Graphics & Illustration Portfolio 平面設計及插畫作品集 陳惠婷
on the go I studied MA in design. I will continue to explore minimalism, architecture, children and adults. My adventure continues. I am Trista; I design for life.
旅程待續 碩士專攻設計,未來的日子會繼續 探索極簡風格,建築物,小孩與成 人之間的互動。冒險繼續,我是陳 惠婷,我為生活設計。
在英國設計課程中學到如何發 想、調查、研究,最後產生出 設計結晶。不僅僅重視結果, 過程亦十分寶貴。
PROJECTS 設計案 Futuring the city 未來城市 Challenging Tradition 顧客設計案 Communicating Family 畢業作 家設計
1 6 15
WEB DESIGN 網站設計 Banner 設計 Web 01 網站一 Web 02 網站二
28 32 34
PROJECT 01 設計案一
Futuring the City 未來城市
Futuring the city 未來城市設計案
Cover design of CHS instructions 說明手冊封面設計
← Illustrations of street food in TW ↑ 台灣街頭小吃插畫
Speculative design This project aims to demonstrate a revolution concerning eating habits in Taipei city. With a wearable smart sensor, the citizens will have a brand new vision of their future diet. 未來設計 此設計案目標為台北市民的飲食習慣勾勒 一革命性計畫。穿戴式的飲食控制器會使市 民的未來飲食帶來全新的格局與視野。
產品說明板 ← Introduction of CHS
產品說明板 此看板提供市民健康感測器 (CHS) 的相關 資訊。畫面中小吃攤象徵台灣典型的飲食印 象。藍白條紋的背景取材自普遍為店家使用 來遮蓋攤販的帆布紋樣。
instruction borad The poster provides information of Citizen Health Sensor (CHS). The street food stand symbolizes typical Taiwanese cuisine. Blue and white striped canvas background is commonly used to cover the stands.
Parcel outlook 產品外觀
Inward look 產品包裝透視
Wearable Sensor 穿戴式檢測器
Instruction booklet 說明手冊
禮物組合 設計最後階段,所有的零件組合成一個包 裹。台北市政府將此當作一個禮物,送給所 有的市民,理念為『健康身體是政府可以給 您最好的禮物。』
GIFT box At the final phase, all the components are gathered together in a parcel. As a gift from Taipei city, a heathy body is the best gift the government could give.
初試設計 這是我在設計所第一個完成的設計專案。從 最初的調查、思考和腦力激盪,但思考台北 市民未來為何需要這個產品的關鍵原因和 控制市民飲食的利弊。 我不僅僅作個模型出來而已,也提出這個產 品的社會價值與更好的未來觀。材料測試與 老師同學們的建議使我獲益良多。雖然途中 時有疑惑,最終我們依然完成了這個設計。
Display CHS on Apple watch 作品展示 - 蘋果手錶模擬
first try out I experienced a comprehensive process of project development. Starting from research, critical thinking and brainstorming, I followed up with intrinsic reasons why people in my home city will need this design in the future. I was not merely making a prototype, but showcasing the social value and better future life from a speculative point of view. The material experimentation and feedback from tutors and peers were very helpful. Although at times, I did not know what to do, we accomplished it in the end. 提問與回饋 QUESTIONS FEEDBACK (OTHERS)
Booklet 說明手冊
設計過程 Design Process ''Double Diamond'' Design Process Diagram. Reprinted from difference-between-development-and-designempathy/. Copyright 2012 by Business 901.
PROJECT 02 設計案二
Challenging Tradition 顧客設計案
Challenging Tradition PROJECTS
團體設計 Challenging Tradition 是 個 與 顧 客 Joshua Ellis(JE) 的 合 作 案。JE 是 英 國 一 個 擁 有 兩 百五十年歷史的羊毛紡織公司。使用現代社 會媒體和宣傳策略,設計團隊回顧 JE 輝煌 歷史,慶祝今年 (2017) 250 周年的喜悅, 並歡喜迎向一個令人振奮的精彩未來。
collaboration design Challenging Tradition was created in collaboration with the client Joshua Ellis. (hereinafter referred to as JE) JE is a UK textile company with a 250 year history. Using social media and promotional strategies, the team looked back on the past, celebrates the present and looks forward to an exciting future for Joshua Ellis.
Founded in 1767, Joshua Ellis is proud 成立於 1767 年,JE 很榮幸地宣布 2017 年 to be celebrating the 250th anniversary 是他們的 250 周年紀念。位於英國貝特里 in 2017, which is this very year. Located (Batley),他們的旅程始於約克夏的紡織小 in Batley, their journey started in the mill 鎮,世代相傳,他們提供世界各地高品質的 towns of Yorkshire, supplying high quality 布料和紡織品。身為世界一流紡織品製造商 fabrics to the buyers around the world from 的其中一員,他們的產品包括高級羊毛,羊 generation to generation. As one of the 毛織品衣物,配件和駱駝毛的製品。 world’s leading manufacturers of textile, their products include luxury cashmere, woollen cloths, accessories and camel’s hair products.
JE Staff Photo in 1964 ↑ 1964 年 JE 員工照片
Group meeting → 團隊討論
JE 工廠參觀 JE factory visit ←
JE 現有社群平台 Online platform of JE ← 布料檔案 Archive of fabrics ← 羊毛線團 Woollen threads ←
主要目標 - 致力於將織品材料、圖案特色與圖 片和水彩筆觸結合 - 提供清楚一致的社群平台結構 - 為 JE 隔年 (2018) 的網站更新提前打 下基礎 - 得到顧客的正面回饋並使他們有意 願提高社群平台的使用者友善度 - 為 JE 在約克夏郡紡織工業的社會、 文化與經濟方面影響力建檔作為記念
Objectives I wanted to engage: - Engage with combining the features of materials, fabrics, and patterns with images and raw watercolours. - Provide an clear and consistent structure of social media platforms. - To foreground JE on online platforms in their planned update next year. (Official webpages, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest) - Gain positive feedback from clients and generate a strong motif to make their social media reader-friendly. - Achieve the social, cultural, economic impacts on JE and the textile industry in Yorkshire.
The design team had a field trip to Joshua Ellis design studio and met the design director and sales manager to generate ideas. The plan was to have an exhibition composed of individual design works from every member of the workforce to work collaboratively. My specialism led me decide to intergrate the online platforms of Joshua Ellis. 設計團隊首先前往 JE 的設計工作室及工廠 探訪調查,並與設計總監和銷售經理開會, 激發慶祝 250 周年的設計靈感。最後決定 的計畫是我們要為 JE 舉辦一個展覽,展覽 內容為各團員的設計作品,作為一個集結的 團體呈現。我的插畫專業使我決定要整合 JE 目前社群平台的視覺呈現。
FABRICS&TEXTURES ← 布料和質地 CASHMERE&TEASELS → 羊毛和起絨草 起絨草是用來使羊毛製品有鬆軟的質地
b2b design Browsing through online platforms of JE, Hermes, CHANEL, YSL, as well as so-called high street brands as JE's clients. I systematized all the website links as a reference list. Considering the manager 's preference of illustrative website design, I was searching for an appropriate way to put my work into practice.
I became familiar with:
staff engagement with JE The websites of JE’s competitors and customer feedback of the layout of revised official website.
JE 的員工一同參與過程 瞭解 JE 的競爭者和顧客的社 群平台視覺風格 從我設計的網站得到意見回 饋並其他可以改進的想法
商業設計 瀏 覽 過 JE 自 己 的 社 群 平 台 跟 JE 大 客 戶 (Hermes,Chanel,YSL 及其他高端時裝品牌 ) 的 網站,我將所有網站連結系統化成一張表,並 依 JE 負責與我們聯繫的經理所提供,她所喜歡 的插畫設計風格,我思考如何合適的把我的作 品與這些因素實際結合。
‘Less is more.’ ─ Ludwig Mies can der Rohe, 1947 ‘Less is a bore.’ ─ Robert Venturi, 1968 少即是多 少即無趣
資料回顧 Literature review
‘Less is more; but not a bore.’ 少即是多,但我使它有趣
我的設計理念 Design Philosophy
Logo design for Instagram ↑ 社群平台 IG 商標設計
LOGO REDESIGN Thinking about challenging the convention and the act of invention, I engaged with advancing the look of JE’s logo.I examined 9 typefaces on the 3 designed logo profile images. The modern Bodoni MT was the appropriate typeface I chose as it gave a rounded and thicker shape on the corners that made the logo more modern but still elegant. 商標設計 為著挑戰現有的格局並有所革新,我嘗試使 JE 的商標有新的風貌。九種字體放在三種設計的 圖案中,含有古典元素的現代化字體 Bodoni MT 雀屏中選,它的轉角曲線和較其他字體豐 潤的字寬使它既現代又不失優雅。
最終商標字體 平台 Twitter 商標設計 Logo design for twitter ↑ 字體測試 Typefaces testing →
The final typeface I chose. 左邊兩種非傳統字型適合開發他們的日本市場 和其年輕客群
The unconventional typefaces are suitable for JE's Japanese market and younger customers.
Grey,also textile 灰色 象徵布料纖維 LOGO with New typeface 新商標配上新字體
Cream,cashmere 奶油色 象徵高級羊毛
PROJECT 03 設計案三
Communicating Family
畢業作 家設計
Communicating Family 畢業作 家設計
Communicating family
Installation: Unload your emotions in the trolley 設計報告封面:小推車裝置 - 卸下你心中五顏六色的情緒
RESPONSIBLE design I repositioned this project to be a responsible design. The definition of this design field is ‘Its primary intent is not a maximization of profit, but instead serves the underserved.’(Tharp & Tharp, 2009) In other words, it is driven by a humanitarian notion. 使命設計 我視我的畢業設計為一個具有使命感的設 計,它的初衷不是為了獲取最大利益,而是 要服務那些被忽略的非主流群體,換句話 說,設計為人道思維所影響。
Bruce M. Tharp and Stephanie M. Tharp. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from
Design process of project 2 and Communicating Family 前置專案與家設計 兩個設計案的設計過程與發展圖
家庭議題 / 問題 設計 = 解決問題 小孩與大人之間 缺少溝通 忽略情緒的表達 使命設計
版面 簡單文字與圖片 簡化的故事軸 紙卡片 輔助工具 一個具治療性的產品
圖書 紙卡片
家庭社會學 心理學 孩子的不安 標籤或刻板印象
繪畫效果 色彩與線條間的 互動
平面設計 插畫家
未使用對自我認知的戶外調 查資料 ( 不適用 )
採用 象徵主義 極簡者風格 數位編輯 拼貼 復古材質
tHERAPEUTIC FLASH CARDS PACK "Communicating Family" was concluded with interviews and discussions with two specialists in different areas in the community: A young mother and an experiential family support practitioner participated in analysing the possible use of the pack, that made the project sensible and realisable.
← Flash card sets 紙卡片組 ↓ Interview with a young mother 訪問一個年輕母親
治療性紙卡片組 『家設計』以與兩位不同領域專家的訪問與 討論作為結論收尾 : 一個年輕母親以及富有 家庭輔導經驗的機構人員,他們兩位參與了 家設計產品的可用性討論和分析,使家設計 的作品更具實際可行性。
初步繪製 Primary drawing
最終草稿 Final sketch
Drawing phase From the last time of drawing items, in order to prototype final illustrations, I generated 6 illustrations for 6 family issues. Both of sketches and watercoloured versions. 繪畫過程 繪畫的最後階段我以六種常見家庭議題為 想法,繪製了六張插畫,先素描草稿再繪製 水彩版本。
水彩 Watercolouring
Parenting 子女教育
單親家庭 Single parent
Bully 校園霸凌
Self-identity 自我認知
Only child 獨生子女
[Colours- motion] RED- female/ anger BULE- male/ sadness GREY- gloomy mood/ fear Orange- warmth/ joy [Items] Trolley- Help Brick- Protection Chair- Rest Mug- food House- home Hats- parents Sky- mood 色彩 - 代表情緒 紅色 - 女性 / 憤怒 藍色 - 男性 / 悲傷 灰色 - 憂鬱的心情 / 害怕 橙色 - 溫暖 / 喜悅 物件 推車 - 提供協助 磚塊 - 保護 椅子 - 休息 杯子 - 食物 房子 - 家 帽子 - 父母 天空 - 心情狀態
VISUAL LANGUAGE 視覺語言 最後採用的三個故事使用了相同的色彩視 The final 3 stories shared the same 覺語言,插畫中不同的物件分別代表著不同 visual language which was described by 的概念。
colours. Items in images represented different concepts respectively.
三個故事 ( 議題 ) 的延伸創作 ITERATION OF 3 ISSUES
Instruction booklets 三本使用說明手冊
Role play dolls 供角色扮演的娃娃
Flash cards 故事紙卡片 + Instruction booklet 指導手冊 + Role play dolls 供角色扮演的娃娃
如果這樣你會 _ ? What would you do if _ ?
我覺得 _ I feel like _
Emotional support pack 情緒輔助組合
effective Communication The project was expected to support the dysfunctional family. The Family support pack brings in the communication between the fragmented family members to have positive attitude toward the issues. Another thing was it should help to improve children’s relationship with adults. It’s possible to enhance parentchildren relationship during effective communications. 關鍵 : 有效溝通 這個設計案希望扶持家庭功能失調的家庭 單位,家設計組合能使分散的家庭成員能有 媒介彼此了解溝通,並用正面的態度面對家 庭議題。 另外家設計也幫助提升親子間的關係,有成 效的溝通必定能提升家長與孩子的關係。
WIDE SPORTS 威達運動 網站設計
← Banner design for sporty tights 緊身長褲橫幅廣告 ↓ Online shop of Wide Sports 奇摩拍賣店面
商業設計 之前於在地運動用品公司擔任設計美編,為 電子商務目的的照片編修與網頁視覺設計 技能是我熟悉了一整套宣傳素材的製作手 法。 B2B design I previouly worked as a graphic designer in a sportswear company. Image edit and web design for electronic commerce enabled me to develope a range of promotional material design skills.
Home page photo 首頁照片
整體設計 網頁設計工作含括了買家從按下商品連結 的那一刻起到商品介紹內頁所有的圖片、陳 列、符號和內容都是需要設計的範圍。
Product introduction 商品內頁介紹
overall The design work covered the 'click' front page photos and product introductions, all the webpage display and icons.
Function icon design 產品性能符號設計
Typefont usage 字體使用
Manual editing 型錄編輯
Web 01
宣傳設計 我的職責需要製作平面設計並上傳圖檔到 網路銷售平台以供電子商務使用,之後的銷 售統計和點擊率也需要加以分析。 PROMOTIONal design I was in charge of producing the graphic information, uploading to the official website for electronic commerce and acquiring evaluation from the sales statistics.
← Front page for sporty tights 內頁首圖 此圖為同事初稿 後續接手完成其餘部分
→ Web design for sports tight 內頁設計
Metrix title 標題設計
Web 02
← Moving image for girl's tihgt 女緊身長褲小動畫分鏡
網站設計 在有限的時間內,我需要完成概念和靈 感匯聚,完成各季節性商品的網頁製作。 web design With limited timescale, I needed to project concepts of webpages for seasonal products.
為簡化網站內容 儘量以小圖符合描述產品特色 Webpage content: Must present the features via icons
← Invitation card design The front images shows an idea that the Lord is waiting for your response from His calling.
邀請卡設計 以手機電話來電顯示的概念 設計的福音邀請卡,邀請青 年人來聚會,回應神的呼召
平面設計 有些短期設計案通常是邀請卡,海報, 都是為著一些特定目的。 GRAPHICS DESIGN At times I received short term projects as well. Most of them were invitation cards, posters for certain purposes.
← Wedding poster 結婚聚會現場,海 報位於新人後側 的黑板上 Patterns of rose represent a symbolism of forever love.
玫瑰花的插圖與藤蔓象徵 永恆蔓延的愛
← Sheffield series #1 謝菲爾系列一 Red-brick buildings had been in Sheffield since the Victorian age. I quite fancy the variation of colourful bricks.
維多利亞時代的混色紅磚 建築是我在英國讀書的那 個城市特色之一,喜愛它 多種紅色系的變化
LIFE ILLUSTRATION Starting from sketches, I drew upon things around my life experieces. Often did I acquire fantastic inspiration from life. I drew a series of Sheffield scenes since I have been in here for a year and a few months.
插畫日常 從素描草稿開始,我繪製生活周遭的經 歷和驚喜靈感,我畫一個謝菲爾系列的 插畫以記念我在那裏一年多的時間。
這裡是由七座主要的山 丘建成的城市,上下坡 之間就像人生一樣有起 有落,我們並不知道接 下來的精彩劇情 謝菲爾系列二 Sheffield is mainly consisted of 7 hills. The ups and downs are like real life, you never know what is gonna happen next.
→ Sheffield series #2
冬天走後,我在回家的 路上看到幾朵紅色的花 在牆角開放 謝菲爾系列三 ← Sheffield series #3
When the winter had gone, I saw a red flower blossoming upon the road while walking home.
每次從謝菲爾坐火車到 曼徹斯特機場時總是可 以看到經典的約克夏郡 原野景色 謝菲爾系列四 ← Sheffield series #4
I could always see the typical Yorkshire field view on the train heading to Manchester.
水彩是我時常使用 的媒彩,喜歡水彩 溫和的質地 春 Watercolour is often used by my practice due to my prefence of its' gentle texture.
→ Image of spring
我也將插畫印製在帆布包或 特殊紙上,筆記本也有試過 帆布包印刷 I tried apply my illustrations on canvas bags, printmaking, note books as well.
← Illustration on canvas bag
→ Peace garden & Town Hall The Sheffield town hall with peace garden nearby is the main square here.
市政廳和前面的花園廣場 謝菲爾主要的建築物、地標和 活動場地
Sketches Textures of charcoal pencil, colour pencil are rustic, pure and rough. They are really touching my heart.
素描 炭筆、鉛筆和色鉛筆的原味、單純和質 樸的感覺是我心裡很喜歡的作畫的味道
→ Trip in Scotland Quick sketches on the transportation is also a way for me to record things.
英國蘇格蘭 火車上的素描,我 常利用旅程行進中 的時間記錄細節
→ @ Pret a manger Shop, cafe and restaurant are my drawing sites.
英國倫敦 咖啡店、賣場和餐 廳都是我的繪畫場 地
→ In Brussels Traveling aboard is one of my interests. Foreign cultures inspire me every time.
比利時布魯塞爾 到歐洲大陸旅遊 是我的興趣,歐 洲文化每次都激 發我的靈感
→ St. Paul Cathedral Fairly love London and the whole atmosphere it brings via a mix of traditional and modern elements.
英國倫敦聖保羅大 教堂 很喜歡倫敦跟它的 氛圍,是一種既古典 又現代的混和風味
謝謝觀賞 感謝耐心欣賞,希望您喜歡我的作品 更多資訊請至作品集網站連結 THANK YOU Many thanks to your attention and patience. I hope you enjoy my portfolio. If you need any further information, please go to:
陳惠婷 平面設計及插畫作品集 0955-301447