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My Body, My Choice!

Throughout this publication we have presented arguments from those who support the “pro-choice” stance and followed up with a well reasoned pro-life response.

“My body, my choice!”

A fetus is not part of a woman’s body, but a completely separate human beings with his/her own unique DNA. If a child in the womb is a developing human being, should another person really have the right to kill her? Abortion is a violent act (see p. 8). Does a pregnant woman have the right to dismember a child inside her body? Is it okay for a doctor to suck the baby out of the womb with a machine? Society shouldn’t encourage anyone to engage in this type of extreme violence.

“I consented to sex, not pregnancy.”

When reproductive organs are used, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when reproduction occurs. If you’re not ready for parenthood, maybe you’re not ready for sex. There isn’t an undo button.

"No uterus, no opinion"

Men can never be pregnant; however, like all women they still have a responsibility to protect others regardless of their gender. In today’s world, both women and men need to speak against all injustice.

“I’m personally opposed to abortion, but wouldn’t tell someone else what to do.”

Would we ever say, “I would never abuse my child but can’t take away someone else’s right to abuse their child?” Or, “Slavery is wrong, but it might be okay for you?” This makes no sense. There is no such thing as freedom to intentionally kill an innocent human being.

“I’d rather abort than give my child to an adoption agency where they’ll be abused in foster care!”

The idea of preventing child abuse by executing potential victims is like trying to eliminate wife-beating by executing all married women. Many options exist for children in need of a new family—including open adoption and safe haven laws. It’s unrealistic to assume all or most unplanned pregnancies would end with an abused child in foster care.

“The child won’t have a good quality of life.”

Why assume children born from unplanned pregnancies will have the worst possible future and end their lives? We have not (yet) legalized killing toddlers living in unhealthy environments. Instead, we try to help these children and their families. We should strive to eliminate the suffering, not those who suffer.

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