Find the Help You Need in Your Community Local Professionals Offer Range of Assistance with Aging Issues
If you’re facing issues related to aging or caregiving and need advice or assistance, help is available through a variety of regional professional resources. Councils on Aging, Area Agencies on Aging, veterans affairs agencies, the N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services and the South Carolina Department on Aging, geriatric care managers and other resources can all provide helpful information and services. Councils on Aging and County Resources Depending on where you live in Western North Carolina or Upstate South Carolina, the Council on Aging or Area Agency on Aging serving the county you live in may offer different services 34
from those in other parts of the region, but they all share the common mission of acting as advocates for elders and providing connections for the assistance you need. Council on Aging of Buncombe County The Council on Aging of Buncombe County is an advocate for older adults, providing personal support, assistance and resource coordination to help them stay independent and healthy. To help older adults receive the services they need, COABC answers questions by phone and helps people complete applications for community-wide services. continued on page 36
Aging Resources 2021–2022