Up Up and Away! By: Hui Da David Shi
Pixar surprises the audience
The film starts with Carl and
Ellie in their childhood years. When they first meet, they discover that they share the same dream of becoming explorers someday. Also they admired the same daring explorer Charles Muntz who was accused of being a
once again. Pixar is known for their genius animations such as the heart breaking Toy Story series or the hilarious Monster Inc. The adventurous movie Up 3D does not fail to impress as well, but I cannot compare it to other Pixar films and say if it was better or worse. But it is safe to say Up is indeed another cleverly thought out and well written story. Up is a wonderful jaw dropping film filled with humor and soft tender emotions. With a good medium of laughter and tears, the film will be always putting you on the edge of your seat.
fake and disappeared to prove his adventurous experience by trying to capture live mystical creature. Then it fast-‐forwards the lovebird’s lives through marriage, buying a house and eventually death of Ellie. During this process they experienced a lot like going on cute dates, building their dream house as well as unfortunately losing their child during pregnancy. However their real life goal was to save enough money in a big jar to vacation at the legendary paradise falls where Muntz has disappeared but never got a chance to because real
life hardship got in their way like
Explorer Scout who is very
medical bills and house repairs.
determined to earn his last badge. Carl
The main focus of the story
was after Ellie’s death. The youthful
has no choice but to take along the boy on this crazy journey. As the stories goes on Carl and Russell face
Carl died after Ellie’s death and turned into a typical grumpy old man who
countless encounters and other obstacles which everybody will
hates the world and suppresses himself in his house. With the
definitely enjoy. It ranges from fighting the wind in the skies to going
combination of pushy labor workers
head to head against dozens of dogs.
who are itching to tear down the old house, which is in the middle of a
On top of the great plot, the
commercial environment and the fact
eye pleasing bright colors cannot be
that he was growing old, and cannot
forgotten as well. Up is famously
achieve his life long goal he decides to
known for its beautiful realistic
leave. Working as a balloon man, Carl
scenery, including the vast view of the
decides to blow up hundreds of
city and the endless spread of blue
balloon and attaches to his house. His
skies. Although Up presents the 3D
goal was to fly away and reach
version as well, I personally believe it
paradise falls. During the beginning of
is not worth the 5 extra dollars. The
his adventure in the skies he hears
3D glasses darkens your sight, which
knocking at his door, an annoying
will minimize the full potential of the
talkative child named Russell appears.
screen color, in addition the 3D effects
He is an American Asian Wilderness
are not very effective. Movies like
Transformers and Avatar should be
very grumpy and grouchy; in addition
seen in 3D due to its potent fighting
he lost all his youthful qualities. He no
scenes and flaming explosions. In
longer wanted to chase after his
comparison Up does not contain any
dream to reach paradise falls.
intense graphic actions that are
However after many gloomy days of
suitable for 3D, however that does not
talking to his absent wife he finds
mean that it should not deserve
pictures of them as explorers. He
honorable mentions for its realistic
decides to finally let everything go and
animation. Characters developments
to chase his dream again. During the
are as realistic as it gets in a cartoon.
journey Carl’s youthful self explodes
Each character takes on believable
and once again is awake because of
traits and has emotions, obsessions
Russell’s influences. Age is just a
and tempers. In many movies like the
number after all. This depiction also
Hunger Games, either the story line or
portrays how although we can grow
character development is rushed.
old, we are never too old for anything.
However Up correctly managed to
Despite Carl’s age he still fought
develop the characters as well as the
against dogs, saved Russell and chased
storyline accordingly.
his dreams when it was seemingly
Despite the humor, the film
impossible. Many who watch UP will have an obsession over it because of
caught attention of many with the message it conveys. The movie depicts
this amazing moral. After watching this film, you will feel a shimmering
the elderly and their changes. In the movie after Ellie’s death, Carl became
light of hope even when everything
children from the age of 8 to 12 I
else seems to be against your way.
believe; little did they know how
The type of humor used in Up is very pleasing to all ages. The humor
much attention it would get.
In comparison to many other
used is irony and slapstick, which is
similar adventure movies like Ice Age,
understandable by everyone. When
Madagascar, and Lion King, Up is one
would you ever expect a talking dog, a
of the best of its genre. What makes
fat boy and an old man to fight on the
Up so different from the others? At
same team, or a flightless bird named
one standpoint Up is enjoyed by a
Kevin? The film is not a typical
larger range of age group. Also the
cartoon in which only children enjoy,
film has a sole purpose to teach some
People like me, a freshman college
valuable morals that many have
student, still consider this “childish”
forgotten. Although it might seem
cartoon as my all time favorite movie.
cliché but the movie heavily
In fact during my graduation I
emphasize on hopes and dreams.
decorated my hat according to the
Not only does it show a silver
movie, I had a house tied to balloons lining in life but also the truthful representing hope and success. Because the cartoon was meaningful
reality as well. Critiques say the scenes of Ellie being in sick at
but yet so funny, it captivated many teenagers and young adults, which
hospitals before her death is a reality hit to children. Although children can
was obviously not Pixar’s targets group. Pixar’s target group was
be sad over her unfortunate death, it
teaches children that anything can happen to people. Regarding this and the impact the film portrays on Carl, children will also learn to cherish their grandparents’ existence.
Overall this uplifting movie is a must watch. It welcomes everyone regardless of age; on top of that it has great humor, which everybody understands. The plot is both original and inspiring as well. It is definitely worth the money to buy the DVD now; it is a very entertaining two hours and ultimately might change you as a person.