2 minute read
In a world yearning for visionary leadership, Sam Cawthorn, the Founder and CEO of Speakers Institute in Australia, delved into “The 12 Characteristics of an Influential Leader.”
Sam’s life journey is a testament to resilience, and his words narrated a story of life’s rapid changes and pivotal moments. He began by emphasizing the pace of change, noting that it has never been as swift as it is today and will likely never slow down. This set the stage for a profound exploration of time, meaning, and choices.
Sam painted a vivid picture of the transformative power of change that reshapes lives, defies odds, and opens the door to new beginnings. His message of hope ignited a sense of possibility, especially among young people who are future leaders. He encouraged them to be excited about what lies ahead, casting an aura of optimism.
However, within this optimism lies a challenge – making decisions, cutting away the unnecessary and embracing the essence of life. Sam delved into the etymology of ‘decision,’ where ‘Cision’ means ‘to cut,’ and ‘cide’ means ‘to kill.’ He emphasized that decisions are not mere choices but lifegiving incisions into the fabric of existence.
Sam’s call to action resonated deeply in a world often plagued by indecision. He urged everyone to stop hesitating and take a firm stand, moving beyond uncertainty. It was a rallying cry for young change-makers to make choices and chart their paths toward a brighter world.
In a moment of introspection, Sam introduced the concept of ‘kairos,’ a Greek word representing a moment within a moment where profound transformation takes place. He shared his own ‘kairos’ moment, a near-fatal car accident in 2006 that resulted in the amputation of his right arm and permanent disability in his right leg. His journey from the brink of death to survival made him a living testament to the power of resilience.
Through the eyes of his young daughter, Sam revealed a profound truth – what we lack seldom defines us. Despite her surprise at not finding her daddy’s arm, she never said, “Dad, I wish you had two arms.” In her innocence, there was a valuable lesson: within each of us lies an abundance waiting to be harnessed.
With emotion in his voice, Sam shared his quest for character, a journey spanning nearly two decades. He emphasized that trust is no longer derived from logos, brands, or governments. It is born from the authenticity of individuals.

Sam illuminated the tapestry of character as a symphony of truth, morals, integrity, and ethics. He guided the audience through four pillars – character before charisma, integrity over brand, vision above mission, and trust preceding influence.
In his closing words, Sam unveiled the heart of his message – the power of vulnerability. He spoke of authenticity and the importance of sharing our stories, scars, lessons, and victories. Such sharing, he emphasized, builds trust, unites hearts, and drives positive change.
Sam’s narrative, which wove together choices, character, and vulnerability, left an enduring impression on the hearts and minds of the audience. His legacy, a roadmap etched in moments, called upon each individual to become the hero of their own story, seize ‘kairos’ moments, and shape a future of influence and inspiration.