The Truth About Planned Parenthood

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The Truth About


WHAT’S THIS ALL ABOUT? When you hear the words “Planned Parenthood,” do you think, “What a great non-profit organization” or: “I don’t really know what they do?” Across the nation, people believe Planned Parenthood (PP) provides much needed health care to the poorest of women. Unfortunately, buried within its rhetoric and public relations campaigns, lies an unspeakable truth. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.1 PP reports it performed 374,155 abortions a year—that’s 31,179 abortions a month or, to put it more bluntly, nearly 1,025 abortions a day. In the amount of time it takes you to read this introduction (i.e. about two minutes), this corporation will snuff out the lives of three children in the womb.2 According to Planned Parenthood’s 2021-2022 annual report, $670.4 million of its $1.6 billion in total income came from the United States government.3 In other words, more than one-third of PP’s budget came from tax dollars.

It reported $204 million in revenue over expenses—others call that profit.4 Planned Parenthood has been accused of selling fetal body parts, allowing young women to die as a result of unsafe procedures and unsanitary facilities, lying about cancer screenings, intentional racism, and more. Are you sure PP is the organization you thought it was? Inside The Truth About Planned Parenthood you will learn about PP’s origins, see evidence of its real purpose, and who it targets. You can also read about the personal scars it inflicts on real women. After you read these truth-filled essays, you’ll come to understand why Planned Parenthood’s corporate slogan is "Care. No matter what." Unfortunately, their profit model seems driven by “No matter what.”

Full citations for this publication can be found on page 15

HUMAN LIFE ALLIANCE Human Life Alliance (HLA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a culture in which all human life, from the process of fertilization to natural death, is respected and cherished. Distribution of HLA’s informational materials to high school and college students, medical and community organizations around the globe have reached 238.3 million people in all 50 states and 88 countries over the past 46 years.

The Truth About Planned Parenthood © 2022

For more information or to request additional copies contact: (651) 484-1040 |

2 The Truth About Planned Parenthood


WHAT DOES PLANNED PARENTHOOD DO? Jim Sedlak, American Life League (updated by Ed Martin) Planned Parenthood (PP) describes itself as, “a trusted health care provider.”1 It says its health centers provide a wide range of safe, reliable health care—and claims the majority is preventive care, which helps prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception, reduces the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment, and screens for cervical and other cancers. PP claims caring physicians, nurse practitioners, and other staff, take time to talk with clients, encouraging them to ask questions in an environment that millions have grown to trust.2

PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES NOT LIKE TO TALK ABOUT ITS ABORTION BUSINESS, BUT IT RUNS THE NATION’S LARGEST ABORTION CHAIN AND COMMITS OVER 374,000 ABORTIONS A YEAR. What does Planned Parenthood really do? Well, very few of its nearly 600 clinics3 actually provide primary care. Of its 2.16 million customers, only 71,998 in 2021-22, just 3.3 percent, get family practice services (primary care).4 Planned Parenthood talks about its “caring physicians,” yet, unless a woman is getting an abortion, most never see a physician. Typically, she would see a clinician or nurse. In most states, prescriptions for medication are written in the name of the local PP’s medical director—who the woman rarely sees. Planned Parenthood does not like to talk about its abortion business. It runs the nation’s largest abortion chain, has more abortion centers than all other abortionists combined, and commits over 374,155 abortions a year.5 Planned Parenthood says its services prevent unintended pregnancies; however, it does not tell women what that means. Most women rightly believe that pregnancy begins when the sperm penetrates the egg and a new human being is created. PP however, uses an obscure 1965 medical definition that defines pregnancy as beginning at implantation in the womb.6 Therefore, most of the products PP sells as contraceptives work, at least some of the time, by killing a new human being before implantation, rather than preventing her creation.

Planned Parenthood brags about how it reduces the spread of STIs.7 Scientists have known for years that the birth control pill (and similar products) actually increases the spread of STIs through lowering the woman’s immune system and changing cervical mucus.8 If PP was serious about reducing STIs, it would get its customers off the pill. What does Planned Parenthood NOT do? Planned Parenthood’s supporters claim the organization does mammograms to detect breast cancer. They do not. In fact, no PP facility in the country is licensed to do mammograms.9 Planned Parenthood claims to screen for cervical cancer. The major risk factor for cervical cancer is HPV (human papilloma virus). Girls who start having sex at a young age and have many sex partners are more likely to get cervical cancer.10 Since PP encourages young people to explore their sexuality, it is the cause of the problem—not the solution.11 Planned Parenthood is NOT a health organization. It is in the sex business and makes its money from young people who it lures into sexual lifestyles—with all the trauma and diseases that lifestyle brings. Editor’s Note: This article published posthumously in honor of Jim Sedlak. 3

KEEPING WOMEN FROM THE TRUTH Debra Braun, Education Director for Pro-Life Action Ministries I have sidewalk counseled outside a Planned Parenthood (PP) center in since 1986, and have witnessed firsthand the tactics used by this “pro-choice” organization to limit women’s access to information and choices.

When announcing plans for a new mega-center, PP touted the fact that the building was designed to protect “privacy.” In other words, it was designed to further limit contact between the sidewalk counselors and the abortion clients.

In the early years, we distributed pro-life literature and talked with clients as they walked past us into the abortion facility. The women could hear our offers of help. Many took literature and some gratefully accepted our help, choosing life for their babies! Then PP started using “escorts.” While these escorts walked the clients into the center, they talked to and distracted them, trying to prevent them from hearing the truth and offers of help. I’ve learned from my conversations with escorts over the years that they are often uninformed about what actually goes on inside PP and the extent of the services offered by pro-life pregnancy help centers. Sadly, they sometimes pass this misinformation on to the abortion clients.

Now women who call PP to make an appointment for abortion are encouraged to avoid the sidewalk counselors, whom PP calls “protestors.” Most of the women arrive by car and many of the escorts aggressively motion the drivers to quickly enter. Once past the sidewalk counselors at the entrance, many clients park in a ramp behind the building and enter through the main door, which is at the back of the building, largely out of sight and earshot of sidewalk counselors. PP attached a covering to a side fence once they recognized women could see or hear the sidewalk counselors.

I remember talking to the women who were smokers. They would stand outside, giving us an additional chance to reach them with the truth. This resulted in more lives saved. Eventually PP began directing smokers to the parking lot near a noisy air conditioning unit, hindering their ability to hear us. Planned Parenthood’s security guards often asked the women for our brochures and there was a trash can right inside labeled “Pop cans and protesters’ brochures.” And a few years ago at PP’s “mega-center” location in St. Paul, a woman who decided not to abort, told us that she had secretly opened and read our brochure inside her bag while in the waiting room. She remembered that an acquaintance had been told by PP staff to put the brochure away or she would have to leave.

4 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

Many PP escorts interfere with private conversations between the sidewalk counselors and the women, even physically placing themselves in the middle of these conversations at the driveway or on the public sidewalk. Over the years, PP has obtained court orders and called the police countless times, attempting to obstruct our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly. Despite all these efforts of PP to maintain a steady flow of “customers” for its abortion business, babies are still being saved through sidewalk counseling. The Truth is more powerful than Planned Parenthood.


WOMEN SHARE THEIR PLANNED PARENTHOOD STORIES “I had a botched abortion in Atlanta’s Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. The doctor left the dead fetus inside and I needed immediate medical attention. For the health of women, please defund Planned Parenthood.”


“The Planned Parenthood clinic I had my abortion in told me my “fetus” was 7-8 weeks and, being only 15 years old, I didn’t know what that meant. Afterward they told me I was actually 10-12 weeks. I got very sick and was vomiting directly after the procedure, the room was spinning and I could barely stand. They pushed me out the door with a plastic bag for my trip home. I had severe pain and hemorrhaging afterward but was too embarrassed to go for help. I suffered with very serious depression and emotional issues for 20 years after.”


“I was 15 years old when my mother and I returned to Planned Parenthood after the contraceptive they provided months earlier failed. I was told I was 11 weeks pregnant and that my pregnancy was a “clump of cells.” I was told to hurry to make an appointment if I wanted an abortion because at 12 weeks, the price would be higher. I was not given any counseling of any kind whatsoever. Today, I deeply regret my abortion.”


“I was 17 years old—the lady at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa told me I could go to Women’s Services clinic in Omaha, Nebraska to get the procedure. My boyfriend at the time was 23 or 24 and I was told not to mention that or he would get into trouble. I don’t feel like they really had my best interest in mind. From what I understand, they still give young girls the same advice. I was devastated by that abortion and my life spiraled downward.”


Statements from women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. More statements and stories of abortion experiences can be read at 5

FRAUD, DECEPTION & DEATH—Oh my. Cheryl Sullenger (updated by Anne Reed), Operation Rescue While Planned Parenthood boasts that abortion procedures at their facilities are safe, evidence exists to indicate that its claims are far from the truth. The actual number of women affected by abortion complications at Planned Parenthood centers is undetermined because few mandatory reporting requirements exist for abortion providers, who are known to skirt the laws or under-report.

The truth about illegal and dangerous operations has been discovered through research and eyewitness accounts, as well as gleaned through court documents and newspaper accounts. These known abortion abuses are just the tip of a very large iceberg.


Patient deaths: Tonya Reaves died July 20, 2012, from a hemorrhage caused by a perforation of her uterus during a second trimester abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago, IL.1 Cree Erwin died July 3, 2016, due to an untreated perforated uterus from a botched first trimester abortion at Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, MI.2 Alyona Dixon died on September 28, 2022, after complications from abortion pills she received at Planned Parenthood in Las Vegas, NV.3 Medical emergencies: Operations Rescue documented 13 medical emergencies, many of them life-threatening hemorrhage cases, at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the nation from October 2022 through October 2023.4 Those 13 women represent a small fraction of the actual emergencies experienced during and after abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities. A large number of onsite medical emergencies are not observed by eyewitnesses who report them. And other complications occur at home after the post-abortion woman leaves the facility. Aborted baby organ harvesting...and more: In 2015, the release of videos by the Center for Medical Progress showed that Planned Parenthood engaged in numerous violations of state and federal laws.5 Alleged violations included illegally selling aborted baby remains for profit, altering procedures to preserve fetal organs for resale, and failing to operate within federal HIPAA privacy regulations.6 In December 2016, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Special Investigative Panel on Infant Lives7 referred Planned Parenthood to the Department of Justice after their investigations found probable cause to believe Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby remains broke the law.

Abuse of taxpayer funding: External audits show Planned Parenthood affiliates cost American taxpayers over $130 million in waste, abuse and potentially fraudulent overbilling and penalties.8 During the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, several Planned Parenthood affiliates received $80 million in relief funds earmarked for small businesses, even though each Planned Parenthood affiliate represented a multi-million-dollar business, and was exempt from the business shutdowns. Public outrage generated calls for them to pay it back.9 Financial wrongdoing: Closure of the entire Planned Parenthood Golden Gate affiliate for financial malfeasance.10 Abortion sales quotas: When employees met their quotas for selling abortions, they were rewarded with pizza parties.11 In 2021-22, abortions made up 97.2% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolutions services, while prenatal services, miscarriage care, and adoption referrals accounted for only 1.6%, 0.7%, and 0.5%, respectively.12 Widespread non-reporting of child sex abuse.13 Participation in sex-selection abortions.14 Webcam abortion scam: After the dangerous experiment was practiced in Iowa, it was banned in at least 19 states.15 Target of minority communities: Clear evidence exists that Planned Parenthood seeks minorities, especially Black women, for abortion.16

Planned Parenthood insists abortions comprise only 4% of its services, while it accounts for 30% of its income.

Planned Parenthood has also been caught promoting a number of dishonest and misleading statements. It insists abortions comprise only 4% of its services, while it accounts for 30% of its income. Planned Parenthood claimed to be a “relentless” provider of cancer screenings for years; however, between 2010 and 2020, it cut breast cancer screenings by 64% and pap tests by 65%.17 Planned Parenthood claims if it is defunded of federal tax revenue, abortions will increase. However, when Texas defunded Planned Parenthood in 2012, abortions decreased in that state by 6.5% the following year.18 6 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

Through the Freedom of Information Act, some organizations (including Operation Rescue) are compiling documentation of numerous health code violations that take place at Planned Parenthood abortion centers. Common violations include failure to observe infection control protocols such as hand washing19, failure to properly sterilize surgical instruments, expired drugs, dirty facility conditions, lack of emergency plans and equipment, as well as untrained staff.20 All these create an unsafe environment for women. It is clear Planned Parenthood presents a danger to the public that sometimes reaches the level of a criminal enterprise.

Planned Parenthood Redefined Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment for Political Interest - We’ve Got the Receipts Caroline Wharton, Students For Life of America As individual states in this Post-Roe America begin to protect life through law, the abortion lobby grasps at threads to remain in political power. While the pro-life movement keeps winning, abortion supporters play dirtier and dirtier. Their latest attempt to stop losing on life has highlighted how low the abortion industry really is—their newest move was to change the rules of the game through redefining the treatment for ectopic pregnancies. Here’s what happened and why it shows how unethical Planned Parenthood is: Background on Ectopic Pregnancy: If you’re unfamiliar with what an ectopic pregnancy is,1 these are pregnancies in which a fertilized cell implants somewhere other than the uterus, most often in a fallopian tube. Not only will the embryo be unable to survive outside of the uterus, this sort of pregnancy can also rupture the fallopian tube if not removed using surgery or medication. Such a rupture would result in heavy bleeding and sometimes death. Clearly, ectopic pregnancies are dangerous and must be treated carefully. These treatments are different than abortion procedures or pills because an ectopic pregnancy is not even in the same part of the body in which an abortion would take place (the uterus). Instead, ectopic pregnancies are treated through laparoscopic/laparotomy surgical procedures or a medicine called methotrexate.2 Planned Parenthood’s Sneaky Alteration: Until recently, Planned Parenthood’s website acknowledged an abortion was not a treatment for an ectopic pregnancy. Read their statement to the right. Notice how not once, but twice, it said ectopic pregnancies cannot be fixed by abortion. However, Planned Parenthood conspicuously changed this statement.3 Its new message on ectopic pregnancies makes a drastic difference because of one sentence, “The medical procedures for terminating a pregnancy in the uterus are usually different from the medical procedures for terminating an ectopic pregnancy.”

(Screenshot from Planned Parenthood’s website in early July 2022)

(Screenshot from Planned Parenthood’s website in late July 2022)

Usually different? How about always different? These pills or procedures are engineered to affect different parts of the body. This is why they won’t work the same way on other parts of the body of which they are not engineered to affect. It’s simple to understand. Look at it this way: if you broke your arm, you wouldn’t treat it with physical therapy on your leg. That would be treating the wrong body part with the wrong treatment—which is exactly what Planned Parenthood is suggesting. Why The Sudden Change, Planned Parenthood? While the biology of women has remained the same, there is only one thing that has changed: the political landscape. It didn’t used to be controversial to say that abortion wasn’t the treatment for ectopic pregnancies (because it isn’t), but in a Post-Roe America where pro-life laws are on the up and up, the abortion industry is trying every trick in the book to remain legal. This redefinition is an attempt to validate the abortion lobby’s false claim that abortion is sometimes medically necessary. Abortion supporters claim women suffering from ectopic pregnancies will die without abortion.4 This idea is patently false and the pro-life movement has consistently rejected it. One of our favorite proofs was that even Planned Parenthood acknowledged ectopic pregnancies are not treated by abortion. However, Planned Parenthood eventually got wise to the fact that they were tripping up the pro-abortion narrative with this factual statement on their website. In a statement to The Hill,5 that’s the reasoning Planned Parenthood gave for the change. Redefinition doesn’t change facts. No matter what—ridiculous redefinition will not change facts. Continuous misinformation, however, may change just how ethical you appear to the public, and Planned Parenthood’s ethos is already well down the drain. 7

"Every human embryologist in the world knows that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization." Ward Kischer, Ph.D, Human Embryologist, University of Arizona

Day 1: Fertilization

The sperm joins with the egg to form one cell. This single cell contains the complex genetic makeup for every detail of a new human being. After fertilization, nothing new is added but oxygen, nutrition and time.1

1st Month: 1–4 Weeks

The first cell divides in two, and cell division continues as it travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Foundations of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are already established and by day 21 the heart begins to beat in a regular fashion.2 Muscles are forming, and arms, legs, eyes, and ears have begun to show.

2nd Month: 5–8 Weeks

By six weeks, brain waves can be detected.3 The jaw forms, including teeth and taste buds.4 The baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid, and sometimes hiccups.5 Fingers and toes are developing and at seven weeks the chest and abdomen are fully formed.6 Swimming in the amniotic fluid, she now looks like a miniature human infant.7,8

3rd Month: 9–12 Weeks

Unique fingerprints are evident and never change.9 The baby now sleeps, awakens, and exercises her muscles. The baby is very active. The gender can be visually determined and family resemblances may appear.10 At the end of the first trimester, all the organs and systems of her body are functioning.11

4th Month: 13–16 Weeks

By the end of the fourth month, the baby is 8–10 inches in length and weighs about one-half pound. Her ears are functioning and she hears her mother’s heartbeat, as well as external noises like music.12 Lifesaving surgery has been performed on babies at this age.

5th Month: 17–20 Weeks

If a sound is especially loud, the baby may jump in reaction to it. Thumb-sucking has been observed during the fifth month.13

6th Month: 21–24 Weeks

Oil and sweat glands are functioning. She grows rapidly in size and strength while her lungs become more developed.14

7th Month: 25–28 Weeks

The baby can now recognize her mother’s voice. She exercises by stretching and kicking. She uses the senses of hearing, touch and taste, and she can even look around with open eyes.15

8th Month: 29–32 Weeks

The baby swallows a gallon of amniotic fluid per day and often hiccups.16 The baby’s kicks are stronger and mom may be able to feel an elbow or heel against her abdomen.17

9th Month: 33–36 Weeks

Gaining one-half pound per week, the baby is getting ready for birth. The bones in her head are soft and flexible to more easily mold for the journey down the birth canal.18 Of the 45 generations of cell divisions before adulthood, 41 have already taken place. Only four more come before adolescence. Ninety percent of a person’s development happens in the womb.19 8 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

SURGICAL ABORTIONS Vacuum Aspiration Typically committed: 1st trimester Preborn age: 3-11 weeks old The uterus is emptied by a vacuum or syringe, the baby is torn into pieces as she is pulled through the hose.1,2,3 Induction or Prostaglandin Typically committed: 2nd trimester Preborn age: 11-21 weeks old Labor is induced in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Saline or urea is injected to kill the child in the womb.4 Digoxin or potassium chloride is directly inserted into the baby's heart to guarantee the child's death.5 Other times the baby is delivered alive and left to die.6 Dilation & Evacuation (D&E) Typically committed: 2nd trimester Preborn age: 11-21 weeks old The abortionist tears the baby's body apart with forceps. The spine is snapped, the skull is crushed and the remains are sucked out.7,8,9,10

CHEMICAL ABORTION: HOW THE PILL WORKS Progesterone is the hormone needed to maintain the uterine lining which provides oxygen and nutrients for the baby.1 Mifeprex/Mifepristone (RU-486) blocks the action of progesterone. Without it, the baby dies.2 24-48 hours later the second pill, Cytotec (or Misoprostol), is taken, causing uterine bleeding (sometimes profuse) and strong contractions to expel the baby.3 The mother is told to miscarry at home or a hotel over a toilet. If she were to look closely, she would see her dead child. Even at only seven weeks, she is likely to see his or her fingers & toes.4 According to the FDA, the Mifeprex Abortion Pill was responsible for the deaths of twenty-four women and the injuries of thousands more. In total, the number of adverse events from 2000 to 2018 is now 24 deaths, 97 ectopic pregnancies, 1,042 hospitalizations, 599 blood transfusions, and 412 infections (including 69 severe infections), with a total of 4,195 adverse events reported.5

Changing your mind? There’s Help. 1-877-558-0333 9

Mega-Centers: Retail Abortion Cash Grab Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League In the mid-2000s, Planned Parenthood (PP) began an aggressive expansion strategy centered around the construction of large, modern abortion facilities across the United States starting in Aurora, Illinois.1 Nearly 30 of these “mega-centers” are now open from Oregon to Florida with more under construction or in the planning stages.2 Pro-life activists speculate that this program was launched in anticipation of new healthcare laws friendly to PP’s mission of promoting abortion, contraception and their skewed vision of sexual health. Indeed, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare) has proven to be a great boon to PP.3 Should future legislation expand taxpayer funding for abortion, these complexes will be there to capitalize on it even more. The mega-centers also serve PP’s effort to create a more positive public image—to become “the Lenscrafters of family planning”4 as one PP official put it. The small, run-down PP clinics in blighted neighborhoods are being replaced with these new “state of the art” facilities, which are often in upscale areas.5 However, PP’s designs have been undermined by the strategy of deception they have adopted in constructing the new mega-centers. They’ve created front-companies to buy property and acquire building permits and have lied to both contractors and local officials about the intended use of these buildings.6

10 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

The public outcry that manifests after these deceptive plans come to light has aided pro-life resistance to these mega-centers and, in some cases, lead to fraud investigations and civil lawsuits.7 Though pro-lifers have only rarely stopped a mega-center from opening, several have been significantly delayed and many new pro-life advocates have been recruited thanks to the controversy.8 The mega-centers are imposing structures, typically featuring bullet-proof glass, narrow windows and banks of video cameras— “abortion fortresses” of sorts.9 PP claims these features are needed for security, but their real purpose is two-fold: to appeal to major donors and to intimidate pro-life activists. PP officials admit the mega-centers are designed to scuttle pro-life activity, especially sidewalk counseling, with entrances set back from the public sidewalk and dense landscaping making it hard for sidewalk counselors to speak to their clients.10 Pro-life activists have risen to this formidable challenge by increasing their numbers outside the mega-centers, creatively using signage to reach clients and aggressively defending their rights in court. Thanks to these tireless efforts, unborn babies—and their mothers—are still being saved at the Planned Parenthood megacenters.11, 12


RACIAL TARGETING: ABORTION IN BLACK AMERICA Walter Hoye, President and Founder of Issues4Life Foundation and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition

According to the National Vital Statistics Report, the total number of deaths in Black America from the ten leading causes in 2020 was 344,942.1 Based on an analysis of data from the CDC’s “Abortion Surveillance” statistics2 and on the Guttmacher Institute’s estimated number of total abortions for 2020,3 30 states reported an estimated 364,623 African-American abortions during 2020. How can abortion, something Planned Parenthood claims to be "liberating," cause so many Black deaths? Below are the ten leading causes of death in Black America for 2020 and their relationship to African-American abortion numbers in 30 states during 2020: • Heart Disease: 94,777 - Abortion kills 3.8 times as many Blacks as heart disease. • Malignant Neoplasms: 71,879 Abortion kills 5.0 times as many Blacks as cancer. • COVID-19: 58,001 - 6.2 times as many Blacks were killed by abortion as died in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Accidents: 29,875 - Abortion kills 12.2 times as many Blacks as accidents. • Cerebrovascular Disease: 22,646 Abortion kills 17.8 times as many Blacks as strokes.

• Diabetes Mellitus: 19,768 - Abortion kills 18.4 times as many Blacks as diabetes. • Assaults (Homicide): 13,780 Abortion kills 26.4 times as many Blacks as homicides. • Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease: 12,508 - Abortion kills 26.4 times as many Blacks as lung disease. • Alzheimer's Disease: 11,028 Abortion kills 33.0 times as many Blacks as Alzheimer's disease. • Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, and Nephrosis: 10,685 - Abortion kills 34.1 times as many Blacks as kidney disease. Abortion cost 19,681 more Black lives in 2020 than all ten "leading" causes of death combined. The Tuskegee Institute documents a total of 3,446 Negroes lynched by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) between 1882 and 1968 (86 years).4 When compared to the 20 million Black lives taken by abortion from 1967 and 2019 (52 years), abortion in Black America has killed 6,096 Black American’s for every one Black American lynched by Ku Klux Klan (KKK). How can Black Americans align themselves with an industry that profits from the death of other Black Americans? More Black lives are lost to abortion each year than the ten leading causes of death or 6,096 times more than were taken by the Ku Klux Klan. I just keep hearing the words of Cecile Moore, President of an NAACP chapter, at the 1965 meeting of the Council of Philadelphia’s AntiPoverty Action Committee. She condemned a Planned Parenthood program as “replete with everything to help the Negroes commit race suicide.”5

My Lord, please help us. 11

Think Planned Parenthood Supports Women and Girls? Think Again. Patience Griswold, Program and Marketing Coordinator, Human Life Alliance

“Care no matter what” rings hollow and empty in light of Planned Parenthood’s track record. Women and girls deserve far better than what Planned Parenthood offers.

Planned Parenthood advocates against informed consent laws.

Planned Parenthood consistently opposes informed consent laws, calling them “biased” and a “barrier” to abortion.1,2,3,4,5 Only one in four former abortion center employees report obtaining informed consent from women prior to abortions.6

Planned Parenthood encourages sex-selective abortion.

An undercover investigation found Planned Parenthood in Austin encouraging a client to obtain a sex-selective abortion if her baby was a girl because she said she wanted a boy.7

Planned Parenthood lobbied in favor of child marriage.

Yes, you read that correctly. In 2017 and 2023 Planned Parenthood lobbied to keep child marriage legal in California.8,9 Child marriage has been used as a loophole to avoid prosecution for statutory rape.10 At least 48 minors have been subjected to child marriage practices in California since Planned Parenthood lobbied to keep it legal in 2017.11

Planned Parenthood failed to report sex trafficking.

An undercover investigation in 2011 found that a Planned Parenthood employee not only failed to report suspected sex-trafficking of a minor, but also offered advice for concealing the abuse.12 Planned Parenthood’s response to the incident was to train their staff to spot undercover journalists, rather than training them to report abuse.13 65% of sex trafficking victims experience abortion. 29% visit a Planned Parenthood while they are being trafficked.14

Planned Parenthood advocates against parental consent and notification laws. Planned Parenthood advocates against parental notification laws,15,16 despite pleas from abuse and trafficking victims who have testified that these laws would have rescued them from further abuse.17

Planned Parenthood failed to report rape and sexual abuse of minors.

Planned Parenthood has repeatedly failed to report rape, incest, and sexual abuse of minors.18,19 Court documents show that a girl who was being abused by her father was taken to Planned Parenthood for three abortions in five years. Planned Parenthood failed to report that she was being abused.20 There are also multiple instances of Planned Parenthood helping abusers obtain birth control for their victims.21 12 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

INDOCTRINATING YOUTH: PLANNED PARENTHOOD IN SCHOOLS Planned Parenthood (PP) has been actively indoctrinating children since the 1970s. It promotes and teaches “comprehensive” sex education in our schools and through various youth groups and organizations. Their website states,

“Sex education that is responsible and medically accurate, begins in kindergarten, and continues in an age-appropriate manner through the 12th grade...”1

PP actively offers sex education programs, books, curricula, manuals, pamphlets, research papers, videos, websites, speakers, teachers, and workshops to unsuspecting parents, children, teens and school boards. They train teachers and peer educators for schools and community organizations.2 Trained peers make sure classmates are informed about access to birth control and abortion.3 Beginning in mid-2019, Planned Parenthood started opening in-school abortion referral clinics in Los Angeles-area high schools, which provide birth control, STI testing as well as abortion referrals for minors without parental

involvement, notification and consent. PP's goal is to open 50 of these referral centers targeting at-risk minors in Southern California's high schools.4 PP longs to see the day when these pro-abortion and anti-parent programs spread across the nation. 11-year-old students in Tacoma, Washington received flyers printed by PP letting them know that they can consent to sex with minors who are less than two years older than them and that they can buy condoms at any age. The flyer also informed students that they can get abortions without parental consent and that anyone over the age of 14 can get STI testing without their parents knowing.5 PP has a presence in many local schools and communities across the nation through organizations that serve youth.6 They may even access kids through churches.7 Recently PP has expanded access into people's homes with "Roo," a chatbot marketed to teens encouraging them to ask sexually explicit questions as well as offering information and advice on obtaining abortions and contraceptives.8 Get informed. Speak out. Protect children.

COMING TO A SCHOOL NEAR YOU? Staff from Planned Parenthood of Regina distributed sexually explicit cards to ninth-graders at Lumsden High School in Saskatchewan, Canada during a presentation on contraception and consent. The cards, which were photographed by a student, had cartoon illustrations of sexual terms on one side and descriptions on the back, with instructions for using the cards in games and discussion groups.1 Planned Parenthood of Regina defended their actions in an online statement after the incident.2 13

WHAT’S NEXT: “TELEHEALTH” TO KILL Jim Sedlak, American Life League Planned Parenthood (PP) has been venturing into the telemedicine world for some time. Its Heartland affiliate in Nebraska and Iowa pioneered the development of telemedicine abortions in 2008. The procedure at that time required a woman to be in a PP medical facility in order to get, and take, the abortion pill after a web-cam consult with an abortionist perhaps hundreds of miles away.1 In 2014, Planned Parenthood Care was launched which allowed a person to talk to a PP clinician over the Internet from home. That was expanded in 2015 to Planned Parenthood Direct, which allowed for consultation, getting a prescription, and ordering birth control pills, among other things— again, all from home.2 In its 2018-2019 Annual Report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America stated it provided telemedicine abortions in 16 states and other telemedicine services in 17 states. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, Planned Parenthood has grown these services—which it now calls telehealth and expanded those services to all 50 states in 2020.3 So, what is telehealth at Planned Parenthood? PP says: “Telehealth services vary from health center to health center, but you may be able to get services such as birth control, STD testing and or treatment, genderaffirming hormone therapy, PEP, PrEP, and emergency contraception (the morningafter pill). Counseling or education information may also be available.”4 PP also says: “Many Planned Parenthood health centers offer medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill, through telehealth.”5 (Telehealth abortions are currently banned in 19 states.)6 “If so, during your telehealth visit, your nurse or doctor will give you all of the information you need to use the abortion pill at home. Then you’ll go to your local health center to pick up the medicines (SIC) you’ll need.”7 ran a story in April 2020 about this escalating PP telehealth program. The lead paragraphs in the story focused on telehealth abortions. It presented this scenario that involved PP Hudson Peconic in New York State: “When an emergency responder in one of the New York counties hardest hit by COVID-19 recently found out she was pregnant, she decided that it wasn’t the right time to have a child. So between a busy schedule of helping patients, 14 The Truth About Planned Parenthood

she made an appointment for Planned Parenthood’s new telehealth service, requested an abortion, and attended an initial counseling session—all while sitting in an ambulance. Once she completed her virtual visit through the organization’s app, the first responder’s ambulance swung by her local Planned Parenthood clinic so she could pick up the pills needed to end her pregnancy."8

This woman, whose daily job is dedicated to saving lives, decided to kill her own child and PP happily provided her with the murder weapon. We know by the testimonies of hundreds of staff who have left PP that this emergency responder, once she called PP, was speaking with individuals who are trained to sell abortions. There was no real counseling or trying to solve any of her perceived reasons not to give birth to this already living human being. The abortion industry calls this new strategy of pushing chemical abortions “at-home” abortions or “self-managed” abortions. These at-home abortions are not something simple— according to the National Institutes of Health: one out of five has adverse effects; one out of six involves hemorrhaging; and one out of 17 will require surgery to complete the abortion. They are often violent and can require immediate transport to an emergency room.9 Planned Parenthood must be stopped. Jim Sedlak passed away in 2022. He is the former Executive Director of American Life League and founder of STOPP International.

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