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Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, the Under-SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations and UNESCAP Executive Secretary left an indelible impact as her words resonated with the delegates of the 11th University Scholars Leadership Sympoisum. Her virtual presence in the room was palpable, capturing the attention and anticipation of all in attendance.
Acknowledging the formidable challenges confronting our world, notably as we reached the midway point in our pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ms. Alisjahbana painted a stark picture. The COVID-19 pandemic, escalating geopolitical conflicts, and the relentless advance of climate change reshaped the global landscape, often not in our favour.
However, within the shadow of these daunting obstacles, Ms. Alisjahbana offered a glimmer of hope that transcended the virtual platform. Her words carried an aura of expectation as she underscored the urgency of innovative and collective actions.
“In this endeavour,” she asserted, “we must recognize the pivotal role of young people.”
Ms Alisjahbana continued to chart a clear path forward, advocating for investment in youth-led initiatives, emphasizing the critical importance of education and training, and highlighting the imperative of involving young voices in decision-making processes.
“Young individuals are wellsprings of innovation. They bring fresh approaches to problemsolving unburdened by the conventions of previous generations,” she declared, her conviction cutting through the digital divide.
Concluding with a resounding call to action, she proclaimed, “You are not merely the leaders of tomorrow; you can be the leaders of today.” With unwavering conviction, she stressed that our young scholars and students’ unique perspectives and unwavering dedication placed them not on the cusp but firmly in the driver’s seat, ready to navigate the path ahead.

As Ms Alisjahbana concluded her address, a shared sense of purpose hung in the virtual air, leaving the delegates determined to become architects of positive change. Armed with innovation, collaboration, and the unwavering belief that a better world is not a distant dream but a shared responsibility, they departed with a renewed commitment to their vital roles in shaping a brighter future.