Inside This Issue:
© Hudson, Ink Corp.
When Good Bulbs Go Bad Use Super Foods to Cut Cholesterol
Smart and simple ways to enrich your home living
Fall 2011 $3.00
Outdoor Lighting Made Easy?
porch light is a beacon to the neighborhood. Traditionally, it says welcome to your visitors. It tells your teens, “We’re waiting up until you’re home safe.” On Halloween, it tells trick-or-treaters “We’ve got candy.” Over the years, outdoor lighting has grown far beyond the simple porch light and says much more than “The front door is this way.” Outdoor lighting is an investment, increasing salability of your home. Outdoor lighting adds visual appeal, making your home more attractive. It increases security, by exposing places a criminal might hide. And it increases personal safety, by displaying walkways and entrances. So, you ask, what doesn’t lighting do? Well, it doesn’t make the decision for you to install itself. But we can help with both!
Selecting the right outdoor lighting for your home involves a number of options. On the porch, will you affix sconces near the door, hang outdoor pendants or install outdoor ceiling lights? Plus, within these categories, you’ll find a range of styles from traditional to modern. Security lighting is increasingly popular because, frankly, crime is just as popular as ever too. Features include motion detectors, timers, surge protection and energy-savings components. Pathway lighting, of course, illuminates your pathway but can also highlight a favored garden feature. Post lanterns create additional lighting while adding ambiance. Want to learn more? We’d be glad to help with your selection and installation. Give us a call. Your Quick Call Comfort Hotline:
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By <Name> Hello Friends,
Take this as a tip for “what not to do.” It seems a woman in Georgia dialed 911 – not because of an actual emergency but because she’d received the wrong food order with her takeout.
She wanted the police to come to the restaurant and straighten out the situation. Instead they came to caution her about misuse of the 911 service. It’s a bad idea. On the other hand, this story does bring to mind some food for thought. Sometimes when you want good service, you just don’t know who to call, right? We sympathize. And if you’re one of our customers, here’s what we’d like you to know. If you’ve got an electrical emergency – call us, anytime, and we’ll help you straighten out the situation. We’ll give you our best service at our best value. We’ll treat you like you’re one of continued on page 4
HealthWise Get More Active This Season
ho says New Year’s is the only time for your “get more fit” resolution? Actually, the seasonal change that brings us the wonders of Autumn could be a better choice. The weather is more cooperative. You’ll prepare your mind and body to deal with the overindulgence of the holiday season. And you’ll lay the groundwork for better health when the new year does roll around. • Outdoor activities – Enjoying the colors of the season, the fresh air and other tastes of nature will rejuvenate your spirit, as well as your body. It is a perfect time for walks in the neighborhood, hikes along park trails and venturing out on your bicycle. You could also jog, play golf or get in a round of tennis. • Make it social – One thing that makes “being active” less
of a chore is when you take someone along for the ride… or jog… or walk. Having a friend or family member accompany you will increase your enjoyment, as well as your commitment. You’re less
well-rounded workouts that include a mix of aerobic and strength training exercises are great gifts for yourself. • Try something new – The kids are learning lots in school. How about you? If there’s something you’ve been wanting to try, go ahead. A ballroom dancing class, perhaps? Tai Chi? Yoga? • Eat healthy – Stay properly fueled by following a healthy diet. Fall has good choices in seasonal foods like pumpkin, apples and pecans, so there’s plenty to enjoy.
likely to say, “maybe I won’t go today,” if you’ve got a friend already set to join you. • Get back to the gym – If you have a lapsed membership at a health club or gym, reactivate it and get back at it. Regular,
• Get more sleep – Don’t forget one of the most essential elements of your health and well-being: getting a good night’s sleep. Staying well rested can help you reduce the effects of stress. And you’ll be fresh for tomorrow’s activities.
homefront When Good Bulbs Go Bad
hat could be the cause of dimming and flickering lights? It’s a natural cause when it’s a force of nature – such as stormy weather just outside the door. But if the dimming and flickering are pronounced and prolonged, the problem could be in a wiring connection. If it’s one fixture with one bulb, start by changing that bulb. But if it’s happening throughout the home, call us for a diagnostic.
The style or wattage of the bulb could also be the culprit if you have a recessed light that sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t – then sometimes works again. This “on again, off again” cycle could be a safety mechanism that shuts off if the light begins to overheat. First, change to a suitable bulb and see if that works. If recessed lighting fixtures are
covered up by attic insulation, that could also be creating a problem. When ventilation is blocked, heat can build up around the bulb and shorten the bulb’s life. In other cases, bulb life could be shortened by worn fixtures with wiring problems. Whatever the cause, if you’ve got a fixture that needs “fixing”, give us a call. We’re here to help.
homewise Use Super Foods to Cut Cholesterol
ost people know that eating foods high in cholesterol leads to, well, high cholesterol. And most people know that eating a low-fat diet can help control cholesterol. But what many people aren’t aware of is that there are foods that can actually help lower your cholesterol – and some of them may even be hiding in your pantry:
“Sea” the Difference – Sorry, couldn’t resist the pun. Especially since fish is a heart-healthy way of cutting cholesterol. Eating 2-3 servings of fish a week has significant health benefits. You can reduce your LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides.
bad cholesterol without preventing the formation of good cholesterol. Even though nuts are high in protein and nutrients, you’ll want to limit your intake. Most nuts are high in calories, so stick to a snack-sized portion a day – just a small handful. Have a Tea Party – Tea, especially green tea, contains a high concentration of polyphenols, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Three to five cups a day of green tea can provide an optimal dose of polyphenols.
Sources of Soluble Fiber – Even small doses of soluble fiber on a daily basis can lower cholesterol by up to 5 points. A daily dose of 7-8 grams of fiber can even help reduce cholesterol by up to 10%. How? As the fiber dissolves, it forms a gel like substance in the intestines that binds to cholesterol and keeps it from entering the bloodstream.
Herring, sardines, tuna and salmon are all good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Oatmeal and oat bran are high in soluble fiber. If you’re not a fan of oat products, you can also try apples, barley or kidney beans – all of which are fiber rich foods.
Go a Little Nutty – Another great source of healthy fats is nuts, and one of the best is macadamia nuts. Almost 76% total fat, the monounsaturated nature of the fat helps lower
Part of a Plan – While what you eat is an important part of lowering your cholesterol, it should be a component of a healthy living plan that includes exercise and portion control. Public health organizations recommend at least 30 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous exercise, such as walking, jogging, biking, or gardening. When you put your health first, your whole family wins.
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Then there’s the basic stuff that goes out: lights, phones, and security systems. You keep wondering “when” or “if” the power will come back on. You can quit wondering because all of this is avoidable.
But with the <BRAND> System you can
forget about losing power and the dangers of “other” systems. That’s a thing of the past. Call <Company> for a completely free
We’ve looked at hundreds of generators, and none have been to our standards. The
your home and family are protected before the first storm.
Don’t Leave Your System in the Dark
I’d Like to Borrow Several of Your Friends
The last thing you need after a system failure is guesswork. That’s why <Company> offers:
Now what kind of question is that? You’d think I wasn’t raised properly. But the truth of the matter is that all of us at <Company> enjoy providing superior service and value to our customers (that’s you!). And we’d like to offer the same expertise to your friends and family. Just call <Company> at <phone> to let us know you’re sending another friendly face our way and we’ll take $20 off your next service. Just our way of saying thank you!
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Up-front Pricing Emergency Service Preventative Maintenance Guaranteed Parts and Labor
It’s bad enough that your power supply has been interrupted. Call us today at <phone> to ensure that your electrical system is back on track as soon as possible. U
P.S. Please use the coupons in this newsletter for helpful savings for yourself – or share them with a friend!
exhaust and invite fumbling with long cords.
generator survey at <phone>. Make sure
Sincerely, <NAME>
messy and dangerous fuels, emit choking
se fo th r a is pa ad, ck on ag e e of of y ot ou he r o rs w am n, o pl r c e a ad ll s. us
Do your electronic appliances require additional outlets – or surge protection? Are you concerned about wiring safety? Whatever it is, just let us hear from you. We’d be glad to help.
ones at the discount stores are loud, require
In the meantime, how well is your home’s electricity serving your family’s needs? Are your lighting demands increasing or changing? Would you HomePoints like to talk about renoSmoke detectors are needed on each vations and level of your home upgrades and must be tested – and how twice a year. lighting can add special touches to your environment?
Each minute your refrigerator is off increases the chances of bacteria and mold breeding on your food during cool weather. If your power fails during freezing weather, hypothermia is a very real, very deadly risk. We read about tragedies like this every year.
se fo th r a is pa ad, ck on ag e e of of y ot ou he r o rs w am n, o pl r c e a ad ll s. us
our best customers. And we’ll make sure we get the order right!
Is It Really Possible to Eliminate Your Home’s Power Outages?
continued from page 1
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