Studio : Earth

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ABPL20027 / Semester 1 / 2017


EARTH Hui Yuan Koh / 799168 / Studio 8

Content 1. The Three Relationships 1.1 Point / Line / Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame and Infill 2. The Architectural Project: A Place of Keeping Secret 2.1 Site Analysis - Herring Island 2.2 Concept development 2.3 Final design - (Don’t tell anyone) 3. Reflection 4. Bibliography

1. The Three Relationships ‘Point/Line/Plane’, ‘Mass’, ‘Frame and Infill’ - The basis of all complex architecture are relate to these three architectural tectonic. In this studio, they are allied to a specific groundrelated space: ground surface, underground and above ground. In the first half of semester, we carried out design exercises relating to these tectonic to learn techniques, forms and ideas for our architecural project.

1.1 Point/Line/Plane All these basic element is everywhere. An object can be seen as point, line or plane at different perspective. Using design principle we can bring them together and create beautiful and unusual form. Combining 2 points form a line; combining lines form plane; combining planes form volume.

The precedents below show the relationship between the elements and how they can form a scuptural qualities. The sculpture by Sidney Gordin (left) create an interesting compostion between the elements. The Wood Box Pavilion (middle) manipulate the length of timber poles to form a juxtaposition - an overlapping between a cube and sphere. Bränden bus stop used extrusion of points to create a simple and elegant structure.

From left to right: Construction No. 7 by Sidney Gordin, 1954; Wood box pavilion by Atelier Vecteur, 2012; Bränden bus stop by Sou Fujimoto, 2014.

“The Extrusion�


The concept of my model is to use the extrusions of points, lines and planes and create a sculpture which can be blend into the natural landscape and also has an interactive element.

It can become a meeting point where people are able to sit at the edge of the sculpture. If someone is curious enough to walk through the narrow path in the middle of the sculpture, they may find a small hidden open space too.

Each straight extrusion is arranged in such a way they can form a hill-like, undulating

1.2 Mass Mass is defined as ‘a large body of matter with no definite shape.’; ‘a large number of people or objects crowded together’. The first thought of mass will be related to objects such as rock, stone, brick, metal, earth. What happen when a large number of rock is assemble together? First, it gave off the feeling of heaviness and firmness. Second, the surface of the assemblage and rough. Third, gaps are form between each of the object and because rock is opaque, light and shadow is formed. Thus, the play of solid and void; darkness and light; touch and see.

The precedents below show the characteristics of mass: rough, solid, opaque, heavy, has gaps, light and shadow. The first image from the left that shows the interior of Brother Klaus Field Chapel explained how architecture is designed to show the interesting effect of light and shadow. The Pilgrimage Church is a brutalist architecture. This kind of architecture are usually made up of concrete, built large to impress and make people tense. Lastly, this painting of Pablo Palazuelo seems like rocks have collapsed into the underground passage and block the way in or out. It also shows the beautiful gaps and voids formed between mass.

Left to right: Brother Klaus Field Chapel by Peter Zumthor (2007); Pilgrimage Church by Gottfried Bรถhm (1963-73); Temp gris painting by Pablo Palazuelo (1980).

“A Pot of Gold”

Using watercolour, pencil, charcoal and collage, I created a section This painting for mass exercise is created from a narrative... view of a cave-like architectural space. The solid blocks with different sizes are arranged to imitate a cave but maintain the man-made feature. ‘ Once upon a time, the people of the village in a tropical forest had discover a Using this method, voids and gaps are formed between the blocks. The very special tunnel. At certain time, the end of the tunnel will glow brightly. creases on the background create a sense of roughness for this interior Many villagers thought that there is some magiacal gold at the end of the space. Moreover, the ‘pot of gold’ idea is brought into this space. The tunnel but they discovered nothing every time after they spend hours going condition for this phenomena to appear is - a puddle of water formed by down the tunnel. It was then become a forbidden ground because many the rain with direct sunlight shine on it.people die halfway down the dangerous tunnel.’

1.3 Frame and Infill This architectural tectonic is an intellecture system that requires planning and shows transparency. Most of the spaces we dwell in everyday life are made up of this structure. Normally, frame is first set up as the permanent structure and infill is then put out / on / inside / behind the frame which is the temporary sections of architecture. What if the clear distinction of frame and infill become ambiguous?

The precedents below explored the transparency, complexity and permanance of frame and infill. Most of them have a repetative system that form a grid like structure. Sou Fujimoto’s House NA has frames that create modular space in the building and the infill separate the space into public and private area using different materiality. Unlike the usual grid structure, the Sumika Pavilion has an irregular geometrical frames and infill that gave me insight to my design later on. Forrest Tower is a model that shows the abovethe-ground effect of frame and infill. The platform that act as the the infill and connection point of the frames blurred the line between frames and infill. From left to right: House NA by Sou Fujimoto (2010); Sumika Pavilion by Toyo Ito & Associates (2004-07); Forest Tower by KATOxVictoria (n.d.)

‘ The Observation Tower ‘ This model is built based on a Baobab Tree. The sequence of pentagon platform is the trunk; the irregular shaped platforms are the leafs and branches of the tree. The whole structure shows the transformation of frame and infill, from regular to irregular. Instead of focusing the grid, permanent and temporary feature of frame and infill. I want to challenged that perception by creating a frame and instill structure that explore ambiguity and irregularity. Other frame and infill feature that can be seen here is modularity, sectioning and balancing.

Exploded image on how the model is built,

Narrative image that tells the experience of the tower.

2 . The Architectural Project - A Place of Keeping Secret. What is secret? Secret is something that is kept or meant to kept unknown or unseen by others. Secret doesn’t has to be an object, it can be a message, it can be a space, it can be an experience, it can be abstract, it can be anything. In this project, we need to use the three tectonics we learned and create a pavilion that has a secret. The project has to suggest a relationship between ground surface, underground and above ground.

2.1 Site Analysis - Herring Island Herring island has a very interesting transformation in the pass 130 years as it started off as an old quarry and slowly turned into an environmental sculpture park. The island consist of many environmental art sculpture for us to find and discover. Site analysis is made to find the most suitable site for our architectural project. As I am going to further explore the concept of light and shadow, I have investigate the sun path on the island and chosen the east bank of the island which can received more afternoon direct sun light and has lesser vegetation to shade from sun light.

Choosen site


Access & Infrastructures




Vegetation density

Noise level & sources


Summer Solstice - December

April 15, 2017 Sun trajectories during the year Sunrise Sunset Current sun trajectory

Winter Solstice - June

2.2 Concept Development Never goes with the first idea that comes into our head. With relevant precedent and research, I further developed my concept based on the three tectonic and brief. The idea of the previous exercises became the basis of this architectural project, especially the concept of my mass exercise painting - ‘Pot of Gold’ is further developed as I want to explore the concept of light and shadow. I want my secret to be reveal by the light in the shadow, with certain condition.

The precedents I looked up to are architecture that has a sense of secrecy; architecture that use light and shadow as part of the design and architecture that play with one’s mind.

Left to right: Read between the Lines by Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, 2011; The shafts of sunlight illuminate the basilica and its mosaic in Vatican, photographed by Albert Moldvay, 1971; Treehouse by Scott Kyson, 2016.

Conceptacles are small sketch models that turn the ideas in our mind into physical state. It helps us to develop our ideas and make it more easy to explained them to other people. Conceptacle #1 are used to experiment my light and shadow concept. Conceptacle #2 and #3 are used to design and develop my journey to the secret.

Conceptacle #1

Conceptacle #2

Conceptacle #3

2.3 Final Design - (Don’t tell anyone) A Place for keeping secrets, Something like a Pavilion, On Herring Island.

Sometime during the noon, people who come to Herring Island will often see the mystery yet interesting phenomena in the tunnel-like pavilion at the east side of the Island. As they arrive the center of the pavilion, they can see words cast on the wall by the sunlight. It says: “Secret is here”.

This pavilion design stimulate one’s curiosity when they were told about something or someone is having a secret. They will start pondering what it the secret and start asking or looking for it. The secret of this project is the journey itself, as they discovered the hidden message in the pavilion, they will start to question. What is the secret? Where is the secret? Who is Secret?

Perspective drawing


Roof Plan



10 m




3 . R e f l e c t i o n Architectural Studio: Earth is a fruitful subject I had this semester because it taught me the concept of basic architectural tectonic and how to design with them. The weekly exercise which uses different design representation help me identify my strength and weakness in designing so I can improve myself in the future. The design project which based on secret and pavilion allows our imagination to run wild as they have little restriction on the design outcome. During the design process, I am able to develop my frame of reference and use different strategies to develop design idea. In the future, I want to improve the complexity of my concepts and in evaluating my design idea. Lastly, I want to say thank you to my tutor, guest tutor and critic that help me on this project - (Don Tell Anyone).

4. Bibliography Palazuelo, Pablo (1980). Temp gris [Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from Bรถhm, Gottfried (1963-73). Pilgrimage Church, Neviges, Germany [Online image].

Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from fuckyeahbrutalism-pilgrimage-church-neviges

Toyo Ito & Associates. (2004-07). Sumika Pavilion, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan [Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from

Fujimoto, Sou. (2010). House NA, Tokyo, Japan [Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June


2017 from,










[Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from Gordin, Sidney. (1954). Construction No. 7 [Online image]. Retrieved on 5 June 2017



Vecteur, Atelier. (2012). Wood box pavilion [Online image]. Retrieved on 5 June




architecture-by-ateliervecteur/ KATOxVICTORIA. (n.d.). Forest Tower [Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from

Zumthor, Peter (2007). Brother Klaus Field Chapel [Online image]. Photograph

Kyson, Scott. (2016). Treehouse, London [Online image]. Retrieved on 6 June

by Aldo Amoretti. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from

2017 from



chapel?utm_content=buffer4acf2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook. com&utm_campaign=buffer

Moldvay, Albert. (1971). Three shafts of sunlight illuminate the basilica and its mosaic floor in the Vatican [photography]. Retrieved on 6 June 2017 from http://natgeofound.

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