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Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO Compare leasing and finance vendors online

Prison inmates in saint vincent and the grenadines enthused over fao vocational training in basketry production Eighteen prison inmates in the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines received training in basket and mat production in 2015. The Forest Livelihood Training Initiative, organized by the FAO, demonstrates considerable potential for the social and economic rehabilitation and reintegration of Vincentian inmates.

(Bridgetown, 30 December, 2015) - A training programme/workshop delivered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in raw materials’ harvesting and mat and basket construction is reaping rewards. Eighteen male and female inmates of H.M.’s Prison, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines were trained in Vetiver Mat and Basketry Construction Training between August-October 2015. The training aimed to offer inmates the opportunity for social and economic re-integration, whilst addressing the wider issue of forest livelihood creation to strengthen the forest rehabilitation drive currently being undertaken by the Forestry Division of the country’s Ministry of Agriculture. H.M.’s Prison in Kingstown provided a setting for training of individuals who, through previous life circumstances and/or conditions imposed during incarceration, face severe economic and social challenges. The majority of participants were under 30 years old, with half of the participants aged16-25 years. The potential of rehabilitative prison programmes to reduce rates of recidivism is well documented. Research studies have shown that rehabilitation programmes can permanently reduce crime through the provision of employment opportunities and the re-socialization of inmates and ex-offenders.

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO The workshop coordinator and trainer Ms Vonnie Roudette, was impressed with the inmates’ enthusiasm and rapid pace of learning, which in her experience, exceeded that of tertiary level college students. “The vocational training provides new possibilities for inmates to generate income during incarceration as well as social and economic well-being upon release from the institution. We intend to ensure that products made in prison gain entry to the domestic market, where the demand for utilitarian handcrafts is presently high.” “The training has helped me with the stress of being in jail, I feel much more happy and positive since being out [of the cell area] I would like to continue and earn a living from this” remarked E. T., aged 25. E.T. is currently serving the final six months of an eight year sentence. Additional trainers Leon Alexander and Lucita McCoy, reiterated that the response to training was positive and expressed their hope that the handicraft project continues. The team of trainers aims to establish an ongoing inmate-driven production unit within the prison, with linkages to small business operations in the private sector. Director of Forestry, Fitzgerald Providence, indicated that the Forestry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture implemented a vetiver planting initiative in early 2015 to control land erosion, whilst supplying a renewable resource for the basket and mat production industry. “Vetiver was traditionally planted to prevent erosion on banks and roadsides, but the practice has declined. We have reintroduced it to conserve soil and to utilize it in craft production, which is a livelihood creation component of our Forest Rehabilitation Project” Providence stated. Superintendent of Prisons, Brenton Charles, welcomed the training initiative, highlighting the programme’s ability to expand the range of vocational skills that can be provided to inmates. He went on to state that, “it has proven immensely valuable in terms of the use of inmates’ time- through being productive and having their work admired by others, and it also contributes to their sense of self-worth”. The workshop has also provided an opportunity to assess inmates’ needs and support for the introduction of other skills’ training programmes, as well as recommendations for future prison training programmes in forest livelihood creation. Inmates who participated in the training programme reported increased levels of confidence and a sense of fulfillment, and all of the beneficiaries reported that the workshop provided them with a positive experience during incarceration to share with their families. “I feel different than before [l did] the training, before I felt depressed, now I have something to look forward to that I want to do- I intend to continue cause I don’t want to come back to jail”, said 20 year old K. N., an inmate who is serving a six year sentence. A.R., a 23 year old inmate who is serving a sentence of four years, also reported a feeling of satisfaction with the programme, and expressing his desire to start a business in the field upon release from prison. In just two months, the Forest Livelihood Training Initiative has demonstrated considerable potential for the rehabilitation of Vincentian prisoners, justifying further support for the programme’s contribution to sustainable production within the institution. It also warrants consideration as a flagship programme for implementation in correctional facilities in other Caribbean islands.

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO

FAO collaborate with Caribbean and Brazilian Governments to Strengthen School Feeding Programmes in the Caribbean FAO and the Brazilian Government are collaborating with Caribbean governments to develop a comprehensive cooperation plan aimed at ensuring the sustainability of School Feeding Programmes in the region. Officials met 2-4 December in St. Lucia to critically analyse the experience of the St. Lucia School Feeding Pilot Project that started in 2015. Following the success of the Saint Lucia experience, five more countries are planning to implement national pilots for a Sustainable School Feeding Programme.

(Bridgetown, 23 December, 2015) - School Feeding Programmes in the Caribbean took centre stage 2-4 December when officials from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) met at a workshop with stakeholders and government officials from the Caribbean and Brazil to present and analyse the St. Lucian Sustainable School Feeding Pilot experience. The December workshop, held in St. Lucia, was aimed at strengthening governments’ capacities for improving school feeding programmes throughout the Caribbean region, through the lens of the St. Lucian Pilot Programme, which commenced in 2015. According to Mr Jorge O’Ryan, FAO Consultant on Governance and Food Security, “the School Feeding Programme in the Caribbean region has served as one of the most successful policies in terms of its ability to simultaneously address the various challenges that the region is currently facing”. He highlighted the Programme’s ability to ensure a sustainable market for locally produced fresh foods and to improve health by promoting healthy eating habits among children through food and nutrition education. Despite the success of the initiative, there remain some challenges to the long-term sustainability of the initiative, which include: inadequate levels of engagement of all stakeholders involved in the delivery of

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO the Programme, financial budgetary allocation from governments and the absence of clear legal and regulatory frameworks governing the implementation, monitoring and social control of the initiative. At a Reflection Meeting organised by the FAO Sub-regional Office in the Caribbean, held 14-16 December in Barbados, Mr O’Ryan reported that stakeholders who attended the St. Lucia workshop, identified the need for the School Feeding Programmes in the region to provide adequate, healthy and culturally appropriate foods to all entitled students as well as to promote education for food and nutrition security. The development of healthy eating habits and the installation of adequate infrastructure and equipment for food preparation in schools, were other areas that necessitated a greater importance. Local and regional stakeholders also called on governments to establish appropriate linkages with local markets and producers and to engage in diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of the initiative. Mr O’Ryan emphasised that the School Feeding Programme should go beyond a meal supply programme and become a tool for social transformation, in which the process of educating children about food and nutrition becomes a tool for empowerment and dignity. FAO and the Brazilian Government, through the “Strengthening School Feeding Programmes in the Framework of the Hunger Free LAC 2025 Initiative GCP/RLA/180/BRA” Project, have committed to develop a comprehensive cooperation plan aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the initiative, as well as the adoption of a human rights approach to the Programme and its associated public policies in the region. During the visit to St. Lucia, officials toured the two schools that benefitted from the FAO/Brazil cooperation project as well as another school that was supported by the private sector. Officials were able to critically analyze the implementation process of the initiative and lessons learned. It is hoped that the lessons learned in the St. Lucia Sustainable Pilot Project, which focused on the inclusion of nutritional education in schools, evaluation and monitoring of the Programme, public purchase from local farmers, the installation of school gardens and inter sectorial collaboration and community participation, will also become a useful reference for other School Feeding Programmes throughout the region. Following the success of the Saint Lucia experience, five more countries are planning to implement national pilots for a Sustainable School Feeding Programme. Belize, Jamaica, Guyana, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will follow the experience of Saint Lucia in 2016 to strengthen School feeding programmes in the Caribbean.

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO

First litter of Blackbelly lambs born from artificial insemination in Barbados Barbados makes major advancement as six of the island’s Blackbelly sheep were artificially inseminated and give birth to eleven healthy lambs. This event marks the first successful attempt at using artificial insemination in sheep production on the island.

(Bridgetown, 21 December, 2015) - Barbados’ first litter of lambs was born from artificial insemination in December of this year. The lambs, which were born at the Greenland Agricultural Station, continue to progress well and will be weaned from their mothers in early 2016. . According to FAO Livestock Officer, Dr Cedric Lazarus, this event represents a major advancement for the region’s livestock industry due to the difficulty of artificial insemination (AI) of sheep compared to its use in cattle and pigs. Dr Lazarus explained that AI in sheep requires extensive training for veterinarians and technicians to fully master the techniques. The success of this initial training exercise indicates that with the proper collaboration, planning and funding, sheep AI can be successfully implemented in Barbados just as pig and dairy cattle AI have been. Mrs Ena Harvey, Representative of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)in Barbados highlighted the importance of the adoption and utilisation of innovative breeding techniques such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer in safeguarding the sustainability of Blackbelly sheep production in Barbados. IICA, through its collaboration with the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture and in conjunction with the Barbados Agriculture Society (BAS), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) conducted the 5 day training exercise in artificial insemination in sheep production for Ministry of Agriculture technicians and farmers. The session took place at the Greenland Livestock Research Station in Barbados in July 2015.

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO The training exercise introduced the AI technique to government technicians and leading sheep farmers who were invited to the workshop. The routine use of AI will enable farmers to improve their productivity by having access to genetics from top quality Blackbelly rams in the island. In theory, AI allows hundreds of offsprings to be produced from a top Blackbelly ram in a single breeding season rather than the 40-60 that is currently the norm. A solid AI programme also enables a farmer with a superior Blackbelly ram to collect, store and sell frozen semen to other sheep farmers for use in their breeding programmes. An additional benefit of AI is that semen of superior rams once collected and frozen in liquid nitrogen can be available for use years or even decades after the ram has died. The July training exercise was led by two Mexican scientists and a few of the technicians were able to practice on animals made available by Greenland. By September 2015, it was evident that several of the animals that were inseminated in the training exercise were in fact pregnant and in December a total of 11 kids were born from 6 pregnancies. Artificial insemination has been used around the world as a breeding tool in livestock, particularly in dairy cattle and pigs, for decades. In the Caribbean, the technique has been employed by dairy farmers for decades and in the past few years it had been successfully introduced to pig farmers in both Jamaica and Barbados. In the small ruminants industry, the technique was introduced to goat farmers in Jamaica around 4 years ago through an EU funded FAO project. Since then, there has been a high demand for the service by Jamaican goat farmers who are benefiting from the availability of improved genetics (from both local and overseas sources) to upgrade their flocks. The recent successful application and outcome of the use of AI in sheep, which is considerably more difficult, bodes well for the food security of the livestock industry and the livelihood of sheep farmers in Barbados. According to Mr John Vaughan, Manager of the Greenland Livestock Research Station, local farmers have faced difficulties in obtaining high quality breeding animals for their herds due to the decrease in the number of local farmers who rear Blackbelly sheep. The regional development agencies involved in the development of the small ruminant sector will continue to collaborate to develop and expand the sector in Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean region, so as to reduce the island’s and region’s reliance on imports of sheep and goat meats. In addition to strengthening the breeding programmes, emphasis is also being placed on overall management of small ruminant farms, as well as on feeding, nutrition and marketing

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO

Caribbean Poultry Officials: Good biosecurity practices essential in reducing risk of disease spread of Avian Influenza Viruses to the region Caribbean poultry officials are continuing to ensure that poultry farmers in the region are provided with up to date information on adequate disease prevention techniques, which should contribute to reducing the risk of Avian Influenza Viruses spreading to poultry farms in the Caribbean. Recently, over 50 Barbadian poultry farmers benefitted from a biosecurity workshop held on the island. Similar workshops will also be held in other Caribbean islands starting in January 2016.

(Bridgetown, 26 November, 2015) – Regional workshops on good disease prevention techniques for poultry farmers are but one of the measures that are being taken across the region by Caribbean poultry officials, in an effort to safeguard animal health and the food security of the region, assured Dr Cedric Lazarus, Livestock Development Officer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The first of these workshops took place in Barbados, where over 50 of the island’s poultry farmers were provided with up to date information on adequate disease prevention techniques, so as to strengthen on-farm biosecurity practices on the island. Prior to the workshop, Dr Mark Trotman, Senior Veterinary Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed that good biosecurity practices were considered essential in reducing the risk of poultry becoming infected with avian influenza viruses, should these viruses enter the Caribbean region. The workshop took place on Saturday 28 November, and was organized by the Caribbean Animal Health Network (CaribVET) in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management, the

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO Barbados Agriculture Society (BAS), the Inter American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Caribbean Poultry Association (CPA). At the workshop, Dr Lazarus, who chaired the proceedings, stated that findings made by the United States Department of Agriculture, indicated that the spread of the avian influenza virus between farms in the USA earlier this year occurred mainly through biosecurity lapses and the movement of people and equipment between farms. He urged farmers to pay close attention to the implementation of good biosecurity practices on their farms, which include proper cleaning and disinfection of farm equipment and tools, as well as restricting visitors and vehicles to their farms. He also stressed that farm equipment should not be shared between farms. Such practices, he said, would not only reduce the possibility for disease spread, but would also safeguard animal health and the food security of the region. The session was organized against the backdrop of the December 2014 outbreak of the highly pathogenic H5N2 strain of the influenza virus that occurred in the USA. The virus eventually spread to 21 states, infecting commercial and backyard poultry, as well as captive wild birds. These outbreaks resulted in the culling or depopulation of approximately 7.5 million turkeys and 42 million layers and pullet chickens, with devastating effects on the poultry industry. By the time the US outbreaks ended in June 2015, the cost to the Federal taxpayer amounted to approximately one billion US dollars. It is well known that the virus originated in wild birds, which appear to be a reservoir for these viruses. Although the Caribbean has been unaffected thus far, it is important that the region starts to prepare for any eventuality, due to the fact that wild birds migrate south during the fall and some of the migratory pathways from North to South America pass over the Caribbean Islands. The workshop’s organizing bodies will continue to work tog ether with poultry farmers and other stakeholders to engage in further prevention measures to reduce the risk of the spread of avian influenza and other diseases to poultry farms in Barbados. Similar workshops will be held in other Caribbean islands, starting in January 2016.

Stakeholders meet to validate the Draft of Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy of The Bahamas The development of the Policy is part of a larger cooperative project between the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources and the FAO.

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO

(Nassau, New Providence, 25 November 2015) -Bahamas’ Department of Marine Resources in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted a final consultation with stakeholders to validate a draft of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy for the country. Government agencies, NGOs, sector representatives and other participants, reviewed and validated the draft Policy, which will now be presented to the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources and Cabinet for approval early next year. The development of the Policy is part of a larger cooperative project between the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources and the FAO. Over 100 people have participated in the consultation process to develop the Policy and its associated Strategic Plan. Meetings and discussions have been held over the course of the past year in New Providence and across its sister islands. Mr Cephas Cooper, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources, opened the stakeholder meeting and thanked FAO as well as the Department of Marine Resources for their efforts in developing the Policy. He highlighted the role of fisheries in the culture and economy of the Bahamas and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to develop the sector. He also reiterated the fact that sustainable fishing is a long-term source of employment, food security and nutrition to the people of the Bahamas. Mr Carlos Fuentevilla, Fisheries Officer for FAO, highlighted the importance of having a fisheries and aquaculture policy that allows all the stakeholders in the sector to work together with the same goals and objectives. He noted that a Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy, along with a related strategic plan for its implementation that has been agreed by stakeholders, are both crucial for the sustainable development of the sector. With the validation of the National Policy for Fisheries and Aquaculture, the next step requires that the document be presented to the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources for endorsement, further discussion and approval in Cabinet. The FAO-Bahamas cooperative project seeks to improve and develop the fisheries and aquaculture sector. It includes the development of the Policy and a strategic plan to drive its implementation, as well

Smart sources and green business insights on the web: www.superindustrialonine.com​ or​ ​www.edanaro.com

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO as a new fisheries data collection and statistics system, as well as an assessment of the feasibility and requirements to spur aquaculture production in The Bahamas.

Regional Fisheries Management Organization: a lucrative opportunity within reach or a distant dream? A Regional Fisheries Management Organization for the Caribbean offers tremendous economic potential and benefits amounting to a 20% increase in catches within 10 years and an additional 700 million USD generated for the region. However, the establishment of the Organization may be a lengthy process, much to the detriment of the region.

(Port of Spain, 3 December 2015) - Delegations from 24 countries and the European Union (EU) met on 1-2 December in Trinidad and Tobago to discuss the costs and benefits of establishment of a regional fisheries management organization (RFMO). These kinds of regional fisheries organizations are considered main instruments for implementation of fisheries management of regionally shared and transboundary resources under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). RFMOs have been established and cover almost all oceans and seas, except the Western Central Atlantic Ocean region. RFMOs are generally highly effective in terms of collecting necessary information for fisheries management, increasing collaboration between states, negotiating fisheries quotas, supporting fisheries employment and ensuring long-term sustainability of fisheries resources. The 2nd Strategic reorientation workshop of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) aimed to clarify the costs and benefits to member states in establishing and maintaining an RFMO in the region. It also increased awareness and contributed to building capacity among the WECAFC member countries about the benefits of transforming the Commission into an RFMO.

Smart sources and green business insights on the web: www.superindustrialonine.com​ or​ ​www.edanaro.com

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO The draft cost-benefit assessment presented to the workshop showed potential benefits in the order of a 20% increase in catches within 10 years and an additional value generated of 700 million USD for the region. The increase in production, associated with better management of shared resources, would provide fish for an additional 20 million people in the region and curb the current trend of ever increasing fish imports. An estimated investment of USD 1.5 million annually by the member countries in an RFMO would thus offer significant benefits to the people of the region. H.E. Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Clarence Rambarath in his address to the regional workshop stated “the declining fish stocks are a serious concern to me as many people in Trinidad and Tobago are dependent on fisheries for their income and food security”. The former president of the global Committee on Fisheries (COFI), Dr. Johan Williams, who co-chaired the workshop, added that most countries in the region are already members or so called cooperating non-contracting parties to RFMOs in other parts of the world, fishing and transporting fish elsewhere. He said that without an RFMO with a clear management mandate for regional fisheries, it would be impossible to deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing has been estimated to be between 20 and 30% of the total catch in the Caribbean region and leads to overexploitation of stocks, reduction of economic feasibility of legitimate fisheries, lower benefits of fisheries to society and an increase in conflicts in the sector. While most participants at the workshop recognized the need for an RFMO, they were less sure on the future of a fisheries governance structure and expressed concerns for what may be a lengthy process for the establishment of an RFMO. There is an opportunity for a change for the better, but whether it remains a distant dream, or comes through soon, will be determined in 2016. In June 2016 at the 16th session of WECAFC, the members are expected to decide on a way forward.

FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean Statement for World Food Day 2015 – 16 October, 2015 Theme: Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the cycle of Poverty

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO

Achieving and safeguarding food and nutrition security - one of the most basic human needs - is under increasing threat in the Caribbean sub-region, due to rapid shifts in the economic and political landscape as well as increasing environmental instability caused by the effects of climate change. The mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which aims to promote and ensure food security – the availability of adequate amounts of healthy and high-quality foodis therefore now more relevant than ever. 16th October this year marks the 35th anniversary of the occasion of World Food Day, which also coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO has been present in the Sub-region for several decades, during which time we’ve witnessed considerable progress in increasing food and nutrition security. The theme of this year’s World Food Day is “Social Protection and agriculture – breaking the cycle of rural poverty”. Social protection instruments act as enabling tools that allow individuals, families and communities to participate effectively in the socio economic sphere, reducing discrimination by sex, age, disability or other characteristics that could place them at risk to shocks in the economy. Countries in the Caribbean have benefitted enormously from social protection schemes over many years and the high standard of living and low levels of undernourishment have been acknowledged. Just this year, six Caribbean countries - Barbados, Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Cuba and the Dominican Republic - achieved the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on hunger and feature promising indicators with regards to food security and nutrition. The Latin America and Caribbean region as a whole also met the goal of the World Food Summit (WFS), having reduced the total number of undernourished people to 34.3 million. As we reflect on the progress made, the FAO re-affirms its commitment to continue to assist Caribbean governments in strengthening their response to the numerous economic and environmental shocks so as to ensure that Caribbean citizens continue to have access to an adequate supply of nutritious food.

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO The FAO has assisted governments in the region to implement a number of social protection related actions to improve their food and nutrition security. Most CARICOM countries have National Food and Nutrition Security Policies and Action Plans. The current national policy framework in Barbados prioritises food availability, access, utilisation and stability. It focuses on areas specific to improved nutrition, focusing heavily on women, micronutrients, and infectious diseases. This restructuring effectively addresses the problems of chronic non-communicable diseases and other food and nutrition challenges in a more systematic and coordinated way. In early 2012, Antigua and Barbuda launched the Zero Hunger Challenge Initiative Plan of Action 2013-2014, with the support of FAO and other international agencies. The Plan is aimed at, among other objectives, in ensuring 100% access to adequate food all year round. Since the launch of the programme, three other CARICOM countries have also embarked on the Initiative: Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, which are both in implementation stage, and St Lucia. In these three countries, governance structure has been put in place to facilitate participative coordination of actions and programmes that contribute to the aim of fully eradicating hunger. Likewise, activities that promote better healthy food production at national level, nutritional education and school-feeding have been supported. Additionally, the FAO has given technical assistance in setting up food zones in Barbados, Particular plots of land are now allocated into zones that are dedicated solely to food production. The aim of this initiative should serve to strengthen the food security position of Barbados, by empowering farming communities to adequately respond to market demands, through increased agricultural production and the creation of sustainable agro-processing businesses. It is hoped that the farmers operating in the central zone of St. George and its outskirts of St. Michael, will be better equipped to respond to the requirements and demands of the market place and that these areas will become agricultural hubs of the communities in which they are located. FAO has also given a particular importance in promoting young people in most of its activities. Decent employment opportunities for youth, working together with existing institutions, youth projects and programmes are supported while contributing to better food and feed systems in the region. Activities aim at encouraging the policy environment, governance and programme development processes for youth participation; developing knowledge sharing, learning and capacity building opportunities and employment facilitation and the adoption of innovative practices within the agricultural sector and related industries. In addition to agriculture, forests are an important source of employment. In Antigua, FAO supported the production and marketing of botanical jewellery. In collaboration with CANARI, FAO also helps to mentor community based ecotourism businesses in St Vincent. Young people, with their affection to the new social media, are well positioned to become successful sales agents for these products. In Dominica, FAO currently supports a stock taking exercise analysing the on-going forest based businesses with the aim to expand these into a forest based livelihood programme. School feeding programmes in the Caribbean, as elsewhere, have long been established and recognised as an important instrument in facilitating learning, especially for poor and vulnerable school children. More

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Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO recently, in Latin America and the Caribbean, while school feeding programmes (SFPs) maintain their original purpose, the goals of these programmes, as well as the forms of delivery of the assistance have evolved. Experience with SFPs elsewhere, primarily in Brazil, has prompted Caribbean governments to consider SFPs as an integral part of their social protection and development strategy. FAO has contributed to the development of these programmes in Antigua and Barbuda, Jamaica and St. Lucia. FAO support in St. Lucia consists of providing technical and financial aid which will contribute to the development of Sustainable School Feeding Pilots in two schools. This will contribute the fulfilment of the right to food for students. The experience in Saint Lucia will be shared with different countries in the Caribbean at the beginning of December this year. FAO looks forward to continuing to make strides to the development of the region. We endeavour to ensure that social protection initiatives are closely linked to our mandate, always remembering that the lives of families and communities lay at the heart of our work.

FAO working to reduce post-harvest food loss in CARICOM A project under FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme aims to change this troubling situation by reducing post-harvest losses along the food chain in the CARICOM Sub-region.

(Bridgetown, 8 August, 2015) - Reducing food loss and wastage is critical to improving global food security. Yet, thousands of dollars in food are wasted every year in the Caribbean due to poor practices or inadequate facilities for storage or packaging, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

Smart sources and green business insights on the web: www.superindustrialonine.com​ or​ ​www.edanaro.com

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Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

Smart negocios 2020 Report de Hugo Hernandez Gusther, Ecopreneur and founder of EDANARO United Nations (FAO). Furthermore, the Caribbean region also suffers from an insufficient emphasis on recording post-harvest losses, resulting in a paucity of data to calculate the percentages of these losses. A project under FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme aims to change this troubling situation by reducing post-harvest losses along the food chain in the CARICOM Sub-region. Under the project, FAO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management of Barbados, hosted a Trainer-of-Trainees workshop on Post-harvest Loss Reduction with emphasis on Cassava and Tomatoes. The week-long workshop was held 24-28 August 2015 at the Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael. At the Opening Session, Dr Vyjayanthi Lopez, FAO’s Plant Production and Protection Officer, stated that in developing countries, more than 40% of losses are incurred at post-harvest handling and processing stages and a similar percentage at the retail and consumer levels. “These high figures show the importance of the reduction of food loss and waste if we have to improve the global food security and raise farmer incomes. If left unabated, food losses and waste can have great impact on food security, food quality and safety, and economic development and the environment”, remarked Dr Lopez. Two experienced FAO Consultants, Dr Majeed Mohammed of the University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine and Mr Kelvin Craig of Guyana facilitated the workshop and provided training to extension officers and researchers on how to conduct an in-depth analysis of post-harvest practices of cassava and tomato. Participants were also able to gain a more complete understanding of the system-wide nature of the quality of deterioration and subsequent losses of crops in order to formulate appropriate solutions for quality management and loss reduction strategies at various Critical Loss Points in the post-harvest handling system. Mr Farnum, the Chief Acting Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, acknowledged the fact that it was important to seek to minimize losses, and also be “mindful of any potential that may exist for the utilisation of good quality product which may be slightly bruised, for product mashes, for shredded products, as well as the potential for the utilisation of such products for animal feeds.” He encouraged the participants to “seek ways to maximize economic benefits which can come from alternate uses of such valuable resources.” Mr Farnum also encouraged participants to assist persons at the various levels of the value chains to avoid the scale of economic losses experienced in the post-harvest value chain, to benefit not only the agricultural community but the various levels of value chains. To date, training activities have been completed in 8 countries, namely Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Training events are also scheduled for St. Kitts and Nevis, Guyana and Dominica, followed by Belize and The Bahamas. The training has covered a range of crops such as onions, tomato, dasheen, plantain, sour sop, cassava, pineapple, sweet potato, pumpkin, papaya and yard long beans. Other crops being covered include corn and hot pepper.

Smart sources and green business insights on the web: www.superindustrialonine.com​ or​ ​www.edanaro.com

Compare leasing​l​ and finance vendors online​ ​INDUSTRIAL REPORT FOR LED


Find Green Sources about eco projects and sustainable business on the web: Green insights​ ​www.egreenews.com​ l​ Smart money and alternative financing​ E ​ dana​ro.com Packaging vendors in North America​ ​l​ ​Ideas and supplies for lean factories​ ​www.superindustrialonline.com

Reporte de Hugo Hernandez Gusther,​ ​Eco empresario y fundador de Edanaro

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