2 minute read

Why save sex for marriage?

What a deep and intricate question. One that has caused major changes in the way our world views sex. It feels good right? Why not enjoy it? I had to answer this question for myself when I began seriously pursuing a relationship. Why should I wait? If I truly love someone and I am attracted to them, isn’t it in our nature to desire sex, especially at our age? I found my answer to this question several years ago, while sitting in my room reflecting on my beliefs. I decided someday I want to get married, I want to love someone completely. In order to do this, what must I do? Well I think that means I need to save sex for marriage. If I don’t wait, what happens? Well, I demonstrate my complete lack of selfcontrol, and a selfish desire to feel good. Frankly, it makes me look like a pathetic man who follows sudden whims and cravings. To me, it just seems…well, it seems rather easy to have sex before marriage.

If I’m going to take the easy path in a relationship, how can I look her in the eye and tell her I truly love her? If I’m not willing to make this sacrifice for her, it isn’t love. It’s selfish. So I found my answer. I will save sex for marriage because it shows that I actually do love this woman not only her, but myself as well.

Many people have given me grief for this decision. My classmates do not seem to agree with my line of thinking, which has made things more difficult. But no one said love would be easy, so I take this difficulty as a direct challenge, and one that I can overcome.

So what about you? Will you take this challenge with me? Now is the time to prove your manhood to the woman you claim to love. Do you love her? Will you wait for her? Or do you want to give in to your weakness? I chose the difficult path, and I believe it will lead me to happiness.

What will you choose? —Adam

“Sex was the dominating force in our relationship. It wasn’t communication or love that held us together; it was sex. I now understand this is not how relationships were designed to progress.”


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