How to Create Automatic Income for Life from Your HVAC Business

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How to Create

Automatic Income for Life from Your HVAC Business

Take 8 minutes to discover the truth behind the temptation...



Big promises or pure profit? • Myths of the “old” approach exposed • The Marketing Machine to “turn on” leads • How to eliminate re-selling

“Is this the Perfect HVAC Profit System?” The simple, automatic way to put hundreds of thousands of dollars in predictable profit in your company... even during your ‘slow’ months. (You won’t believe what happens during your busy ones!) And you can do this every year for as long as you want. Can anything be this good?


he story is true. Yet most contractors don’t even wan to talk about it. Some figure it out. Most don’t. The first part of this letter is semi-painful – but it has to be. So I’m asking 7 minutes of your time to uncover the problem and a workable solution.

In your town, dozes of HVAC contractors compete for exactly one pie. More competitors come in and the slices get smaller. It seems everyone from the latest tech grad to your “former” employee is now running an HVAC company. (Ever notice how the new competitors are always the cheapest?) Now even the slices are getting sliced.

You and your competitors are all going after the same piece of pie. Maintenance Agreements can help you keep that pie for yourself.

You’ve got to meet these challenges – plus your other competitors and customers – head-on every day. You can’t wait around. The competition for customers is brutal because customers are the ones who are paying! Well, you’re also paying for them...

Based on current research, it costs you about $275 to get one customer. So if you service him only once, you may have even lost money on him! That’s why the “busy” service season can be so deceptive. (Where’d all that money go?) So you hope your future replacement sales from those customers, except— Customers are fickle too. The ones you think are yours can be swayed by the next “great deal.” (Some deal if the company fails!) But one day “your” customer has a shiny new system from what’s-his-name. Bang – he’s out of the market for at least 10 years. Or maybe they just found someone else in the Yellow Pages. No warning, no notice, they’re just gone! So are their referrals. You turn your back and it’s like,

Thieves are heading out the back door... with your cash and customers. How much could you lose one customer one time? $129 – customer’s average tune up price - $275 – your average marketing costs to gain one lead - $146 2



Big Promises or Pure Profit? A

But a small, extremely profitable group of contractors will tell you privately that their Maintenance Agreement program fuels their fortune. They’re the companies you see at the national conventions, winning the awards, consistently stuffing away the 14-22% net profits you hear about. I know because I interview them regularly. (We are in regular contact with about 6,400 contractors, of which 700 are in the top 3% nationally.)

nd what I’ve described is the busy times, when nobody’s looking at this problem. In slow times, it’s hard to scare up a lead... and even harder to get sales. Good employees may not wait for it to get busy again. (I told you this was going to be painful.) The above scene, played over and over creates an up/down cycle of seasonal stress and cash swings like no business on earth. Shockingly— You may have been lead to believe this condition is “normal!” I promise you it’s not. In fact, all the problems above can be solved with one method. One plan that’s simple, ingenious, and proven. You’ve probably heard of it... but never like this.

A good Maintenance Agreement program is a cash-producing “system” that you throttle up and down as needed to keep your workflow healthy all year long. Money is only part of the equation as you’re about to see. All the benefits are incredible and doable for any contractor who is ready to “break from the pack.” But there were a couple of questions we had...

The method is Maintenance Agreements. And no, that’s nothing new – which is good because “new” is a tough sell! (An astonishing 81% of new products offered to consumers last year didn’t make it.) Let someone else experiment; you want a program that is proven, predictable and profitable. Maintenance Agreements are all three.

• Does a Maintenance Agreement program really overcome the issues we’ve discussed? How about the generally accepted “Top 7” that can kill your business? • How can you implement a Maintenance Agreement program instantly OR update your current one with cutting-edge “lead conversion” strategies?

You may ask, “What’s so great about Maintenance Agreements? A lot of people do them.” Correction: A lot of people do them poorly, due to three errors we’ll cover soon. 3



A Maintenance Agreement vs. The Top 7 HVAC Profit Killers. Who Wins? Now it’s time to get down to business here. Here’s a fast tour into the dark side of your profit slide. Correct any one of these and get healthier... correct all 7 and you’re on your way to white-hot “systemized” success – without the stress.


No Recurring Profit Stream – Maintenance Agreements allow you to turn one sale into many. Each service call begins an appointment “cycle” that – if done correctly – automatically renews each year at your price. (You can easily add $149-$229 per call and gain a better customer too.) This means you never have to ‘sell’ the Agreement again. You get paid now for work in the future which can eliminate...


Seasonality – This is huge. Many contractors are slaves to the weather. They wait on it, react to it, and moan when it doesn’t “behave.” (No wonder you’re frustrated trying to plan around something so unreliable!) How would you like a steady workload – laid out months in advance – pumping your “slow” season full of predictable profits and unswitchable customers? A good Maintenance Agreement program is made for this. Plus, many of your MA sales are made in the busy season, when you’re cranking out service calls. This moves you from a “slave” to a “partner” with the weather! This alone helps you tame one of the biggest problems of all...


Employee loss – Overworked in peak seasons; laid off in slow seasons. Who wants that? It’s hard enough to find good 4

employees, but harder still to send ‘em packing for the competition. (Just in time to re-train a new one next season. Crazy.) A Maintenance Agreement program keeps them billing full weeks all year, at a nice profit for you, plus they get commissions on an item that sells itself. Oh yes, and the best techs will want to work for you. What value do you put on having and keeping the best people? This is especially true of the following.

96% of M Agreem aintenance ent cus tomers will not switch to a compet itor – e ven i the pric e is low f er.


Customer retention – The #1 money drain in your business. You pay big money to get each customer, but they “migrate” out of your files. A full 71% of customer loss is for the same reason! (Listed as either, “no attention or didn’t care.”) If you give attention, you gain retention. Did I say “Give?” That’s wrong, because with a Maintenance Agreement program, your customers pay to stay. They’re “in” the program,


“on” the books, and have suddenly lost all interest in flipping through the Yellow Pages. Thank goodness. Now you’re “their” HVAC Company, which fortunately gets you out of...


Competitive bidding – Aren’t you sick of that? Losing on 70% of the replacement bids is no fun. But MA clients become regularly visited friends. Plus they’ve earned Bonus Bucks (as a renewal reward) which gives you an almost unfair sales advantage. That’s why you’re guaranteed the best shot... and perhaps the only shot at the replacement sale. No wonder your “average” 30% closing ratio zooms to 78% with Maintenance Agreement clients! (Can you name a faster, easier way to double your closing ratio?) When you’re not “bidding” as often, price sensitivity drops, and the sales cycle shortens. More sales for more money in less time. What’s that worth?


No Referral Program – Contractors “wait” on getting word-of-mouth business but don’t take “action” to make it happen. A strong MA program can have a built-in “Referral Generator” to inoffensively pull referrals from clients. You get in front of the “right” customers more often, building a family network as you go. Did you notice there was no


marketing cost in getting this high-closing, high value group? When was the last time you pulled that off? An MA program makes this happen. But the best may be for last...


No Bankable Value – Here’s one of the biggest crimes in the HVAC industry. You work at your company for years, only to find that the company’s “value” is mostly perceived. Last year’s sales are just that. What value would the next owner get? Maybe some trucks, a few tools and an ill-defined customer list. Family feuds and dashed hopes result. Yet a Maintenance Agreement program yields recurring sales – already on the books! Your value goes from “Who Knows?” to a solid “Wealth Accumulation Plan.” Big difference.

Summary – These 7 prob-

lems are like rust – eating away at your business, even while you sleep. You can treat the source once and for all with a Maintenance Agreement program. That’s all well and good. Let’s get this done. But these questions remain... • “If Maintenance Agreements are so great, why doesn’t everyone offer them?” • “How much can you make with a Maintenance Agreement program?”

How much do customers win?

A Maintenance Agreement program is one of the greatest money-makers out there. Just think, each service customer gets an irresistible offer containing benefits that far outweigh the investment. They save money, save time, gain convenience, elevate their service status with you, gain discounts on future replacements and are assured greater peace-of-mind and property value. It’s as close to a no-brainer sales as exists in this industry. Of course it’s how the offer is made and presented that “sells” it (more on this later). But essentially, It is sold in about 4 sentences, at the invoice presentation. Timing is a big part of this. Offer too soon and you get the brush off. Offer it after the customer has “mentally written the check” and you lose. As techs sign up customers, it gets easier to convert. Your Maintenance Agreement form is crucial and should read like a “sales script” instead of an invoice. About 95% of the ones we see have more technical features than customer benefits. Big mistake!

How much do you win?

This is up to you and your desire. For example, our marketing programs are at work in contracting firms across the country helping clients generate about $330,000,000 in sales last year. One contractor will do say, $60,000 in sales with one ad in one week, but another guy – a couple of towns away – won’t try it because “things are slow”! (Yes, I know, that should make him more willing to run it.) I’m just saying that people’s desires and motives are far different. But let’s look at some specifics— Agreements generally sell between $149 and $229. Pricing for profit is based on “low cost to you; high perceived value to customer.” My advice: Don’t be the cheapest, please. But let’s say yours sell for $179. It’s quite easy to get 1,000 customers per $1m in volume sales. One of our top clients has 8,300 agreements at $179. Yes, that’s $1,485,700 in “booked sales... during the “slow times!”

• “What are the three ‘missing ingredients’ that can cause failure?” 5

How to Convert Every Service Call to a Maintenance Agreement

His total volume is just over $6m, so he’s past this ratio but he focused heavily on Maintenance Agreements. So we’re back to your desire level. No matter what that level is, you can definitely do the following...



3 Ways, 2 Steps, 1 Solution The 2 Top Ways

3 steps

to Add Maintenance Agreements

for a successful program:

1. Off-Season – The most awesome way we’ve found to market for Agreements is through an aggressive tune up campaign. You make an incredible tune-up offer to your most likely group about 21 days before your lowest call traffic days in the off-season. One in 24 will need an equipment quote, so that’s one money-maker.

1. Generate massive leads through advanced marketing – Use image and lead-generating ads strategically placed during the year aimed at high probability lists.

But at the conclusion of the tune-up, you offer the Maintenance Agreement correctly and close the deal. (This is known as the “two-step” method and it out pulls “one-step” attempts by nearly 600%. Now you’ve got a “locked-in” customer who just paid you an additional $179 or so, and they’re on the books for an appointment. Done deal. You can do this on every tune-up. 2. Peak-Season – You’ll add even more Maintenance Agreements during the busy season! That’s because you’re running more service calls, and every call gets your Maintenance Agreement offer. It reduces their bill that day and you gain another job in the next slow season along with another $179 that renews each year. Multiply this by every service call you run; it adds up fast. 6

2. Present and close the Maintenance Agreement – A quick conversion to the Agreement each time, with automatic renewal, generating a higher dollar rate per call. 3. Retain customer for renewals and referrals – Simple recognition that builds referrals and piles on loyal, unswitchable customers. To be honest, this is the “golden goal.”

1 Solution So far, it seems like everybody wins. Except for one thing... How are you supposed to do all this? Do you have the time or skills to sit down and create an entire Maintenance Agreement


program out of thin air? This is why “regular” contractors don’t have an Agreement program. Sure, you can get all the Maintenance Agreement forms you like. (Other contractors may even send you theirs.) You’ll see what they include and how much they charge, but you still don’t have the “system” to make it work. That’s why we took on this project ourselves, to create the “ultimate” Maintenance Agreement program for contractors. Seemed simple at first but it took us 2 years compiling and researching the “best of the best” to create a profitable easy-to-use Maintenance Agreement program. We compiled dozens of contractor interviews, several consultants’ input and spent way too much time on the internet. We also spent thousands of dollars – and hours – combing through every detail to make sure a contractor has everything needed to setup a Maintenance Agreement program or greatly improve the program they already have. It wasn’t easy (you’re welcome to try!), but for those who want the entire job done for them, the Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack is ready to go to work for you now, no waiting. This program is 100% “turn key” just like our PowerPacks, and upholds the same high standards.


Take a Quick Tour of the Service & Maintenance Agreement PowerPack for Yourself: This program was designed from the bottom up to fit the company that already has a Maintenance Agreement and those who want to get one started. Each component has been painstakingly designed for maximum benefit. It is slimmed to the highperformance essence – no filler – but nothing has been left out. This is in contrast to the “old” Maintenance Agreements I mentioned earlier.


3 Missing Ingredients Exposed:

The old way depended on massive technician training to become “salespeople.” They are resistant and uncommitted. Sales faltered or bombed in this environment.

Plus, renewals used to mean “re-selling.” Who wants that? This is supposed to be easy, not create more hassle. I want you to put your profits on auto-pilot. So, renewals are automatic; scheduling is pre-set; even the enrollment form is “ABC” simple.

One minute Psychoanalysis time: By nature, technicians are “fixers.” That’s perfect for their job skill. So “fixers” are trained to find what’s broken, right? This makes them skeptical and analytical. These traits are opposite those of salespeople! Make sense?

Every bit of it works this way. You can use it right out of the box, literally. Or you can update your current program in a snap. The PowerPack lets you choose.

The “new” method in the Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack reroutes the old map. We don’t try to make these hard-working techs something they’re not. But through minor “adjustment” they accept Maintenance Agreements as “the cure,” which makes it the ultimate service job! Mission accomplished In the opinion of our entire research group, this critical adjustment plus the ingenious incentive plan turns each technician into a Maintenance Agreement conversion expert!


The old way was extremely complicated to operate. Some companies who excelled in Maintenance Agreements told us they had a staff member whose entire job was just managing the program! Yikes. Multiple, segmented, renewal programs, complex pay plans, shifting incentives... they were profitable programs but a logistics nightmare... especially if this was “new” to you! You may not even try. If I created some complicated plan, it may make me sound smart (or like you’ll need to pay me a lot for it!) but it may also sit on a shelf. “Simple” is better. 7



The old way made you figure out how to market them! (Honestly, we dissected 6 programs, all with merit, none with a marketing system built-in.) I guess you were just supposed to “let leads happen,” or try a “one-step” marketing approach which is a total disaster in Maintenance Agreement marketing. So we took an entirely different approach. The PowerPack fully delivers the marketing goods, with 45 custom designed ads, in the top media and message type: Direct Mail letters, Postcards, Newspaper Ads, Newspaper Inserts, Radio Ads, Yard Signs, Door Hangers, On-Hold messages... you name it! And they’re in the top ad types: Direct Response, Image, Retention, and Follow-up, all incredibly organized. There’s even a Referral Generator postcard “sequence” unlike anything on the market. As a bonus, you get phone and on-site sales scripts for virtually every encounter you’re likely to have. If we left something out, I can’t imagine what it is. (A blimp perhaps?) That’s it for the “corrected” flaws. But that barely tells you the foundation of this remarkable program.


of service calls to Maintenance Agreements. True. I felt he’d be a welcome addition as your “personal” sales trainer! On the Audio CD, I interview Charlie for over an hour, just like you’d do if he was in your office. I ask him the tough questions and he comes through with laser-like answers! Your techs can listen in the office, in the truck before calls, or to train new hires. The Sales Manual goes even deeper, revealing... • Top Credibility boosters – Without them, no sale is made. • Selling the Agreement with a tune-up – Your “controllable” sales producer!

You’ll have an entire rapid-fire course on Management including –

• Selling on the Repair – The one sentence close that’s so good you’ll almost laugh.

ffPricing for Profit – Number of visits, tiered pricing, multi-year; all covered!

• Selling to Women – Two of the nation’s top advisors give you priceless guidance.

ffExactly what to include in your Maintenance Agreement Program. A fresh twist on the “must have” benefits, plus new features galore.

• How to cut callbacks in half – How valuable would this be to you?

ffGetting your staff to love Maintenance Agreements – Yes, I said “love” and this is a crucial link to greater acceptance and sales.

• Bonus Chapter on CSR Super Performance – What to say, how to say it, and when! Warning: Your techs will not learn how to “pressure” anyone... they merely learn how to present a better option to customers... in about 6 minutes fat. You will sell more using this system. (See the guarantee you won’t believe.)

ffIncentives for techs and CSRs – Keep them motivated toward the ‘win-win.’ ffThe AutoRenew feature – Astounding in its simplicity, yet pushes renewals through the roof... effortlessly. ffThe Bonus Bucks technique for “locking in” replacement customers. It even tells you how to conduct the staff meeting to introduce the program! This is your essential blueprint to your Maintenance Agreement program. ffNext, the Sales Course gives our technicians a step-by-step program to follow. The path for this was laid by none other than Charlie Greer, who maintains 100% conversion rate 8



Your Marketing Course

Profitable Maintenance Agreement


Complete Guide to

Next – and this has been the missing ingredient in many programs being offered – is your Marketing Course which contains 4 valuable components:

Successful In-Home HVAC Maintenance Agreement

Even the “Minor Tools” have Major Impact: • 3 Step Referral Generator. You’ll have a 3 Postcard series, plus a customer script to absolutely blow your referrals through the roof. It’s friendly, easy and it works.


The Complete Guide to Service and Maintenance Agreement Marketing which tells you exactly which media are winners... and losers! Beating the media’s prices, buying mailing lists, Direct Mail techniques and much more.

• Yellow Page Diverter technique. Keep your customers out of the Yellow Pages. They’ll go right to your number without opening the book. Oh yes, it’ll cost you 21/2 cents!


A full selection of 45 different ads, in each media, plus each “message type” including Direct Response, Image, Retention and Follow-up. (Take a look at the entire list on the order form!) These ads represent a “balanced” approach to marketing using credibility builders and lead generators. Our Direct Response ads are famous for results, but they also treat your prospects like they have brains.


The CD of your ads, promotions, and forms! Total time-saving convenience. You pick the ad, insert your info and you’re done! And as you’d imagine, it includes the hottest Maintenance Agreement form you’ve ever seen. Not a “supply store” form, but a richly detailed piece that’s almost more like a sales script! Your technician will have all that’s needed on one form to present and close the sale in minutes! (Customers often buy right when they see the special “savings window”!)


The Image and Leads to Help You Succeed - Every shred of sensible information on powerhouse marketing methods including media, message, timing and targeting… plus all the marketing pieces to make it happen!

You Can Sell a Maintenance Agreement on Every Call - Scripts, presentation, telemarketing/dispatching, technician offers, financing, closing and more.




An Audio Seminar that covers the marketing process for your Maintenance Agreement Program. You’ll listen as a complete marketing plan unfolds. You’ll learn the absolute magic of “2-step” marketing. Fantastic.


Getting Started and Managing Your Service & Maintenance Agreement PowerPack - A guided tour of your program and how to use it for maximum profit. Do it right, right away!

HVAC Service & Maintenance Agreement

• The “Green Sheet” is an instant credibility builder. Your tech merely hand this to customers to build rapport, professionalism and give you a unique sales proposition. • A powerful “Leave Behind” sheet that a) Increases your value, b) Introduces “upsell” opportunities, c) Subtly asks for referrals. All done for you. What more could you want? I can’t begin to tell you how simple this plan is to operate. It even includes an instructional Audio CD “Fast-Start Guide to Your PowerPack” which points the way for each piece! You can start using this program in minutes after opening the package. Bottom Line: Basically, your Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack is a “one stop shop” that structures, plans, markets, and sells your entire Agreement program. It’s been done for you and has been simplified so you’ll use it. All you do is take it for a test drive to see if it’s right for you. That’s easy too.


How Much is it?


mark-up has paid you double. If you only sold 4 Maintenance Agreements in a year, you’d clear the investment!

can justify the investment in many different ways, but I won’t spend much time on this. To create one Direct Mail letter will run you $2,000 a page. (That’s here. You may get it done cheaper elsewhere.)

And I’ll give you that year to find out if this is a “fit” for you...

100%, Full-Year Buy Back Guarantee, Plus Shipping: Our guarantee is bold because

But if our letter makes you $30,000 or $300,000 does the fee matter? (We have a testimonial on file where one letter generated $359,570 of sales in one month, but that is admittedly extreme.)

we believe in the product and we believe in you. Get the Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack for your company. Read the manuals. Listen to the CDs. Use the ads. Soak it up and profit. If it doesn’t produce at least 10 times your money in pure savings or profit, return it and I’ll buy it back at full price – including your shipping – up to a year later.

The Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack gives you 45 ads that boost your image, credibility, and leads. One good ad is like

I don’t know how to be any fairer than that. Let’s make sure that you come out even farther ahead though— If you gave a half-hearted attempt with the PowerPack in the next year and ended up with 1,000 Maintenance Agreements ($179 average) you’d get... oh, forget it. Let’s say you only ended up with an easy 500... No, let’s go goofy and say you only get 100 Maintenance Agreements in a year! That’s 8 a month (many contractors sell 8 a day!) Would you say that’s doable and even hopelessly conservative? Hope so. Okay, now cut that in half to just 4 a month—

a salesperson, multiplied by thousands. But this package is way more than ads—

Well, those 4 will produce 10 times the investment in this PowerPack during your guarantee. To be honest, if you only get 10 times your money, I’d recommend you send it back for a refund. At this absurdly low figure, you’ll still make far more than we will.

A day with a management coach for Maintenance Agreements? $2,500 minimum. Add another $3,500 for an on-site sales trainer. (Just having the Maintenance Agreement form designed to our specs ran us over $1,500.)

It’s funny, if a bank offered you a 5% return you’d be ecstatic (me too!). But you’ve just been offered a business builder with a 1,000% return and a moneyback guarantee.

Yet you can own the entire Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack for just $897 (+15 s/h). That’s it. If one system sale results, the 10



Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack I hope you’ll take a look at this program. Yes, selfishly I have a business motive (I didn’t do all that hard work for nothing!) but I couldn’t have plowed through this project without you in mind. Your techs. Your customers. Your business future. Because...

You can convert every customer you have, and every service call you ever get into a high-profit customer that generates predictable cash flow even in your slowest season – every year, for as long as you like. If you think this is an exaggeration, that’s fine, because that shows a healthy dose of skepticism. Questions drive learning. You can order the PowerPack to see for yourself. Then you’ll know for sure. But don’t just “think about it,” that’s painful! You can think about this program a lot better when it’s on your desk in a day or so! Cut the Hudson, Ink tape on the box, and start leafing through your manuals (the first 77 pages of the Marketing Manual are unreal!) Or pop in the CD to scan the ads, rifling through 45 ads ready for you. You’re invited to call toll-free with any question. Napoleon Hill said, “For your ship to come in, you must first send something out.” To me this means “action is the only thing that gets results,” not inaction. Take the risk-free action now that can cause your ship to come in. I’d be honored to play a small part. Regardless of your choice, I greatly appreciate the time you’ve invested,

Adams Hudson P.S. Just fax in the enclosed order form, or give us a call at 1-800-489-9099, or order online at and we’ll ship the Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack to you right away. Remember, YOU decide what criteria to use in whether or not you keep this fully- guaranteed package – you have up to one full year to decide.




The fully guaranteed

Service and Maintenance Agreement PowerPack is easy to order. Simply complete the order form (look at what you get!) and in a couple days, you’ll have the exact tools to sell Maintenance Agreements right out of the box. Your professional sales closing forms are done. Your pricing model is laid out. Your marketing choices – all 45 ads – in the top media, are printed and on CD to make this “push-button” simple. Just look at the order form… we don’t do anything half-way here and neither should you. But I’ll meet you more than half way on this: Just agree to review the Maintenance Agreement PowerPack and you can try it out for a year’s “test-drive.” I want this to be easy. But “thinking about it” is hard, because you can’t try it out and your customers can’t benefit while it’s still in your mind. Make the wise choice toward action. Call, fax or go online today.

2 Easy Ways to Order: 1. Go online: 2. Call 1-800-489-9099

Limited Time Offer and Bonus Place your order by October 31, 2011 and you’ll get $200 off the price PLUS 3 free months in the nation’s only Contractor Marketing Coaching Club. Just call 1-800-489-9099 and tell us the Promo Code “SMA”. Or you can order directly and safely online: Just make sure to put “SMA” for the Coupon Code. Whether you are starting a Maintenance Agreement Program, re-starting a program or just want to maximize the program you already have in place, the Service and Maintenance

Published and distributed by Hudson, Ink. Corp. © 2011

HVAC Success Courses

1-334-262-1115 (fax) 1-800-489-9099 (phone)

40 Monroe Street Montgomery, AL 36104

3 Easy Ways To Order 1. Order safely online at 2. Print this form and Fax to 1-334-262-1115 3. Call 1-800-489-9099 Don’t forget to mention the Promo Code (if applicable)

Your Information: Name__________________________________________ Company Name_ ________________________________ Address________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________________ Phone_ ________________ Fax____________________ Email___________________________ Date__________ Approx. database size:___________________________

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Profitable Maintenance Agreement Management


Successful In-Home HVAC Agreement Sales


Complete Guide to Service and Agreement Marketing


Audio Seminars on CD Fast Start Guide to Using Your PowerPack A guided tour of the package, plus how to use it for maximum profit.


How to Sell a Maintenance Agreement on Every Call Sure-fire presentations and scripts for phone and technician.


Successful Maintenance Agreement Marketing Powerful, proven methods for your entire service department!


Marketing Tools, Promotions, Ads n Direct Response Ads – Your Lead Generators

Postcards Direct Mail Letters Newspaper Ads Radio Scripts Newspaper Inserts

4 3 4 2 1

n All Purpose & Image Ads – Credibility and Professionalism

Postcards Direct Mail Letters Newspaper Ads Radio Scripts Door Hangers

5 2 1 2 2

n Follow Up, Retention, & Referral Ads –Get More, Keep More

Investment Options:




Card #__________________________exp.________

Postcards Letters On Hold Messages Yard Signs Tune-Up “Leave Behind” Piece Self-selling Maintenance Agreement Form

Name on Card_______________________________

Plus a Complete CD of all ads, organized and ready to use!

Signature ___________________________________

Total Ads

My Total Order (plus $15 s/h) is $______________ .

Total Value of Ads

Promotion Code:

Free Bonus Package (May have early order restrictions)

SMA Only one discount per order.

Signature ___________________________________ By signing above, I have the authority to use the listed credit card. I also acknowledge and accept my 3 Free months membership in Hudson, Ink’s Coaching Club.

100% Buy Back Guarantee I understand that I can get my PowerPack right away. I can use the ads, learn from the audio coaching, and model the marketing plan. If using this program does not repay me a multiple return on my investment or if I’m not fully satisfied, I may return it. Hudson, Ink will buy it back for my purchase price, plus my shipping – up to one year later. On that basis, here’s my order.

8 5 3 1 1 1 45 $6,480

Competitive Intelligence Program


“Super Sales Closes” on CD


Low Cost, High Response Marketing Program


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