How To Get More HVAC
Leads In Less Time
A Report on Turning Your “Broken Marketing” into Powerful, High Performance Marketing by Adams Hudson Don’t let another day of having low-performance marketing pass without reading this report. You’ll discover rich, simple strategies and get all the customers you deserve. Some of this information you may have thought was true. Take 7 minutes now to see the proof… • ■ The 3 Most Important Functions of Your HVAC Business • ■ 9 Common Marketing Myths • ■ How Does Your Marketing Compare? • ■ Simple Solutions that Work
Dear Contractor Friend, Your HVAC business is tough. I know that. At no point in this material will I attempt to disguise that fact. I also promise not to insult your intelligence by telling you that your life or business will be problem-free by acting on what I have to reveal. However: In my personal interviews, consultations, and private marketing work with over 700 contractors, I have definitely seen the very common, very correctable errors in marketing. I have no special gifts other than an ability to correct these errors. Yet, I can’t convince you of that until I convince you of this… Your marketing is broken. You’re spending too much on what you’re using for the results you’re getting. This material will attempt to illuminate the problems and solutions for your marketing. If you don’t want to change for the better, there’s no reason to read any further. If you do want to change for the better, I’ll start off by saying that none of your “broken marketing” is your fault unless you are a degree-holding marketing expert. Since that’s not the case for 99% of contractors, you can let yourself off the hook for feeling bad about having sub-par marketing. Why? Because you’ve got a business to run. You’ve got employees to manage, equipment to buy, install, and service. You’ve got trucks and vans to keep on the road, plus those beloved customers to keep happy. You’ve got massive insight, experience, and knowledge in your field of expertise. Nowhere in those duties are you supposed to be a marketing magician too. You presumably hired an accountant, an attorney, and a host of other specialists. Why would you try and be your own expert in the vital function of marketing too? So stop feeling guilty. Help is in these pages. Read them and see. With that in mind, it is my extreme pleasure to offer this assistance. Kind Regards,
Adams Hudson P.S. Small warning: I can be blunt in my recommendations for fixing your marketing. I have to be. I’m not paid to agree with people or protect fragile feelings. But I am very interested in helping you improve your business with better marketing. As seen in HVAC/R News, Contracting Business, Indoor Comfort News, SNIPS Magazine, PHC Profit Report, Sales&Marketing Insider and Seminars across the U.S…
How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time yy Turn Your “Broken” Marketing into Super-Profitable Marketing Before you read another word, I want you to feel comfortable that we’re “in line” with our thinking. If you agree with these first couple of pages, you and I have a lot in common. And you have a lot to gain in the next few minutes… Your HVAC Business needs 3 “legs” to be profitable and successful. They are: 1. Technical Expertise. Most contractors (78%) enter the field due to good technical skills. They grew up with, admired, or were exposed to someone who worked with tools. Maybe you too developed an early interest in “how things work.” Usually, this technical skill continued into adulthood and may prompt a career choice. Whether you’ve got this skill or not, you know that if your contracting business is to thrive, you’ve got to have great technicians. However, if this becomes the dominant focus of your business, it leads to the largest myth in all of contracting: Being good at what you do means that you will be successful at what you do. I wish that was true. But you and I have both seen many “less talented” contractors win bigger contracts, score more customers, get more profit, and hire better people. I truly wish that technical superiority and knowledge gave you a corresponding success rate. You can be mad at me if you like, but it doesn’t work that way. Never has. Never will. And here’s why… What good is your technical expertise if your market doesn’t know about it? Does it matter how careful you are if you don’t have enough sales to pay your overhead? What good is your technical skill if you can’t find good workers to help you share the load? You see, being good and being successful are a long way apart. That brings us to… 2. Management Expertise. Contractors who become company leaders find out that people and cash flow make their businesses grow. So to grow, you must hire and train others. Two warnings about employees: They don’t come with instructions and they usually aren’t instant experts in how you want things done. You work to “weed out” low performers and add high performers that you hope will stay loyal and productive. Fortunately, great management training is at your nearest trade association, “Best Practices” group, in tapes, seminars, and many talented consultants. The help is there. So let’s assume you’ve got technical proficiency, qualified employees and a system – however crude – of managing them. Yet the most crucial element of business and the single element by which all businesses either fail or succeed has yet to be addressed: Getting customers. How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Without customers, a business fails. In short, your business is only about sales. Sales come from appointments; appointments come from leads. And your leads come from… 3. Marketing Expertise. Businesses do not die from under-stocked trucks. Businesses do not die from having one technician too few or too many. Businesses die from lack of cash flow and sales. You could go so far as to say: If your phone doesn’t ring enough, you’re going out of business. And your phone will not ring unless you properly tell your market what you do, how you do it better, and most importantly, why they should care. You must have this 3rd ingredient – marketing expertise - in your control. You probably have the technical and management skills in your company now. But without sales, none of this matters. Simple Summary: Your marketing should attract – and keep – customers. However: Most contractors do it the hard way: You may try to spend your way into marketing success. (Bad, expensive idea.) Or hope that your competition is so bad that customers will flock to you. Or that the weather will send droves of customers your way. Or maybe your “great, new, super, fantastic” ad that was thrown together by people with no marketing skills will work… All of these approaches generally come from self-appointed “experts”. They’re usually well-meaning but their marketing advice can be dangerous. Take a look: The ad sales rep. He or she has an ad to sell you. They’re paid a commission on that sale. Does this make them out for your best marketing interest? I’ll let you answer that. The ad agency. They’re great at high-dollar image-building. They’re also paid a commission on every media dime you spend. And really, do they know your business? The distributor. They’re in charge of guidelines and compliance for manufacturer promotions. They want to keep you advertising and you should listen! But are they ad designers? Don’t ask them to create your marketing unless they have the expertise. In-house advice from friends, co-workers, yourself. Unless the advice is from a marketing specialist, how can it be right? Is it a guess? Is it a copycat of another ad? This is your money and your business. You need serious expertise here. How serious? Marketing and advertising is the sole way a company brings in leads, sales, and customers. (You may think “word of mouth” is the answer, but with better marketing, you’ll have many more mouths spreading the word!) Good marketing is your map to a continual river of sales. Now you can see how easy it is to get bad advice on this complex subject. Contractors waste millions on “broken marketing” as a result. But here’s how to turn that game around and take control of your marketing… How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
9 Costliest HVAC Marketing Myths Marketing Myth #1: “Advertising is mainly to build your image.” This one really costs you. “Image” is just one type of marketing, and it’s the most expensive to build. But there’s also Direct Response, All-Purpose, Retention and TOMA advertising. Advertising is mainly to build your business. And that means sales. If your advertising puts customer benefits within image you’ll be fine. If it stacks customer benefits to the roof, and you continually hammer that message home, you’ll be rich. If you only speak of image, you have a really nice image. But if you only use Direct Response ads to get leads, you’re headed for a credibility drop that’ll make the sleaziest car dealer in town look like a Boy Scout. It’ll cost you several times the money to rebuild your lost image. What you need is a balanced advertising attack that includes all the ad types in strictly measured amounts. Most contractors just fling stuff out without knowing the ad type or its purpose. That’s costing you – In leads, sales, and false expectations. Marketing Myth #2: “You can’t go wrong with Manufacturer’s ads if they’re co-opped.” Manufacturer ads are created by the manufacturer. They typically – and understandably – promote the manufacturer. You need some of these, but mostly you need ads that promote you and your unique benefits in your market. Spend more of your ad money on you, your company’s name, and unique benefits to build your customer base and sales. (Hey, get co-op on that and you’ll be doing fine.) Sure, customers want quality brand-name products, but they want you to service them, install for them, and to be there if they need you. This is why you need ads about you and your company. Marketing Myth #3: “What works for one company should work for yours.” There’s no such thing as “One Size Fits All” marketing. The marketing program of a $9m, 25-year-old company in Chicago won’t work the same for a 2-year-old, 6-man shop doing $600,000 in Topeka. You should classify your marketing “type” that will suggest the exact marketing mix for you. Dumping a bunch of money in the Yellow Pages and then finding you don’t have enough left for Customer Retention is a bad realization. In fact, for the type we classify as a “Moderate HVAC Marketer” (there are 3 types), I recommend a spending cap of 27% on Yellow Pages, with a mix among Newspaper (30%), Direct Mail (21%), Customer Retention (8%), and the remaining 13% going toward radio, TV, or “alternative” media. Whether this fits you now or not is immaterial; just know that there are national numbers that do fit based on superior results for your company type and size. Marketing Myth #4: “You should run an ad 5 or 6 times before you give up on it.” Sorry to tell you, but there are no concrete numbers for any media. The problem with this bad advice is the implication that all ad goals are the same. A branding ad can be seen hundreds of times – literally – without offense. An image postcard can be sent 4 times a year to the same group increasing the response. Yet a powerful Direct Mail ad or letter can be so hardhitting that once a year is it. Any more than that and your credibility suffers. You should pull a direct response Newspaper ad if the cost per lead exceeds $150 in two attempts. (But run it as long as it pulls!) It’s just a matter of knowing the ad’s goals and your balance point. How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Marketing Myth #5: “You should advertise low prices to get calls and then try to sell something more expensive.” Wrong and wrong. This is illegal if you don’t actually have anything at the advertised price. It’s also a great way to be featured on “NBC Dateline” if that’s how you’d like recognition. I personally hate ads that scream “Low Price” as a strategy of continual lead generation. However: It’s fine to occasionally advertise a low price or a “sale”. Just be sure of two things: your ad states the “value” of the discount, and that these offers are timed to the market. If you offer sales and low prices regularly, you’ll become the “Cheap” dealer in your customers’ minds, making it very difficult to see you as “High Quality”. (Hey, I don’t make the rules. The market made them over the last few hundred years.) Also, over-offering low price numbs your audience into non-response. Be very careful with the timing and the offers. If you get it right, results can be explosive. Marketing Myth #6. “Ads that offers ‘free’ stuff are fakey and don’t work.” Yes they do. But, your “free” items must have value. If you offer me free junk - no, that won’t work. You’ll also look kind of dumb making a big deal out of nothing in your ads. Think value. Think benefits. Offer something free with a purchase of something else. Anytime you can lower the risk or resistance for a prospect, you automatically increase his chance of calling you. It’s human nature. Your ads are to produce, encourage, and influence phone calls. “Free” items can and do melt the barrier between you and the phone call. Just make “free” valuable and it’ll work. Marketing Myth #7. “Offering rebates, tricky financing and other gimmicks are only to fool customers.” Please get this straight: You are in the contracting business. You are not a financial advisor. If a customer wants a new heating system, but doesn’t want to pay for it for 6 months, that’s his business. If a customer wants to get a rebate to attach some realism to his discount, that’s his business. If you don’t offer these to customers, you’re losing some of your business. Your job is to help people get heating or cooling. How they pay for them is not in your control. Financing options help consumers. Would you rather write a check for $6 grand right now for a new system, or pay $95 a month? Thought so. Offer financing terms and watch your leads and sales rate soar. Market them correctly and watch your phone lines get jammed with calls. Marketing Myth #8. “When business is good, there’s no need to advertise.” I’ve been paid many well-earned consulting dollars for this, so I’ll save you some money here: When business is good, many people are in the market, right? If lots of people are in the market, wouldn’t it be good if they chose you? How will they do that if you don’t market to them? Worse, if you think they’ll go to the Yellow Pages “to find you”, let me tell you some bad news… Historically, Yellow Page shoppers have been proven as:
The biggest bid shoppers The slowest to close The most likely discount seekers The least loyal
I’m not anti-Yellow Pages – you should be in there - but it’s not a life raft. (Occasionally it’s a “death raft” but that’s another story!) All of your competition is in there too. So why would you want “your” customers to seek you out where every one of your competitors is right in front of their face? How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Now, if you’re really just too busy and don’t have the manpower, you can use advertising to bring you a selection of prospects. You can choose the most valuable and lucrative jobs. Don’t just take what comes in; select it while the market is hot. Hey, and for the jobs you must “turn down”, you sound incredibly popular, which always makes you more popular and sought after. Make sense? Good, then this will too… Marketing Myth #9: “If business slows down, cut down your advertising first.” Your not-too-smart competition thinks this way too. So they jump out of the market like roaches fleeing footsteps. Now, what would you give if half your competition quit advertising? Here’s your chance! Plus, if your ads are to be unique, wouldn’t they have a much greater chance of response with the competition in hiding? Sometimes, a business slowdown can be a dream come true. If it’s an economic slowdown, you simply market smarter by maximizing your contact methods. This can be done very efficiently among your customer and best prospect base. The most economical? By far, a healthy Customer Retention program. The biggest loser? Ooops, that’d be Yellow Pages, because once it is run, you can’t pull it. (It sounds like I hate Yellow Pages. Not really. I just hate that there’s so much mindless money wasted when other methods could supplement and perform better.) You’re far better off being able to control the leads and control your advertising. Don’t give control back to the market. Understand that you can “zig” when your competition “zags”. You can be where he’s not. You can outwit and outsmart the competition, no matter what the market is doing by doing a better job marketing. Summary Points: Your marketing is broken. You need repairs done now to maximize your return for every marketing dollar spent. With powerful marketing, you can eclipse your competition; get more leads, sales, and more loyal customers. Now read, how you can have the power of proven, turn-key marketing at your fingertips.
How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
How to Fix Your “Broken Marketing” Now yy Follow a successful, proven path to more HVAC sales with a highperformance, turn-key marketing system… We both know you’re in a tough, unpredictable business. Weather and seasons can send you from “full
throttle” to a screeching halt almost overnight. When you’re busy, you need more employees just to keep up. When it’s bad, you wonder who won’t make it. Sometimes you wait on a season’s “boom time” that never quite comes. Your overhead is there but the sales aren’t. Losing one season can affect your entire year. The weather rules this business too much. It makes contractors “wait” on the thermometer to bring leads or for someone’s equipment to break. No businessperson should have to depend on something so unpredictable. It can make you crazy. Maybe you’ve tried to “level out” your sales with promotions or discounts. But no matter how you expect to get sales… You’ve got to get the leads before you get the sales. You can’t sell anything without the lead. And marketing is what pulls in the leads. So let’s get the bragging out of the way: I’ve spent the last 9 years creating ads and marketing programs to help contractors get more leads. My ads have been tested and used by hundreds of HVAC contractors, helping generate $330m in sales last year alone.
But many of these ads were held under strictly enforced licenses by contractors who paid to use them. (The $5000 fee was insignificant to those who profited many times more.) These marketing tools could not be shared with other contractors. However: Now all that has changed - the chains have been broken. For the last year, I’ve been amassing an arsenal of new and improved marketing weaponry. In between speaking engagements and custom-copywriting jobs, I’ve been on a creative riot of building a simple, yet powerful contractor marketing system. But this time, I designed it from the bottom up. I left no piece of the contractor marketing puzzle untouched - I created over 100 new, more powerful ads, for the most profitable 5 media (I even rank them) and devised a simple Marketing Plan that most any contractor can “plug in” and use. It’s all rolled into The HVAC Marketing PowerPack Version 2.0. The HVAC Marketing PowerPack Version 2.0 answers the marketing problems you face. How do I know? I’ve “lived” those problems with you: Over 700 interviews with HVAC contractors across the country have given me a “wish list” of marketing challenges. These PowerPacks are my sum total response to your marketing wish list! From lead-generating ads and letters to powerful image ads that make your competition look like an amateur. It’s a comprehensive attack combined into one complete system. Take a look at the attached contents list, but for brevity’s sake, let me say it includes How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
each type of ad, for the products and services you offer, in each media. It even tells you when to use them and what to spend.
yy A Very Brief Tour of the Packs…(See the detailed description too!) There are three HVAC Marketing PowerPack editions – The “Builder” pack for those who want to jump-start their marketing, a “Leader” pack for full-blown maximum results and a “Master” pack with all of the bells and whistle of the first two, but with your entire marketing plan and other extras included. You get 54 different ads in the “Builder” edition, over 120+ in the “Leader” edition and 175 in the “Master” edition. They’re at your fingertips, ready to use, right now. But you get a lot more than just ads… All ads are printed in the Promotions Manual and are on CD for instant access and printing. The CD is like your personal web site, where you “click” to get your ad. Printing or editing is push-button simple. Either you or a quick-printer cranks them out. You also get a High Performance Marketing Manual that will become your essential “how to” partner. It details what works, what to avoid, and how to save wads of time and money in the process. (Just one chapter called “Intelligent Media Choices” can be worth thousands to you. You won’t believe the tricks that most every HVAC contractor falls for! No more.) Now you’ve got the upper hand! You also get 3-hours of “tell-all” Coaching on cassette. My seminars are $4900 a day and are sold out for months. These tapes condense my most profitable advice for you and tell you exactly how it pertains to using your PowerPack. It’s crystal clear advice you can use. Plus you can pass these tapes to your staff to learn. It’s like a portable seminar! The Leader Pack comes with an HVAC Marketing PowerPlan Manual that almost builds itself! (Wait ‘til you see it.) Several top consultants combined their expensive knowledge to create this simple, ingenious Marketing Plan. Exact industry figures are used. It shows you how much to spend, when to spend it, and how. This plan even grows with you! Even better, the Master Pack comes with the entire PowerPlan which includes the PowerPlan Marketing Software that lays out your plan for you, the Low Cost, High Response Lead Generation Manual to show you how to increase your marketing response without blowing your budget, and two seminars on CD to go with each. Additionally, you will receive the How to Hit the Home Show Target Manual to make your presence at a trade show pay off and an interview with one of the top sales generators in the business to find out all of his tips and tricks on trade shows. As well as a plethora of new ads including television, radio, Hispanic and IAQ. Basically, your PowerPack has been designed, tested and is ready to perform for you. My freshest and most powerful ads are waiting for you. The gold-plated “coaching” info is irreplaceable. The plan is there. All you need to do is turn the key.
yy “The Price. What about the price?” I prefer, “investment.” After all, one of our greatest business leaders, W. Edwards Deming said, “Marketing your company is the only profitable investment; everything else is cost.” He knew that if your phone doesn’t ring enough, you’re going out of business. How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
We currently charge $2000 per page for copywriting and stay booked about 6 weeks out. I don’t know if that sounds high or not. Read the testimonials to see if the value is there. (Most of my clients are repeat users.) Yet with an ad – regardless of the cost to create it – you still must know how, when, and where to use it. That’s a learned science. But PowerPacks are much more than ads. You get valuable insider marketing strategies that took years to learn. You can whack thousands off your budget or increase the performance of every marketing facet. Yet your investment for the entire Builder Pack is just $1295. That’s less than my one-page rate. One more system sale pays for it. The Leader Pack has over twice the ads (124 in all) plus comes with the marketing plan manual and much more for just $1895. Sell 2 systems and it’s paid for. If you don’t sell 1 or 2 more systems using your PowerPack, something is seriously wrong and you deserve – and will get – a full refund. The Master Pack is worth even more with the entire PowerPlan package, the Home Show Manual and three CDs, and more coupons and discounts. It is $2495 and worth much more than that with just the plan software alone. Sell 2 or more systems and it’s paid for. I won’t defend the price any more. Either you want to improve your marketing enough to make the investment, or you don’t. No arm-twisting from me. But I will give you a guarantee you’d be hard pressed to beat… Your “100% Buy Back” Guarantee: Get a PowerPack for your business. Use the marketing tools. Profit from the ads. Listen to the 3-hour Coaching on CD. Model the Marketing PowerPlan. If using this HVAC Marketing PowerPack isn’t everything you hoped, simply return it. I’ll buy it back – plus interest and shipping - up to a year later. You can even keep the Sales&Marketing Insider and free coupons (worth at least $345). We’ll part friends with my thanks for trying it. If there’s a fairer guarantee anywhere, I haven’t seen it. Now I’m asking you to quit doing some things- Get an HVAC Marketing PowerPack Version 2.0 for your business right now – today – and quit “waiting” for the weather to cooperate. Quit trying to re-invent the marketing wheel. It’s been done for you. And quit wondering “What if?” about my claims. All I ask for is a try. Get the PowerPack and you be the judge. Make an executive decision to try it at my risk today. You’ll either be richer for the effort or you’ll get a refund with interest. Take Care and Enjoy Your Business, Adams Hudson P.S. Of the 49,758 licensed HVAC contractors in the U.S., many will read this and say, “Gosh, that might work, but it’s a couple of truck payments” or whatever. They’ll never know what they’re missing. They’ll just sit on the sidelines, as usual. That’s fine because… That leaves more potential for you if you want more out of your business. More what? More money is great, but more time is even better. More time with your family, doing what you enjoy, not having to spend time coming up with ads and a marketing plan. So don’t let your competition have the first crack when you hold the opportunity in your hands right now. Call, fax, or email your order today. How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Here’s What Other Contractors Are Saying About PowerPacks… We mailed out just 1000 letters of yours for about $500 spent, and honestly didn’t expect much out of those small numbers. But within days we had 9 calls and 6 sales with 2 pending! That’s over $35K in sales from $500 spent! Your material is the best investment we’ve ever made!
Les Brandt, Topeka, KS
The ads you created for us were the most successful we have ever used, and with our 30year history and generous ad budget, that’s quite a statement. Thanks for all the sales!
Michael Hyde, Palm Desert, CA
If this system is not a grand slam home run, there will never be one in our industry! I started thumbing through the materials and just got “giddy” — and then wanted to cheat by going to the materials without listening to the #1 CD — but I refrained and am doing what you said. This is Christmas in July!
Tom Atchley, Ft. Smith, AR
We just sent out about 14,000 letters to the list you helped us pick. We’re not even half way through the results and the return has been $60-$70K! Thanks for the outstanding results! Plus, since beginning your letter campaign in July, our closing ratio has jumped to 55% with a $265,667 return on a $24,473 investment! We couldn’t have done it without Hudson, Ink!
Bill Bell, Columbus, GA
Remarkably — and this is still hard for me to believe — within 1 year of using your ads and advice, our sales more than doubled. This product paid for itself virtually from the first week! Plus, it has given me a business confidence I didn’t have before. Amazingly, I’m looking at buying a competitor out… who had previously been one of the ‘bigger’ guys around. I’d never have imagined being able to do this before your marketing changed my profits and perspective. Thanks a million!
Ken McKinley, Bronson, MI
I hope you’ve had a good year! We certainly have — thanks to our PowerPack ads. Our sales are up 24% to date over last year! We’re looking forward to even more success next year!
Clinton Earl, Chico, CA
Our systems sales to the general public have increased dramatically — a whopping 265% increase. This happened while we raised our prices. Some of this increase is because I’ve been working at becoming a better sales person so I’m closing a higher percentage, but another big factor is I’m having more leads to work with. In large part your advice is responsible for that increase in leads. Thanks for all your help!
Steve Scott, Dryden, NY
How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
Answers to some questions you may have about the PowerPack
“Tell me more…” yy “What’s so special about your PowerPacks? Can’t I get this elsewhere?” Doubtful. First of all, as a copywriter, I don’t get paid by media – I get paid by results. So I gain nothing by recommending expensive junk that doesn’t work. (But your ad rep does!) My ads and the PowerPlan are about results. My Direct Response ads can “turn on” leads as you need them. Sure, I write hard-core Direct Response ads, but they’re not offensive or “dumbed down” like some others. Mine actually relate to your prospects and treat them like they have brains. My All-Purpose, Image Ads and Retention pieces are not the same old boring styles we’ve seen forever. Not even close! Mine have sales “triggers” in the copy, but aren’t “screaming” fire-sale or desperation. I use the “6 Elements of Influence” throughout my ads and marketing. (About 85% of the contractor ads I critique don’t use even one.) I believe your ads should influence and sell. Period. The PowerPlan is the only “plug in” ready HVAC Marketing Plan on the market. For years contractors have asked me, “What do I do next?” “What to spend?” “Which ad do I use?” The PowerPlan answers all those questions.
yy “Tell me about The Marketing PowerPlan.” First, I hired the smartest marketing analyst I know. (He handles marketing for a $22m HVAC retail giant. For years they’ve used my ads very effectively.) I asked him to create an “ABC, 1-2-3” marketing plan that could fit anything from a young, aggressive 5-man shop to an 85-man, $10m mature retail company. I insisted that this plan require no marketing degree or advanced computing. After 3 weeks, he presented a brilliantly simple plan: 3 basic models of HVAC dealer (you’ll fit into one of them) with graphs and percentages ready to “plug in” to your model. Then I blended in four other consultants’ work to complete the plan. It’s basically a “paint-by-number” marketing model that’s almost too easy.
yy “How will this Marketing PowerPack save me time and money right now?” Are you kidding? It takes me four hours to write a two-page letter. I count words, hack “orphaned” words or lines, apply the “Comprehension Test” to the opener… and that’s just the first draft! Sure, people say I’m the highest paid copywriter in the industry, but this isn’t because I’m lucky. I work to get results. You can multiply these hours “saved” for each page of ads. But that’s not all… The High Performance Marketing Manual is the result of years of research; written so anyone can follow it. Here are just a few things you’ll learn… How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
• • • • • • • •
An ad rate that’s very rarely quoted saves you 30-55% instantly! (Your ad reps’ former ‘secret’.) Most profitable Newspaper ad day is almost never advised! (But don’t try radio or mail this day!) Exact 4 days during the year your ad expenses should be highest and lowest. How to get a 288% increase in Direct Mail response. So obvious, but no one thinks about it. 5 common words in HVAC ads that are instant turn-offs. Using these are image killers. One Internet tactic pulls tons of traffic, but almost no one does it! How to make your Yellow Page ad outpull 90% of your competitors! The simple, no-brainer way to judge any ad before you run it. Dead simple and reliable.
And finally, have you ever tried to create a marketing plan from scratch? Then you know the tons of time it can take… and it’s still a lot of guessing. My plan and info isn’t guessing. It’s based on real-world testing and results.
yy “How does a Marketing PowerPack make my marketing ‘automatic’?” I consult with many contractors who run good, solid businesses. Yet their marketing is just tossed together. A little here. A little there. No real plan. The Marketing PowerPack is the result of having made the same suggestions to hundreds of contractors about systemizing their marketing. The PowerPack gives you all the ads plus the PowerPlan. You just follow the steps, choose the ads, and you’re done. I have contractors who lay out their entire year in a few hours. Really. No need to make this any harder. The hard work has been done.
yy “How does the Marketing PowerPack maximize my marketing dollar?” You’ll know what media works best… and when. You’ll have a “system” of proven ads to use in each media to achieve certain results. You’ll discover how to cut the losers and repeat the successes, time and time again. Getting more leads and a better image per dollar spent without having to spend the time creating the ad just compounds your return.
yy “How I can lose money with a Marketing PowerPack?” You can’t. Reread the guarantee. But if you’re set on failing, then the best way is just don’t use it! Don’t open it; don’t use one technique. Just let it sit there. Yet if you’ve read this far, you’re definitely ready for the right information and will probably devour the PowerPack when you get it! I honestly hope you do. I didn’t spend all that time and effort for it to lay idle. I want you to use it and profit.
yy “How long before I see results?” Some people run one ad and can have their investment repaid in a few days. A word of caution though – You’ll be tempted to run these ads all the time when you see the results. The better method is full sales extraction from each ad, which I’ll explain in the materials. How to Get More HVAC Leads in Less Time
© 2010 Hudson, Ink Corp
About The Author
dams Hudson is the president of Hudson, Ink Corp, a marketing firm that creates and distributes a variety of marketing and information products. His firm focuses on helping the in-home service contractor market more effectively with turn-key customer newsletters, custom copywriting, ad design and marketing strategy.
Mr. Hudson has authored numerous marketing manuals for contractors (including the Marketing PowerPack series, Competitive Intelligence, Customer Retention Goldmine, and Yellow Page Lead Builder) and recently published his twelfth book, Contractor Marketing Secrets Your Competition Doesn’t Want You to Know. His specialty is Direct Response advertising for which he won a national award, and his ads helped produce an astounding $330,000,000 in sales for contractor clients in one year. Adams will often introduce “real life examples” for other contractors to mimic. One client, Greg Gill of Action Air in California, shared how he went from unproductive, flat sales for nearly 8 years straight, and considered leaving the business. Yet he followed simple marketing suggestions from Adams and rocketed to over $6.1million in sales at a 12% net. High-performance marketing allowed him to generate more sales and focus on “what truly matters,” even cutting back on hours to spend more time with his family. Adams is National Marketing Partner for several associations, including ACCA, PHCC, QSC, and a columnist for Contracting Business, Contractor Magazine, and Contractor Excellence with hundreds of other published articles and national appearances. He recently won The National Sales Letter Contest sponsored by Dan Kennedy, perhaps the top copywriter living today. He supports “balanced investing” in a marketing and sales attack, rather than waiting for the weather or other “uncontrollable conditions” to dictate business peaks or valleys. Hudson, Ink also designs Yellow Page ads for contractors to extract more leads from an often smaller, less-expensive ad. He typically recommends re-investment in lead-generating or customer-retention media, thereby multiplying the effectiveness for the same cost. This strategy has won his firm much favor among the media (and clients) due to the successes generated.