Hendersonville Magazine 2022-2023

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BUSINESS RESOURCES The Henderson County Chamber of Commerce is located on the corner of Church Street and Kanuga Road.

Business Resources

Whether you are starting a new business or growing an existing one, Henderson County has plenty of resources that can help. HENDERSON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 204 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville 828-692-1413 HendersonCountyChamber.org

Serving Henderson County since 1911, the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce welcomes all types and sizes of businesses from sole proprietorships to major industry. Its activities, supported by membership dues, influence all segments of community development, education, transpor tation, relocation, retirement, agriculture, small business and industrial recruitment. The Chamber advocates for business through public policy and new bu siness rec r uit ment a nd by providing member businesses with opportunities to network, learn and succeed.


The Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development (HCPED) is a public/private partnership that focuses on economic stewardship in Henderson County. The mission of the Partnership is to create and 120

retain quality jobs and increase industrial capital investments that will improve the quality of life for Henderson County residents. HCPED ser ves as an advocate and resource par tner to local businesses and has a legacy of me e t ing indu s t r y ne e d s a nd making community connections to create a thriving, business friendly community. Through the Made in Henderson County (MIHC) initiative, the Partnership works closely with industry and the local school system and community college to create a workforce pipeline by raising the visibility of manufacturing careers. The flagship program, available to all Henderson County working adults, is the Made in Henderson County Apprenticeship. Learn more at MadeinHendersonCounty.com. The Partnership also develops a robust marketing calendar to recruit like minded companies to the area. In 2020, its Target Market Analysis u nveile d t hat ma nu f ac t u r ing companies focusing on the following are ideal industries in Henderson Count y: health care, food and beverage, machinery and materials, professional and technical services, outdoor recreational goods, and transportation components.

To successfully market the county, collaborations include working with the regional economic development marketing organization Carolina West, the Economic Development Par tnership of NC and NC Department of Commerce. Henderson County is a profitable and attractive community that is also an exceptional part of the country for businesses wishing to relocate or expand. The Partnership works closely with local government, community organizations, local educators and utilit y/infrastructure partners to accomplish its mission. HCPED fosters relationships between all parties involved in helping the local workforce and economy thrive.

MOUNTAIN BIZWORKS 828-253-2834 MountainBizworks.org

Mountain BizWorks is a US Treasurycertified non-profit community development financial institution (CDFI). For more than 30 years, Mountain BizWorks has been making business loans ranging from $1,000 to $500,000 to small businesses in Western North Carolina who may

Hendersonville Magazine 2022–2023

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