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07030 Hoboken Contributors

JENNIFER MERRICK MARTIAK is art director for the Hudson Reporter Newspapers, which includes 07030, Explore, and Jersey City Magazine. She has worked for the company for 17 years. Her work haswon annual state awards throughout her career. Though her design credits are eclectic, fashion print is her passion.

MELISSA ABERNATHY is a Hoboken-based communications consultant, who serves as communications and volunteer coordinator for the Hoboken Historical Museum. She began her career as a reporter and editor with a business travel magazine.

TODD ABRAMSON is co-owner of Maxwells. He books the talent for this legendary night spot.

ARLENE PHALON BALDASSARI has worked as an actress, for a literary agency and book publisher, and in the restaurant industry. She lives in Hoboken with her husband Mike and daughter Sophie.

TERRIANN SAULINO BISH began her career as a graphic designer more than 15 years ago. She not only creates images but captures them with her camera. Her work has appeared in many publications including Best of Photography 2006 & 2007. She currently works for the Hudson Reporter. tbishphoto.com.

ALYSSA BREDIN is a recent graduate of Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, with a degree in graphic arts. She hopes to pursue a career in photography. Her work can be seen at tbishphoto.com.

BETH DICARA is a full-time potter and part-time photographer. See her work at eveningstarstudio.net

ANDREW HANENBERG began documenting his rock climbing trips throughout the country while in college. After a residence at the Maine Media Workshop, he worked with the industries’ top photographers. He is dedicated to creating inspiring portraits that depict real-life stories. Find more at www.awhphoto.com

VICTOR M. RODRIGUEZ has studied publication design, photography, and graphic design. “I’ve been fascinated by photography for 17 years,” he says. One of his jobs as a construction project manager is to photograph job sites.

ANTHONY SAINT JAMES has worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment. His photographs have been published in magazines and ads all over the world. He is pictured here with his greatest creation, his son Cosmo. More of his photography can be seen at anthonysaintjames.com.

AMANDA STAAB is a freelance reporter and a graduate of Columbia Journalism School. A New Jersey native, she currently lives in Hoboken with her husband and daughter.