Start by taking a large pot and pouring water into it. Add salt, carrots, fennel, and zucchini to blanch for 1 minute. After it's done, move the veggies to a bowl full of ice. Dry the veggies and toss them with 1 teaspoonsalt.Keeptheminarefrigeratorforawhile.
Now pick a pan and heat 1/2 olive oil in it. Add onion, pepper, garlic, and spices with a pinch of salt and sauté over medium-low heat. Pour wine, vinegar, and thyme. Take off the pan from the heat and keep itaside.
Clean the leeks thoroughly and pat dry them. Take a large skillet and heat 2 tbsp oil over medium heat. Add leeks in a single layer and 1/4 tsp salt with a pinch of pepper. Reduce the heat to low and cook until theleeksturngolden.Whencooked,takeouttheleeksonaplate.Keeptheskilletaside.
Take a pot and add lightly crushed fennel seeds to it. Add dry chicken thighs seasoned with fennel, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Cook thighs for 12-14 minutes until they turn well-browned. Transfer the skinsideuptoaplate.Pouroffanddiscardfat.
Add wine to a pot and bring it to a simmer. Cook for 1 minute. Add broth and chicken skin side up to it. Lower the heat to medium-low. Cover the pot and cook for 15–18 minutes until the chicken is cooked completely.
In the meantime, add asparagus, peas, and 2 tbsp. water in the reserved skillet. Cover it and cook for 5 minutesuntilasparagusturnscrisp-tender.Add1/2tsp.lemonzest,remaining1/4tsp.salt,andapinch ofpepper.Stirgentlytomixitwell.
Bring cooked chicken, asparagus mixture, and reserved leeks together and give the broth a good mix. Allow it to simmer while adding lemon juice to it. Serve it in bowls, further garnished with dill and 1 tbsp lemon zest. Pour yourself a glass of Vasse Felix Filius Chardonnay and enjoy it over dinner with friendsandfamily.
Step1 Takealargepanandheattheoilinitovermediumheat.Addchoppedonion,fennel,celery,½teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper, and cook for 6-8 minutes. Add minced garlic and red pepper flakes. Cook untilgarlicturnsgoldenbrown.
Step2 After the garlic is cooked, reduce the heat and add the squid to the pan. Wait for 15-20 minutes for the squid to turn tender and for the juices released by it to reduce. Pour tomato paste and add oregano to it andcookfor1minute.
Add wine and cook for 5 to 7 minutes until the cooking liquid is reduced by half. Further, add tomatoes with their juice, bay leaves, clam juice, and stock to the pan. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, reduce it toasimmerandcookitfor30minutes.Add¼teaspoonsaltandpepper.
Take a small bowl and add butter, 1 tablespoon parsley, lemon zest, and ¼ teaspoon salt to it. Give it a good mix and add garlic cloves cut in half and rub the cut sides on the toasts. Spread this butter on the toasts.
Now when the cooking is done, be prepared to serve. Before serving, heat the pot and add clams and cook for 3 minutes. Stir in shrimp and mussels. Place the fish on the top of the stew, cover it, and let it simmer until the shellfish opens and the fish and shrimp turn firm and opaque. Throw away bay leaves andaddtheremaining2tablespoonsparsley.
Step6 Serveinlargesoupbowlswithgremolatatoasts.
A lifted, elegant and complex wine with honey nougat, green pineapple, lemon pith, lovely hints of nectarine, ginger, sage, custard tart crust, almond meal and cedar. A tight, restrained and complex wine with some creaminess, but arriving quickly is fine, taut natural acidity carrying refined flavours. The lemon pith with hints of lime and custard tartare are carried long on a dry finish to thepalatethatsoftensanddevelopscomplexitywithtime.
You can definitely try these recipes with other Chardonnays of the same texture. Do let us know your experience with the recipes and thiswhitedelight.