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07030 Has Got You Covered
In the diverse, edgy, artsy, happening city of Hoboken, there’s one thing all residents share—zip code 07030. In this magazine, we will celebrate what makes us different and what brings us together. Mostly, we will be celebrating people. A magnet for celebrities, Hoboken is home to reality TV stars like the Manzo brothers and to broadcast news luminaries like the Today Show’s Natalie Morales, both of whom are profiled in this issue by reporter Amanda Staab. Todd Abramson, the guy responsible for booking all those great bands at Maxwell’s, will be writing a column for us on new sounds and up-and-coming talent. Our ongoing “How We Live” and “How We Work” departments highlight great homes and innovative entrepreneurs. Got kids? We’ve got you covered. 07030 reporter Arlene Phalon Baldassari shares 10 things to do with your kids in Hoboken before they are too embarrassed to be seen with you, and we ask the much-asked question, Is it OK to put your kid on a leash? We want your input and ideas. In “Point and Shoot,” you’ll have an opportunity to give us your best shots. If they were taken in 07030, they might end up in 07030. In our “Working Out With” department, we will be looking for Hobokenites to chat with while they’re in the weight room, on the yoga mat, or shooting baskets. And we’ll always be looking for fabulous spaces for “How We Live.” Friend us on Facebook, give us your feedback, and look for us in the fall, when our next issue will hit the stands. Welcome to the family of 07030. We hope you’ll see yourself in our pages.

Kate Rounds
Photo by Marie Papp