What is the Students Union Hull University Union (HUU) is the Students’ Union of the University of Hull. We are a registered charity. To comply with Charity Law we need a constitution which confirms what the aims of HUU are. We have to stay within the parameters of the Constitution in everything we do. The purpose of Hull University Union is the advancement of the education of students at the University of Hull. We will achieve this by: • Promoting the interests and welfare of students at the University of Hull during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Members. • Being the recognised representative channel between students and the University and any other external bodies. • Providing cultural, social, sporting and recreational activities, opportunities to volunteer in the community and forums for discussion and debate for the personal development of its Members. The objects do not cover the provision of commercial businesses that we run. Charities are not allowed to trade so our shop, bars and entertainments form part of a trading company (HUU Services Limited) which gives all its surpluses to HUU, the charity, to help us meet our objectives above. The constitution can be viewed in more detail on our website: www.hullstudent.com/constitution HUU is a separate entity from the University of Hull. We are led by students for students with the help of staff and selected trustees.
Board of Trustees Governance of HUU is carried out by a Board of Trustees. The composition of the Board includes six Sabbatical Officers (students) and four external Trustees selected for their skills and experience. There are also four Student Trustees, who are elected by the student body. The Board meets approximately four times per year at regular intervals to coincide with important times in the planning and reporting cycle (Annual Report and Accounts/Annual General Meeting/budgeting/Sabbatical handover). The Chief Executive acts as Secretary and advisor to this body. The role of the Board of Trustees is detailed in the Constitution. The Board’s main duties are:• ensuring there is an appropriate mission, vision and values for HUU • approving strategy • meeting financial requirements of the Charity Acts and approving and monitoring planned income and expenditure; setting limits of monetary expenditure by individuals and committees • ensuring long term financial stability of HUU • ensuring resources are available to suitably staff HUU to meet the strategy • consulting regularly with the membership regarding strategy • reviewing regularly the performance of the Union Executive Committee and to act upon recommendations of Union Council • removing Trustees who contravene Charity Law • ensuring all recommended policy meets the objects of HUU, its strategic and financial plans. Governance is the process of ensuring an organisation operates effectively, that it has a clear mission statement and strategy. However, governance is not necessarily about doing the work; rather, it is about making sure that things
are done. It is about making sure that the organisation has clear aims and priorities, policies and procedures but not necessarily carrying them out. It is ensuring that the organisation is managed effectively, but not doing the managing. It is about making certain that the organisation has appropriate systems, but not necessarily about developing them. It is about ensuring that the organisation has sufficient resources (people, equipment, expertise, etc), although not necessarily about providing them. The Board concentrates much of its time looking at the future and positioning HUU so that it can continue to meet the needs of all our student members on a continuing basis.
Did you know ...
of students feel Hull University Union is making a positive impact on their life at University.
Union Executive Committee The Union Executive Committee (UEC), which consists of 6 full time Sabbatical Officers, is responsible for implementing the vision, mission, values and strategy set by the Board of Trustees. The work of UEC focuses on representing students and offering organisational leadership.
Our Vision “Our vision is that we aspire to be one of the leading Students’ Unions in the country which we shall measure by being accredited with and retaining a Gold Award in the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative (SUEI) by the end of 2014.”
Our Mission ”In everything we do, HUU will be our members’ first choice every time” We have a wide range of services and a diverse student membership. We seek to have our members choose to use our services before others.
Our Values • Safety - our premises and services will be open to all members without fear or favour. • Diversity and equality - we shall welcome all members and treat them all equally as a member. • Democracy – our members will have ownership of the Organisation. • Representing – we shall support our members when they need help. • Quality – we shall aim to do the best we can in everything we are involved in. • Fun – when our members are socialising, we shall help them have fun. • Supporting – we are here to support our members whenever they need help and advice. The UEC will be expected to communicate progress with the strategy and plans and consult regularly with the Zones, Union Council and the membership. The UEC meets regularly to monitor progress, agree plans and campaigns and deal with day to day issues of our members. 5
What are Sabbatical Offifi cers Sabbatical Officers are elected by the student body to undertake a number of roles within HUU: • Trustee – As members of the Board of Trustees, they carry out the duties described before (see Role of the Board of Trustees). • Representative – each officer will contribute to the work of UEC in ensuring the collective voice of our student members is heard by the University, the local community and nationally. All positions involve representing students on University committees. In the case of the President, VP Education and VP Welfare a significant part of the role is spent working with the University to improve our students’ experience. • Leader - of different zones within HUU (Governance, Education, Welfare & Community, Activities, Sport and Scarborough Campus). There are six sabbatical officers: President, VP Sport, VP Education, VP Welfare & Community, VP Activities and VP Scarborough.
What are the Zones To help them deliver their plans, each Sabbatical Officer has a committee called a Zone. For those students who want to take on a voluntary role within these areas, there are many positions within each zone which suit a variety of interests. There are 5 Zones in HUU: Governance, Education, Welfare & Community, Activities and Sport. In Scarborough, the Vice President implements our plans with the help of the Scarborough Executive Committee.
Union Council Union Council acts as a scrutiny body and sounding board to discuss policy. In order to scrutinise the performance of the Sabbatical Officers and the individual members within their zones, the Union Council meets twice a semester and comprises the members of each zone, plus eight Councillors for Scrutiny and Faculty Co-ordinators who sit on University Senate. All positions elected in Week 5 of Semester 2 are members of Union Council.
Students’’ Union Evaluation Initiative (SUEI) “Our vision is that we aspire to be one of the leading Students’ Unions in the country, which we shall measure by being accredited with a Gold Award in the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative (SUEI) by the end of 2014” - HUU Strategic Plan. We achieved the Gold Award in July 2011. SUEI is an assessment model that assists in improving the representation, services and activities delivered to members of the Union by indicating areas for continuous improvement. SUEI focuses on the impact we make meeting our mission, vision and values. The core values of SUEI are: EMPATHY: Reflect the interests of all sections of the membership DEMOCRACY: Consistently connect with the membership DIVERSITY: Apply the principles of equality and diversity LEARNING: Listen and Learn OPENNESS: Always work in an open and transparent way BEHAVIOUR: Promote a high standard of behaviour by and amongst elected representatives and staff. The model follows 5 key themes: 1. What’s so special about the Union? 2. What is the Union aiming to achieve? 3. Is there good people management? 4. Are there quality outcomes? 5. What underpins this quality? It is important that all student officers, trustees and staff have this same vision and are keen to support HUU as we push to maintain Gold. For more information on SUEI, go to www.nusconnect.org.uk/charity/SUEI
What positions are open for election for 2013-2014 Before you read on, please note: Anyone wanting to run for Sabbatical positions must attend a compulsory Procedural Meeting. When? 13th February 2013 at 12.15pm. Where? Meeting Room 1 in Hull, CG1 in Scarborough. What is it? A meeting to understand the rules and regulations of the elections. Compulsory for Sabbatical candidates, recommended for other positions. You can view Standing Orders for each position and the election process at www.hullstudent.com/union/content/170755 or e-mail J.Uzzell@hull.ac.uk, who can send them to you. Please note that VP Community is changing to VP Activities and VP Welfare is changing to VP Welfare and Community.
Board of Trustees Student Trustees: Student Trustees are important in ensuring that a wide cross section of student views and experience are represented on the Board of Trustees, to support us in our governance and develop HUU’s future direction. These positions are ideal if you feel you can contribute but do not have lots of free time because of work and / or family commitments outside your academic life. You will be expected to attend no more than six meetings throughout the academic year. All students at Hull University can nominate themselves as long as you will be studying in the academic year 2013/2014. As a Student Trustee you will: • Contribute to the experience of your fellow students at the University of Hull • Gain experience in governing a rapidly changing environment which will look good on your CV • Have an opportunity to influence and implement change • Be part of an organisation that is a leader in the SU movement • Be able to put your skills and enthusiasm to good use in a new environment. We would ideally be seeking individuals who:• Are open-minded and honest in dealing with others • Have good judgement • Work well in a team • Aspire to implement and influence change • Are committed to HUU’s vision, mission and strategy • Have gained experience helping other organisations The nomination process is different for Student Trustee positions: To receive information about this position and the correct nomination form, please e-mail elections@hull.ac.uk. You will have to attend a short interview with the Appointments Committee. Please note You do NOT have to arrange publicity if you are a candidate running for Student Trustee, your nomination form will solely be used in the election.
Governance Zone President:
The President a Principal Officer of the Union; a Trustee of HUU and the Chairperson (casting vote only) of the Union Executive Committee. The President is responsible for Union representation and liaison between the Union, the University, the local community and national bodies. The President is head of the Governance Zone. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. Candidates may take up this post as a year out of their degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical” year away from your studies.
Chair Campaigns & Democracy: Chair Campaigns and Democracy
is responsible for organising Semester long campaigns, supporting all Sabbatical officers. They are also responsible for ensuring the democractic processes of HUU are carried out effectively. This includes the elections and Union Council.
Chair Environmental & Ethical: Educates students at the University of Hull on environmental and ethical issues. Works closely with the President in helping HUU lead the Students’ Union movement in both innovation and participation on environmental and ethical campaigns.
Education Zone Vice-President Education: VP Education is a Principal Officer of
the Union; a Trustee of HUU; Deputy President and a voting member of the Union Executive Committee. VP Education is responsible for the academic welfare, support and representation of students at the University of Hull. VP Education is head of the Education Zone. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. You can take this post as a year out of your degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical� year away from your studies.
Chair Part-Time Students Committee: A voluntary opportunity to support students at Hull by chairing a student committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing part-time students. Your role will be to ensure the needs of part-time students are known and represented through the Education Zone and Union Council. VP Education and relevant students officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to part-time Students. You must be a part-time Student studying in the academic year 2013/2014 to run for this position.
Chair Mature Students Committee: A voluntary opportunity to
support students at Hull by chairing a student committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing mature students. Your role will be to ensure the needs of mature students are known and represented through the Education Zone and Union Council. VP Education and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to mature students. You must be a mature student studying in the academic year 2013/2014 to run for this position.
Chair Post Graduate Association:
A voluntary opportunity to support students at Hull by chairing a student Association designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing post-graduate students. Your role will be to ensure the needs of post-graduate students are known and represented through the Education Zone and Union Council. VP Education and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to post-graduate Students You must be a post-graduate student studying in the academic year 2013/2014 to run for this position.
Involves representing students at one of the highest levels in the University – University Senate. You would also have voting membership at Union Council. Candidates will be passionate about education and having a role in positive change at the University on a range of issues including funding, services and resources. The positions available are:• Faculty Co-ordinator - Faculty of Art and Social Sciences • Faculty Co-ordinator - Faculty of Science • Faculty Co-ordinator - Faculty of Education • Faculty Co-ordinator - Faculty of Health and Social Care • Faculty Co-ordinator - Hull University Business School • Faculty Co-ordinator - Hull York Medical School Please note: All candidates must be a student in the Faculty for which they are a candidate and they do not have voting rights on the Education Zone. These positions are only voted on by the relevant Faculty.
Welfare & Community Zone Vice-President Welfare & Community: VP Welfare & Community
is a Principal Officer of the Union; a Trustee of HUU and a voting member of the Union Executive Committee. VP Welfare & Community is responsible for the policy, co-ordination and organisation of HUU’s welfare & community services. This includes liberation groups, the Advice Centre and student housing. They are head of the Welfare & Community Zone. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. You can take this post as a year out of your degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical” year away from your studies.
Chair BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) Students Committee: A voluntary opportunity to support students at Hull by
chairing a student committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing these students. Your role will be to ensure the needs of these students are known and represented through the Welfare & Community Zone and Union Council. VP Welfare & Community and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns. All candidates must self define as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic.
Chair Disabled Students Committee: A voluntary opportunity to
support students at Hull by chairing a committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing students with disabilities. You will ensure the needs of these individuals are known and represented through Welfare Zone and Union Council. VP Welfare & Community and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to disabled students.
Chair LGBT + (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender +) Students Committee: A voluntary opportunity to support students at
Hull by chairing a committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender or those who may be confused about their sexuality. You will ensure that the
needs of these individuals are known and represented through the Welfare & Community Zone and Union Council. VP Welfare & Community and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to LGBT+ Students. All candidates must self define as a LGBT+ student.
Chair Women’s Committee: A voluntary opportunity to support
students at Hull by chairing a committee designed to support and raise awareness of the issues facing women. You will ensure the needs of these individuals are known and represented through the Welfare & Community Zone and Union Council. VP Welfare & Community and relevant student officers will help you to co-ordinate activities and campaigns relating to female students. All candidates must self define as female.
Did you know ...
of students said they felt welcome on their arrival at University
Activities Zone Vice-President Activities: VP Activities is a Principal Officer of
the Union; a Trustee of HUU and a voting member of the Union Executive Committee. Vice President Community is responsible for the student activities of HUU, including Societies, International Students and Media committees. VP Activities is Editor-in-Chief of Hullfire Magazine and JAM Radio. VP Activities is head of the Activities Zone. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. You can take this post as a year out of your degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical� year away from your studies.
Chair ISA (International Student Association): Chairs the International Student Association (ISA) and is responsible for representing the interests of International Students at the University of Hull. The Chair ISA is responsible to the Vice President Activities. Ideally you will be a good organiser as much of the activities involve trips to interesting places in the UK and Europe and social events.
Chair Media: Chairs the Media Committee and has responsibility for all
student led media within HUU. Chair Media oversees JAM Radio, The Hullfire student newspaper and HUUTV. They shall be responsible to VP Activities.
Chair Raising and Giving (RAG): A voluntary opportunity to chair
the RAG committee, which is responsible for the annual Hull Student Charity Appeal, with the aim of raising as much money as possible by legitimate means for the benefit of selected charities, both local and national.
Chair Societies Executive Committee: This position is also referred to as the Societies Officer and is a voluntary opportunity to chair Societies Executive Committee. You will be responsible for representing the interests and the supervising of societies at Hull University Union.
Chair HUSSO: A voluntary opportunity to chair the HUSSO Executive Committee. You will co-ordinate volunteering projects within five areas: Kids, education & mentoring, older people, disabilities and rehabilitation.
Sport Zone Vice-President Sport: VP Sport is a Principal Officer of the Union;
a Trustee of HUU and a voting member of the Union Executive Committee. Vice President Sport is President of the Athletic Union. Vice President Sport is responsible for the management, provision and representation of Sport at University of Hull. Vice President Sport is head of the Sport Zone and is to liaise with its officers on a regular basis. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. You can take this post as a year out of your degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical� year away from your studies.
AU Secretary & Varsity Rep: A voluntary opportunity to support
the Athletic Union by assisting with Secretarial duties. You will also ensure the needs of the Athletic Union are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. Also supports the AU by assisting with the organisation and facilitation of Varsity.
Communications Offiffiicer: A voluntary opportunity to support the
Athletic Union by ensuring that there is optimum communication between sports clubs and with the rest of the Union. You will also ensure the needs of the Athletic Union are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. You will work with VP Sport.
Events Offiffiicer: A voluntary opportunity to support the Athletic Union by assisting with organising events for Athletic Union members. You will also ensure the needs of the Athletic Union are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. You will work with VP Sport.
BUCS Representative: A voluntary opportunity to support the Athletic
Union by assisting with Tour arrangements. You will also ensure the needs of the Athletic Union are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. You will work with VP Sport.
Kit & Equipment Representative
A voluntary opportunity to support the Athletic Union by assisting with ordering and monitoring kit and equipment for the many different clubs in the AU. You will also ensure the needs of the AU are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. You will work with VP Sport.
Tour Representative: A voluntary opportunity to support the Athletic
Union by assisting with BUCS fixtures. You will also ensure the needs of the Athletic Union are known and represented through the Sport Zone and Union Council. You will work with VP Sport.
Did you know ...
students are registered with AU clubs
Councillors of Scrutiny Six positions available A voluntary opportunity to bring concerns from the wider student body to the attention of Union Council. You will have the opportunity to get involved with HUU by also sitting on an assigned Union Zone – promoting the issues which are important to Hull students and representing the student body in a scrutiny role. With voting membership on Union Council and a respective Zone, as a Councillor you will have the opportunity to work with and scrutinise sabbatical and student officers.
NUS Delegates to Conference NUS National Conference: Five places to join the President who acts as delegation leader.
The National Union of Students (NUS) exists to represent the views of students nationally. NUS National Conference is the key decision-making body of NUS and runs for three days every spring. Every Students’ Union sends representatives to participate in Conference, passing policy that sets the priorities of the national union for the coming year. This is a brilliant opportunity to represent the student body at Hull University!
Did you know ...
voters turned out in the last semester 2 elections
Scarborough Executive Committee VP Scarborough Campus The VP Scarborough Campus is a Principal Officer of the Union; a Trustee of HUU and a voting member of the Union Executive Committee. VP Scarborough is responsible for representing the interests of Scarborough Students at Union Executive Committee and to University management at Scarborough campus. VP Scarborough is chair of the Scarborough Executive Committee and is to liaise with its officers on a regular basis. This is a full-time paid Sabbatical Officer position with a one year term of office. Candidates may take up this post as a year out of their degree or after graduation. In the case of the former, the University allows you to take a “sabbatical� year away from your studies. The Scarborough Executive work with VP Scarborough and are also supported by Hull based Sabbatical Officers. The positions available are:
Scarborough Education Offiffiicer The Scarborough Education Officer, in conjunction with VP Education, is responsible for the academic welfare, support and representation of students at the Scarborough Campus. This includes Course Representation.
Scarborough Welfare Offiffiicer The Scarborough Welfare Officer is responsible for the welfare of members in Scarborough. Also acts as chair of the Welfare Sub Committee.
Scarborough Community Offiffiicer The Scarborough Community Officer is responsible for the internal community of Hull University Union Scarborough Campus, including Societies and Media committees. They will also be the deputy Editor -in-Chief of all Scarborough media. Also acts as chair of the Community Sub Committee.
Scarborough International Offiffiicer The Scarborough International Officer is responsible for representing and supporting International students at the University of Hull Scarborough Campus.
Scarborough Sport Offfiicer The Scarborough Sports Officer is responsible for the implementation of HUU’s sport policy in Scarborough.
Scarborough Campaigns Offiffiicer The Campaigns Officer is responsible for organising Scarborough’s specific campaigns.
You want to run for a position, –so what do you need to know • The deadline for nomination forms is 13th February 2013 at 12pm. These are online for the first time ever. If you wish to fill out a paper copy, please go to www.hullstudent.com/elections. If you are running for a Sabbatical position you must sign an agreement setting out terms & conditions of Sabbaticals. You can do this at the Procedural meeting, which you must attend at 12.15pm following the deadline for nominations. • You are not permitted to alter the nomination form in any way. • If you want to stand for a full-time Sabbatical position, you MUST attend the procedural meeting on 13th February 2011at 12.15pm. Failure to attend this without good reason accepted by the RO or ARO means you will not be able to stand. • There are regulations governing the Election process (Standing Order 8001). If you want to apply, please familiarise yourself with this. This can be downloaded from www.hullstudent.com/elections. Ignorance is not an acceptable reason for breaking rules! If you are unsure of anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can e-mail elections@hull.ac.uk. • If you are running for a Sabbatical position, you must attend Hustings (Question time) and be prepared to answers questions in front of an audience. • Voting opens on 22nd February at 10am and closes on 28th February at 5pm. • Voting is electronic at www.hullstudent.com. All students at the University of Hull can vote. • The voting system is a transferable or preference voting system. This means that students can rank the candidates in order of preference. If no candidate gets 50% of the total votes, then the candidate with the lowest numbers is eliminated. This process carries on until a candidate gets 50% of the votes. • All positions will have the option to vote for ‘RON’, which means Re-open Nominations. If RON wins, then the election will be ran again at a future date.
Your Publicity • Unless you are a Student trustee, you will need to run an Election Campaign. This basically means promoting yourself as the right candidate to vote for. Campaigning usually includes posters, stickers, t-shirts and the use of social media. However, a bit of imagination is recommended as some students try to avoid the Union around this time! • No candidate can spend over £200. • Candidates running for Sabbatical positions will receive £30 credit upfront to be used at HUU marketing for publicity. For Scarborough candidates, you can contact HUU marketing by email, huu-marketing@hull.ac.uk. • All candidates standing for Sabbatical and NUS Conference must submit a Publicity Declaration Form to the Assistant Returning Officer before 12pm on 28th February (the last day of voting). You can download one from www. hullstudent.com/elections • All your publicity material must be seen by the Returning Officer or Assistant Returning Officers before it is distributed. The deadline to do this is 10am on Friday 17th February. After this, you cannot amend or change it. • All paper-based publicity must be printed by the Union’s Marketing department on the 1st floor of the Union and Scarborough can print posters in the Student Activities office. This is to ensure that publicity allowances are not exceeded. • No printed publicity material (posters, flyers, stickers) can be used in HUU commercial area. This includes the Hull and Scarborough shop, the bars and Asylum. If stickers are found in Asylum, you will be charged for cleaning time to remove them. For Scarborough, please check with the University before using Calvinos and the canteen, as these are not ran by the Union. • Campaigning online is limited to positive use only and you cannot refer to any other candidate by name or implication, unless it challenges their policy. • You can create a webpage on www.hullstudent.com using the Marketing team. Please note – that this is on a first come first served basis. You can e-mail huu-marketing@hull.ac.uk to set up an appointment. For VP Scarborough candidates, this can be done over the telephone, so travelling to Hull is not necessary. • You cannot use the Union’s pa system, screens or the text messaging screen in Asylum. 22
Candidates are allowed no more than the following for printed material:
Tops tips to getting that position! • Campaigning usually includes posters, stickers, banners, t-shirts and the use of social media. However, the more imaginative the better! You will want to stand out from the crowd. Plus, spending money doesn’t always get you votes. Please don’t feel obliged to spend money you can’t afford. • Come to the information meeting on 29th January and ask lots of questions! Get in contact with the person who is currently in the position and find out as much as you can. • The procedural meeting on13th February is compulsory for Sabbatical candidates, but recommended for everyone to learn the rules of campaigning. • Make sure your nomination form is clear to read. Avoid using CAPITALS! It can come across as aggressive. • Remember to actually ask people to vote and tell them how they do it! • Be friendly and smile when talking to people. It might sound simple, but people aren’t going to vote if you aren’t nice to them. • Talk about why you want to run and why a student should vote for you, and what you could do for them. • If someone has a preferred candidate, then remember to ask for the number 2 vote!
Hustings for Sabbatical candidates • You will need to make a speech that will last no longer than two minutes. • Practice your speech and make sure you know how long it lasts. • Write the speech in advance and make sure it is clear to read. • Speak slowly and clearly. • Start by explaining who you are and end asking them to vote for you. • Think about what questions people might ask and practice how you would answer these. • On the day wear something smart but comfortable. • Try to relax and smile. • Be honest! There is transport provided to Hull/Scarborough for each Sabbatical candidate and two campaign team members for Hustings. Info will be provided when candidate numbers are confirmed.
The Union provides the cost of one return trip to the other campus for Sabbatical candidates. You will need to bring your train/bus ticket to the Assistant Returning Officer to do this. We also provide transport for Scarborough candidates to attend the results night in Hull. Please contact K.Oram-Robinson@hull.ac.uk for more info.
Useful Contacts
Paul Tatton - ARO (Hull) - p.tatton@hull.ac.uk John Uzzell - ARO (Hull) - J.Uzzell@hull.ac.uk Vic Langer - RO - vic.langer@nus.org.uk Wayne Cullen - ARO (Scarborough) - W.Cullen@hull.ac.uk Kathryn Oram-Robinson - ARO (Scarborough) - K.Oram-Robinson@hull. ac.uk huu-marketing@hull.ac.uk - Publicity enquiries elections@hull.ac.uk - General enquiries
Important Dates & Times for your Diary Information days To get advice on campaigning & the election process. Hull - Tuesday 29th January 6pm, Meeting room 5 University House Scarborough - Thursday 31st January 6.30pm Deadline for nomination Do not miss the deadline! Wednesday 13th February, 12pm Procedural Meeting Remember that your proposer & seconder need to come to the procedural meeting to sign their names if using an online nomination! Wednesday 13th February 12.15pm, Meeting Room 1 University House Hustings (Question time) Compulsory for Sabbatical Candidates Hull - Thursday 21st February 7.30pm, Asylum Scarborough - Tuesday 19th February 7.30pm, Calvino’s Bar Deadline for approval of publicity With the ARO’s...they need to see it before it goes out! Friday 15th February 4.30pm Voting Friday 22nd February 10am - Thursday 28th February 5pm Deadline for publicity declaration All Sabbatical and NUS Conference candidates must fill out a publicity declaration form, available at www.hullstudent.com/elections. Thursday 28th February 12pm Election results night A night not to be missed - see who has won their election! Thursday 28th February 7pm, Asylum Removal of publicity material Ensure your material is removed from the Union and surrounding areas 1st March12pm