Master Admission Portfolio

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portfolio hugh magee

contents 1 - 15

academic production

University of Ulster, Belfast Final Year Studio Project ( Jan-June 2012) Drawing on Experience - A Luthier’s House and Workshop Other Studio Projects (Sept-June 2011) Case Study - Bolles + Wilson Munster Library (two weeks) Belfast Archive & Performance Space (two weeks) École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne Final Studio Project (Feb-June 2010) 28 logement à valence, france - ENSASE

15 - 19

professional production

LARMOUR WHEELER ARCHITECTS, Belfast Assistant Architect for model contruction and presentation EUROPAN 11, Dublin (runner-up) ( June-July 2012) ONLY-IF ARCHITECTURE, New York Assistant Archtiect project development and presentation Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Nov-Dec 2013

20 - 22

personal production

SKETCHES Only-If “lost in translation” messages to a chinese renderer, Dec 2013 Switzerland + Itally, March 2010 Paris in the Fall, Nov-Jan 2012

23 - 26

awards publications exhibitions

The Architect’s Journal, online article, July 2012 Royal Society of Ulster Architect’s Perspective Magazine, article, June 2009 “Out of Place” Exhibition, Belfast, Nov 2012 “Best of Belfast” Exhibition, DARC Space Galley, Dublin, Nov 2012

drawing on experience a luthier’s house and workshop, fitzwilliam lane dublin Purpose Dermot Mc Ilroy, a world-class Luthier makes guitars from a small workshop in rural Northern Ireland. Thinking of expanding to an urban centre, the brief was to design a workshop, house and guesthouse on Fitzwilliam Lane, an old stable lane on Dublin’s south side. The starting point for the project was a visit to Dermot’s existing workshop with an introduction into the process of guitar making. Through a methodology of observation, drawing and making, the existing space was surveyed and reinterpreted for a smaller site in a dense urban location. Idea Northern facades protect while southern openings orientate focus internally. Carved earth and building mass create voids. Light penetrates tight spaces. Volumes stitch together at various levels. The rationale being to satisfy programme ambitions for flexibility and future change, and create pleasurable spaces that function simply. Direct communication between users, potential for ad hoc encounters and passive visual opportunities are the result. A view of the sky from below ground, a wave from a workbench to a family member, a sense of privacy from, yet connection to, the city all add to the spatial experience. Outcome Connected volumes allow for variable programme arrangements between House, Workshop and Guest House creating the potential to move from one to the other, rent or sell. A back yard acts as a kind of decompression chamber between city and home and ties these three elements together, functioning in a similar manner to the entrance yards of typical mew houses. A first floor terrace and third floor bridge further integrate the three uses. Tectonics satisfy technical requirements for client-specific use while maintaining an inherent versatility for alternatives, the ambition being to create for both the client’s and the building’s lifespan. An aesthetic that eschewed ideas of cleanliness in favour of durability, weathering and ease of maintenance also relates to the gritty urban grain of the stable lane, a place in a state of continuous change contrasted by the surrounding refrigerated facades of Georgian Dublin. _proposal text _assembly workshop render, hand drawing, water colour & photoshop 1

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

client a luthier’s house and workshop The starting point for the project was a visit to the Luthier client’s workshop and an introduction to the process of guitar making. Through careful observation and documentation by photographing, drawing and making, the workshop was surveyed. Photographs of every room, piece of equipment and tool documented the seemingly chaotic nature of the space.

_client, dermot mc ilroy - luthier _photographic collage of main assemebly space 2

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

survey of clien’t workspace a luthier’s house and workshop A methodology of observation, drawing and making, was key to the design process, especially with regards to obtaining a deeper understanding of the client’s workshop. The result was a clear understanding of the processes involved in guitar making and the relationships between each stage of production. Ideas on how to manipulate and ultimately improve the proposed workshop therefore find their origins in the study and reflection of the existing.

_1:50 model of existing workshop _1:50 plan & section of existing workshop 3

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Production Dispatch Area Machine Shop Assembly Shop Bending Sides Area Sanding Booth Spraying Booth Toilet & Tea Dock Kiln Storage

site - fitzwilliam lane dublin a luthier’s house and workshop The lane is located within an 18th Century, Georgian Estate and would previously have been home to a working class population of mostly coachmen and their families. These dwellings needed to accommodate horses and so they typically consisted of a stable and a coach house separated from the laneway by a high wall and main yard. Entry from the laneway through the yard was usually the only means of access for the animals and coachmen. This urban typology still remains in some of the mews houses on Fitzwilliam Lane, making for an interesting sequence of spaces from city to home.

_site observations as collage - pen & ink sketches 4

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

section aa a luthier’s house and workshop The Machine Shop is located below ground due to acoustic control of machinery and space and light requirments for the assembly shop. The section cuts through the double height space which allows for floor to floor communication between workers, street to below ground timber loading and light penetration.

_1:100 section bb through back yard _1:100 section aa through laneway 5

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014


ground floor plan - urban infill a luthier’s house and workshop -1 Below Ground Plan




1 2 3 4 5


Machine Shop Sanding Booth Spraying Booth Drying Booth Kiln & Saw Dust Extraction










3 11 1

6 12


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Main Entrance Back Yard Guest House Entrance Family House Entrance Work Shop Entrance Assembly Shop Dock to Machine Shop Kitchenette McIlroy Guitars Deliveries Access to Machine Shop Void Over Machine Shop Void Over Drying Area

1 First Floor Plan 1 5 2




1 2 3 4 5 6

Workshop Office Guest House Kitchen Living Guest House Terrace Void Over Assembly Shop Family House Hall Family House WC

2 Second Floor Plan 2


1 2 3 4 5

5 1 4

Family House Kitchen Living Dining Family House Terrace Family House Spare Room Guest House Bedroom Guest House Bathroom

3 third Floor Plan 2 5


4 3

1 2 3 4 5

Family House Bedroom 1 Family House Bedroom 2 Family House WC Family House Roof Access Multi-Use Office Space

_building plans _1:50 Hand drawn ground floor plan (scaled to fit format) Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014



response to site & brief a luthier’s house and workshop The proposed programme consists of three main elements: 1. Luthier’s Workshop 2. Luthier’s House (including accom for him and his family) 3. Guest Accomodation (for prolonged periods) The observed sequencing of mews houses, in their transition from street to home through a yard, informed the decision of incorporating a yard at the rear of the plot. Intended as a kind of decompression space between the city and home, and acting as a shared entrance, the yard faciliates programme abitions for flexibility and future use.

Workshop Client’s Potential Occupation Guest’s Potential Occupation Shared Entrance

_section - programme arrangement _1:100 building model in context, card & balsa wood 7

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

model study - programme a luthier’s house and workshop As a way of thinking by doing, model making allowed for a clearer understanding of the design as it developed. This simultaneously produces objects that are apt for project discussion and the explanation of ideas and intentions. The programme from floor to floor was vital from an early stage with the intention of enabling the intertwining of the workshop, gueat house and family house.

_1:100 exploded model, card & balsa wood 8

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

model study - structural system a luthier’s house and workshop The structural system consists of post and beam glue lam timber. The system itself is simple with the major beams spanning the ten meters between the Fitzwillam Lane facade and the rear of the plot. This relatively short distance of span allowed for simple space planning and construction.

_design development model of building structure, timber post & beam 9

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

back yard - between city & home a luthier’s house and workshop

_development sketch of back yard space _hand drawing, water colour & photoshop collage 10

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

volume & circulation studies bolles + wilson munster library - case study Over a ten day period the project aimed to develop student’s ability to express key ideas through physical models. Students were presented with an existing building by a notable architect and asked to study the main themes. Bolles + Wilson’s Munster Library in Germany is well known for it’s creation of a public street through the middle of the building. This space effectly cutting two parts of building which are subsequenty connected below ground. As a means to express this design decision in simple terms two models were constructed. One a circulation model where timber represented circulation pathways and perspex represented floor levels thus showing the underground connection. The second model aims to represent soild and void relationships both above and below ground. In this model plaster represents the space created by the public street, i.e. the air.

_1:500 circulation diagrammatic model - plywood & perspex _1:100 solid/void massing model - birch ply & plaster 11

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

performance space - model study belfast archive & perfor mance space (two week design project) A two week design project placing emphasis on materiality and texture through physical models and hand drawings. The brief, without site or programme specificities, demanded development of material and atmospheric intention. 1:50 plaster model of Performance Space used to experiment with differencnt material textures and subsequent acoustic issues. One aim was to design internal walls in concrete with limited affect on acoustic reverberation.

_chinese ink sketch - floating solid, sunken earth _1:50 development model of performance space - plaster, foam & card 12

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

internal view - depth & texture belfast archive & perfor mance space (two week design project) An internal view of the performance space; the depth of concrete is exibited in door openings and hand rails which are cast into the wall surfaces. Textured concrete walls act as a means of expressing a kind of heaviness while timber stairs aim to soften this cold, hard nature of concrete.

_building elevations - pencil drawings _1:50 development model of performance space - plaster, foam & card 13

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

coupe transversal nord sud 28 logement à valence, france - ENSASE L’ensemble du projet conserve l’alignement sur rue presente sur le site a l’etat actuel. Le coin nord ouest represente une difficulte majeure du projet, nee des contraintes imposees par les intentions de projet. La creation de la loggia au sud, permet de faire penetrer la lumiere du sud dans le logement d’angle.

_site section, pencil & ink _1:50 development section, pencil & ink 14

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

programme 28 logement à valence, france - ENSASE

Vue depuis l’entree de la parcelle a l’est

Vue depuis l’entree nord sur la gallerie a l’interieur de l’ilot

Vue depuis l’entree de la parcelle a l’ouest

_sketches of proposed scheme, chinese ink _detail plan of two apartments & shared circulation & site plan _sketch of existing fabric condition, context study, ink sketch 15

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

“east wall lot”, europan 11, dublin lar mour wheeler architects - architectural assistant PROPOSAL “Our ‘community’ of buildings comprises two residential buildings – one extends the domestic terraced nature of East Wall Road with living above shops, small new businesses and local healthcare facilities; the other sits behind across a raised courtyard with walled gardens for residents. Pockets of the walled gardens drop light down to a semisunken swimming pool and gym which looks back across a tree filled public garden to a free standing ‘Play Centre, a kind of big house which comprises a range of community educational, cultural and social activities for all age groups. Rentable commercial space in the Play centre is intended to help fund the community activities. We see this mix as being wholly complementary and encouraging of a new sustainable community, and one that might align itself through its cultural activities with those of the emerging Docklands area.”

As architectural assistant my core responsibility in this competition submission was the construciton of a 1:250 presentation model of the design scheme. Additionally I created render images for the presentation boards, one of which, upon winning runner-up in the competition, was published in the EUROPAN 11 book, reconnections.

Jane Larmour & Part Wheeler

_3xboards, competition submission _1:200 presentation model, ply + balsa - view of apartments at rear of plot 16

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

“east wall lot�, europan 11, dublin lar mour wheeler architects - architectural assistant

_ground floor plan (scaled to fit format) _1:200 presentation model, ply + balsa - ariel view, massing _1:200 presentation model, ply + balsa - view of main entrance and public space 17

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

europan 11, dublin europan 11, dublin - east wall lot

_EUROPAN 11, “Reconnection” & 1:200 model of “big house” bulding _render image, view in context from river site _1:200 presentation model, ply + balsa 18

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

E. Design Approach

two months in the deep end - nyc internship

Existing Conditions & Opportunities

only-if architecture, new york - Nov - Dec 2013

Increased storage space for luggage and grocery carts required Larger mailboxes required Existing Condition & Needs Connect 5t A/C Condenser Unit

Improved traffic flow with an ADA-compliant ramp needed Preserve existing finishes

Increased storage space for packages required

Clarify the space of the lobby?

Additional seating needed?

Potential Opportunities

Durable flooring required

Mailboxes might be reoriented along corridor Grade change could occur throughout the tunnel as a long, gradual ramp (subject to structural coordination)

Corridor wall could be adjusted to clarify the space and circulation Potential location for luggage and grocery cart storage This wall might be extended to enlarge back of house, storage, and embed the reception desk within a separate space

_shenzhen bi-city biennale of urbanism\architecture, final submission - assisted principle in presentation _75 livingston lobby renovation - assisted in production on rfp document & conceptual design 19

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

A mirorred wall could increase the perception of the size of this space

Additional seating might be incorporated

Bookshelves might create a more domestic and comfortable environment

messages to a chinese renderer, dec 2013 sketches

_lost in translation, informational sketches for chinese rendering company, dec 2013 20

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

switzerland & italy, march 2010 sketches

_bellinzona and como, architectural field trip 21

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

paris in the fall, Nov-Jan 2012 sketches

_rue de la verrerie - marie’s late and it’s raining _rue des irlandais - gay right protest _vers pompidou - break from au-pair(ing) 22

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

student shows 2012 the Architect’s Journal, online article

A show engaged in experimentation at Ulster Being embedded in an art college and surrounded by an assortment of creative disciplines gives this school a sense of artistic endeavour. It was apparent that inhabiting the same space had led to a cross-fertilisation of intellectual culture. As a result, the undergraduate show engaged in experimentation through video, photography and collage. It was refreshing to see an architecture school outside the clutches of an engineering school. Changing gear from an artistic undergraduate degree, the master’s was dominated by rigour and professionalism. Standout unit Year three (led by tutors Mike McQueen and Jim Luke) was exuberant and asked broad questions in a specific way. It considered to what extent the architect was a maker of space over form; and to what extent they were preoccupied by craft and detail.


Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

Working with a complex brief for a Luthier, artisan guitar-maker Dermot McIory seemed to have inspired the students to obsess about materials and making. Each exploration was led by model-making and there was evidence of an enthusiastic studio culture. Most projects looked at the studio through a Loosian lens; they used the Raumplan as a device for creating compact spatial solutions. Standout students Third year students Hugh Magee and Emma Campbell displayed a maturity and control with their Luthier’s Workshop projects. In their dexterous models, they appear to emerge from an understanding of first principles. In a word Comprehensive

Author Stephen Best

royal society of ulster architects, perspective magazine alley space intervention, guerrilla architects, june 2009

_event promotional flyer _article on intervention in architectural periodical, perspective 24

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

“out of place” gallery, belfast rsua president’s medals: the shortlist Students from the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Ulster have swept the board in a prestigious competition organised by the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA). In an outstanding achievement of design excellence, Hugh Magee and Ray McNally beat off stiff competition from students across Northern Ireland to take Bronze and Silver medals. The winners were selected for their outstanding quality of design and imagination and have been recognised by the judging panel for producing work of an “exceptional standard”. Hugh Magee, from the undergraduate BA Architecture course, won the RSUA Bronze Medal for the top undergraduate architectural design project in Northern Ireland. Working with Dermot McIroy a world-class guitar maker based in Antrim, he designed a sophisticated living/working space for McIlroy Guitars in the centre of Dublin. “Dermot’s easy-going nature combined with his passion for materials and quality of craft in guitar making gave me great inspiration,” said Hugh. “Together with the high level of one-toone tutoring provided at Ulster’s School of Architecture, this made for an immensely interesting and rewarding experience.” “Ulster Students Sweep the Board in Top Architecture Competition” University of Ulster News

_award ceremony, oct 2012 _1:100 site model on exhibition, card + balsa wood 25

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

“best of belfast” exhibition, Nov 12 DARC Space Gallery, Dublin

_darc space twitter post, “best of belfast” exhibition _1:50 model, timber, plaster & copper 26

Hugh Magee Architecture Portfolio 2014

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