Hudson Valley Mercantile

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Mercantile �������������

live. work. play.

HARDSCRABBLE DAY PREVIEW Plus: Comprehensive Calendars of Events

September 2010

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Mercantile September 2010

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Contents contents

On Home Turf: Lawn Care for Fall by Luanne Panarotti


Palette Calendar begins


Germantown 300th: Right on Schedule


Cleaning up for Fall? Don’t Forget Your E-Waste by Laurie Rich


Live on Stage! Calendar begins


Fall Warms Up at the Chili Contest by Betsy Miller


Hardscrabble Special Section Contents Challenging Ourselves in Challenging Times by Ed Blundell


10% Challenge: Red Hook Challenges Itself to Use Less Energy


Not Your Average White Band


Hardscrabble Day Schedule of Events




Don’t Drive: Take the Train!




Early Autumn Concerts Calendar begins


Take the Kids Calendar begins


Readings, Signings & Screenings Calendar begins


Bright Green Valley Calendar begins


Photography Made Easy: It’s All About the Light by Joel Weisbrod


On Our Way to Fall by Brian PJ Cronin


Miscellaneous Calendar begins


hudson valley

Mercantile a publication of

P.O. Box 178 Red Hook, NY 12571 845-546-3051

Jim Gibbons: Publisher Heather Gibbons: Creative Director Contents ©2010 Rising Tide Communications, LLC No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher

Contributors: Ed Blundell, Brian PJ Cronin, Kristen Cronin, Betsy Miller, Luanne Panarotti, Laurie Rich, Joel Weisbrod

Special Thanks: Hardscrabble Committee Marc Molinaro Red Hook Together Germantown 300 Anniversary Committee Sustainable Hudson Valley

About the Cover: Rhinebeck artist James Gurney’s “Soybeans” illustration, which was published in National Geographic in June, 1987. The storefront is based on the pharmacy at the corner of Routes 199 & 9 in the Village of Red Hook. James Gurney is an artist known for his plen-air landscape paintings, as well as his award-winning illustrations of fantasy and historical subjects. He is also known as the author and illustrator of the best-selling illustrated book series, “Dinotopia.” See more of Gurney’s work at

Mercantile September 2010


Momiji �����������������������

������������������� ����������������������������������� renowned chef/owner � �������������� �������������� Fusion cuisine ���������������������������� 4 Hibachi tables ����������������������������

Hand selected, fresh ingredients Catering, take-out Lunch & Dinner Daily 43 East Market St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (Courtyard behind Bread Alone) 845-876-5555

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Mercantile September 2010

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on home turf: lawn care for fall “Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’” The Talmud

by Luanne Panarotti Well, one good thing can be said about this summer’s drought: it sure kept the lawn from growing. As fall approaches, however, it’s time to devote a bit more attention to your turf to keep it healthier, and hopefully more self-sufficient, next year. Norbert Lazar of The Phantom Gardener offers the following tips: Aerate Unlike our garden beds, the soil in our lawn areas is never cultivated. This, combined with foot traffic, leads to compaction of the soil, which in turn restricts the movement of air and water to the root zone. Aerating your lawn every other year will create more porous soil, and a more deeply rooted and vigorous lawn. Engine-powered aerators may be rented for large expanses; for smaller yards, purchase spiked aerator shoes or a foot press aerator, a fork-like tool that removes thin plugs of soil as you push it into the soil. Maybe you can convince your kids that it’s a new kind of pogo stick.... Renovate If you have some troublesome patches here and there in your lawn, now’s the time to overseed. Begin by mowing the areas as closely as possible, then raking up the clippings. Create a more receptive surface by scratching the soil with metal garden rake, then sow seed at twice the recommended amount. Apply a thin layer of topsoil or fine mulch, then water daily until germination. When choosing grass seed, assess the conditions (e.g., sunlight, usage, etc.) and the level of maintenance you want to invest, then visit a reputable garden center for their recommendations. Using seed mixes rather than a monoculture will increase lawn diversity and, with it, resiliency. Blends of cool season plants such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial rye and fescues tend to work well in the northeast; another option is a “low-grow” mix of mounding fescues to minimize mowing. Consider seed of endophyte-enhanced grasses. These grasses have a symbiotic relationship with an indwelling fungus, and tend to be more vigorous, drought tolerant, insect and disease resistant (one precaution: do not use endophyte-enhanced grasses where farm animals will graze, as they can become ill). Fertilize Every time you cut your grass, you remove a portion of its photosynthesizing system, limiting its ability to produce its own nutrients. Leave clippings on the lawn, allowing them to return nutrients to the soil as they break down. Additionally, a bi-annual application of an organic fertilizer – once in fall, then again in spring – will give your lawn the boost it needs to stay greener and more resilient. Dr. Earth’s Lawn Fertilizer contains micorrhizae to enhance the absorption of nutrients; Organica’s Lawn Booster includes beneficial microbes to improve soil biology and corn gluten, which offers slow release nitrogen and inhibits crabgrass germination in the spring (do not apply corn gluten to areas that have been reseeded with grass until after the seed has germinated).

Perfect pH The pH of soil – a measure of its acidity or alkalinity – affects the availability of nutrients for the plants grown in it. For turf, the ideal pH is 6.8. Test soil using a purchased kit, or bring a sample to your county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension for more detailed analysis, then amend accordingly. If ph is too low, adding lime will make the proper adjustment; if too high, you can increase acidity by adding sulfur. Turf Wars Your best defense against pests and weeds is a robust lawn; yet, despite your best efforts, problems will emerge. First of all – relax. A bit of crabgrass or a few brown patches shouldn’t lower your property value, or your self-esteem. Remove weeds manually, or spot treat with an organic solution. St. Gabriel Organics’ Burn Out II employs the caustic qualities of citric acid and clove oil to kill unwanted vegetation, while Pharm Solutions Organic Weed Killer uses food-grade cinnamon and rosemary oils. Be aware that these and other defoliants don’t know a dandelion from a delphinium, so be sure the spray comes in contact only with plants you want to eradicate. The grubs that will emerge as next year’s Japanese beetles are already chomping away underground, severing grass plants from their root systems. They, in turn, attract predators such as voles and skunks in search of – well, some grub, who in the process of foraging will do their own damage to your lawn. Treat your lawn now with milky spore (a naturally occurring bacterium) or beneficial nematodes (which parasitize the grubs) to build up reserve forces in your fight against the pests. One more time... With the weather moderating, you can lower your mower blades; about 2” is an appropriate height. End-of-season sales make it a good time to invest in a new mower; try a gas-free rechargeable, or better yet, go totally “green” with a manual mower. Less is More Perhaps the most important thing to do when it comes to your lawn is decide how much you really need. “Lawn care can be the most labor and energy intensive of any gardening activity,” says Lazar. Consider letting your woodland edges naturalize, or replace turf with a walkable groundcover such as thyme. Carve out portions of lawn for beds of lowmaintenance ornamental grasses, flowering shrubs or edibles. Bluegrass or blueberries? You be the judge....

Luanne Panarotti fills her days with work at The Phantom Gardener, preaching at area churches, mothering, cat wrangling, and cryptic crosswords.

September Happenings Friday September 17

Saturday, September 18

Deaf Awareness Movie Night

Sleuth Pro presents

6:30 pm

8:00 pm


Presented by the Deaf Advisory Group

Universal Signs

(Sense the Life Around You)

An evening of poetry & Spoken Word

Open captioned for the hearing. Light refreshments available for sale. Donations greatly appreciated. RSVP required by Sept 14.

Janine Simon and featuring Shara Bender, Marline A. Martin and Michelle Jackson For tickets call 845-224-3461 or email

September 24 - 26 Trinity Players presents

Death of a Salesman Widely considered by many critics and scholars to be the greatest American drama yet written, Henry Miller’s harrowing account of a common man’s self destruction at the hands of his own unyielding dream of achieving greatness is a poetic tragedy of epic proportions that remains as relevantly poignant as anything written in our lifetimes.

Friday & Saturday 8 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m For tickets call 845-227-7855 or go to For more information about events and audtionsions call 845-486-4571



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9 & 12 Vassar Street • Poughkeepsie, NY • 845-486-4571



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Full Service Events Catering for All Occasions Gigi Hudson Valley provides complete catering, excellent food with top-notch service at your home or the location of your choice. Menus can be customized to your preference and desired price range.Hors D’Oeuvres --Entrees --Side Dishes, Pies, Baked Goods, Custom Cakes and Elegant Desserts *Pick-up can be organized at Gigi Trattoria or Gigi Market;

Drop-off available for orders over $100

Mercantile September 2010

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join us in Germantown for our

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Another reason,

Farm. Fresh. Food. Columbia County cradles the secret to delicious food — local farms and farm-fresh foods of every kind. Foodies and gourmands from all over come for our many country and farm markets, as well as our many community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms, including Roxbury Farm, one of the largest in the nation. You can enjoy a great meal, with everything from gourmet dining to rustic country diners. And while you’re here, take in the arts and cultural offerings, seasonal festivals, historical sites, antiques shopping and great outdoor activities. Come visit Columbia County. You’ll never know where you’ll find yourself.

Free Visitor’s & Dining Guide at

Mercantile September 2010

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transitional Albert Shahinian Fine Art Gallery @ Prudential/SERLS


6384 Mill Street (Rte. 9), Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Through September 30: “The Luminous Landscape,” 13th Annual Invitational Exhibition. Featured artists are: Eline Barclay, Cindy Dill, Yale Epstein, Gary E. Fifer, Arnold Levine, Christie Scheele and Robert Trondsen. Hours: Call for hours. Information: 845.505.6040;

Albert Shahinian Fine Art Upstairs Galleries

22 East Market Street, Suite 301-303, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Through September 30: “12th Anniversary Exhibition” including work by Kim Alderman, Leslie Bender, Frank Cannas, Margaret Crenson, David Eddy, Norman Ernsting, Connie Fiedler, Chris Metze, Olga Poloukhine and Madeleine Segall-Marx, among others. Hours: Thurs.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m., and by appointment or chance. Information: 845.505.6040

Barrett Art Center

55 Noxon St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Through October 9: “Historic Woodcut Prints of the 1930s” by artist Roger Buck. Born in Paris in 1901, Buck was a prolific European artist well-versed in the visual arts, but his true love was printmaking, especially the delicate art of wood engraving. The beautiful woodcuts included in this show first appeared in Mr. Buck’s first gallery show in New York City at the legendary Montross Gallery in March of 1934. Hours: Fri., Sat., & Sun., 1-4 p.m., and by appointment Tues. & Wed. Information: 845.471.0407;;

‘Em’ painting by David Diezmian. On display at Marion Royael Gallery’s Best Works show.

Barrett Clay Works

485 Main St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Through October: “National Cup Show,” annual juried ceramic show. Opening Reception: Saturday, September 18, 4-6 p.m. Hours: Fri., Sat., & Sun., 1-4 p.m., and by appointment Tues. & Wed. Information: 845.471.0407;;

BAU Gallery

161 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 September 11-October 3: “bau 69: Tom Holmes - The Bullet Show” a seminal event featuring 20 new works by Tom Holmes. Opening: Saturday, September 11, 6-9 p.m. Hours: Sat. & Sun., noon-6 p.m., or by appointment Information: 845.222.0177;

The Beacon Institute

199 Main St., Beacon, NY, 12508 Through October 3: “Water, Water, Every Where,” Hudson River region artists explore the ubiquity of water. Featuring work by Joel Adas, Peter Brauch, Erica Hauser, Laura Moriarty, Richard Sigmund, and Shawn Snow. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., noon-5 p.m.; 2nd Saturdays, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Information: 845.838.1600;;

Betsy Jacaruso Studio & Gallery

The Chocolate Factory, 54 Elizabeth St., Red Hook, NY 12571 Ongoing: “Botanicals. Landscapes and Still Lifes in Watercolor” by continued on page 11 g Betsy Jacaruso.

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Bells on Broadway Arts & Crafts Show and Children’s Holiday Festival

Saturday, December 4 (10 am-4 pm) The Green Room & Ritz Theater Lobby 107 Broadway, Newburgh VENDORS NEEDED (845) 562-6940 ext. 110


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Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 9 i

Through October 2: “West Wall,” works by Cross River Fine Artists. Hours: Wed.-Sat., noon-5 p.m.; Sun., noon-4 p.m.; and by appointment or chance. Information: 845.758.9244;

CCS Bard Galleries

Bard College, River Rd., Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Through Sept. 26: “Philippe Parreno,” part of a series of retrospectives taking place from 2009-2010 at Kunsthalle Zurich, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, and the Serpentine Gallery in London. Philippe Parreno at CCS Bard is curated by Maria Lind. Information: 845.758.7598;

CCS Bard Hessel Museum of Art

Bard College, River Rd., Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Through December 19: “At Home/Not at Home: Works from the Collection of Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg.” The Eisenbergs have been collecting contemporary art for over 25 years. Their collection features major works by artists including Kai Althoff, Jeremy Deller, Peter Doig, David Hammons, Mary Heilmann, Elizabeth Peyton, and Rirkrit Tiravanija. Curated by White Columns director and CCS Bard faculty member Matthew Higgs, At Home / Not at Home will present an extensive selection of works from one of New York’s most extraordinary private collections, on public view for the first time. Information: 845.758.7598;

Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center

9 & 12 Vassar Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Through September 27, 9 Vassar: Exhibit of finished artwork from the artists who participated in the Dutchess County Fair 2010 Paint-Out/ Photo Shoot. Through October, 12 Vassar: David Rocco Photo Exhibit. Hours: Call for hours. Information: 845.486.4571;


Riggio Galleries, 3 Beekman Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Permanent Collection: Dia:Beacon is a museum for the Dia Art Foundation’s renowned collection of art from the 1960’s to the present. In addition to the permanent collection, Dia Art Foundation is currently exhibiting: Through January 9, 2011: Zoe Leonard: “You see I am here after all.” New York based artist Zoe Leonard presents an installation of several hundred postcards of Niagara Falls. Ongoing: “Drawing Series...” Sol LeWitt. Dia’s presentation of wall drawings b Sol LeWitt from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s was selected by the artist himself. Ongoing: “24 Farben – fur Blinky (24 Colors – for Blinky), 1977,” Imi Knoebel’s cycle of 21 shaped paintings. Ongoing: “Beacon Point,” George Trakas’ project for Beacon Point. Tickets: $10; $7 seniors and students; under 12 free Hours: Thurs.-Mon., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Information: 845.440.0100;

Electric Windows

510 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Ongoing: Art installation on the exterior of a 19th century factory building. The installation - large painted canvases created on site “live” during the July 31 opening event - were created by 27 street artists, including: Avic Tchernichovski, Big Foot, Buxtonia, Cern, Chris Stain,

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Chris Yormick, Depoe, Elbow Toe, Elia Gurna, Ellis G, Erik Otto, Eugene Good, Faust, Gaia, Joe Iurato, Mr Kiji, Logan Hicks, Michael De Feo, PaperMonster, Peat Wollaeger, Rick Price, Riiisa Boogie, Ron English, Ryan Bubnis, Ryan Williams, Skewville, and TC. This year, two additional installation sites were added: the Viera Building on the corner of Main & North Streets; and Roundhouse on East Main. Information:


143 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Through September: “Intended Consequences: Rwandan Children born of Rape,” work by photojournalist Jonathan Torgovnik. Through September: “Black Tide,” a short film on the BP disaster in the Gulf by Christopher Morris VII. Hours: Fri.-Sun., noon-6 p.m. Information: 845.765.2199;;

Howland Cultural Center

162 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 September 25-October 31: “Humanity-Awareness-Imagination,” celebrating Hispanic-American History Month, 22 Latino-American artists show their work. Hours: Thursday-Sunday, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Information: 845.831.4988;

Hudson Beach Glass

162 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Through October 3: “Beacon Open Studios Group Kickoff Exhibition,” featuring work by every artist participating in the Beacon Open Studios event taking place September 25 & 26. Kickoff Party: Saturday, September 24, 7-10 p.m. Hours: daily, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sundays, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Information: 845.440.0068;

James W. Palmer III Gallery

College Center, Main Building, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 September 13-25: “Summer Work” students from the Vassar College Studio Art Department present their summer work. September 30-October 21: “Adventures of Volitia, London/New York” drawing installation and works on paper by Melissa Marks. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., noon-6 p.m. Information:

Locust Grove

2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Through September 26: “Photographs by Karen Capobianco.” Hours: Daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 845.454.4500;

Marion Royael Gallery

460 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Through October 3: “Best Works,” Marion Royael celebrates the spirit of contemporary art with new extravagant works created by the innovative artists represented by the gallery. The featured original works were created from a challenge to explore and surpass their own best work. Each artist tapped their own creative skills and imagination to create a new definitive work. The result is an exhibition of “Best Works” by these forward thinking artists. Hours: noon-7 p.m., Thurs.-Sun. Information: 541.301.0032;

continued on page 13 g

Mercantile September 2010

ALARMED * GATED * FRIENDLY 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 3680 Rt. 9G , Rhinebeck 845-876-7727 (across from Rhinebeck Ford) 90 Healy Blvd, Hudson 518-828-5213 (next to Shop Rite) 390 Flatbush Ave, Kingston 845-338-4050 (next to Hess Station)

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From Red Hook (Rt. 199E) to Fishkill (778 Rt. 9)

“We’ll put a shine on your car and a smile on your face.” Visit us on the web

Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 11 i

‘Plump Summer Fig’ painting by Anthony Volpe on display at Riverwinds in Beacon.

RiverWinds Gallery

Montgomery Row Second Level

6423 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Through September 28: “A Look Around,” a solo exhibit of Vindora Wixom’s work in pastels, encaustics, acrylics and oil, as well as threedimensional art, and a whole variety of textile media. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Information: 845.876.0543;

Morton Memorial Library & Community House

82 Kelly Street, Rhinecliff, NY 12574 Through September 30: “NATUReLLY,” flower photography by Paul Elfenbein. Information: 845.876.2903;

Open Space Gallery

510 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Through September: “Electric Walls,” featuring the work of the Electric Windows artists. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. & Sat., noon-5 p.m.; Sun., by appt. Information: 845-765-0731;

The Re-Institute

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1395 Boston Corners Road, Millerton, NY September 19-26: “Fourth Estate: Recent Editions,” a group of recently completed editions produced at the Fourth Estate, a Brooklyn, NYbased print publisher. Fourth Estate focuses on producing editioned works by emerging artists using both traditional and technologically innovative approaches to printmaking. Opening Reception: Sunday, September 19, 5-7 p.m. Hours: By appointment Information: 518.567.5359;

172 Main St., Beacon 12508 September 11-October 4: “Preserve Us,” paintings by Anthony Volpe. It’s harvest time and through the magic of colored pencils, lemons, tomatoes, and pears come alive in sensuous forms with a dash of whimsy. The artistic flair of Anthony Volpe leaves us smiling and wondering. Artists’ Reception: Saturday, September 11, 5-8 p.m. Hours: Wed.-Mon., noon-6 p.m.; Second Saturdays, until 9 p.m. Information: 845.838.2880;

RiverWinds Gallery @ Wells Fargo Advisors

6423 Montgomery St., Suite 10, 2nd Floor, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Through October 25: “Flora,” featuring a strong collection of floral images by a group of accomplished painters and photographers.. Featuring the work of: Nicholas Bouteneff, Sandy Brandman, Jean Desmostes, Michael Garland, Theresa Gooby, Alexis Lynch, Basha Maryanska, Esther McHenry, Rita Pignato, Neela Pushparaj, Mary Evelyn Whitehill and others. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; and by appt. Information: 845.838.2880;

Tivoli Artists Co-op

60 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583 Through September 19: “Interior,” themed show based on the different meanings of the word. Hours: Fri., 5-9 p.m.; Sat., 1-9 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. Information: 845.757.2667;

The Upstairs Gallery at Merritt Bookstore

57 Front Street, Millbrook, NY 12545 Through October: “Lens & Brush: The Natural Year in Photographs and Paintings,” over 50 pieces in digital and film photographs, watercolor and oil paintings by Ellen Stockdale-Wolfe. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Information: 845.677.5857;

Carrie Haddad Gallery

622 Warren St., Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 19: “Edward Avedisian: Retrospective.” The first retrospective for Avedisian since his death in 2007. Avedisian’s work can be found in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney, the Guggenheim and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. September 23-October 31: “Landscapes,” Harry Orlyk, Leigh Palmer, Thomas Locker, Laura Von Rosk, Jane Bloodgood-Abrams. From one to the next, the approach these artists take towards the landscape varies, yet all contain a very personal interpretation of the picturesque. Reception: Saturday, September 25, 6-8 p.m. Hours: Thurs.-Mon., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 518.828.1915;

Carrie Haddad Photographs

318 Warren St., Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 26: Kim McLean, Lionel Gilbert and Harry Wilks. September 30-November 7: “David Halliday: Recent Works.” Opening Reception: Saturday, October 2, 6-8 p.m. Hours: Thurs.-Mon., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 518.828.7655; continued on page 15 g


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Plachy. Plachy’s works are in the permanent collections of MOMA, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Bibliotheque Nationale. One of her photographs, “The Confrontation,” is currently featured in the MoMA exhibition: “Pictures by Women: A History of Modern Photography.” She has had one-person shows at the Whitney Museum at Philip Morris, the Queens Museum, the Minneapolis Institute of Fine Arts, and in galleries around the world. Plachy has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Lucie – WIPI Distinguished Photographer’s Award, and is the 2010 recipient of the Dr. Erich Salomon Award from the German Society for Photography honoring “lifetime achievement” in photojournalism. Hours: Thursday-Sunday, noon-6 p.m. Information: 518.697.0266;;

Coachman’s House

Olana State Historic Site, Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Through October 31: “In the Footsteps of Frederic Church: Photos by Larry Lederman.” Larry Lederman is a photographer and writer who has traveled to many of the locations Frederic Church visited. This exhibition displays photographs of a number of sites that Frederic Church painted and seek to evoke his artistic vision and explore his art. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., daily Information: 518.828.0135;

Columbia County Council on the Arts

CCCA Gallery 209 Warren St., Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 17: “AgriCulture: Scene and Herd,” celebrating nature and landscape, and life in the country. A tribute to our agricultural community. September 25-November 5: “Illustrator’s Showcase,” a show comprised of selected artwork submitted by book illustrators, fashion illustrators, cartoonists, courtroom artists and caricaturists. Opening Reception: Saturday, September 25, 5-7 p.m. Information: 518.671.6213;

Deffebach Gallery

135 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 20: “Finding Joy,” a collection of recent paintings and installations by Dawn Breeze. Hours: Call for hours. Information: 518.828.2535;;

Evelyn & Maurice Sharp Gallery

Olana State Historic Site, Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Through October: “Fern Hunting among These Picturesque Mountains: Frederic Edwin Church in Jamaica.” Gallery Tours: $6; $5 seniors & students; children 12 and under, free. Hours: Thursday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Information: 518.828.0135;

Hudson Opera House

327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 25: “Jonathan Wallen: Portraits from Rwanda,” a photography exhibition featuring portraits shot during Wallen’s travels in Rwanda. Hours: Daily, noon-5 p.m. Information: 518.822.1438;

‘Self Portrait’ by Sylvia Plachy.

John Davis Gallery

Davis Orton Gallery

114 Warren St., Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 19: “Seeing and Believing: An Experiment in Perspective,” photographs by John Chervinsky; and “Cerealism,” photographs by Ernie Button. John Chervinsky’s still lifes are presented in the manner of a science demonstration or imaginary physics experiment. In an homage to childhood and photography, Ernie Button has constructed a cereal world of landscapes and portraits that have both a magical quality and an odd sense of ‘reality’. September 23-October 17: “Apparitions,” photographs by Sylvia

362 1/2 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 September 16-October 9: Priscilla Derven, painting; Foon Sham, Sculpture Garden; John Ready, installation; Holly Huges, painting & ceramics; Ben La Rocca, painting; Deirdre Swords, painting & sculpture. Reception: Saturday, September 18, 6-8 p.m. Hours: Thurs.-Mon., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 518.828.5907;

Nicole Fiacco Gallery

336 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 September 18-October 16: “Ken Polinskie: Nothing to Fear.” Hours: Tues-Sat., noon-6 p.m.; and by appointment Information: 518.828.5090;

Omi International Arts Center

Charles B. Beneson Visitors Center Gallery & Fields Sculpture Park, 1405 County Route 22, Ghent, NY 12075 Ongoing, The Fields Sculpture Park, during daylight hours: Approximately 400 acres of farmland of which 100 acres are dotted with internationally recognized contemporary sculpture. The Fields’

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Mercantile September 2010

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g e r m a n tt r i coe n tw n ennial October 1-3 & 8-10, 2010

300th Right on Schedule!

Local artists Julia Aneshansley, Dea Archbold, Marie Cole, Kurt Holsapple and Helen Sacco will display sculptures, stained glass, and paintings which reflect Palatine history and Germantown scenes.

Germantown will open its special 300th

Anniversary Palatine Information Center on Saturday September 25th, the weekend before the Celebration itself begins on October 1st. The Information Center will be housed in ArtSpace, on Main Street in the town center, where the town’s Economic Development Committee, chaired by Corinne Curry, hosts art shows and other events. Half of the space will be devoted to Palatine Heritage and Tourism Information; The Hover Collection of extraordinary historic memorabilia, clothing, quilts, furnishings and books, will take prominent place. Germantown 300th Anniversary commemorative merchandise will be available, with a wide selection of colorful ball-caps, Tee-shirts, golf shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, posters, buttons and fridge-magnets for sale. Two newly re-published books, “History of 18th Century Germantown” by Walter V. Miller, and “Early Life in Germantown” by Virginia Miller Sherwood, will also be on sale. Free information will include flyers and pamphlets on the 300th Anniversary Celebration, including an information pamphlet on the self-guided Palatine Driving Tour. Visitors will also find programs for the October 2-3 Palatine Heritage Weekend events -- the Palatine History Seminar (Saturday October 2nd from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the Germantown Church on Church Avenue), the Palatine Monument Dedication (4-5 p.m. at The Parsonage on Maple Avenue) and the free Palatine Gala Concert (Sunday October 3rd at 3 p.m. at the Germantown Reformed Church). Registration forms for the Palatine History Seminar ($35 with luncheon or $25 without) will also be available on September 25-26 at the Information Center.

So far, registrations for the Palatine History Seminar have come from 11 U.S. states and Canada. Columbia County Tourism’s free guides with lodging, event, restaurant, arts and other information and maps, will give visitors all they need to enjoy some of the rest of the County while they’re here. So far, registrations for the Palatine History Seminar have come from 11 U.S. states and Canada. The other half of Information Center space is devoted to contemporary subjects: the work of local artists, information on local businesses, and a viewing area where a smaller version of the Palatine Projection, to be shown at the Oktoberfest on a 900 square foot space, and a loop of Germantown seniors’ oral histories, also shown at the Germantown Library. Local artists Julia Aneshansley, Dea Archbold, Marie Cole, Kurt Holsapple and Helen Sacco will display sculptures, stained glass, and paintings which reflect Palatine history and Germantown scenes.

The work of another group of local artists, students from Germantown Central School, will also be exhibited. The Germantown Economic Development Committee will offer tee-shirts, mugs, and other items for sale. There will be business cards, flyers, and brochures from local businesses. It is hoped that the newly-refurbished Central House may have its visitors’ bedrooms open in time for the 300th Anniversary Celebration. On Friday October 1st at 7 p.m., an original play written by Mary Howell, Columbia County Historian, will be performed by Germantown Central School students. Adrienne Westmore, the professional costume designer whose work has been seen at Hudson’s Stageworks and other performing arts centers, has created original Palatine costumes for the young actors. Visit for further information on the Germantown 300th Anniversary Celebration. Palatine History Seminar registration forms are available on the website and at The Parsonage, Maple Avenue, which opens at 9 am on Saturdays. Or telephone 518537-6687 ext. 308.


Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 15 i

mission is to expand the experience of what contemporary art viewed in a natural environment can be. Information: 518.392.4747;


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Second Saturday Beacon

Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, September 11, noon-9 p.m.: City-wide arts celebration with gallery openings, food, antique stores and shopping, historic sites and entertainment. Information:

506 1/2 Warren St., Hudson, NY 12534 Through September 29: “History Repeating II” jewelry by Petra Zimmerman. Information: 518.671.6770;; http://

Park Row Gallery

2 Park Row, Chatham, NY 12037 Through October 2: “Embracing Tension: New Paintings by Steven Perkins.” Among a generation of abstract and conceptual painters, Perkins has pursued the landscape, primarily of Maine and the American northeast, as his signature subject. Deeply influenced by the Hudson River school of painters, such as Bierstadt and Church, Perkins rejects the implicit grandeur of their work, embracing pure realism, a discipline that strives to reveal meaning without mythologizing. Hours: daily, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Information: 518.392.4800;

Solaqua: Power & Art Campus

Roxbury Farm Produce to Market by Helen Sacco. Oil on canvas 24 x 24

343 Route 295, Chatham, NY 12037 Ongoing: Sculptures by internationally renowned eco-artist Aligna. Seeing far beyond the present dilapidation prior to redevelopment, Aligna found magic in the old Solaqua mill. He manifested, from indigenous junk, a huge crop of bold blooms, bursting forth from the decrepitude and multiplying by day, to glow with solar memory at night, and so awaken our new visions for tomorrow. Information: 518-392-8191;;

Art on Sundays Open Studio

Spencertown Academy Arts Center

Third Saturday: Art in Rhinebeck

790 Route 203, Spencertown, NY 12017 Through September: “Abelardo Morell - Photographs.” a special gallery exhibition featuring the work of internationally recognized photographer Abelardo Morell. On loan from Bonnie Benrubi Gallery in New York and curated by Gwenn Mayers, the exhibition is a representation of Morell’s “A Book of Books,” a collection of photographs touted “a visual tribute to the written word” and is a special part of this year’s Festival of Books. Hours: Thurs.-Sun., 1-5 p.m. Information: 518.392-3693;

Workshops & Special Events ARTlandish!

Olana State Historic Site, Wagon House Education Center/Farm Complex, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Sundays, 1-4 p.m.: Create art in the landscape-not such an outlandish idea! Frederic Church sketched outside noting details in nature and went back to the studio to paint. Drop-in for sketch paper, pencils and clipboards. Head out into Olana’s picturesque landscape to sketch your very own view. Come back to the “studio” to use colored pencils, oil pastels and watercolors to finish your artwork. Fee: Free, $5 vehicle use fee applies. Information: 518.828.1872 x 109;

Dove Cottage, 1185 Woods Road, Germantown, NY 12526 Sunday, September 12, noon-4 p.m.: “Harvest Bounty” opening featuring the work of 11 artists: Basha Maryanska, Barbara Frankewitz, Mira Satryan, Maribeth Tuton, Helen Sacco, Judith Pedatella, Inga Lincoln, Julie Carino, Mike Bufi, Vallerie White and Jeanne Heiberg. Lively colorful art the whet your appetite for the fall season. Information: 518.755.9904;

Montgomery & Market Streets, Village of Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, September 18 noon-9 p.m.: Village-wide celebration of the arts featuring gallery openings, author readings, performance and music. Information: 845.876.5904; rhinebeck;

Third Saturday Art Opening: Franck de Las Mercedes

ZenDog Cafe, 6367 Mill St., Village of Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, September 18 5-8 p.m.: Franck de Las Mercedes has emerged as one of the country’s most prolific visual artists in recent years. From his provocative portraits to his large scale abstract paintings, de Las Mercedes’ work has been described as symbolic, vibrant, colorful, explosive and sometimes disturbing. ZenDog tapas will be served. Space is limited, RSVP requested. Information: 845.516.4501;

Life Drawing

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Sundays, Sept. 19-Nov. 28, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Allows artists to work independently in a disciplined environment; no instructor or specific method followed. Fee: $10 per session Information: 518.822.1438;

Mercantile September 2010 Barrett Artist’s Salon

The Fountains at Millbrook, 79 Flint Rd., Millbrook, NY Thursday, September 23, 3-4 p.m.: Artist salon featuring Christine Owen. This monthly series of informal presentations by the region’s leading artists, art historians, writers, critics and arts managers are free and open to the public. Call to reserve a space. Information: 845.605.4673;

Take It Home Tonight Art Auction

Starr Library Lower Level, 68 W. Market St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Friday, September 24, 7-9 p.m.: Opening Reception and silent auction includes a one-night only offering of work by well-known local artists Marj Wheeler and Howard Knots. Winners will “take it home tonight.” Other pieces by outstanding local artists will be offered in a silent auction that continues throughout the week, closing on 10/3. Information: 845.876.4030;

Betsy Jacaruso Studio & Gallery Cash & Carry Event

The Chocolate Factory, 54 Elizabeth St., Red Hook, NY 12571 Saturday, September 25, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: Special “cash & carry” sale during Hardscrabble Day. Information: 845.758.9244;

Uniquely Creative Community Party

Zen Dog Cafe, 6367 Mill St., Village of Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, September 25, 5-8 p.m.: Fundraising event for the 2010 Sinterklas Rhinebeck event. Live jazz music, hors d’oeuvres from Zen Dog’s chef, a cash bar and live auction. Participant are asked to bring 5 clean plastic bottles of any size or color to add to the Community Star sculpture that will be created live at the party by Michael Lalicki and a team of local artists. Reservations required. Information:;

Gallery Talk at Dia:Beacon

Riggio Galleries, 3 Beekman St., Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, September 25, 2 p.m.: Jenelle Porter on Agnes Martin. Jenelle Porter is curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia. Tickets: Free with museum admission; reservations recommended. Information: 845.440.0100;

Beacon Open Studios

Headquarters, Hudson Beach Glass, 160 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday & Sunday, September 25 & 26, noon-6 p.m.: City-wide art event connecting local artists and their studios to the public. Visitors and art enthusiasts have total viewing access to workspaces where artists display past, current and artworks in progress. Visitors to this event can pick up a free map for self-guided tours of the 70 artists’ studios that will be open. Many of Beacon’s artists have shown nationally and internationally, some have their works in the permanent collections of respected art institutions. For other participating artists it may be their first time showing in any public situation. Tickets: Free! Information:

Art on Sundays Open Studio

Dove Cottage, 1185 Woods Road, Germantown, NY 12526 Sunday, September 26, noon-4 p.m.: “Harvest Bounty” closing featuring the work of 11 artists: Basha Maryanska, Barbara Frankewitz, Mira Satryan, Maribeth Tuton, Helen Sacco, Judith Pedatella, Inga Lincoln, Julie Carino, Mike Bufi, Vallerie White and Jeanne Heiberg. Lively colorful art the whet your appetite for the fall season. Information: 518.755.9904;

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Crafts at Rhinebeck Fall Festival

Dutchess County Fairgrounds, 6550 Spring Brook Ave., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat. & Sun., Oct. 2 & 3, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: For more than 35 years, hundreds of creative artisans have traveled across American to participate in the renowned Crafts at Rhinebeck. The show features handmade jewelry, glass, woodwork, clothing, sculpture, ceramics, fine art and more in a full range of prices and styles. Don’t forget that the fall show incorporates a family festival with children’s activities, a petting zoo and of course the spectacular fall foliage! Tickets: $7; purchase online and get 2 for $10.50; under 12, free. Information:

Paint Out Olana

Olana State Historic Site, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY Sunday, October 3, noon-4 p.m.: Artists of all levels are invited to paint, sketch and photograph the landscape. Register by September 18th to be included in the Artist Directory, or just drop in (vehicle use fee waived for registered artists). Information: 518.392.0135;

Conversations at Dia:Beacon

Riggio Galleries, 3 Beekman St., Beacon, NY 12508 Sunday, October 3, 2 p.m.: Franz Erhard Walther in conversation with Yasmil Raymond. Conversations at Dia:Beacon is a series of conversations with artists and other members of the art community. These conversations create a unique forum in which an open dialogue will be created. Tickets: Free with museum admission; reservations recommended. Information: 845.440.0100;

ArtsWalk 2010

Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12523 & Main Street, Chatham, NY Friday-Monday, October 8-11: The ArtsWalk festival celebrates 15 years of the diverse art found in this remarkable county. It is an event for people who are curious, inspired by and perhaps passionate about the arts. Check the website for complete listing of events. Information:

Second Saturday Beacon

Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, October 9, noon-9 p.m.: City-wide arts celebration with gallery openings, food, antique stores and shopping, historic sites and entertainment. Information:

Hudson Opera House

327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Saturday, October 9, 6:30-9 p.m.: “Faunal Respirations,” installation/ performance by Ryder Cooley. Ryder Cooley will create a phantasmal world inhabited by drawings, animals, sounds, props and projections in the 2nd floor theater at HOH. An ambient performance with live music on singing saw, accordion, voice and ukelele. Visitor can arrive and depart at any point during this performance. This will be the third installation designed by Ryder for the historic 2nd floor theater of the Hudson Opera House. Ryder Cooley is an inter-discliplinary artist, musician and performer. Weaving together chimeric images with found props and forgotten objects, she creates cinematic performances and installation spaces. Currently she is based in Hudson, NY and plays in the band Fall Harbor. This performance is part of ArtsWalk 2010. Information: 518.822.1438;

Mercantile September 2010

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cleaning up for fall?


Friday-Sunday, September 17-19


long with mulching the garden, pulling out your warmer clothing, and putting up storm windows this season, there’s one other thing you can do: Clean out the part of your house, apartment or garage that is cluttered with old electronic equipment. Doesn’t seem like a change-of-season activity? Well, you can (and should) make it one. And, on September 17, 18 and 19, it will be simple for you to properly dispose of all those old computer monitors, towers, fax machines, stereos, TV, cell phones, etc. How? Take your old electronics to the great E-waste Take-Back Weekend at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds. There, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. all three days, the Fairgrounds, in partnership with Advanced Recovery, Inc., will take as much e-waste as you can cram into your vehicle and recycle it for you, safely and professionally for only $10 per carload. Individuals need no appointment: Just roll in, pop the locks, pay your ten bucks and Advanced Recovery will unload your vehicle for you. If yours is a business, school or non-profit organization, NY State law requires that you make an appointment (for details, see the info in the box below). This is the fourth E-Waste Take-Back Weekend to be held at the Fairgrounds in two years. In 2009, folks from all over the Hudson Valley came to the Fairgrounds to turn in over 70 tons (yes, TONS) of their spent electronics for recycling. This year’s goal: Top that tonnage. Why should you tote in your too-old, ready-to-be-discarded electronic items for recycling? Well, aside from the obvious opportunity to free up space in your basement, garage, spare room or attic, you’ll keep a lot of bad actors out of human and animal bodies, and the environment. E-Waste is chock full of toxins. Computers, televisions, and other electronic devices are made with substances that, once released into the environment are toxic to humans, plants and animals. Did you know that the “average” computer may contain up to 1,000 toxins? These include mercury, lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium – all known carcinogens – that also can cause damage to your and your kids’ nervous systems, kidneys and brain, as well as cause birth defects. Another hazard from these substances is that most of them bioaccumulate – that means they don’t disappear from the environment; rather, they persist out there, and move up the food chain, until they get to…yes, us. According to the World Computer Exchange, from 1994 to 2003, disposal of personal computers alone left 718,000 tons of lead, 287 tons of mercury, and

Dutchess County Fairgrounds What will happen to my e-waste if I bring it to the Fairgrounds’ E-Waste Take-Back Weekend? It will be properly recycled here in New York or New Jersey by Advanced Recovery, Inc. Nothing you turn in will end up offshore. Advanced Recovery, Inc., is listed on the NY Department of Environmental Conversation’s (DEC) website, and is state-certified. ( Advanced Recovery is also US Environmental Protection Agency certified and NJ Department of Environmental Protection Certified. No e-waste that goes to Advanced Recovery’s Port Jervis, NY or Newark, NJ facilities ends up offshore. All of it is either refurbished for sale in the US aftermarket, or dismantled and recycled here in the States. For further information about AR’s facilities, please call: Robert Travers at Advanced Recovery at 845.858-8809. 1,363 tons of cadmium in landfills. That means you have to dispose of your old electronics safely, not in a landfill, and NOT via a company that is known to ship e-waste overseas to be processed using less than desirable labor practices. How can you know which e-waste recycling companies and programs are reputable? Do your homework. Make sure you research any company that purports to “recycle properly.” A great place to start is the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation’s web site: http://www.dec. on selecting a reputable dismantler/recycler. Of course, the Fairgrounds’ Green Initiative has already done your homework for the E-Waste Take-Back Weekend, so you don’t have to. Bring us your tired, your poor e-waste, as much as you can fit into your car. Don’t have much to bring in? Then pool with your neighbors. The important thing is: Bring It In. Oh, and one last thing: $2 of your $10 will be donated back to the Dutchess Agricultural Society by Advanced Recovery, Inc. to go into the Society’s Agricultural Scholarship Fund. So, you’re not only helping the planet, you’re helping future agriculture and horticulture students earn their college degrees.Good for the environment, and good for kids. If that’s not a double incentive, I don’t know what is! Laurie Rich serves as the Coordinator of the Dutchess County Fairgrounds’ Green Initiative.


W HAT : A 3-day e-waste take-back program W HERE : Dutchess County Fairgrounds main parking lot (just drive in the main gate on Route 9 and follow the signs) W HEN : September 17th, 18th and 19th, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. O PEN TO : Everyone in the Hudson Valley. C OST : $10 per carload for individuals; $10 per monitor, TV and laptop for businesses. A PPOINTMENT NEEDED ? Individuals: No Appointment Necessary! Just come on over. Businesses: Appointment Needed. Call Robert Travers at Advanced Recovery at 845.858-8809 for scheduling and State-required paperwork.

W HAT YOU C AN B RING I N : Computer Monitors & Towers, Printers, Laptops, Keyboards, VCRs, Batteries, Cell Phones, Terminals, Cables, Fax Machines, Radios, Modems, CRT’s, Telephones, TVs, CPUs, Copiers, Scanners, DVD Players, Typewriters & Stereo Equipment

FOR F URTHER I NFORMATION : Contact Laurie Rich, Coordinator, Dutchess County Fairgrounds Green Initiative at, or Robert Travers, Advanced Recovery, Inc. at 845.858-8809.

Mercantile September 2010

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LIVE ON STAGE! Scene from Proof. Photo credit: Jen Kiaba Photography.


The Center for Performing Arts, Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Through September 26; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m.: David Auburn’s Proof, winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award for Best Play, tells the story of Catherine, a troubled young woman, who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death, she must deal with her own volatile emotions; the arrival of her estranged sister, Claire; and the attentions of Hal, a former student of her father’s who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks that her father left behind. Over the long weekend that follows, a burgeoning romance and the discovery of a mysterious notebook draw Catherine into the most difficult problem of all: How much of her father’s madness—or genius—will she inherit? A CENTERstage Production directed by Nicola Sheara. Tickets: $20; $18 seniors and children. Information: 845.876.3080;

Bye Bye Birdie

The Mac-Haydn Theatre, 1925 Route 203, Chatham, NY 12037 Sept. 10-12 & 17-19, check website for times: Take a trip back to the ‘50’s when a teen idol meets his biggest bobby-soxer fan for One Last Kiss before he goes into the Army. “Kids, How Lovely To Be A Woman, Lot Of Livin’ To Do.” Tickets: $26-$28; kids under 12, $12 Information: 518.392.9292;

It Had To Be You

The Theater Barn, 654 Route 20, New Lebanon, NY 12125 September 10-26, Thurs. & Fri., 8 p.m.; Sat., 5 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m.: In this delightful comedy, a kooky failed actress, health food nut and would-be playwright holds a successful

commercial director hostage in her apartment on a snowy Christmas Eve while she pitches both her play and herself. Tickets: $24; $22 matinees Information: 518.794.8989;

Bon Appetit! Theater. Opera. Chocolate.

Basilica Industria, 110 S. Front St., Hudson, NY 12534 Wed. & Thurs., Sept. 15 & 16, Sat., Sept. 18; Wed-Fri., Sept. 22-24, all shows at 8 p.m. See, hear, taste Julia Child’s arrival in France in 1948, and how she discovered her life’s passion. Featuring Lee Hoiby’s Opera, Leonard Bernstein’s recipe song cycle La Bonne Cuisine and a taste of chocolate cake from local pastry chefs! A collaboration with Walking the Dog Theater, Diamond Opera Theater/Hudson Opera House. Directed & Conceived by Benedicta Bertau of Walking the Dog Theater. Tickets: $15-25 Information: 518.755.1716;;

Saturday Night Liv

Venue TBA Friday, September 17, 6 p.m.: New dinner & show episode of variety, hilarity and music including physical comic Pat Ferri; well-known songstress Christina Dellea, celebrating her newest CD release; up-andcoming singer/songwriter Rebecca Finkle, a Taconic Hills graduate; and the show’s regular sketch comedy troupe, the Really Convincing Players and more. Ticket includes hor’deuvres, buffet dinner, dessert, coffee, and two act show. Reservations highly recommended. Tickets: $35 Information: 518.392.1500; continued on page 22 g

Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 21 i

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Tickets: $14.95 reserved; $15.95 door; students/seniors/children, $12.95 res/$13.95 door Information: 845.227/7855;;

Attached to the Rest of the World

Scene from I’ll Be Back Before Midnight. Photo submitted.

I’ll Be Back Before Midnight

County Players Falls Theatre, 2681 W. Main, Wappingers Falls, NY Fri. & Sat., September 17, 18, 24, 25, 8 p.m.; Sun., September 19, 2 p.m.: County Players opens its 53rd season with Peter Colley’s comic thriller I’ll Be Back Before Midnight. Jan has recently had a nervous breakdown, and her husband Greg, an archeologist, has rented an old farmhouse in the country where she can recover. The old farmhouse is also near an archeological dig where he can continue his studies. When George, the farmer they rent the house from, tells stories about a terrible murder that once took place in the farmhouse and the ghost that reputedly stalks the night, Jan’s imagination gets fired up. The situation gets even worse when Laura, Greg’s beautiful but manipulative sister arrives. Soon Jan finds herself tormented by strange sounds in the night, and visions of the vengeful ghost. Is she having another breakdown? Is someone trying to drive her mad? When she tries to defend herself from this apparition, events take an unexpected turn in a night of unimaginable suspense. Directed by Kevin Barnes. Tickets: $15; $12 seniors and children under 12 Information: 845.298.1491;

Saturday Night Liv

The Pond Restaurant, 711 County Route 3, Ancramdale, NY Saturday, September 18, 6 p.m.: New dinner & show episode of variety, hilarity and music - see Sept. 17 description for details. Reservations highly recommended. Tickets: $35 Information: 518.392.1500;

Sleuth Pro Presents Lyrics

Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, 12 Vassar St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Saturday, September 18, 8 p.m.: An evening of poetry and spoken work with Janine Simon and featuring Shara Bender, Marline A. Martin and Michelle Jackson. Tickets: $15 advance; $20 door; $10 seniors and students Information: 845.224.3461;;

Death of a Salesman

Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, 12 Vassar St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Fri. & Sat., Sept. 24 & 25, 8 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 26, 2 p.m.: Trinity Players presents what is widely considered to be the greatest American drama yet written, Miller’s harrowing account of a common man’s self-destruction at the hands of his own unyielding dream of achieving greatness. It is a poetic tragedy of epic proportions that remains as relevantly poignant as anything written in our lifetimes.

Olana Historic Site, Wagon House Education Center/Farm Complex, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Saturday, September 25, 6 p.m.: What is our relationship to the land? The subject for a new work by UpRiver/Downtown Dance Company explores the divide between connection to and exploitation of this earth. Reverence, boundary, protector, ownership, control, and conservation roil underneath the surface of this lush, provocative new dance work. Created on site at Olana, six core dancers weave together a community of elements that include a men and boys movement choir, crows, bicyclists, live music, and spinning parasols. Rain date: Sunday, September 26, 6 p.m. Tickets: Free of charge. Information: 518.828.0135;

Play by Play Blue Moons

Stageworks, 41 Cross St., Hudson, NY 12534 September 29-October 10, Wed. & Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m.: Stageworks’ 14th annual Play by Play Festival of New One Acts reaches out to the rare events that occur in life with six new one-of-a-kind plays. Some of our country’s best contemporary dramatists illuminate those once in a blue moon events that can change our lives forever. Tickets: $18-$29; subscriptions available Information: 518.822.9667;

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

The Center for Performing Arts, Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 October 1-17; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m.: A charming rogue contrives to serve a short sentence in an airy mental institution rather than in a prison. He leads others out of introversion, stages a revolt so that they can see the world series on television, and arranges a rollicking midnight party with liquor and chippies, which ends in a final climatic clash with the head nurse. A CENTERstage Production directed by Andy Weintraub. Tickets: $20; $18 seniors and children. Information: 845.876.3080;

Dance: VRDT First Showings

Vassar College, Kenyon Hall, Frances Daly Fergusson Dance Theater, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Friday, October 8, 8 p.m.: VRDT First Showings presents works in progress performed by the Vassar Repertory Dance Theatre, directed by John Meehan. Limited seating on a first come, first served basis. Tickets: Free Information: 845.437.7470;


Cunneen Hackett Arts Center, 12 Vassar St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Fri. & Sat., Oct. 15, 16, 22 & 23, 8 p.m.; Sun., Oct. 17 & 24, 3 p.m.: 4th Wall Productions in association with Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center presents “Frankenstein,” a new musical by Mark Baron, Jeffrey Jackson and Gary P. Cohen. Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. Tickets: $18 Information: 845.486.4571;

Mercantile September 2010

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fall warms up by Betsy Miller


at the Chili Contest

hilly weather always brings out the best in home cooking. That’s why the folks at Hudson Valley Bounty always put on their Chili Contest in early October. It’s the perfect time for wool sweaters, bright skies and a craving for something hot and soul satisfying. And that word, “hot” can be taken two ways. When you’re talking chili, they both apply. Cooks in this contest fire up their favorite recipes – from vegan chili to rattlesnake, three-bean to white chicken – with or without extra Tabasco. Last year’s top prize winner used an unexpected “secret” ingredient: coffee. It’s all part of the 4th annual Hudson Valley Bounty Chili Contest – to be held on Saturday, October 9th beginning at 12 noon. The event takes place in a tent at the Henry Hudson Riverfront Park in Hudson. It is held over Columbus Day weekend in conjunction with ArtsWalk, a celebration of local artists that draws quite a large crowd. The contest fills a perfect time slot – just late enough to allow some early morning window shopping, but not so late that it interferes with serious buying. And while art lovers are savoring their chili, they can gaze up at the Catskill peaks first immortalized by Hudson River School painter and co-founder, Frederic Church. Contest entrants can be amateurs or professionals, adults or children. And the chilies can be just as diverse. Sure there will be plenty of the beef and bean variety. But there are apt to be a few seafood chilies, some fruit chilies and maybe even a chocolate chili or two. Originality

and taste both count and the judges can be pretty picky. Actually, anyone who pays the $5 entry fee becomes a judge. Winners are determined by the “people’s choice”. Here’s how it works: each “taster” is given a dried bean upon entry, and each cook has a numbered mason jar in front of his or her crock pot. The winner of the $500 first prize is the contestant whose jar holds the most dried beans by 3:30 p.m., when the contest is over. Second and third prizes ($300 and $150 respectively) are awarded to those with a slightly reduced bean count. This year, Bounty is adding another level to the entertainment – a $100.00 prize for the best, most original table decoration. So be prepared for sombreros, serapes and maybe a few rattlesnakes! The only criterion to decorations is that they don’t block access to the table for chili tasters. For those who need to whet their whistles after all that tasting, there will be wine and beer available. And a country/ rock band, Thunder Ridge, will be wailing in the background from the nearby gazebo. Families can bring kids, too. Those under 5 can enter the chili tent for free, and entertainment is being planned specifically with young people in mind. There is no deadline for entrants. Rules, entry forms and more information are available at their website: Or by calling 518.392.9696.

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Here’s a Bright Idea... Support Your Community & Take the 10% Challenge

Red Hook pledges to reduce energy use by 10%

Come celebrate and work with us for a Sustainable Community

Enjoy HARDSCRABBLE DAY 2010... visit the booths at the main stage area for more ideas on saving money & energy Marc Molinaro

Take Red Hook’s10% Challenge

NYS Assemblyman

Ed Blundell Red Hook Deputy Mayor

more information at

Mercantile September 2010

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October 2 & 3, 2010

Our specialty is making a big difference. Every day at Northern Dutchess Hospital, we’re proud to deliver a wealth of sophisticated specialty services—the likes of which you might not expect to find in a 68-bed community hospital—to our family, friends and neighbors. And with our continued expansion of facilities and services designed with the patient in mind, we’re dedicated to improving your quality of life for decades to come. NDH has earned top ratings in the Mid-Hudson Valley for both patient recommendations and patient experience by CMS*. See for yourself how our small hospital in Rhinebeck is making a big difference. *Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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Mercantile September 2010

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Join Us For Great Golf!!!! ������������������������u�


Mercantile September 2010

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challenging inourselves challenging times

by Ed Blundell, Deputy Major, Village of Red Hook


eptember is here in Northern Dutchess County and Summer officially ends this month, but the region awaits and celebrates the arrival of Fall on the 25th with Hardscrabble Day in Red Hook. As the daylight hours shrink and temperatures cool, we are treated with brilliant fall colors. As we sense the cold Winter arriving, we begin to focus on tasks to get our homes ready for the snow and cold temperatures to come - harkening back to simpler times of harvest and preparation for Winter. People of the Northern Dutchess area are proud of their links to the past, and equally proud of community values, responsive local government, a great school system; and aware of the benefits of shopping locally for goods and services. Coupled with this is more awareness of energy costs, both personal and global. This Summer we watched the gushing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as we booked and locked in our Winter fuel prices. We seek to understand and change our energy use behavior in order to impact global climate change and directly reduce household costs. This year the Hardscrabble Committee has decided to convey a central theme over the course of the day: promoting greater energy awareness and helping residents reduce their energy consumption by 10%. This is part of a world-wide effort known as The Ten Percent Challenge (visit www. and see page 29 for details). Groups of folks from Bard College, the Town of Red Hook, the Village of Red Hook, Central Hudson Gas and Electric, Sustainable Hudson Valley and others will be kicking off a year of programs and ideas to develop and promote methods to aid in reducing consumption of energy and reducing greenhouse gas production. This year’s Hardscrabble Day sponsors include a specialty group of private companies and non-profit organizatoins directly involved in the quest for a clean energy society. They will show ways to best insulate our buildings, install solar, and handle household waste. Various groups ranging from Red Hook Village Green, Red Hook Conservation Advisory Committee, Red Hook Tree Preservation Commission, St. Margaret’s Home Commission, and Sustainable Hudson Valley will also be on hand. As an example, based on research data, this year the Village of Red Hook is taking steps to reduce its increasing electric costs and carbon footprint with a street light conversion project to move from last generation lights to smart LED lights. This year, we are honored to have an esteemed guest speaker during the Hardscrabble Day Opening Ceremony, Dr. Eban Goodstein, who recently moved to the Hudson Valley from Oregon to become Director of Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy (see his bio below). Dr. Goodstein is a nationally renowned expert on issues of climate change and clean ener-

gy policy. He will discuss how local challenge initiatives like the Ten Percent Challenge can strengthen the climate movement, as well as his national education initiatives on global warming: C2C and The National Climate Seminar. We are happy that Dr. Goodstein has agreed to participate, and to have the opportunity to officially welcome him into our community. Of course we will continue with our theme of free entertainment for parents and young kids in our Kidscrabble area near Key Bank. We will have artists at Artscrabble, local food at our food court, Revolutionary War re-enactors at the Elemendorph Inn, and our parade is at 4 p.m. The parade route travels North on Broadway right through the village center and promises to be better than ever. The headlining act this year is the world renowned Average White Band with show time at 6 p.m. on the Village center stage. The day is also designed to be accessible to all. You will see visible proof of a vibrant Red Hook at this event thanks to our sponsors. These are the local businesses that see the benefit of a strong community, and contribute to help fund the event. Please support them.

Members of the Hardscrabble Committee

And last, but certainly not least, Hardscrabble Day could never happen without the support of local leaders and the Hardscrabble Committee. Thanks to the creative and hardworking folks who meet all year to be sure that Hardscrabble Day is celebrated in Red Hook. They are: Lori SantaMaria, Karen Sipperly, Margaret Hedges, Matt Donohue, Steve Sutton, Doug Strawinski, Jen Norris, Rose Marie Zengen, Sue McCann, Julie Silverstein, and Marc Molionaro So, mark your calendars for the 25th and bring the family for a day of fun and learning.

Dr. Eban Goodstein earned his B.A. (Geology) from Williams College, and his Ph.D. (Economics) from the University of Michigan. Goodstein directs two national educational initiatives on global warming: C2C and The National Climate Seminar. In recent years, he has coordinated climate education events at over 2500 colleges, universities, high schools and other institutions across the country. Goodstein is the author of a college textbook, “Economics and the Environment”, (John Wiley and Sons: 2010) now in its sixth edition; “Fighting for Love in the Century of Extinction: How Passion and Politics Can Stop Global Warming” (University Press of New England: 2007); and

“The Trade-off Myth: Fact and Fiction about Jobs and the Environment” (Island Press: 1999). Articles by Goodstein have appeared in among other outlets, The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, Ecological Economics, and Environmental Management. His research has been featured in The New York Times, Scientific American, Time, Chemical and Engineering News, The Economist, USA Today, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. He serves on the editorial board of Sustainability: The Journal of Record, and Environment, Workplace and Employment, and is on the Steering Committee of Economics for Equity & the Environment.

Mercantile September 2010

g Ins C yc l i n

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te ad

Hey Red Hook! Su

P lan t a

t re e

pp ort lo ca l fa rms

Can you do your part for the planet and economy by yc le cutting your energy use by 10%?

Re c

D is co ve r Re ne

wa ble s

Can we get 10% of the community involved as leaders?

A new season brings a new reason to bank with US! Join US for a special Fall celebration at our Red Hook branch on Thursday, Oct. 28th! Visit for details!

You’ve got US! Member


That’s the Ten Percent Challenge!

t io n ra n sp o rt a C h a ng ing T get involved, visit

C om p SAVE THE DATE: 10/10/10 Join the Global Work Party with ten exciting local events - visit us at the Red Hook Together table on Hardscrabble Day to learn more

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Bi k e Re


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Mercantile September 2010

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10% Challenge


Red Hook Challenges itself to use less energy


he Town and Village of Red Hook have become the first local communities to adopt the innovative energy-saving campaign, the Ten Percent Challenge. Endorsed by the Town and Village boards, the campaign challenges communities, businesses, institutions and households to reduce their fossil fuels use by 10 percent and also motivate 10 percent of their citizens, employees, or social contacts to become involved. Designed and spearheaded by Sustainable Hudson Valley, the campaign is supported by partners including Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Mid-Hudson Energy $mart Communities, the Student Conservation Association’s AmeriCorps team, and the local leadership coalition Red Hook Together. The Ten Percent Challenge is a grassroots campaign calling on individuals and organizations to take simple actions that, when taken together on a large scale, make a measurable difference in energy use, environmental protection and economic security. According to Melissa Everett, PhD, Executive Director of Sustainable Hudson Valley, a regional organization that is working to speed up the shift to a low-carbon economy while promoting a high quality of life for all, “Public attitudes are changing in a good way. People realize that wasting energy is not in anyone’s best interest. But there’s a gap between attitudes and common behavior, and that gap will only be closed if we work together and nudge each other forward. This ambitious pilot project is intended to develop a model that can be replicated in other Hudson Valley communities, and potentially on a much broader scale. “The key to this campaign is participation and collaboration,” said Everett. “Central Hudson has provided seed funding for this important initiative, as well as targeting outreach for their home and business energy efficiency programs in Red Hook, making them a natural partner. Central Hudson is one of the leading utilities nationally in its support for solar energy, as well as continuously expanding its energy efficiency programs. Mid Hudson Energy $mart Communities, which educates, promotes and coordinates energy efficiency programs offered through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), is another strategic partner bringing education and financial assistance into the campaign.” Sustainable Hudson Valley has enlisted a volunteer force of 30 AmeriCorps members to educate households and businesses in Red Hook about programs and opportunities offered by

The Ten Percent Challenge is a grassroots campaign calling on individuals and organizations to take simple actions that, when taken together on a large scale, make a measurable difference in energy use, environmental protection and economic security. Central Hudson and NYSERDA to save energy, including refrigerator and air conditioner recycling, energy audits, and rebates for qualifying upgrades. On August 19, these trained volunteers visited homes and businesses, and staffed information tables in five Red Hook locations: Hannaford, IGA, Williams Express, Merritt Bookstore, CVS and the Health Food store. In addition to the AmeriCorps canvass, residents will have an opportunity to learn about the Ten Percent Challenge on Sept. 25 at the community’s popular festival, Hardscrabble Day, which will feature The Average White Band and an energy/environment exhibit area. Businesses were introduced to the initiative at the Red Hook Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Meeting on August 19, at the Red Hook Golf Club, where they had the opportunity to sign up for a free energy assessment from Central Hudson, and be introduced to NYSERDA’s rebate programs. As a result, four Red Hook businesses, including IGA, Mac’s Agway, Burnett &White Funeral Home, and the Red Hook Library all had energy audits done. Town Supervisor Sue Crane commented, “We are so proud of our forward-thinking community and the amazing volunteers who have driven this initiative forward. We all recognize this is an era when we have to work together

JO I N T H E C H A L L E N G E ! Participate in any of the following 10 actions over the next year, with a focused day of action on 10/10/2010 j BLACK GOLD: compost to save money. Visit Agway on 10/10 to build a backyard composter; learn how to compost from local Master Gardeners, or get a reduced price home composter k WALK IT OFF: Run the 10/10 half marathon or 5K; walk 1K with our Seniors & PTA l HOME-MADE EFFICIENCY: sign up for home energy rebate programs when the Hudson Valley Student Conservation Association comes knocking on your door; learn to weatherize your home from local pros m Plant a Tree: village & town tree committees will help you plant a tree in the right space to save

across geographic and political boundaries. This Ten Percent Challenge campaign moves us forward in that regard, and the expertise of our interested and committed citizens is the greatest kind of reward. We’re privileged to be part of this important and dynamic effort. Involving 10% of our residents as leaders seems daunting, but we’re up for it.” Brenda Cagle of the Red Hook Conservation Advisory Council added, “We’re very excited about the Ten Percent Challenge that Red Hook has taken! The Town has been working on energy conservation and efficiency for many years and ‘taking the Challenge’ will help get the whole community involved. Residents will learn how to reduce energy use while saving money, having fun, helping the environment, and working with their neighbors. We are a Climate Smart Community, have completed a greenhouse gas inventory, and secured grant funding for solar installations. This is the time to keep the momentum going and invite our residents to participate. It should be a great year.” Also adopted by the Town of Warwick, the Ten Percent Challenge Campaign will award a free solar hot water system to the first community that achieves a measurable 10 percent reduction goal, courtesy of EarthKind Energy. Prestige Toyota, Williams Lumber, and other area businesses are also sponsors of the campaign. For more information on Sustainable Hudson Valley and to make a commitment to the Ten Percent Challenge, visit; for information on Central Hudson’s Energy Efficiency programs, visit; and to learn more about energy efficiency programs offered through NYSERDA, visit www. 7-40% on cooling n FOOD MILES: support local farms, eat fresh healthful food; bike or walk to our farm stands and save 10% o CYCLING INSTEAD: bike swapping and repairs. Team up with a Bard student to fix your bike in time for the 10/10 bike race; outgrown yours? Come to the Town Bike Swap! p TECHNOLOGY UNLOCKED: low carbon ways to communicate. Bard and Red Hook High School students will connect with you one-on-one to show you how to skype and use webinars q CHANGING TRANSPORTATION: sign up for ride sharing through NuRide r DISCOVER RENEWABLES: local businesses will install it and the rebate is yours s PASS IT ON: clothing swishing comes to Red Hook; make-your-own community events abound.

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Compliments of


Judge Jonah Triebwasser

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Red Hook Village and Town Justice

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Mercantile September 2010

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Average White Band is widely regarded as one of the best soul and funk bands in the history of music.

not your AVERAGE

w h i t e


The Average White Band: clockwise starting front center, Onnie McIntyre - guitar, vocals; Klyde Jones - lead vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards; ‘Freddy V’ Vigdor - saxophones, keyboard, vocals; Rocky Bryant - drums, percussion; Fred Alan Gorrie - lead vocals, bass, guitar, keyboards.


enowned for the hits ‘Pick Up The Pieces’ & ‘Cut the Cake,’ Average White Band (AWB) has been performing sold-out shows around the world for the last 30 years. While their roots are Scottish, AWB performs infectiously danceable funky soul based on the sounds of Memphis, Motown and Philadelphia. On Saturday, September 25, at 6 p.m., they will take to the main stage for the annual Hardscrabble Day concert at the Village Lot. AWB is widely regarded as one of the best soul and funk bands in the history of music. Though perhaps best known for their timeless instrumental mega-hit ‘Pick Up the Pieces’ the band’s strength actually lies in their consistently accomplished song-writing, stretching across several gold selling albums and multi-grammy nominations for the legendary Atlantic Records. Somewhat incongruously, given their Scottish roots, AWB took the influences of their R&B heroes-people like Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Donny Hathaway and others-and developed their own ‘authentic’ sound which was eagerly adopted by black audiences in the U.S. and elsewhere. While a good number of cuts-‘Cut The Cake’ and ‘Let’s Go ‘Round Again’ to name but two-attracted chart action as hit singles, many other album tracks, like ‘Schoolboy Crush’ and ‘Person to Person’ became much sampled and turn-tabled ‘rare’ grooves. Many more tunes, such as ‘Cloudy’, ‘A Love Of Your Own’ and ‘Nothing You Can Do’, amongst many others, stand alongside some of the finest soul ‘album tracks’ ever recorded. The current line-up of the band-this time with noted U.S. recruits augmenting founding members Alan Gorrie and Onnie McIntyre-continues to record and tour around the world to ongoing critical and audience acclaim. All this and more is perfectly illustrated in the band’s latest release, “Times Squared,” a thirteen track live CD recorded in New York City in March 2009.

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S C H E D U L E of E V E N T S Presenting Sponsor: Rhinebeck Savings Bank Saturday, September 25

Saturday, September 25

11 AM-4 PM KIDScrabble Green Presented with major funding by: Hannaford Supermarket Key Bank Lawn, W. Market Street Try Out Toys - unique family-friendly toys Family Exhibits & Crafts from 1-2:30 PM

2 PM (subject to change) Book Signing Main Stage Area, Village Parking Lot Laura Pensiero, author of “Hudson Valley Mediterranean” and chef/owner of Gigi Trattoria in Rhinebeck, and Gigi Market in Red Hook signs copies of her new book. Local farmers will be on hand to celebrate the food of the Hudson Valley and discuss the many nutritional and environmental benefits of buying and eating local.


11 AM - 4 PM HISTORYScrabble Elmendorph Grounds, North Broadway Sheep Shearing, Wool Spinning, pie a-lamode, farm and animal exhibits.

Friday, September 24 6 PM Girls’ Soccer Game Red Hook High School 8 PM Boy’s Soccer Game Red Hook High School

Saturday, September 25 10 AM-4 PM Red Hook’s 10% Challenge Presented with major funding by Hudson Valley Clean Energy Main Stage area, Village Parking Lot Solar energy demonstration, recycling and energy awareness booths, local farmers. Take the 10% Challenge Pledge Starting at 10 AM Main Stage Music Village Parking Lot Local bands & Special Guests live music all day long 10 AM-2 PM Scrabble-Scrabble Taste Budds, West Market Street 10 AM-4 PM Thomas the Tank Engine Red Hook Public Library Paper hats, face painting, kids crafts 11 AM Special KIDScrabble Show Presented with funding by Northern Dutchess Hospital Main Stage, Village Parking Lot Tom Knight, Singer/Songwriter & Puppetter

11 AM - 5 PM ARTScrabble Restored Brick Building, West Market St. (across from Taste Budds) Local artists exhibit their work. Some of the artists will be on hand to chat with visitors about their creative processess. 11 AM - 4 PM TREEScrabble Historic Brick Building at Village Center Red Hook Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Tree Committee exhibit recycling and green concepts; educational information; wood products and furniture; activities for kids; tree raffle and more! 11 AM - 3 PM First Ulster Militia Memorial Park, North Broadway Revolutionary War Re-enactors NOON Opening Ceremony Main Stage, Village Hall Guest speaker, Eban Goodstein, Director, Bard Center for Environmental Policy


2 PM Red Hook Town Supervisor, Committee Thank You Session Brick Building on North Broadway Town Committee 4 PM HARDSCRABBLE PARADE Starts at Linden Avenue Middle School, down Philips Street, to Fraleigh Street, to Route 9 North, ending at Memorial Park. Best viewing along Broadway from Fraleigh St. to IGA 6-8 PM Average White Band Main Stage, Village Hall Don’t miss this year’s legendary Music Headliner! 7 PM Football Game Red Hook High School 8-10 PM Evening Soiree with Revolutionary War re-enactors Period music, dance, libation Elmendorph Inn North Broadway

1 PM Tree Planting St. Margaret’s Restoration 1:30 PM Meet the (New) Librarian Red Hook Public Library Erica Freudenberger, Librarian, will be on hand. See plans for new children’s area of library, and enjoy a slice of cake!

Hardscrabble Day is a village wide festival. Parking is available on side streets, Middle and High School lots. Rest room facilities for handicapped and regular use are provided at the village lot area near main stage, on Broadway and at Kidscrabble area. Handicap parking is available at Key Bank lot. Reduce your carbon footprint, please try to car pool or bike in.

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mark your calendar! upcoming Village of Red Hook events:

68 Firehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 845.876.1559 or 845.758.3601 Fax: 845.758.8002

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Mercantile September 2010



don’t drive. take the






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L: Michael Glenn and Jennifer Sauvageau from Try Out Toys; R: Tom Knight.

G et your silly hats on! KidScrabble has some f.u.n. planned for this year’s Hardscrabble Day, Saturday, September 25, 2010. Try-Out-Toys will bring their fabulous spheres, juggle sticks, hula hoops, and other instruments of fun to play with in the Key Bank Lawn. Local preschools, school organizations, and other family groups will have activity and information tables set up. And, singer, songwriter and puppeteer Tom Knight will perform on the mainstage from 11 a.m. to noon. Following is a bit about this year’s special guests. Tom Knight has been writing and performing for kids since 1988. Based in Ithaca, New York, Tom brings his portable stage and hand-made puppets to schools, libraries, theaters and festivals all throughout the Northeast. The show is a vibrant collection of original songs and skits, each 3-5 minutes long, with variety enough to keep even the very youngest children waiting to see what will happen next. While Tom sings to pre-recorded music tracks, puppets like Henry the Magician, the Little Elephant, Andy the Recycling Guy, and Allie the Alligator act out the stories of the songs. Besides the visual appeal, almost every segment has a part for the audience, including hand motions, singing along, or doing simple dance steps. Some of Tom’s favorite themes are animals, food, environmental science, and the importance of reading. With catchy melodies and playful lyrics, Knight’s songs are easy to remember, fun to sing, and often educational. His songs can be heard on his CDs, including When I Grow Up, Don’t Kiss a Codfish, Easy as Pie, The Library Boogie, and his latest: The Classroom Boogie! For more information, and color photographs, see Tom’s web page: Try Out Toys is a skill toy and entertainment company that teaches people of all ages how to play with skill toys at events and celebrations. In short, as they are fond of saying, “we play with people”. It sounds pretty simple, but talking about it further reveals a deeper truth. They seek to inspire and activate a lifelong spirit of playfulness. You see, they believe that play really can change the world. The kind of play they’re talking about is active, creative, expressive and cooperative. Play that encourages and affirms a person’s sense of being awesome. As founders Michael Glenn & Jennifer Sauvageau have been known to say: Think Less, Play More! Be sure to stop by the Key Bank lawn on Hardscrabble Day and try out Michael and Jennifer’s toys! For more information, visit their website at

Each year the Hardscrabble Parade includes the work of the Frank Campagna family from the village of Red Hook. Frank and his wife Loretta combine their talents to produce functional and attractive floats that promote the Red Hook Library. They are active members of Friends of the Red Hook Library and last year helped coordinate the Big Read. Last year Frank constructed the Gatsby Mansion and retro car that helped lead the community into the year-long library events centered around the “Great Gatsby” novel. This year Frank listened to his grandkids and decided to build a rolling, working model styled after the train in “Thomas the Tank Engine”. He searched e-bay and found a used riding lawn mower, put his skills to work and had the project finished just in time for the family fun day in Red Hook. On Hardscrabble Day, the Red Hook Library will showcase the float all day, and then it goes to work in the parade at 4 p.m. See the schedule of events on page 33 for more information on the library’s Hardscrabble Day activities, Be sure to bring your kids there, then find a spot along Broadway to see Thomas the Tank Engine in the parade. Stop by the Red Hook Post Office for Special Hardscrabble Day Cancellation Stamp

Stop in at the post office between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., on Saturday, September 25 for a special Hardscrabble Cancellation. Michael F. Docherty, a 1984 graduate of Red Hook High School, created this image for the school while a student there. It has now become a major logo for the school district. Michael works as an engineer in New Jersey and resides in Dutchess County with his wife and three sons.

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Route 9, Red Hook


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group of talented Hudson Valley artists will be featured during this year’s ARTScrabble, an artful, not-to-be-missed free event open to the public from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Hardscrabble Day, Saturday, September 25. Participating artists will display their work and celebrate the arts along with the rich rural heritage and community life in Red Hook. ARTScrabble, now in a new venue – the restored brick building on West Market Street directly across from Taste Budds – is being spearheaded by Betsy Jacaruso, a nationally acclaimed watercolor artist, instructor, and owner of Betsy Jacaruso Studio at the Chocolate Factory on Elizabeth Street in Red Hook. With support of the community, these prominent regional artists will be displaying their original artwork in a gallery-like setting. The artists and the Hardscrabble Committee are joining together to celebrate the contribution that art and the artists have made in our area. Visitors will enjoy the rare opportunity to meet and speak with some of the artists, see their work in a relaxed setting, get to know the person behind all that creativity, and even purchase

works of art at the event. Red Hook is a key ingredient in the creative process for many of these artists, and it is a community that supports the arts. The annual ARTScrabble event is just one example of Red Hook’s commitment to the Arts. It is the Hardscrabble Committee’s hope that the event will continue to grow and become synonymous with Hardscrabble Day. This year’s list (as of press time) of the ARTScrabble participating artists and their specialties are: Richard Chianella (Photographer), Claudia Engel (Painter), Maureen Gates (Photographer), Betsy Jacaruso (Painter), Roxie Johnson (Printmaker), Joan Blazis Levitt (Printmaker and Painter), Christine Livesey (Serigraphy), Kevin Palfreyman (painter), Linda Wainwright Palfreyman (Painter), Lisa Pinto (Painter), Anne Marie Uebbing (Painter), and Joel Weisbrod (Photographer).

 Images: top L, Linda Wainwright Palfreyman; top R, Kevin Palfreyman; second row L, Claudia Engel; second row middle, Joan Blazis Levitt; second row R, Betsy Jacaruso; bottom, Joel Weisbrod.

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Mercantile September 2010

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concerts The Inbetweens

e Howland Cultural Center, Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Thursday, September 16, 8 p.m.: The Inbetweens weave melodies and vamps into intricate spiderwebs of rhythm, circling each other like predators seeking the same prey. Guitarist Mike Gamble, bassist Noah Jarrett, and drummer Conor Elmes have been performing bi-monthly as a trio in NYC, and touring the northeast, Midwest, and New Orleans. As a trio, they have put out two self-released albums, and have officially released their third record, Quantum Cowboy, on Madison Wisconsin’s Layered Music. Tickets: $10 Information: 845..831.4988;

Daniel Kelly Emerge Trio

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St., Hudson, 12534 Friday, September 17, 8 p.m.: Award-winning composer and pianist Daniel Kelly is an innovative musical voice in New York City jazz and improvised music scene. His most recent CD for Brooklyn Jazz Underground Records, Emerge, features three-time Juno winner, Chris Tarry on bass and one of New York City’s most in-demand drummers, Jordan Perlson. Tickets: $15 per person Information: 518-822.1438;

Chris Lind & Johanna and the Dusty Floor

Howland Cultural Center, Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, September 18, 8 p.m.: Besides being a dazzling singersongwriter a la Jeff Buckley and Nick Drake, Beaconite Chris Lind fronts a band with touches of Coldplay and Radiohead. This year his music was featured on the TV show Smallville and this summer saw the release of his latest highly anticipated Home EP. Think of Kate Bush, Fiona Apple with a synthesizer and a touch of Sade and you have... Johanna and the Dusty Floor. Tickets: $8 Information: 845..831.4988;

Music in the Park

Abrahams Park, Park Avenue, Village of Red Hook, NY 12571 Sunday, September 19, 3 p.m.: Blue grass with Grass Fed. Final concert in the Summer Music Series. Bring the family, a chair and a light beverage. Park in the Village & walk over. Information: 845.758.1081

Vassar Music Faculty Concert

Skinner Hall of Music, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Sunday, September 19, 3 p.m.: “Impollinazione: the Cross Pollination of Italian and American Popular Song” is cabaret entertainment, sung in English and Italian, investigating the two-way influence that popular song from America had on Italian composers and vice versa. Robert Osborne, bass-baritone, and guest Richard Gordon, piano. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.437.7000;



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The Community Music Space, The Chocolate Factory, 2nd Floor, Red Hook, NY 12571 Sunday, September 19, 5:30 p.m.: A monthly Sunday Jam session. There will be a house trio, anyone who wants to come, listen, or play is welcome. Bring your axe or your ears and a beverage of choice. Tickets: Donations welcomed Information: 845.444.0608;

New York Chamber Brass

Skinner Hall of Music, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Friday, September 24, 8 p.m.: Featuring Graham Ashton & Rich Clymer, trumpets, faculty member, Peter Reit, horn, Tim Albright, trombone, and Kyle Turner, tuba. A program representing the traditions of brass chamber music from the United States and England. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.437.7000;

Professor Louie

Howland Cultural Center, Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Friday, September 24, 8 p.m.: This evening’s extra special performance will include a screening of the 1902 French black and white film ‘Trip To The Moon’ which Prof. Louie was commissioned to write a soundtrack for. The film has been named one of the 100 greatest films of the 20th century by The Village Voice, ranking in at #84. Tickets: $15 Information: 845..831.4988;

Leaf Peeper Concert Series: Baroque Concert

St. James Church, Routes 66 & 203, Chatham, NY 12037 Saturday, September 25, 7:30 p.m.: Music of France, for harpsichord, oboe and violin. With Edward and Virginia Brewer, Sanford Allen. Tickets: $20; season pass, $70; students free with accompanying adult Information: 518.325.3805

Alon Goldstein, Piano

Mount Lebanon Shaker Village & Darrow School, Darrow Rd., New Lebanon, NY 12125 Saturday, September 25, 8 p.m., doors, 7:30 p.m.: Concerts at Tannery Pond presents pianist Alon Goldstein. Program includes works by Robert Schumann, Clara Wieck-Schumann, and Brahms. Plus, actors Rober Ian Mackenzie, Markus Hirnigel, Stepanie Schmiederer read letters from Clara Schumann, Brahms and Robert Schumann. Tickets: $25-$30 Information: 888.820.1696;

Leaf Peeper Concert Series: Baroque Concert

Copake United Methodist Church, Church St., Copake, NY 12516 Saturday, September 25, 7:30 p.m.: Theme of “madness,” using songs of Henry Purcell, composers of same period. Musical performances

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by Sanford Allen and Edward Brewer, soprano Julianne Baird, plus readings. Tickets: $20; season pass, $70; students free with accompanying adult Information: 518.325.3805

Pawling Concert Series: A Far Cry

Trinity Pawling School, Gardiner Theater, Rte 22, Pawling, NY 12564 Friday, October 1, 8 p.m.: Jazz with the Rufus Reid Quintet. Featuring Rufus Reid, bass, Sumi Tonooka, piano, Tim Horner, drums, Freddie Hendricks, trumpet/flugelhorn, and Rich Perry, saxophone. Tickets: $25; $12.50 student; under 12 free. Information: 845.855.3100;

Hudson Valley Philharmonic I: Gold Medalist

Bardavon Opera House, 35 Market St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Saturday, October 2, 8 p.m.: Concert features HVP Gold Medalist with Van Cliburn Gold Medalist Nobuyuki Tsujii. Program includes works by Sain Saens, Chopin, and Chausson. Pre-concert talk with Maestro Fleischer and members of the Orchestra one hour before this performance. Tickets: Subscriptions available. Single performance tickets on sale 9/14. Information: 845.473.2072;

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during the 2009-2010 season, the American Brass Quintet has been internationally recognized as one of the premiere chamber music ensembles of our time. Tickets: $25; $5 students (under 23 and with ID); free, children under 13; series booklets available for $100 for 5 concerts Information: 845.876.2870;

Galileo’s Daughters

Skinner Hall of Music, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Friday, October 8, 8 p.m.: Galileo’s Daughters is inspired by the lives and works of astronomer Galileo Galilei, his daughter, Maria Celeste, and the musicians and scientists of their time. Their story is told in a multimedia program narrated by author, Dava Sobel, winner of the 1999 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for science and technology for Galileo’s Daughter. Sarah Pillow, soprano, Mary Anne Ballard, viola da gamba, and with guests Ronn McFarlane lute, theorbo, and Dava Sobel, narrator.Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.437.7000;

Rufus Reid Quintet

Skinner Hall of Music, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 Saturday, October 2, 8 p.m.: Jazz with the Rufus Reid Quintet. Featuring Rufus Reid, bass, Sumi Tonooka, piano, Tim Horner, drums, Freddie Hendricks, trumpet/flugelhorn, and Rich Perry, saxophone. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.437.7000;

Conservatory Sunday: Music Alive!

Richard B. Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Sunday, October 3, 3 p.m.: Joan Tower and Blair McMillen direct a dynamic mix of styles from around the world including those tinged with a flavor of klezmer, blues, latin, and American music by Piazzolla, Golijov, Tower, Schoenfield, Rzewski and Ewazen. The concert features more than 40 musicians and outstanding soloists from the Conservatory. Tickets: $20 suggested donation; minimum donation is $5. All ticket sales benefit the Conservatory’s scholarshop fund. Information: 845.758.7900;

The Boston Trio

Howland Cultural Center, Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Sunday, October 3, 4 p.m.: The Howland Chamber Music Circle presents The Boston Trio. Acclaimed for their superb sense of ensemble and wondrous balance, the Trio enjoys a devoted following in Boston and a growing reputation elsewhere. Their program will be the Beethoven “Archduke”, a trio by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, and the Dvorak “Dumky” Trio. Tickets: $30; $10 students; subscriptions available. Information: 845.297.9243;

Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society Concert: The American Brass Quintet

The Church of the Messiah, Montgomery St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, October 3, 4 p.m.; pre-concert talk at 3:30 p.m.: The Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society kicks off its 2010-2011 Concert Series with The American Brass Quintet. Celebrating its 50th year

Natalie Merchant with Hudson Valley Philharmonic

Bardavon Opera House, 35 Market St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Friday, October 8, 8 p.m.: Natalie Merchant will perform music from her newest LP, Leave Your Sleep, as well as songs from her extensive catalog. This is the first time Natalie has performed with the HVP since 1995. Over her 28-year career Natalie Merchant has earned a place among America’s most respected recording artists with a reputation for being a songwriter of quality and a captivating performer. Tickets: $100 Golden Circle; $60 Information: 845.473.2072;

The Judith Tulloch Band

Howland Cultural Center, Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, October 9, 8 p.m.: The Judith Tulloch Band performs a blend of music that is adult contemporary, jazzy, acoustic music, with a hint of world music ambiance. Tickets: $12 Information: 845.831.4988;

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Take Kids

Corn Maze

stop by the Wagon House Education Center for Art in the Barn, or borrow a backpack full of activities to do on the grounds - a family day at Olana couldn’t be more perfect! Tours are geared for families with 612 year-olds, but all ages are welcome. Reservations required by 4 p.m. the preceding Friday. Tickets: $9; $8 students and seniors; free, kids under 12. Information: 518.828.0135;

25th Birthday Bash: Neugarten Family Birth Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital

Children’s Book Signing: Lane Smith It’s a Book

222 Middle Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat. & Sun., Sept. 11-Oct. 31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m..: “Nascorn” Corn Maze. Plus, hayrides, balloon launcher, feed the animals and snack bar. Tickets: $6; kids 5-11, $4; 4 and under, free; hayrides, $2; balloon launcher, $2; feed the animals, $2. Cash only. Information:

Birth Center Lot at NDH, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Wednesday, September 15, 4-6 p.m..: The community is invited to help celebrate the Neugarten Birth Center’s 25th birthday! There will be hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, 92.1 Lite FM with music contests and more, giveaways and raffle prizes, tours of the newly renovated Birth Center, Bee Bee the Clown, face painting, crafts and more activities for kids. RSVP requested. Information: 877.729.2444;

Family Movie

Tivoli Free Library, 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583 Friday, September 17, 6:30 p.m..: A Roald Dahl classic. Contact the library for more information. Information: 845.757.3771;

Peace Bells Along the Hudson

Walkway Over the Hudson, 61 Parker Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Saturday, September 18, 8:30 a.m.: The Doug and Martha Martin Peach Bell Foundation is hosting Peace Bells Across the Hudson in recognition of International Peace Day on 9/21. Event check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. at the registration table on the West (Highland) side of the bridge. The procession will begin from both sides of the Walkway and complete at the center. Songs and bell ringing before the walk will occur in the reception area on the west end of the Walkway. Information: 845.790.6334;

Piper Cub Weekend

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, 9 Norton Rd., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, September 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Piper Cubs from throughout the Northeast will fly into Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, and be on display for the public. Tickets: $20; $15, teens & seniors; $5, ages 6-12; under 5, free. Information: 845.752.3200;;

Family Tour at Olana

Olana Historic Site, Visitor Ctr, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Saturday, September 18, 11:30 a.m.: Explore the house, its paintings and treasures from a child’s perspective. Take the family tour and then

Oblong Books & Music, 26 Main St., Millerton, NY 12546 Saturday, September 18, noon: Playful and lighthearted with a subversive twist that is signature Lane Smith, It’s a Book is a delightful manifesto on behalf of print in the digital age. This satisfying, perfectly executed picture book has something to say to readers of all stripes and all ages. Information: 518.789.3797;

Harvest Day

Martin Van Buren National Historic Site, 1013 Old Post Road, Kinderhook, NY Saturday, September 18, 1-5 p.m.: Celebrate the importance of agriculture to our eighth president, Martin Van Buren, and its continued importance to Columbia County, New York. Among this year’s events will be milking, butter making, tinsmithing, broom making, wool dying, sheep shearing, horse shoeing, live music, farm animals, story telling, free horse drawn wagon rides. Information: 518.758.9689;

Mid-Hudson Gem & Mineral Show

Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat., Sept. 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: The Mid-Hudson Gem & Mineral Society’s 40th Annual gem & mineral show & sale. This year’s theme is The Hidden Beauty of Stone. The show features over 20 dealers, wholesalers, lapidary demonstrations, a fluorescent mineral exhibit, six free rocks for kids, and several mineral exhibits. Earth science students are encouraged to complete a questionnaire based on exhibits around the room.Tickets: $5; $4 seniors; $2 students; under 12 free w/adult Information:

First Day of Autumn Hike

Olana Historic Site, Meet at Visitor Center, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Thursday, September 23, 9 a.m.: Explore carriage drives and sweeping views as you learn a little more about the Olana landscape. Families welcome! Pre-registration required by 4PM the Wednesday preceding. Dress for the weather. Tickets: Free Information: 518.828.0135;

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Brunch in the Fields at Common Ground Farm

Stonykill Environmental Ctr, Route 9D, Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m.: Join Common Ground Farm for an incredible meal featuring local ingredients and a day of fun-filled activities surrounded by the beauty of the farm. Enjoy Hudson Valley breads and cheeses, local yogurt and granola, and much more. Activities include a Toddler Camp sing-a-long, kids’ camp craft project, bar tours and more. Tickets: $15/person; $40/family (3 kids max., additional kids, $3 each. Information:

Hardscrabble Day 2010

Village of Red Hook, NY 12571 Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.: Annual community-wide event featuring street vendors, the Hardscrabble parade, live music, including this year’s headliner, The Average White Band. ScrabbleScrabble, TreeScrabble, ArtScrabble, family exhibits and crafts, revolutionary war enactors, sheep shearing demonstrations, wool spinning, farm and animal exhibits, book signings and more! See pages 27-37 of this issue for details. Information:

Children’s Book Author & Illustrator, Alan Katz & Elwood Smith

Oblong Books & Music, Montgomery Row, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, September 25, noon-1 p.m.: Booksigning with Alan Katz and Elwood Smith, author and illustrator of Stalling, a new picture book. Mom says it’s time to go to bed, but master staller Dan has other plans in mind. He’s got to visit the Nile, tame a crocodile, munch on some noodles, do a few doodles, ring a chime, solve a crime, mix leftovers till they’re slime! Information:845.876.0500;

Kids Expo

Poughkeepsie Waterfront at Waryas Park, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Sat. & Sun., Sept. 25 & 26, 10 a.m.: Children rule Poughkeepsie when Kids Expo comes to town. This huge event offers educational and fun activities for children and families. Some highlights include: Live music from local favorite, Dog on Fleas, magic shows, tons of interactive booths, the Sky Riders, petting zoo, food, and more! Tickets: $6/person Information: 845.471.0589;

One River, Many Streams Folk Festival

Spirit of Beacon Main Street and Cedar Street, Beacon, NY 12508 Sunday, September 26, 2-4 p.m.: This annual celebration of folk and traditional arts in the Mid-Hudson Valley will present the cultural riches of the region to Beacon residents and visitors. At craft stations near the corner of Main and Cedar Streets, visitors can learn about gerdany (traditional Ukrainian beading) and watch skilled practitioners do vyshyvky (traditional Ukrainian embroidery, pictured), experience kabuki face painting (dramatic Japanese face makeup), make a paper koi (carp), and make Chinese New Year ornaments using Hung Bao. On Cedar Street, stage programming will highlight traditional African drumming and dancing presented by Kofi Donkor and Sankofa, and a perennial favorite, Kuchipudi dance performed by young dancers from Kantham Chatlapalli’s Natya Niketan School of Indian Classical Dance. Information:

1931 promotional photo of Boris Karloff from The Bride of Frankenstein as Frankenstein’s monster.

Patterns in Nature

Olana Historic Site, Wagon House Education Center/Farm Complex, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Sunday, September 26, 2-4 p.m.: See how science, art, and math cross paths. Children will create rubbings, drawings, collages, and poetry. Space is limited; register by the preceding Saturday. Tickets: $10/adult Information: 518.828.1872 x 109;

Young Adult Author Extravaganza

Oblong Books & Music, Montgomery Row, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, September 26, 4 p.m.: An afternoon with three amazing YA authors: Cecil Castellucci (Rose Sees Red), Natalie Standiford (Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters), and Siobhan Vivian (Not That Kind of Girl). This event will also be the first meeting of the Hudson Valley YA Society! Information: 845.876.0500;

Theatre Arts Workshop for Teens: Theatre Improv

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Mondays, Starting September 27, 4:30-7 p.m. Carol Rusoff helps participants discover and explore their talents using treatre improvisation, ensemble exercises, and games. Seeking participants interested in all aspects of theatre production - directing, acting, singing, dancing, designing, writing, are all welcome and no previous experience is necessary - just curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm! Information: 518.822.1438;

Developmental Checkups

Tivoli Library, 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583 Tuesday, September 28, 10 a.m.: For children ages 2 months to 5 years. Call 211 to schedule your appointment. Information: 845.757.3771;;

Mercantile September 2010 Theatre Arts Workshop for Teens: Production

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Tuesdays, Starting September 28, 4:30-7 p.m.: HOH welcomes dedicated and able teens to participate in every aspect of theatre production for a December debut of a fully mounted show. No previous theatre experience is necessary, but passionate interest is. Auditions, rehearsal schedule, show to be announced and discussed at first session. Workshop led by Carol Rusoff. Information: 518.822.1438;

Frankenstein’s Fortress

86 Creamery Road, Stanfordville, NY 12581 Weekends in October, Fri. & Sat., 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Sun., 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Famed haunted theme park under the artistic direction of Wing’s Castle Creator Pete Wing and presented by Stanford Recreation. Tickets: $14; $5 children 10 and under. Information: 845.868.7782;

Tivoli Street Painting Festival

Broadway, Village of Tivoli, NY 12583 Saturday, October 2, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.: 10th Annual Tivoli Street Painting Festival. Artists of all ages are invited to register, receive free pastel chalks, be assigned an 8’ by 8’ segment of the pavement and go to work creating art for a day. Artists will be provided freshly picked fruit, water and a concert by Joe Tobin and the Acoustic Medicine Show from noon-5 p.m. This year’s festival will be memorialized in a documentary, commemorating the Festival’s first decade. Rain date, Sunday, October 3. Information:;

Steve Charney and Harry

The Center for Performing Arts, Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, October 2, 11 a.m.: Steve Charney and his dummy Harry return! Steve is a nationally known children’s entertainer, magician, ventriloquist, radio programmer, songwriter, children’s author, and recording artist. Harry, his dummy, has the ability to make kids and adults laugh is the only reason why Steve keeps him around. He prefers to be called a wooden American. Tickets: $8; $6 children Information: 845.876.3080;

17th Annual Lego Building Competition

Poughkeepsie Plaza, Route 9, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Sunday, October 3, 1-4 p.m.: Fun for the whole family, this competition is open to children ages 4-15 - all that’s needed is imagination and your own Legos. Entrants must pre-register at the Plaza office by 9/30. Prizes awarded in each of four age groups: 4-6, 7-8, 9-11 and 12-15. Entrance fee: $4.50/child Information: 845.471.4265

Glenn Curtiss Day

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, 9 Norton Rd., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, October 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: A special celebration of the wonderful aircraft of Clenn Curtiss. Check website for details. Tickets: $20; $15, teens & seniors; $5, ages 6-12; under 5, free. Information: 845.752.3200;;

Hawthorne Valley Fall Festival

Hawthorne Valley Farm, 327 County Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075 Saturday, October 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Fun on the farm for the whole family! Admission is free. Barn and creamery tours, farm fresh food

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sampling, hay mazes, hay jumps, hay slides and hay rides, children’s games and craft activities, wildlife exhibitions, music, puppet shows, and sauerkraut making workshops. Crafts demonstrations throughout the day and delicious food featuring local ingredients. Tickets: Free! Information: 518.672.7500 x 136;

Predators of the Wild with Bill Robinson

The Center for Performing Arts, Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Saturday, October 2, 11 a.m.: An exciting, interactive show that explains how birds of prey and reptiles have their own unique adaptations for survival. Learn the importance of birds and reptiles in the balance of nature, and how man has helped to restore endangered species such as the peregrine falcon. Live animals include birds of prey such as hawks, owls, vultures, and falcons as well as reptiles such as snakes and lizards.. Tickets: $8; $6 children Information: 845.876.3080;

Dalmation Day

FASNY Museum of Firefighting, 117 Harry Howard Ave., Hudson, NY 12534 Saturday, October 9, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.: This annual family-focused event featurings live dalmations, puppet shows, firehouse Bingo, Dalmationthemed craft projects and story time, museum scavenger hunt, and live children’s entertainment. Tickets: Free Information: 877.347.3687;

Trail Tales: An Interactive Scavenger Hunt & Live Performance

Locust Grove, 2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Sat.-Mon., Oct. 9-11, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; performance times at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.: Enter the magical landscape of historic carriage trails at Locust Grove and leave the ordinary world behind. Along the trails, children and their families will discover clues to a wonderful tale of historically-based mystery and adventure. Follow the Trail Tales map which will lead you to “story sites” where you will gather clues and participate in interactive games and activities. When you have collected all the clues on the trails, join us at the Museum Pavilion to uncover the whole story during a live performance, presented by Hudson Valley storyteller, Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi. At the end of the story, a token “gift” will be given to remember your day at Locust Grove and your participation in Trail Tales. Tickets: $7/person; kids under 2, free. Information: 845.454.4500;

Autumn in Austerlitz

Austerlitz Historical Society, Old Austerlitz Village, 11550 Route 22, Austerlitz, NY 12017 Sunday, October 10, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: Featuring volunteers dressed in early 1830’s costumes, antiques, live music, early American crafts, silent auction, house tours, children’s parade and entertainment many different vendors and a variety of hot and cold foods to satisfy your hunger. Tickets: $6; under 12 free. Information:

Mercantile September 2010

3rd Annual

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Mercantile September 2010

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documentaries • author events • book sales • poetry readings • book signings • writing workshops • book clubs • documentaries • author events • book sales • poetry readings • book signings • writing workshops • book clubs •documentaries • author events • book sales • poetry readings • book signings • writing workshops • book clubs • author events • documenta-

readings, signings & screenings

John Ashbery Poetry Series: Films Parlants and Cinépoèmes

Bard College, Cemter for Curatorial Studies and Art in Contemporary Culture, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Mon.-Thurs., Sept. 13-16, 1-5 p.m.: French novelisht, poet and essayist Pierre Alferi’s cinematic work will be shown, in loop. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.758.7121;

John Ashbery Poetry Series: A Conversation with Pierre Alferi

Bard College, Olin 102, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Tuesday, September 14, 5 p.m.: Professor Eric Trudel in conversation with French novelist, poet and essayist Pierre Alferi. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.758.7121;

Local Talent Tuesday: Filmmaker Seth Kramer

Tivoli Library, 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583 Tuesday, September 14, 7-9 p.m.: Local documentary film maker Seth Kramer will screen and discuss his Emmy nominated film, “The Linguists”, which was an official selection at the Sundance film festival. Two ethnographers run around the world making tapes of people speaking so-called “endangered languages.” Funny, enlightening and ultimately uplifting, “The Linguists” demonstrates how the act of recording a dying language can, ironically, bring it back to life. Information: 845.757.3771;;

John Ashbery Poetry Series: Pierre Alferi

Bard College, Weis Cinema, Bertlesmann Campus Center, Annandaleon-Hudson, NY 12504 Wednesday, September 15, 6 p.m.: French novelisht, poet and essayist Pierre Alferi will read his work in French, with Bard poets reading translations in English. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 845.758.7121;

Chef Georgia Pellegrini Introduces Food Heroes

Oblong Books & Music, 6422 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Wednesday, September 15, 7:30 p.m.: In Food Heroes, Georgia Pellegrini introduces readers to the lively stories of artisanal food devotees such as New York mushroom forager Marion Burroughs, French fig collector Francis Honore, fish missionary Jon Rowley in Washington State, and Ugo Buzzio in New York City, one of the last makers of traditional dry-cured sausages in the United States. Filled with colorful anecdotes, photographs, and recipes, this book offers an accessible introduction to the artisanal food movement, and vicarious living for armchair travelers, food lovers, and others who might wonder what it would be like to drop everything and start an olive farm, or

who yearn to make and sell their own clotted cream butter. Thirty-two fantastic recipes follow the profiles, and encourage readers to find their own local suppliers. Information: 845.876.0500;

Joan Rivers - A Piece of Work

Time and Space Limited, 434 Columbia St., Hudson, NY 12534 Thurs.-Sat., Sept. 16-18, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 26, 3:30 p.m.: This film, by Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg, takes the audience on a 12month ride with Joan Rivers in her 76th year of life. Filmed as a cinema verite documentary, the film reveals a rare glimpse of the comedic process and the toxic mixture of self-doubt and anger that often fuels it, laying bare both the struggle and thrill of living life as a groundbreaking female performer. Tickets: $7; $5 students and members Information: 518.822.8100;

Film: Universal Signs

Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, 12 Vassar St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Friday, September 17, 6:30 p.m.: Deaf Awareness Movie Night presented by the Deaf Advisory Group. “Universal Signs” is a groundbreaking “silent” film presented in mesmerizing American Sign Language with English subtitles. After the death of his fiancée’s daughter while in his care, Andrew, a deaf artist, becomes a prisoner of his own mind. Tormented day and night by memories and self-blame, Andrew falls in a downward spiral of depression and anger that alienates everyone around him. It is only through a serendipitous friendship and new love with Mary that Andrew is able to sense the life around him – forgive himself, rediscover his muse, and experience the transformative power of love. Open Captioned for the hearing. Tickets: Donations greatly appreciated. Information:;;

The Saddest Music Ever Written: The Story of Samuel Barber’s “Adagio for Strings”

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St., Hudson, 12534 Sunday, September 19, 2 p.m.: In the first book to explore Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, music and literary critic Thomas Larson tells the story of the prodigal composer and his seminal masterpiece: from its composition in 1936, when Barber was just twenty-six, to its orchestral premiere two years later, led by the great Arturo Toscanini, and its fascinating history as America’s secular hymn for grieving our dead. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 518-822.1438;

National Theatre of London Live Simulcast: Phedre

Time and Space Limited, 434 Columbia St., Hudson, NY 12534 Thurs., Sept. 23, 7 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 2, 1 p.m.: Don’t miss your chance to see an encore screening of this smash hit production. Helen Mirren continued on page 52 g

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takes the title role in this savage play by Jean Racine, translated into muscular free verse by the late Poet Laureate, Ted Hughes. Consumed by an uncontrollable passion for her young stepson and believing Theseus, her absent husband, to be dead, Phedre confesses her darkest desires and enters the world of nightmare. When Theseus returns alive and well, Phedre, fearing exposure, accuses her stepson of rape. The result is carnage. Tickets: $22 Information: 518.822.8448;

Ledig House International Writers Residency Reading & Barbeque

Art Omi International Arts Center, Visitors Center, 1405 County Route 22, Ghent, NY 12075 Friday, September 24, 5 p.m.: Hear new works by the writers participating in Omi’s Ledig House International Writers Residency. Barbeque follows. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 518-392-4747;

Retirement-Themed Author Panel

The Book Cove, 22 Charles Colman Blvd., Pawling, NY 12564 Saturday, September 25, 11 a.m.: Authors Emily Upton (In the Fullness of Time: 32 Women on Life After 50), Howard Massey and Marvin Tolkin (When I’m 64: Planning for the Best of Your Life) participate in a lively panel discussion on the retirement years. Information: 845.855.9590;

Film: Medicinal Wetlands

The North Family Granary, Mount Lebanon Shaker Village, 202 Shaker Rd., New Lebanon, NY 12125 Saturday, September 25, 2 p.m.: By popular demand, we offer again a screening of this fascinating documentary by Ted Timreck about the Shaker Swamp at the foot of Mount Lebanon and its long history as a source of medicinal plants used by Native Peoples, the Shakers, and the Tilden Pharmaceutical Company. Following the film will be a display and discussion of medical objects from the Museum’s collection. Information: 518-794.9100;

En Plein Air Creative Writing Workshop

Olana Historic Site, Wagon House Education Center/Farm Complex, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Sunday, September 26, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.: Local writer/poet Kathe Izzo will lead creative exercises ‘en plein air’ (out-of-doors) in the landscape to encourage using nature and your surroundings in your writing. For those interested in reflection, memoir writing/poetry and learning new ways to beat writer’s block - this is for you. Space is limited; register by the preceding Saturday. Tickets: $10/adult Information: 518.828.1872 x 109;

Reading with Author Peter Richmond Badasses

Oblong Books & Music, 26 Main St., Millerton, NY 12546 Saturday, September 26, 4 p.m.: A book that explores the enduring legends of Snake, Foo, Dr. Death, and John Madden’s Oakland Raiders, Badasses is the definitive biography of arguably the last team to play old-fashioned tough-guy football. Peter Richmond, co-author of the New York Times bestseller The Glory Game, offers a fascinating look at the 1970s Oakland Raiders, led by colorful greats from another era: Ken Stabler, Willie Brown, Gene Upshaw, Jim Otto, Art Shell, head coach John Madden, and owner Al Davis. Information: 518.789.3797;

Keanu Reeves is this year’s Excellencce In Acting Award recipient.

11th Annual Woodstock Film Festival

Events take place in Woodstock, Rhinebeck, Rosendale, Mt. Tremper and Kingston September 29-October 3: Annual “fiercely independent” film festival features more than 150 films, panels, performances and special events. This year features a record 60 premieres. Spotlight films include Henry’s Crime directed by Malcolm Venville and starring Keanu Reeves and Vera Farmiga; Lennon NYC, directed by Michael Epstein; and Stone, directed by John Curran and starring Robert De Niro and Edward Norton. Notable participants in this year’s festival include: Keanu Reeves, Edie Falco, Adrian Grenier, Danny Glover, Edward Burns, and many other stellar indie filmmakers. See website for full schedule. Information:

Spooky Book Signing

The Book Cove, 22 Charles Colman Blvd., Pawling, NY 12564 Thursday, October 7, 7 p.m.: Local authors Joe DeSantis (Blue Dawn Over Gettysburg: A Supernatural Tale of Union Victory) and Roxie Zwicker (Haunted Cemeteries New England) discuss the supernatural and historical - just in time for Halloween! Information: 845.855.9590;

The Met Live in HD: Das Rheingold

Bardavon Opera House, 35 Market St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Saturday, October 9, 1 p.m.: Two unparalleled artists join forces to create a groundbreaking new Ring for the Met: Maestro James Levine and director Robert Lepage. The cycle launches with Das Rheingold, the prologue to Wagner’s epic drama. “The Ring is not just a story or a series of operas, it’s a cosmos,” says Lepage, who brings cutting-edge technology and his own visionary imagination to the world’s greatest theatrical journey. Bryn Terfel sings the leading role of Wotan for the first time with the company, heading an extraordinary cast. Tickets: $23; $16 children Information: 845.473.2072;

ArtsWalk Reading Series

Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St., Hudson, 12534 Sunday, October 9, 1:30-6:30 p.m.: In collaboration with the Columbia County Council on the Arts and ArtsWalk, HOH hosts an afternoon of readings: 1:30 p.m., Mary-Beth Hughes and Louis Asekoff; 3:00 p.m., Lynne Tillman and Wayne Koestenbaum; 5:00 p.m., join Justin Spring in conversation with Brooks Peters. Tickets: Free and open to the public. Information: 518-822.1438;


Mercantile September 2010

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bright green Beacon Farmers Market

Sloop Clubhouse at the Beacon Train Station, Beacon, NY 12508 Sundays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Fresh Produce, Meats, Fresh Flowers, Bread, Cheese, Wine, Gifts, Pottery, Baked Goods, Honey, Maple Syrup, Prepared Foods, Live Music. Information: 845.597.5028;

Chatham Farmers Market

Outside at the Chatham Real Food Market Co-op, 15 Church St., Chatham, NY 12037 Fridays, through October15, 4-7 p.m.: A wonderful community event with a wide variety of fresh, local produce and other locally produced goods, great prepared foods, kids activities and live music. Information: 518.392.3353;

Clermont Country Farmers Market

1820 Route 9 @ the Old Hettlings Farm Stand, Clermont, NY 12526 Fridays through October 29, 3:30-7:30 p.m.: Local Seasonal produce & fruit, poultry, beef, pork, lamb, venison, local dairy products, artisinal cheeses, baked goods, granola, organic mushrooms, wine, pesto, fresh pasta, seasonally prepared dishes, homemade soups, savory sauces, stove top jam & jellies, salsa, pickles & pickled veggies, honey, maple syrup – native plants, lavendar, ornamental grasses, flowers – local crafters, jewelry, weaving, yarn, soap & skincare products, textiles, woodcarvers, pottery, paintings, and so much more! Information: 845.464.3598;

Hudson Farmers’ Market

6th & Columbia Street, Hudson, NY 12534 Saturdays through November 30, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Fresh, local fruits and veggies, baked bread, honey, maple syrup, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, mushroms, wine, locally-prepared foods and more. Events are planned throughout the season. Information:

Millerton Farmers Market

Main St. & Dutchess Ave., Millerton, NY 12546 Saturdays through October 30, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.: Locally grown greens, fruit and vegetables, meat, honey and maple syrup, eggs, herbs and flowers, baked goods, pickles, sauerkraut and kim-chi, yogurt and cheese, and live music almost every week! Information:

Third Thursdays at CEIE: Get Smart About Water

Center for Environmental Innovation and Education, 199 Dennings Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 Thursday, September 16, 7-9 p.m.: Join John Cronin, Director of BIRE, as he facilitates a discussion with Alexandra Dunn, Assistant Dean at Pace University, and Sharon Nunes, Ph.D., Vice President of Big Green Innovations for IBM. Hear their perspective on water management, science, policy and why building partnerships is vital for saving our rivers. Space limited; pre-registration requested. Information:

Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food

Carey Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Auditorium, 2801 Sharon Tpke., Millbrook, NY 12545 Friday, September 17, 7 p.m.: Awardwinning writer and lifelong angler Paul Greenberg discusses how large-scale commercial fishing, extensive fish farming, and questionable environmental standards have distressed aquatic ecosystems, pushing many wild fish populations to the brink of extinction. His new book, Four Fish, focuses on the relationship humans have with salmon, bass, cod, and tuna. Greenberg travels around the globe, from fjords in Norway to massive fish farms in Vietnam, to reveal the history and status of these species. Along the way he discovers that these fish are not the healthiest or the most cost-effective forms of ocean protein, and that our quest for them is unsustainable. Information: 845.677.7600 x 121;

Ecology Walk: Fall Flowers of Meadows & Forest

Hawthorne Valley Farm, Meet at Farm Store, Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075 Saturday, September 18, 2-4 p.m.: Farmscape Ecology Program leaders Conrad and Claudia Vispo take participants on a walk through the farm’s habitats and introduces their wild inhabitants. Information: 518.672.7500 x 105;

Gardening with Native Plants on a Budget

Hawthorne Valley Farm Learning Center, Creekhouse, 327 Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075 Saturday, September 18, 9 a.m.-noon: A workshop with Ruth Dufault of Bittersweet Gardens in collaboratin with Judy Sullivan of Project Native. Tickets: $15/session; $50 for entire workshop. Information: 518.672.7994;

Forest Ecology Walk on the Wappinger Creek Trail

Carey Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Meet at Gifford House parking lot, 2917 Sharon Tpke. (Route 44), Millbrook, NY 12545 Sunday, September 19, 10 a.m.-noon: Forest ecologist Dr. Charles Canham leads an interpretive forest walk on the Wappinger Creek Trail. Participants will learn how plant life reflects past land use patterns such as farming and logging, which have transformed Hudson Valley landscapes over the centuries. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes. Information: 845.677.7600 x 121;

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Beacon Institute’s Walk & Talk Series: Restorative Enviroments with Naomi Sachs

Center for Environmental Innovation and Education, 199 Dennings Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, September 25, noon-1:30 p.m.: Learn about the healing aspects of nature from Naomi Sachs, the director of the Therapeutic Landscapes Network. Space limited; pre-registration requested. Information:

Rhinebeck Farmers Market

Municipal Parking Lot, East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, September 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: This week at the Market: Willie Smith Jazz Trio; Communtiy group, Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society ( Information:; Gunther Friedmann, German Demeter Biodynamic Beekeeper.. Still from film Queen of the Sun

Rhinebeck Farmers Market

Municipal Parking Lot, East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, September 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: This week at the Market: music by Josh Tyler and the Dust Bowl Band; Community group Breast Cancer Options, an organization of survivors and their supporters ( Information:;

Sowing the Future

Hawthorne Valley Farm, 327 County Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075 Sunday, September 19, 2-4 p.m.: Hawthorne Valley and The Nature Institute invite the public to join in hand-sowing a field of winter wheat and learning about small grains and the evolution of agriculture in Columbia County. Sturdy shoes are recommended and participants are asked to bring a mug for refreshments and a hat to fill with seeds. Information: 518.672.7500 x 105;

Greenport 5K Trail Run

Greenport Conservation Area, Greenport, NY 12534 Saturday, September 25, 8 a.m. registration: Go for a run on the trails of the Greenport Conservation Area consisting of 714 acres located in the Town of Greenport. The moderately difficult trails meander through open fields, deciduous forests and dense cedar groves to catch magnificent views of the Hudson River and Catskill Mountains beyond. Information: 518.392.5252 x 214;

Farmland Cycling Tour

River Road, Red Hook, NY 12571 Saturday, September 25, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: Pedal from Poets’ Walk Park through the beautiful, rolling countryside of Dutchess and Columbia counties. Besides catching occasional glimpses of the Hudson River, you’ll pass working farms Scenic Hudson has helped to protect and farm stands offering fresh produce. After returning to the park, enjoy lunch courtesy of Gigi’s while listening to live music and enjoying fun, family-friendly activities that celebrate the season and its bounty. Even if you don’t want to ride, join us for a great time. Ride lengths from 7 to 50 miles. Bring bike, helmet and plenty of water for your ride; under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration from 8:30-9:45 a.m. Cost: $15 donation; kids under 12 are free. Information:

CinemaLux: Queen of the Sun: What are the Honey Bees Telling Us?

Time and Space Limited, 434 Columbia St., Hudson, NY 12534 Thurs., Sept. 30, 730 p.m. (Q&A with the filmmaker after the screening); Fri., Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 2, 5:30 p.m.: From Taggart Siegel the director of The Real Dirt on Farmer John comes a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis. In an alarming inquiry into the insights behind Rudolf Steiner’s 1923 prediction of Colony Collapse Disorder, Queen of the Sun examines the dire global bee crisis through the eyes of biodynamic beekeepers, scientists, farmers, and philosophers. On a pilgrimage around the world, the film unveils 10,000 years of beekeeping, highlighting how our historic and sacred relationship with bees has been lost due to highly mechanized industrial practices. Tickets: Sept. 30 screening w/filmmaker, $10; $7; $5 students Information: 518.822.8100;

Beacon Institute’s Walk & Talk Series: Raquel Rabinovich

CEIE, 199 Dennings Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, October 2, noon-1:30 p.m.: Visual artist Raquel Rabinovich discusses two ongoing series: Emergences, site-specific stone sculpture installations constructed on the shores of the Hudson River that become concealed and revealed with the rising and falling of the river tides; and River Library, a series of drawings made with sediment from various rivers from around the world. Pre-registration is required.Space limited; pre-registration requested. Information:

From the Earth Harvest Festival

Roeliff Jansen Park, 9140 Route 22, Hillsdale, NY 12529 Saturday, October 2, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.:A celebration of our rich local bounty from food to beeswax, pottery, canning, sheep, wool, plants, woodworking and basket making. Fun events and wagon rides! Information:

Rhinebeck Farmers Market

Municipal Parking Lot, East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, October 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: It’s Apple Day at the Market! In celebration there will be a Hudson Valley Apple Tasting with guide Elizabeth Ryan of Breezy Hill Orchard. Chef demos, tastings, recipes and more! Plus, music by David Temple, classical guitarist, composer and recording artist. Information:

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Our specialty is a better minimally invasive experience.

Northern Dutchess Hospital is proud to provide a full spectrum of surgical services, including traditional and cuttingedge surgical procedures. We stay ahead of the curve with state-of-the-art equipment, highly trained, experienced surgeons and surgical staff focused on your needs. The NDH experience is offered in a safe, comfortable setting distinguished by every member of our team that you will meet. Minimally invasive surgeries provided include: • Computerized total knee and total hip replacements • SILS (single incision laparoscopic surgery) • Incision free surgery for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) • ENT- balloon sinuplasty • Computer assisted, image guided sinus surgery • VNUS for varicose veins • Detection and surgical treatment of Breast Cancer • Gynecological, Urological and Abdominal surgeries • General Surgery such as hernia, gallbladder and colorectal To choose a physician and learn more about our cutting-edge technologies and procedures, many performed on an outpatient basis, please visit

To learn more about all that we can offer your family, visit

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it’s all about the light by Joel Weisbrod “Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.” ~ Desiderius Erasmus

W hen it comes to photography, it really is all about the light! The advent of point-and-shoot digital cameras has almost eliminated the need to think about the light. If, however, you are trying to improve your photographs, consider these ideas to help change your pictures into photographs. Digital Photographic Lighting - How Does it Work? Light for your photos can come in all sizes, colors, and shapes. The camera sensor or film reacts to a broad range of light colors and intensities and interprets this into the image you see as the photo. While we all realize that the white of a wedding dress is different from the white of your photo paper or the white paint on your walls, we often ignore the fact that this changes the camera’s ability to interpret colors accurately. In addition, most of us have seen the difference between flash and natural light photographs – namely the harshness of the flash lighting on our subjects. Here are some basic tips to help you use light better, resulting in better photographs. Broad vs Narrow Light Sources The broader or wider the light source, the softer the effect of the light on the subject. Wider light sources fill shadows and come from many angles avoiding the harsh textures and vivid contrast created by narrow lights. When using a flash, try to bounce it off a wall or ceiling to broaden the effect and soften the light. If you are unable to bounce the light, try diffusing it (spreading it out). Some flashes have a built-in diffuser that flips in front of the strobe. If yours does not, try a very thin white cotton sock over the strobe and this will broaden and soften the light. And remember; don’t eliminate all shadows as these give depth to your photos. Without depth, your subjects will look like cardboard cutouts. The “Color” of the Light Light has color even when we describe it as white. Photographers call this “color temperature” and while our eye/brain compensate quite nicely, the sensor or film in the camera will be affected by these differences and alter the colors in the image. Digital cameras use a setting called “white balance” to compensate for these varieties in color temperature. In most cases, the “Auto” setting for white balance will provide adequate detection and compensation for the camera to produce colors accurately. The real challenge is in mixed lighting situations such as using flash indoors in rooms with windows letting in some daylight. Without a light meter and camera that allows custom white balance settings, the camera can only guess. So, what do you do? Here are some tips on getting the most from your white balance settings: • Outdoors in natural light, use the “Auto” setting. If you are shooting a landscape on a perfectly clear day, it might appear too cool (bluish) so change to “Cloudy” to warm up the scene. If you generally like “warmer” looking photos, try the “Shade” setting for all your outdoor landscapes. • Shooting mixed light (flash and daylight or tungsten) indoors, use the “Flash” setting as this will be the predominant light. Want to warm up these shots, try the “Cloudy” setting. • Shooting mixed light (flash and fluorescent bulbs) indoors, use the “Fluorescent” setting to avoid a greenish cast on reflective surfaces. In conclusion, it really is “All About the Light”. Try different lighting and different white balance settings and find the look you like best. After all, the person to please first is you. Have any questions? Send your questions to me at

Photo taken on the “Auto” setting.

The “cloudy” setting adds warmth to outdoor sunny day pictures.

If you like warmer looking photos, try the “shade” setting for outdoor landscapes.

About the Author: Joel Weisbrod is a published author of a book on digital photography and the owner of jwArtWorks Photography in Rhinebeck. In addition to portrait, commercial, event, and other photography, Joel teaches private one-on-one photography classes and can be reached by email at

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on our way to

fall by Brian PJ Cronin photo by Kristen Cronin

I t is late August as I write this and the leaves on top of Mt. Beacon are turning red around the edges. This is what happens when you have weeks with no rain and the thermometer dips below 60 degrees. You get early fall. In August. This is not ok. Fall? What happened to summer? What happened to summer squash? Wasn’t this going to be the summer we finally grew enough summer squash to get sick of it? We grew two. Two squash. We ate them while making dinner one night. Our Facebook and Twitter streams are flooded with posts entitled “Summer Recipes!” “Now’s the time to use your bounty of garden fresh tomatoes to make cool, refreshing gazpacho!” Gazpacho. Gazpacho. It’s 56 degrees out. We just spent half an hour trying to find our jackets so that we could go outside and brush fallen leaves off of the withered and blighted tomato vines. Meet us by the bike racks after school, gazpacho, we’re going to settle this once and for all. We would love to have a bounty of tomatoes. We planted 12 tomato plants in 6 different varieties so that we could spend the summer making panzanella, tomato sandwiches, tomato casseroles, and freeze enough tomato sauce to give Mario Batali a heart attack. Instead we got a few Early Girls and Pink Bertonas the size of golf balls, enough for a mouthful of bruschetta. And then they were gone. The Black Krims, our standout tomato from last year, the one we spent all winter dreaming about, swelled and cracked and burst open without ever ripening. They went from the vines to the compost pile. At least the worms got to eat them. There’s a dark side to eating seasonally. Ideally, you are supposed to gorge yourself when something is in season and plentiful, so that

by the time the first frost rolls down the mountain you never want to see a tomato again. But if you don’t overdose, if you don’t work your way through that entire stack of summer recipes that you have been looking forward to all year, then you wake up one morning with the leaves falling off the trees and an abundance of what the Japanese call mono on aware: the awareness that time is passing you by no matter how hard you try to stop the seasons in their tracks. Summer’s over. You want summer squash? You’ll find them at the grocery store, rubbery, limp, and exhausted. Knock yourself out. The light gets softer. The air gets harder. We accept, adjust, embrace. We have no choice. Massive and impenetrable winter squash arrive at the farmers market and we fill our bags. Olive oil gives way to butter. The Halloween candy returns to stores, in-between the pregnancy tests and markeddown baseball cards. We find ourselves craving pumpkin pancakes on the weekends, even though we’re not entirely sure those are something that exists, and if they do exist, we’re not entirely sure they should. The sweaters come down from the attic, the failed cucumber trellises go down into the basement, the cover crop seeds are ordered. And we go out into the ever-increasing dark, waiting for Orion to ascend Mt. Beacon once again. wake up one morning with the leaves falling off the trees and an abundance of what the Japanese call mono on aware: the awareness that time is passing you by no matter how hard you try to stop the seasons in their tracks.

Brian PJ & Kristen Cronin live in Beacon with their cats and garden. Check out their blog A Rotisserie Chicken and 12 Padded Envelopes at and view more of their photos at

HARDSCRABBLE DAY Saturday, September 25, 2010 Village of Red Hook 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM A Red Hook Community Event ©James Gurney 1987

THANK YOU COMMUNITY SPONSORS Each year the community celebration that is Hardscrabble Day is attended by thousands of our neighbors and friends. But this important opportunity to share our Hometown pride with one another is only made possible by the generous support of business and civic leaders. To that end, we are enormously grateful to the following businesses and organizations: ��������������� ���������


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WATERTIGHT Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

Special thanks again this year to the Village of Red Hook, the Town of Red Hook, The Red Hook Central School District and the office of NYS Assemblyman Marc Molinaro,

and to our presenting sponsor Rhinebeck Savings Bank.

Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 54 i

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the gusher in the Gulf was allowed to happen. Thanks to corruption, malfeasance and the Louisiana industrial and political climate, environmental pollution seems to be simply a cost of doing business. Filmmaker Jon Bowermaster will be on hand to answer questions following the film. Space limited; pre-registration requested. Information:

Beacon Institute’s Walk & Talk Series: Salmansohn & Symmes, Birds & Botany

Still from film Sola. An egret stalking, one of 300 species of birds that depend on the basin.

Sustainable Careers Panel

Campus Center Lobby, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 Tuesday, October 5, 1-2:30 p.m.: Moderated by Director of Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy with invited panelists from Kiss My Face, Central Hudson Gas & Electric and Hudson Valley Clean Energy. Information: 845.758.7560;

Third Thursdays at CEIE: Film: SoLa

Center for Environmental Innovation and Education, 199 Dennings Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 Thursday, October 7, 7-9 p.m.: The newly released documentary “SoLa, Louisiana Water Stories” is a poignant look back at a way of life that may now be gone forever, and a prescient view at exactly how

Center for Environmental Innovation and Education, 199 Dennings Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 Saturday, October 9, noon-2 p.m.: Pete Salmansohn and Anne Symmes walk and talk their worlds of birds and botany at Denning’s Point. Pete shares his world as an environmental educator, bringing excitement to the idea of being in the right place at the right time when walking through the woods. Anne is a garden designer with a special interest in historic landscapes and native plants, having worked at Bryant Park and the Conservatory Garden in New York City as gardener and garden educator. Pre-registration is required. Space limited; pre-registration requested. Information:

Rhinebeck Farmers Market

Municipal Parking Lot, East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sunday, October 10, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: This week at the Market: music by Cathy Young; Community group Ramapo for Children (www. Information:;

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live. work. play.

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miscellaneous this & that

9/11 Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony

Hackett Hill Park, Paul Tegtmeier Memorial, Hyde Park, NY Saturday, September 11, 6 p.m.: The public is invited to join Hyde Park town officials and special guests for a candle light remembrance for all who lost their lives on that tragic day in 2001. Information: 845.229.8086

Historic Peony Sale

Locust Grove, 2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Starts Tuesday, September 14, open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Plant a Piece of History in Your Own Garden. Locust Grove’s stunning collection of peonies, planted at the turn of the 20th century, are a magnificent display each spring. Divisions of these beautiful and fragrant antique varieties can be purchased for your own garden. Plants for sale include at least three buds to ensure spring flowering. All proceeds go to support the gardens at Locust Grove. Cost: $15 per plant. Information: 845.454.4500;

Fall Yoga Series: Yoga: Mind and Body

Montgomery Street Health Annex, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Thursdays, Sept. 16-Nov. 4 (no class 9/30 or 10/21), 6-7 p.m.: Northern Dutchess Hospital is pleased to offer the community a six session “Yoga: Mind and Body” series taught by Karen Signor. Participants are asked to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and provide their own Yoga mat. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $60 Information: 845.876.7844;

Attached to the Rest of the World Company and Community Warm-up and Open Rehearsal

Olana Historic Site, Wagon House Education Center/Farm Complex, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Thursdays, September 16 & 23, 4 p.m.: Join UpRiver/Downtown Dance Company and warm up with the dancers. Awaken the body and mind for an exploration of your inner landscape. Then travel around the Farm Complex with the company and sense your connection to the outer landscape. Watch the rehearsal of the company’s upcoming sitespecific performance with greater body awareness. Information: 518.828.0135;

Croquet Tournament

Clermont State Historic Site, off Route 9G, Clermont, NY Sat. & Sun., Sept. 18 & 19, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: A light-hearted tournament on Clermont’s 100-year old croquet courts. Novice and advanced divisions. Registration required. Tickets: $20, includes lunch. Information: 518.537.4240;

Flea Market

Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat., Sept. 18, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Gigantic flea market and garage sale held indoors and out. More than 350 vendors. Food court. Tickets: Free. Information:

Orvis Cup 2010

Orvis Sandanona Shooting Grounds, Millbrook, NY 12545 Sat. & Sun., Sept. 18 & 19, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Enjoy two full days of clay shooting, game fair events; including birds of prey demonstrations, dog training exhibitions, fly casting demonstrations, and some of the finest upscale exhibitors and vendors. Tickets: Free Information: 845.677.9701;

Rhinebeck Stamp Art Show

Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat., Sept. 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: See the paper artwork of some wonderfully talented vendors using the latest and some favorite standard techniques. Tickets: $6 Information:

Dutchess County Classic Ramble Run

Robinson Lane, Wappingers Greenway, Wappingers Falls, NY Sunday, September 19, 8 a.m.: Half marathon (13.1 mi) or 5K ( 3.1 mi.) - take your choice. Course is wheelchair accessible. One-mile children’s race for family members under 16. Run, then enjoy post-race refreshments. Registration: $35, half marathon; $20, 5K; $10 kids’ race Information: 845.297.7410;;

Prostate Cancer Screening

Vassar Brothers Hospital, Dyson Center for Cancer Care, 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Sunday, September 19, 8:30 a.m.-noon: The week of September 19th is Prostate Cancer Awareness Week. The screening, in conjunction with Hudson Valley Urology, is for men at a higher risk of prostate cancer, including African Americans, men over 50 and men with a family history of prostate cancer. The free screenings consist of a PSA blood test and the digital rectal exam (DRE) and is open to men not currently being treated by a urologist or have not been screened within the past 12 months. Priority is given to men without health insurance. Registration for the free screening is required. Information: 845.483.6861;

Landscape Gardens on the Hudson, A History: The Romantic Age, the Great Estates and the Birth of American Landscape Architecture Olana Historic Site, East Lawn, 5720 Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534 Sunday, September 19, 3-5 p.m.: Join landscape architect and scholar Robert M. Toole - in celebration of his new book “Landscape Gardens on the Hudson: A History” - for a book-signing, reception and guided walk. The walk will illuminate Olana’s extraordinary designed landscape, which is highlighted in the book. The event will take place in conjunction with the launch of a month-long celebration of historic landscape gardens throughout the Hudson Valley, sponsored by the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area. Information: 518.828.0135;;

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Mercantile September 2010 continued from page 61 i

Talk on Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and Acupuncture

East Fishkill Community Library, 348 Route 376, Hopewell Junction, NY Mon., Sept. 20, 11:30 a.m.; Tues., Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m.: Detlef Wolf, licensed acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and local health practitioner, gives a free talk on the use of acupuncture and other alternative treatments for fibromyalgia and arthritis. Information: 845.221.9943;

Greek Festival

Kimisis Greek Orthodox Church, 140 South Grand Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Thurs.-Sat., Sept. 23-25, 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sun., Sept. 26, noon8 p.m.: Greek Orthodox Church hosts their annual celebration of traditional Greek food, pastries and drink, folk dancers, music, kids’ games and vendors. Tickets: Free Information: 845.452.0772

Northern Dutchess Hospital Blood Drive

NDH Cafeteria Conference Room, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Friday, September 24, 12:30-5:30 p.m.: Healthy individuals who are at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds are eligible to donate blood. Donors are eligible after 57 days from their last blood donation. Appointments can be made by calling the Volunteer Services Office. Information: 845.871.3470;

Garden of Eating Tour

Various participating farms and eateries in Albany, Columbia, Dutchess & Rensselaer Counties Sept. 24-Oct. 3 noon: Third annual, 10-day, four-county (Albany, Columbia, Dutchess and Rensselaer) farm-to-table experience that combines bountiful harvest with culinary excellence. Self-driven ‘tours’ feature delicious, creative and sustainable local food and products highlighting the best independent local farms and restaurants that Albany, Columbia, Dutchess and Rensselaer Counties have to offer. Information: 800.258.3582;;

The Fine Home Source Event

3327 Franklin Avenue, Millbrook Bandshell, Village of Millbrook, NY Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Visit over 40 exhibitors showing the very best products and services for your home. There will be traditional artisans as well as the latest in green solutions. Tickets: $2 suggested donation to benefit the Dutchess Land Conservancy. Information: 845.677.8256;

Perfect Peony Workshop

Locust Grove, 2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m.-noon: Locust Grove’s historic gardens are known for their stunning collection of peonies. In this how-to workshop lead by the site’s horticulturists, come learn how to have success with planting a piece of Locust Grove history in your own garden. Divisions of these beautiful and fragrant antique varieties are planted in the fall, and are a magnificent display each spring in late May and early June. Reservations required. Tickets: $20 Information: 845.454.4500;

Celtic Day in the Park

Staatsburgh State Historic Site, Old Post Road, Staatsburg, NY Sunday, September 26, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: The day will feature traditional activities that originated in the Celtic nations of Scotland, Ireland,

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Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, Galicia, and the Isle of Man. There will be pipe band and dance troupe performances, sheep herding demonstrations, the caber toss, the haggis hurl, Clydesdale horses, Gaelic storytelling and language lessons, and more. The annual contest to discover which proud kilt wearer has the “bonniest” knees is one of the most entertaining activities. The finale is a spectacular sight: views of the Hudson River and the magnificent backdrop of Staatsburgh frame a parade of pipe bands, clan associations, and flags of the Celtic nations. Rain or shine. Information:

1935 and the Enduring New Deal: The Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Board

Henry A. Wallace Center, FDR Museum & Library, Hyde Park, NY Sunday, September 26, 2 p.m.: In honor of the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Social Security Act, the Works Progress Administration, the National Labor Relations Act, and the Rural Electrification Administration, the FDR Presidential Library and Museum and the Roosevelt Institute present “1935 and the Enduring New Deal,” a series of free public forums. Moderated by Alan Chartock, President and CEO, WAMC, Northeast Public Radio. See web site for list of panelists. Information: 845.486.7745;

The Center for Performing Arts 1st Annual Golf Tournament

The Center for Performing Arts, Route 308, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Thursday, September 30, noon tee off: Golf tournament, dinner and performance fund-raising event to benefit The Center. Entrance fee includes a round of golf at Dinsmore Golf Course, dinner at Mazza Restaurant, and tickets for two to a special preview performance of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Plus, raffle prizes, t-shirt and Dutches Beer goodie bag. Tickets: $150 Information: 845.876.3080;

Chili Cook-Off

Henry Hudson Riverfront Park, Hudson, NY Saturday, October 9, noon-4 p.m.: Attention Tex-Mex lovers and habanero pepper cravers. If the term “hot stuff” automatically refers to anything you eat, then the fourth annual Chili Contest is made to order. Savor and vote on the best chili recipes submitted by up to 40 different cooks. Information: 518.392.9696;

Rhinebeck Antiques Fair

Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Sat., Oct. 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., Oct. 10, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: Dealers from all over the United States present rare, beautiful and funky antiques. The show is best known for its unique mixture: furniture, decorative accessories, statuary, painted cupboards, tables, blanket chests, hooked rugs, paintings, quilts, vintage clothing and antique jewelry, metals, books, weathervanes, vintage posters, folk art or funk, you’ll find it here at Rhinebeck! Tickets: $7/person; online discount Information:




to keeping you involved, informed and healthy for life. Tuesday, October 5th

AN UPDATE ON STROKE Gerald Kufner, MD, Kingston Neurological Associates, Director, NDH Stroke Center When it comes to a stroke, time is of the essence. Come learn about stroke risk factors, symptoms, and available treatments that could save a life.

Wednesday, October 13th

CHILDREN AND SLEEP DISORDERS Dr. Barbara Chat-Aryamontri, MD, Medical Director, NDH Sleep Center Does your child snore? Come learn about children and sleep disorders, including when it’s time to get tested and what symptoms to look for.

Thursday, October 14th

NON-OPERATIVE TREATMENT FOR PAINFUL MUSCULOSKELETAL CONDITIONS Richard Dentico, MD, Orthopedic Associates of Dutchess County and NDH Bone and Joint Center Come learn about the most current treatments for musculoskeletal pain disorders including: osteoarthritis, spinal arthritis, spinal stenosis, and sciatica. Treatments include exercise as medicine, interventional/injection procedures and more.

Tuesday, October 19th

PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS AND UPDATE Scott Kahn, MD, Hudson Valley Urology Associates In honor of Prostate Cancer Awareness month, Dr. Kahn will discuss signs and symptoms of Prostate Cancer, as well as cutting edge treatments.

Thursday, October 28th

FALL FOR LOCAL PRODUCE Roufia Payman, Director, Outpatient Nutrition Education at NDH Ms. Payman will discuss how to prepare and enjoy healthy meals utilizing the best local ingredients for your health. A portion will also be dedicated gluten free diet options.

Thursday, November 4th

NUTRITION AND BREAST CANCER RISK MODIFICATION Hank Schmidt, MD, PhD, FACS, HQMP-Surgical Oncology Significant controversy prevails around the role of diet and supplements in breast cancer development. This presentation will review the clinical evidence that should be considered when making recommendations for lifestyle modification in patients at risk.

Tuesday, November 16th

VALVULAR HEART DISEASE: A SURGEON’S VIEW Peter Zakow, MD, HQMP- Division of Cardio Thoracic Surgery Learn about options for valvular heart disease and the importance of prevention, detection of symptoms and management of this disease.

w w w. h e a l t h - q u e s t . o rg / n d h

All Lectures begin at 6:30 pm and are held in the NDH Lower Level Conference Room. Registration is required. Call 1-877-729-2444.

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