Making time for health and wellness is always good practice, but never more crucial, it seems, than when a global pandemic, environmental fragility and social justice issues make mental and physical wellbeing a necessity for weathering the storms. In the following pages, find visits with some of Western North Carolina’s professionals skilled at helping people look and feel their best as we settle into 2022.
Jewelry maker Suzy Johnson of FourElements Beadworks creates jewelry that for some wearers improves their lives physically and emotionally. “As I’m working I’m feeling the energy of the gemstones and, once completed, I realize the complexities of how the stones work together,” says Johnson.
Clients of Asheville’s Rock Bottoms report improved posture, increased strength and stability, and changes in physicality. The efficient strength training method works well for some clients with conditions such as arthritis, degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia.
Find stories also on improving your home’s air quality, getting a good night’s sleep, nonsurgical facial reconstruction and the latest techniques in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
“The first wealth is health,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Spend some time this year investing in your own well-being. Good health is something each and every one of us deserves in order to live fully and get the most out of, in poet Mary Oliver’s words, this “one wild and precious life.”
The right vacuum cleaner plays a role in reducing the allergens and irritants that plague so many of us. According to Phillip Koch, with Saniway Vacuum Cleaner Company in West Asheville, using a bagged vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter captures particles that would otherwise escape and re-enter the air you breathe. An independent test done by IBR Laboratories, an accredited filtration and testing laboratory, found that on average, the leading bagless vacuum emitted 808,515 particles per minute while the leading bagged vacuum emitted 3,051 per minute. In addition to dust, dust mites, pollen and mold spores, vacuums also need to filter toxic chemicals and pathogens.
“Spills of dangerous substances do happen,” says Koch. “Though I implore you to refer to EPA.gov when dealing with the removal of toxic substances, there are times when things go
unnoticed and having a vacuum cleaner with better filtration ability is essential to good health.” Some viruses may be transmitted by vacuuming without adequate filtration. The hantavirus (HPS), often carried by mice, is a common example. When vacuuming, feces containing the virus can become aerosolized and infect anyone who breathes them, if not filtered correctly.
Maintaining your vacuum also affects its ability to improve your air quality. For those with a HEPA bagged machine, Koch recommends changing the filter every 16 bags which, for most, is every 3-4 years. Saniway offers maintenance and repair services on all makes and models of vacuums with free diagnosis.
“In an effort to reduce waste in our landfills we try to keep repairs affordable so more people will continue to fix their vacuum rather than replace it,” says Koch. “Also, when vacuums are traded in for new, we recycle as many parts as we can to fix others.”
Jeweler Suzy Johnson was wearing a rose quartz and sterling silver necklace one day in her art gallery and gift shop when she received a disturbing phone call. “It was the kind of thing that normally would have upset me,” she says, “but I was fine. I didn’t feel stressed, just a little concerned. When it was closing time, I took off the necklace and put it back into the jewelry display case. As I drove home, the phone call’s message really started to get to me and by the time I was home I was panicking.”
The next day she contacted her friend, a Reiki master who was teaching Johnson about healing energy modalities, and told her what had happened. “She explained that rose quartz heals the heart on all levels,” remembers Johnson. “It is calming and it lessened the impact of the disturbing information. I was stunned. I started reading about all sorts of gemstones and learned that they all have different energetic healing properties.”
complexities of how the stones work together.”
From the balancing and calming effects of turquoise to the passionate, stimulating qualities of amethyst, Johnson considers each gemstone’s properties as she creates a piece of jewelry. “I create jewelry with specific healing energies in mind,” she says. “For instance, this month, in celebration of Valentine’s Day, I love to combine the stones of love—rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz and amethyst—into a cohesive statement that looks beautiful and feels incredible when you wear the jewelry.”
Johnson has been working with gemstones in her jewelry for more than 35 years and continues to share about their power with her business, FourElements BeadWorks. “My inspiration for pieces comes from the four elements: earth, sky, water and fire,” she says. “The stones and their healing properties are on my mind as I design, but the majority of my work is based on what I see and experience in nature. As I’m working I’m feeling the energy of the gemstones and, once completed, I realize the
Johnson also makes Bracelet Blessing Bundles that pair a gemstone bracelet with a bundle of organic herbs, flowers, tree branches and pods that she grows in her gardens. “I do know that many of my customers have had positive results using the bundles and wearing my healing gemstone jewelry,” she says. “Some have called, emailed or written to tell me of improvements in various physical conditions, relationship issues and emotional challenges. I know that for some people this seems remarkable, but if your heart and mind are open to receiving blessings, then the healing properties of gemstones can be very beneficial.”
For more information, visit FourElementsBeadWorks.com or find FourElementBeadWorks on Etsy.
Lack of time can be a big barrier to improving fitness. Efficiency is one reason many clients at Rock Bottoms personal training gym in downtown Asheville manage to stick to their regimen and get results. The gym utilizes the SuperSlow® strength training technique, a method that incorporates very slow repetition speeds as compared to traditional resistance training methods, with emphasis on minimizing acceleration to reduce the force the body is exposed to during exercise and improve muscular loading. SuperSlow workouts are completed within 30 minutes and typically consist
indicates that SuperSlow produces superior results compared to traditional methods in as little as 10 weeks. Other benefits may include an increase in bone density and range of motion and a decrease in pain.
“Many of our clients have had knee replacements, hip replacements or other surgeries, and may have conditions including arthritis, degenerative disc disease,
of one set of each exercise carried out to complete muscle fatigue.
“I’ve been a runner most of my life, and, while that is a great form of exercise, I really needed to supplement that with strength training,” says client Tom Mock. “In the seven years I’ve been going to Rock Bottoms, I have steadily increased my strength and flexibility until, at 63, I’m as strong as I have ever been and I’ve been injuryfree the entire time.”
For new clients, a frequency of twice weekly is recommended; however, sessions are reduced to once a week as the intensity of the workouts increases to give the body more time to recover. Some research
Lyme disease or fibromyalgia,” says Rock Bottoms owner and personal trainer Abby Cain. “Because of the very slow movement as well as the attention to proper form and technique, it is common that we can work with the affected area safely and without pain to help support healing and rehabilitation.”
According to Cain, many clients report noticing improvements in their posture after the first session and increased strength and stability within a handful of sessions. Cain typically notices changes in clients’ physicality in about six weeks. Though additional weight training is not recommended due to the intense nature of the SuperSlow sessions, Cain stresses the importance of physical activity on a daily basis.
“We encourage people to find activities they enjoy to complement their SuperSlow workouts,” she says. “Even better if those physical activities can be done in community with others as well as outdoors in order to enjoy the health benefits of fresh air and sunshine.”
Rock Bottoms is located at 120 Coxe Avenue, in Asheville. To learn more, visit RockBottomsAVL.com or call 828.348.0343.
Trade Street Chiropractic in Tryon, NC, is the foothills home of the Gonstead method, which Dr. Matthew Devlin calls “a logical and biomechanically sound system for practicing chiropractic.” Every appointment begins with a thorough, full spine analysis and adjustments are only made when necessary. “Gonstead is synonymous with specific,” the doctor says.
Devlin, who goes by Dr. Matt, says many patients come to his office with similar issues, a common appearance being low back pain. “This complaint is often lifestyleinduced,” he says, “meaning a lack of regular exercise and/ or poor posture have finally manifested as physical discomfort. Once patients start chiropractic care and experience relief, they often want to know what they can do at home to maintain their newfound success. One of my main roles is to encourage these patients to set reasonable, achievable wellness goals. Something as simple as a morning walk can have serious benefits.”
Dr. Matt graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Sherman College of Chiropractic in 2021. While there, he completed 100 Gonstead seminar hours with both Dr. Herb Wood and Dr. Rick Brescia. “When I started at Sherman College,” Dr. Matt says, “I had no plans
of staying in the Carolinas after graduation. But this area has since become home and I am proud not only to run my office in Tryon, but also engage with this vibrant community outside of those four walls.” Dr. Matt teaches Anatomy & Physiology at Isothermal Community College in Spinale, NC, and serves on the board of the Tryon Downtown Development Association. He also teaches a mat pilates class at the Tryon Health & Fitness Club every Thursday evening at 5:30 p.m.
“Patients have a right to work with doctors who are equally invested in them,” says Dr. Matt. “Forming this partnership in health means taking the time necessary to understand the nuances of each case so patients find lasting resolution, not just temporary relief.”
Sleep has been a lifelong struggle for massage therapist Rebekah Delling. A night owl by nature, her difficulty functioning in a world designed for early birds was compounded by the fact that she grew up on a ranger station in the midst of the Pocono Mountains. “Something was always going bump in the night outside my window,”
After owning the Hampton Holistic Center in Pittsburgh for 13 years, she moved to WNC and opened the Hypnotic Massage and Sleep Boutique in Tryon in 2021. The boutique offers sleep support products, supplements, essential oils and lotions. A signature Hypnotic Sleep Massage is offered, along with other massages to help common sleep disruptors like pain and anxiety. The Hypnotic Sleep Massage includes an assessment and coaching session.
she says. “Bears or raccoons getting into garbage cans. Bobcats yowling. Screech owls screeching.”
“Poor sleep is usually caused by an underlying issue such as stress, anxiety, pain, illness or a chronic condition,” says Delling. “If something comes up in the assessment that is beyond my scope of practice, such as indicators of sleep apnea, I recommend the client seek appropriate medical care.”
Even though Delling knew she was safe, the situation gave her severe sleep anxiety that lasted through middle school. The anxiety returned in 2014 when, living in a wooded area outside Pittsburgh, she heard coyotes in her yard. “Logically, I knew they could not hurt me, but anxiety is seldom logical,” she says. “It was then that I started researching sleep and how I, as a wellness practitioner, could combine the wisdom of sleep science with massage and meditation techniques.”
Delling graduated from American Medical Careers in 2000 with a degree in massage therapy. She has earned certifications in areas including medical massage, sleep science and sleep coaching. In 2016, Delling was recruited as a member of the Wellness Team for the PGA US Open.
After the assessment, clients receive a personalized sleep plan before beginning their massage on a heated table. Delling engages their parasympathetic system through rocking and rhythmic pressure combined with point and energy work. At the end of the massage, she takes them through guided meditation designed to wake them up if they are asleep and gives them techniques inspired by hypnotic suggestion to help them recreate this state at home.
“After my first massage, I slept so much better,” says client Samuel Castillo, of Inman, SC.
“Therapeutic massage shouldn’t be considered a luxury, in my opinion,” says Delling. “It’s a health maintenance practice that requires regular treatments.”
Hypnotic Massage & Sleep Boutique is located at 112 North Trade Street, Suites 3 and 13, in Tryon. To learn more, visit HypnoticSleepMassage.com or call 828.351.7193.
At Pinnacle Anti Aging, patients seeking to achieve their best personal appearance benefit from Dr. Bonnie Dean’s commitment to running a center of excellence specializing in nonsurgical facial reconstruction and from her more than 15 years’ experience in aesthetics.
“For nearly two years, patients have been isolated, staying at home or covering their faces with masks,” she says. “Now, as we emerge from our respective cocoons, our faces again give nonverbal messages about who we are and how we want to interact with people.” Downturned lips, for example, she says, can inadvertently suggest disapproval. “By merely adding
filler, this communicates a younger, happier message.”
Treatment goals and procedures include helping patients look refreshed rather than “done,” using the least amount of product necessary to achieve desired results, keeping risks to an absolute minimum, listening to what patients want and communicating to them realistic objectives, costs and limitations for nonsurgical restoration. “My mission is to help a patient’s outward appearance match who they are inside,” says Dean.
Pinnacle’s specials during the month of February include deals on amps of filler and units of Botox.
Dean is a founding faculty member of Florida State Medical School and, while working in Florida, was listed among the best doctors in Orlando for 17 years. “In Orlando, I worked extensively with Coalition for the Homeless and Shepherd’s Hope, a clinic for the working poor who fall through the cracks in the health care system,” she says. She has continued her fundraising efforts for nonprofits since moving to Western North Carolina.
To learn more about Pinnacle Anti Aging or to request a consultation, visit PinnacleAntiAging.com or call 828.507.3717. The office is located at 2686 B Greenville Highway, adjoining Salon Christianne, in Flat Rock.
Though South Slope Acupuncture & Wellness just opened its doors on February 1, owner Autum Kirgan began her exploration of acupuncture and Chinese medicine at age 15 when injuries from a car crash led her on a personal quest for healing and well-being. While owning and running a clinic since 2017 in Shelby, and maintaining a small private practice in Asheville since 2015, she saw a need for more evidence-based acupuncture in the Asheville community. “Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have allowed me to move through life the way I want to, and my mission is to give other people the same opportunity,” says Kirgan, who will graduate with a doctorate in the field in May of 2022.
South Slope Acupuncture & Wellness specializes in complex chronic pain conditions, sports acupuncture, neurology and reproductive health. The clinic offers services including acupuncture, dry needling, ATP BioResonance™, 03 ReBoot™ and Chinese herbal medicine. During
the initial visit, Kirgan or another clinician will design an individual treatment plan tailored specifically to patients and their needs.
“Due to the areas we specialize in, we see a lot of ‘last resort’ patients who have been through the gamut of therapies, medicines and failed surgeries with no real relief,” says Kirgan. “We are often the last resort with the best results.”
South Slope Acupuncture & Wellness is located at 141 Asheland Avenue, Unit 200, in Asheville. Learn more or schedule an appointment online at SouthSlopeAcupuncture.com, by calling 828.575.5904. or emailing hello@southslopeacupuncture.com.