me to another big point: You are now marketing pro-actively instead of reactively. You are no longer a slave to guesses, hopes or the weather. When you follow these steps, you can turn on your leads like a faucet. Or turn it down if you get overbooked. Now it is merely a matter of putting it in place.


“Shortly after posting your online sales letter, we closed 6 sales – all with brand new customers! We ended up with $29,957 in sales from no marketing cost during our ‘slow’ season! Impressive stuff.” — Brian Stack, Stack Heating, OH



Simple things get “done” while hard things remain undone.




ere’s the fun part! This is the shortest step because here you go from a marketing struggle, with a bunch of scattered “events” to a planned path. You know what sells each season. You know the “magnetic” ads and promotions that attract and keep customers. Best of all, you know how to integrate your messages across media to generate maximum results and minimal confusion. Now you just “plug in” the right ad messages at the right time to sell what you want, as much as you want. When you systemize your marketing, you are installing a reliable lead-generation and image-building machine in your company. Can you think of anything more important to hitting the next level of sales? Now just select how you want to get that machine:


Do it yourself. You have the information and the steps to follow. This will take some testing, lots of time and talent, but it can pay off hugely.


Hire an ad agency. As long as they know why your prospects buy, and how to sell HVAC products and services, this choice will save you a ton of time. They’ll charge about what we do for custom work (about $ 300 per hour) but who cares if you spend $5,000 on an ad campaign that brings in $50,000-$100,000 in a season? Don’t cheap out here.


Have an entire HVAC Marketing Program handed to you, “done.” You can have a fully tested, integrated program to “plug in” to your business. It is already built and ready to use, and it’s called the HVAC Marketing PowerSuite.


Using just an email, social post and online report, 292 folks stormed the website – a 72% increase! Even better – 228 of them clicked to contact or schedule a service call. I’m 100% doing it this way EVERY TIME! — Vickie Riddle, Advance Mechanical, Inc


The HVAC Marketing PowerSuite is an entire marketing arsenal of fully integrated marketing ads and promotions in most every single ONline and OFFline media you’d ever want to use including:




Direct Mail Letters

Online Reports


Professional Videos

Newspaper Ads

Banner Ads

Yard Signs

Facebook Ads


Blog Starters

On-Hold Messages

Facebook Posts, Tweets

CSR Scripts

(See complete list on Marketing Application Form at the end of this report)

You’ll also have complete “Consider It Done” campaigns, ready to pluck right off the Member Website, which is accessible 24 hours a day, from anywhere. You can use as many – or as few – media pieces as you want each month! Plus, you get “Foundational Marketing Pieces” such as: • Thank you emails, cards • All-Purpose ads • Referral generator emails, cards, scripts

• Preventive Service

• Positive Review Accumulator

• Maintenance Agreements

• CSR Scripts • “Deal Sealer” emails, cards • Publicity and Media Releases • “ Unclosed Prospect” emails, reports, letters


These ads are sent to you every quarter – ahead of the season – to instantly help you sell: • General Service

• Replacement Systems • System Upgrades • Indoor Air Quality

I honestly do not know what else we could include! It took me and my team 10 solid months of creating, testing, writing, editing, filming and graphics to assemble. You would not have to “lift a marketing finger” to have all this content for your company. You’re probably wondering… 1-800-489-9099 ︲ 40 MONROE STREET ︲ MONTGOMERY, AL ︲ HUDSONINK.COM


his is my absolute favorite part! The above list – if done “on the clock” from an ad agency – would run between 80,000- 140,000 T for a year. And they get it or ad agencies wouldn’t exist! $


I mean, just the videos in the PowerSuite would cost you $1500 each (professionally scripted and shot) and you get 19 of those, so that’s 30 grand right there. I charge $3000 for one sales letter or report, and you get another 14 of those, or another $42,000. It adds up. But if it brings in a few hundred thousand dollars of sales each season, it’s worth it. If it saves you hundreds of hours, allows you to focus on being a contractor and brings you a flow of leads and sales – almost by autopilot – it’s worth every dime and more. Yet... You can get the complete arsenal of fully integrated ads and promotions in nearly every ONline and OFFline media you’d ever want! That’s a full year of “done-for-you” ads, training tools, coaching, plus all bonuses and guaranteed for just $2795. You get a full year’s worth of integrated marketing content in every media you’d want for less than you’d pay for just 2 sales letters! Or looked at another way, The markup in 2 Replacement Sales in a year pays for the entire program. Now you know why the “price” is my favorite part! Remember, it costs the exact same amount to run a bad ad as a good one; the only difference is how much you’re paid back! Yet a marketing “program” is more than just great ads. That’s why you also get this – • HVAC Marketing PowerPlan Software – Using your goals and your budget, you can have a 12 month plan, including media allocations, in about one hour! • Lead Tracker Software – See what ads pull the best results so you can copy success. • Online and Offline HVAC Marketing Excellence – This is a printed manual and e-Book you and your staff can study as you wish, plus … • Fast-Start DVD Training Video so you can get started the moment you join! We’ve left “nothing to chance” for you to have a turn-key marketing program for your HVAC Company. Yet, if you feel you may be “taking” a chance, let me put your mind at rest –



Get the HVAC Marketing PowerSuite. Use any or all of the ads, videos, letters and reports as much as you want. Absorb the training material. If you find this program doesn’t generate several times your investment in sales, time-savings or pure profit, simply cancel and Hudson, Ink will buy it back for your purchase price, plus shipping – up to one full year later. You either hit your level of success or get a refund. There is no sense my “defending” the price. You either want a turn-key marketing program in your business or you don’t. With this program, you can generate a higher image, better name recognition and more leads, which are the lifeblood of your business. Yet to make this a complete no-brainer, you also get: • A “live” marketing performance coach. From budget questions, to ad choices, or any marketing topic, you have a professional “on call.” This alone is worth the fee. I do not know how to be fairer. It’s time to see what it’s like to have a real marketing program for your company. It’s also time for this.

Time to Quit and Start With the HVAC Marketing PowerSuite, you can quit being so dependent on the weather; quit having to “come up” with ads; quit worrying about “what to run next”; quit guessing what to invest in media. You can start having a program and a plan. And you can start reliably growing your business; start enjoying your business more. Start taking some time off. And you can start now. We look forward to your call. With My Best Wishes,

Adams Hudson 3 Easy Ways to place your Risk Test Drive: Call us at 1-800-489-9099, FAX in the application at the end of this report or order securely online at www.hvacadvertising.com

Contractor Marketing that Works.


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