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Geriatric Care Managers

Geriatric Care Managers

Possessing backgrounds typically in nursing, social work, elder care, psychology or counseling, geriatric care managers are qualified health and human services workers who can be hired to offer personalized, holistic assistance and planning for older adults and people with disabilities. These professionals act as advocates and focus on helping you or your loved one stay independent, healthy and safe.


Geriatric care managers can be especially helpful for caregivers who don’t live near their loved ones. Working with families and caregivers, they use their expertise to assess, problem-solve, plan and monitor older adults’ living and healthcare situations. Examples of the help they can provide include:

• Assessing a loved one’s social, emotional and medical status including problems with memory loss and related dementia.

• Interacting with and facilitating communication with a healthcare team.

Through its Seniors Safe at Home program, COABC helps with such issues as minor home repair, transportation resources, elder justice counseling and some homebound food delivery. Minor home repair services focus on reducing fall risks in the home through the installation of grab bars, hand railings and threshold fixes.

COABC partners with a variety of local agencies and connects clients with other assistance in the community, such as help with ramp installations.

For people who can’t drive or use public transportation, COABC has volunteers who take people to doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping and occasional social trips. Senior Nutrition is being offered via curbside pick-up

• Evaluating, recommending and helping coordinate moves to appropriate long-term care housing.

• Supporting and helping loved ones and families cope with care options and concerns and helping them reach a consensus about long-term care planning.

• Connecting with community resources available for older adults.

• Intervening when a crisis occurs such and as an emergency room visit and overseeing a hospitalization or rehabilitation stay.

• Reviewing and overseeing bill paying, assisting with insurance companies and working with financial advisors and attorneys.

The Aging Life Care Association offers more information about geriatric care management as well an online searchable database for finding a professional in your area at AgingLifeCare.org.

and deliveries while the dining sites are closed due to the pandemic. Monthly food boxes are delivered by volunteers with COABC to atrisk, homebound elders.

Through its Benefits Enrollment Center, COABC provides application assistance for individuals living in Buncombe County who are on Medicare due to disability or age. COABC provides these individuals with assistance with applications for SNAP, Medicaid, Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs.

COABC assistance with the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program, a federally funded program that helps qualified individuals with their home heating and cooling costs.

The COABC also has an Elder Justice Navigator who provides information and support for older women and men experiencing abuse, neglect and exploitation.

A separate organization – Meals On Wheels of Asheville and Buncombe County – delivers Meals on Wheels in Buncombe County.

Council on Aging for Henderson County

For more than 50 years, the Council on Aging for Henderson County has sought to provide and coordinate services that engage, connect and support adults in the community as they age. Programs include Meals on Wheels’ weekday delivery of lunchtime meals, Caregiver Support, Resource Coordination and Liquid Nutrition Assistance. The Council on Aging also offers seasonal services including a heatrelief assistance program and the providing of free fans during warmer months and shelfstable meals for inclement weather.

Meals on Wheels leverages volunteer drivers to deliver meals on weekdays to homebound seniors 60 years old and older throughout Henderson County. This nutritious meal and check-in is vital to the wellbeing, independence and socialization of older adults. This program is available to qualifying Henderson County residents at no cost for long-term, short-term and post medical procedure recovery times.

A Caregiver Support Specialist is available at COAHC to assist those caring for a loved one with long-term physical or cognitive conditions. The caregiver specialist can assist with accessing available resources and provide ongoing support. Those qualifying for respite care services may be able to receive a grant to assist with covering costs of in-home services.

The Liquid Nutrition program aims to serve adults dealing with digestive issues, mouth or teeth problems or the inability to tolerate solid foods. The Liquid Nutrition program offers an opportunity to qualify for Ensure or Glucerna products to help maintain a proper diet. A physician's authorization is required to be eligible for this service.

COAHC also has a Resource Coordination Specialist available for offers support, advice and guidance related to aging, housing assistance, medical appointments, assisted living options and more.

The nonprofit also offers seasonal services such as free fans during warmer months through a heat-relief assistance program for eligible Henderson County residents. In addition, inclement weather emergency food kits/shelfstable meals are available to current clients.

Polk County Senior Services

As part of Polk County’s consolidated human services department, Polk County Senior Services offers drive-thru meal pick-up, Meals on Wheels, educational opportunities and recreational activities.

Transylvania County Council on Aging

Transylvania County has a Council on Aging as part of its Social Services department. Its adult services programs offer support to elderly and disabled adults, provide protective services to vulnerable adults and regulate certain residential services.

In Transylvania County, Meals on Wheels of Brevard provides delivered meals to people who are at least 60 years old, homebound and unable to shop or cook. Services are available temporarily for those recovering from illness or injury.

Area Agencies on Aging

The Land of Sky Regional Council’s Area Agency on Aging covers Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties. The Isothermal Planning and Development Commission serves as the Area Agency on Aging for Cleveland, McDowell, Polk and Rutherford Counties. Both are part of a national network of aging agencies established by the federal Older Americans Act. While local Councils on Aging provide direct services, Area Agencies on Aging support older adults living independently through planning, resource development and partnering with Councils on Aging and other organizations.

In addition to being resources for older adults and their caregivers to contact when seeking information about age-related issues, offerings from Area Agencies on Aging can include family caregiver support services, foster grandparent programs, health promotion and disease prevention, longterm care ombudsmen, regional and county aging planning, senior community services employment programs, senior companion programs, information about North Carolina legislation and Project CARE – or Caregiver Alternatives to Running on Empty – which helps people caring for people with dementia.

Veteran-Specific Resources

Based in Asheville, the Charles George VA Medical Center provides healthcare and wellness services to US military veterans and their families. In addition to serving veterans’ overall health, the VA Medical Center offers assistance related to geriatrics and extended care including adult day health care, homebased primary care, long-term care and respite care.

The North Carolina Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs provides a system to assist veterans and their families with a variety of issues. The state agency also oversees four skilled care homes for veterans, including one in Black Mountain in Buncombe County.

Through this state agency, Veterans Service Offices also have been established throughout the state for veterans and their families to receive assistance with benefits, claims questions and other issues.

North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services

Through its Division of Aging and Adult Services, the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services works to promote the independence and enhance the dignity of North Carolina's older adults. This state agency includes an Adult Protective Services Division, the work of which is carried out by county Dept. of Social Services (DSS) offices. If you are concerned that an older adult is suffering from abuse, neglect or exploitation, contact your local DSS office. DSS workers can evaluate and help determine if an elderly individual is in need of assistance or protective services.

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