HomeXPERT Plumbing Fall 2011

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Inside This Issue:

© Hudson, Ink Corp.

Get More Active This Season Is Your Water Safe?



Smart and simple ways to enrich your home living

Fall 2011 $3.00


Plumbing Tips You Can Do Yourself


hen big meals and big events are brewing in your household, there are tables to clear, dishes to be done, scraps to scrape off the plate, and a pretty active use of your household drains. That’s just fine, it’s what they’re there for – unless something goes wrong. A clogged drain often comes with a few unfortunate side effects: bad smells, backed up sinks, and inconvenient delays for your gatherings. Your best plan of action is to be proactive about keeping your drain pipes clear. And that takes a little planning ahead. Drain pipes take in many of the things you want to send out. They can become dirtier and more constricted as they collect an increasing amount of your home’s disposed materials. The bad odors can also filter throughout your

home, meaning the problem isn’t confined just to the kitchen. But keeping your drain pipes clean and clear can begin in simple ways. First: the use of over-thecounter chemicals is not advisable. These can be extremely caustic (just read the warning labels) and can damage your pipes, as well as your skin and eyes, and irritate your respiratory system. Instead, to keep drains clean, you could opt for the household fix-alls of baking soda and vinegar, to pour down the drain. Using simple solutions like these as a general practice can help prevent a problem – but for a sturdier solution, a professional drain cleaning service is your best bet. In addition, you can also get an “early warning” for other concerns. Want to know more? Just call us.

Your Quick Call Comfort Hotline:


<PHONE> <website>

By <Name> Hello Friends,


Sometimes when you leave your house, you never know what’s going to happen. Take this example that’d probably raise suspicions right away. Not long ago, a woman entered a post office in Minnesota wearing a gas mask and carrying a package and duffel bag. No one’s worst fears came true – there wasn’t a bomb or a big incident. But the post office did have to close to find out if the package was harmful. Strange stunts like this remind us once again of the things we have to deal with today. Around here, we’re all pretty much the same as you. When we have to call a company to our home for any type of contracting service, we want to know if they’re trustworthy. Well, in order to build trust, we need to know who we’re dealing continued on page 4

HealthWise Get More Active This Season


ho says New Year’s is the only time for your “get more fit” resolution? Actually, the seasonal change that brings us the wonders of Autumn could be a better choice. The weather is more cooperative. You’ll prepare your mind and body to deal with the overindulgence of the holiday season. And you’ll lay the groundwork for better health when the new year does roll around. • Outdoor activities – Enjoying the colors of the season, the fresh air and other tastes of nature will rejuvenate your spirit, as well as your body. It is a perfect time for walks in the neighborhood, hikes along park trails and venturing out on your bicycle. You could also jog, play golf or get in a round of tennis. • Make it social – One thing that makes “being active” less

of a chore is when you take someone along for the ride… or jog… or walk. Having a friend or family member accompany you will increase your enjoyment, as well as your commitment. You’re less

well-rounded workouts that include a mix of aerobic and strength training exercises are great gifts for yourself. • Try something new – The kids are learning lots in school. How about you? If there’s something you’ve been wanting to try, go ahead. A ballroom dancing class, perhaps? Tai Chi? Yoga? • Eat healthy – Stay properly fueled by following a healthy diet. Fall has good choices in seasonal foods like pumpkin, apples and pecans, so there’s plenty to enjoy.

likely to say, “maybe I won’t go today,” if you’ve got a friend already set to join you. • Get back to the gym – If you have a lapsed membership at a health club or gym, reactivate it and get back at it. Regular,

• Get more sleep – Don’t forget one of the most essential elements of your health and well-being: getting a good night’s sleep. Staying well rested can help you reduce the effects of stress. And you’ll be fresh for tomorrow’s activities.

homefront Before You Spend Your Month, Plan Your Money


here’s always more month at the end of the money. To guide your spending, try a monthly spending plan, starting with these steps:

expenses first, then create realistic estimates for the areas that fluctuate, such as dining out. Divide these into “mandatory” and “discretionary” expenses.

1. How much are you bringing in? Project your income. If your natural optimism tends to send your estimates wayward, remember to keep these figures realistic. Count the cash you can count on!

3. What’s the difference? Subtract #2 from #1. Hopefully #1 is larger, but there’s still more to subtract.

2. How much are you sending out? Account for your set

4. What else is coming up? Something else always comes up – an unexpected home repair, dental visit or automobile service,

etc. Make a note of possibilities and add this figure to #3 to create a monthly cushion. One of the most basic budgeting tips is, “pay yourself first.” Investing in savings and retirement will pay off in the long run. 5. Is it positive or negative? If your budget ends up in the negative, go over your expenses again. Keep reworking your spending plan – and make sure it’s working for you.

homewise Is Your Water Safe?


he term “water quality” has a number of applications that lead to one question: is it safe? Typically, safe water is thought of as drinking water – but it’s also important for water to be safe for fish and other aquatic life, for swimming and other types of recreation, as well as for watering crops and lawns. Unsafe water, on the other hand, has harmful contaminants that could include bacteria, viruses, pesticides, petroleum products, metals, acids and other types of substances. These contaminants can be produced by both natural and human processes.

How Does Water Become Unsafe? For example, as water moves through soils and rocks, it interacts with minerals, roots, leaves, algae, bacteria and other microscopic organisms – any of

which could affect its quality. Industrial development and other commercial activities could also change the quality of natural waters. Chemicals – such as pharmaceutical drugs, dry-cleaning solvents and gasoline – as well as pesticides

have been found in streams and ground water.

How Do I Know If My Water Is Unsafe? In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency and the individual

states have guidelines to protect water for all its various uses, and if you’d like to know more, you can contact your local water supplier and ask for information on the water quality in your area. Every public-water supplier is required to provide this data to the public every year. Additionally, you can call us to conduct a test specifically on the water that enters your household. The level of personal health is another variable to consider. Water that is safe for one person may not be safe for another. For example, pregnant or nursing mothers, young children, the elderly or anyone with a weak immune system may react differently to water that would not pose a problem for someone else. If that’s the case in your house, we can also talk about how a home filtration system could be a good safety measure. Just give us a call.

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<SIGNATURE> <NAME> P.S. Don’t forget to check out the discounts in this newsletter for some big savings. If you’re not going to use them, though, feel free to pass them on to a friend.

How? With traditional water heaters, you pay to reheat the same water again and again – even

when you’re not using it. With Forever Hot Water you pay to heat the water when you need it. And it never runs out! So call us today and find out how you can start enjoying endless hot water – and energy savings!



We’d Like to “Friend” Your Friends.

Is your bathwater clear as mud?

At <COMPANY>, we enjoy providing superior service and value to friends like you. And we’d like to offer the same expertise to your friends and family. Just call <COMPANY> at <PHONE> to let us know you’re sending another friendly face our way, and we’ll take $20 off your next service. Just our way of saying thank you!

If your water isn’t properly filtered, you may have a mud bath in your very own home. Or at least, plenty of sediment in your water. And, in this case, that’s not exactly a day at the spa. The buildup in your water can affect taste and cleaning power. So call <COMPANY> at <PHONE> for a water inspection and filtration options.


se fo th r a is pa ad, ck on ag e e of of y ot ou he r o rs w am n, o pl r c e a ad ll s. us

Best wishes,

It’s called the Forever Hot Water system, and it lets you enjoy an endless supply of steaming water whenever you want – and reduces your energy bills to boot!


damage pipes. Remember, Use a plumbing as the days snake or plunger. start to get colder, you could experience a variety of problems with your plumbing. We know that’s never fun, but we’ll certainly be ready to help whenever you’ve got a need. So let us hear from you.

se fo th r a is pa ad, ck on ag e e of of y ot ou he r o rs w am n, o pl r c e a ad ll s. us

Whenever you invite us to your home, you can be assured that we will give you the best service for the best value and treat you like one of our best cusHomePoints tomers. You Don’t use can count on chemicals to clear it. clogs. They can

Really, there’s a way.


with and what their intentions are, right? So let’s be clear.

se fo th r a is pa ad, ck on ag e e of of y ot ou he r o rs w am n, o pl r c e a ad ll s. us

continued from page 1

More Hot Water, More Energy Savings?




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