4 minute read

Does Abortion Really Empower Women?

True feminism is about respecting and empowering women for their uniqueness. This includes their unique ability to give life. When women feel they must undergo an invasive and traumatic procedure in order to be “equal” politically, socially and in the workplace—can we really call this feminism?

One feminist writer stated, “A woman wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.” The need to abort in order to achieve “equality” does not liberate women but instead, implies that women must adopt the characteristics of men, people who cannot become pregnant, in order to compete in a man’s world. Abortion is a symptom of sexism within our society—it is not the cure.

Pro-abortion feminism has been damaging to women’s empowerment. Most of these feminists frequently express a weak view of women with regard to the abortion decision. They insist that women should be shielded from the biological facts and moral issues surrounding abortion, implying that women are too fragile to handle the truth. A new misleading language has been adopted in order to distract women from the reality of abortion’s impact on their mental and physical health and on what it does to their preborn babies. Phrases like “reproductive health,” “products of conception” and “right to choose” are rhetoric that serve the purpose of covering up important facts deemed too “offensive” or “upsetting.” This is a disservice to women, who have a right to know and the strength to deal with all the facts when facing a crisis pregnancy decision.

Abortion, in the final analysis, works to the advantage of the exploitative male. Abortion liberates men from sex without consequences and responsibility, under the guise of “support for women’s rights.”

By accepting abortion, women have accepted their own oppression. Feminists should be working for a society that supports the unique life-giving capacity of women by providing them with the resources they need and deserve, so that no woman feels driven to abortion. We should not settle for anything less.

Taken from Planned Parenthood's 'Who we Are' page, they state that "Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams — no ceilings, no limits." Sounds great, but in reality has the abortion industry really provided the freedom that we think it has?

Below is detailed scientific and statistical information on the real psychological and physical complications of having an abortion.

Psychological Problems:

- Suicide rates for post-abortive women are 6 times higher than for a pregnant woman.

- Suicide rates for post-abortive teenage girls are 10 times higher.

- Compared to women who gave birth, women who aborted were 65% more likely to be at risk of long-term clinical depression.

Physical Complications:

- Perforation of the uterus

- Cardiac arrest

- Major unintended surgery

- Infection

- Convulsions

- Endotoxic shock

- Cervical laceration

- Uterine rupture

- Hemorrhaging

- Undiagnosed ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

- Death

Future Risks

Women who abort not only put their own lives and health at risk; they also endanger the lives of their current and future children. Women with previous abortions have a 144% elevated likeliness to physically abuse their children.

- 60% higher risk of miscarriage.

- 44% increased risk of breast cancer.

- Women who abort are more likely to experience future ectopic pregnancy, infertility, hysterectomy, stillbirth, miscarriage and premature birth than women who have not had abortions.

"I thought I had to have an abortion in order to make something out of my life..."

Since I had already enlisted in the Air Force, I thought I had to have an abortion in order to make something out of my life. My best friend drove me to the abortion clinic. It was like an assembly line. When the ultrasound was being performed, I asked to see it, but this wasn’t allowed. So much for "an informed decision."

Then I asked how far along I was. I was told I was nine and-a-half weeks pregnant. That hit me hard. I started doubting and wanted to talk to my friend, but I wasn’t allowed to do that either. When it was my turn, the nurse told me that I was going to feel some discomfort, like strong menstrual cramps. The truth is that the abortion was more pain than I’ve ever felt in my life.

It felt like my insides were literally being sucked out of my body.

Later, I went into shock. After the abortion, I attempted to make up for it by trying to get pregnant again. I wanted my baby back, but I never got pregnant again. I don’t know if I can ever have another baby. I named my baby. Later I found out this is part of the grieving process. Two-and-a-half years later, I ended up in the hospital with bulimia. I felt that no one had punished me for what I had done, so I was punishing myself. I was obsessed with women who were pregnant and my life was in shambles! I was suffering from what I’d call post-abortion trauma. When I was 21 years old, I received help from a woman who was involved with prolife activism. I went through a program called “Conquerors.” Not only did I experience forgiveness, but I was also challenged to help others. I answered the challenge and started sidewalk counseling. There is a healing process that comes from getting involved in the pro-life movement. I talk to youth groups and students and share my testimony.

To them and to you, I plead, “Please don’t make the same mistake I did.”

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