Human Relationships Magazine

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Just Tired

Author wants to stay anonymous


My phone was burning in my hands, and my ears were ready to fall off from exposing to screaming for too long. My hands were shaking when I heard the words I never expected to hear and like an echo, my heart was beating so loud, that I had a hard time understanding the rest of the sentence. “I don't need you! I hate you! You are nothing to me!”, - she finally said it out load. Finally, I heard a ring tone. She hung up the phone. The last note was not pretty at all. In my ears I heard an echo repeating the words I just heard: - you are nothing, I hate you, I don’t Need you. My eyes started to tear. “What just happened? What did I do?” - In my brains I was going in my memories from days before, not sure where to stop, trying to remember any single word that could possibly make her feel this way about me! As I stood in one spot, I got a text message from her: - "I never want to see or talk to you ever again!" “What? Why? What happened?” - at that moment It felt like the end of the world for me! The sky Turned black in my eyes and my heart was broken in tiny little pieces! The most painful day for me that year was my birthday. She managed to text me two words: “Happy Birthday.” No wishes, no flowers, no gifts, no surprises. It was not real for me, but it was the reality of the situation. Everybody forgot my birthday that year; including my mother, my brother and my sister, and even my husband along with my kids. They made me a couple drawings, preparing all previous day, but on the day of my birthday, they forgot! Couple months later, on her birthday I called, not planning to see her. I wished her happy birthday and I was ready to end the call, when she said:-"Come over if you are around, let's have a drink!"

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Couple things about my personality:

I don't show up on someone's birthday without flowers. I will for sure get a bouquet of flowers! That one habit I inherited from my father. He used to say: - "Everyone likes flowers! Flowers are like life; they breath and they bloom, and than they die. It's a process of life, but they are so beautiful, like a woman!" My father loved women and they loved him too! He must have seen many flowers in his life. That day I forgot about everything! Whatever happened, it was all behind. She wanted to know everything about me and my life in those months we were not talking. That day I gave myself a word, that if she will ever say anything bad towards my address, I will not forgive her! I do not deserve to be treated or verbally abused by a friend, who I trusted my life completely. Six months later she became angry with me again, only this time she could not keep her mouth shut, And accidentally she reveals the name of the person, a mutual friend of ours, who said something About me to her that caused all the drama from the beginning. Both of them were laughing at me, making a joke and she got scared that the rumor will spread to me. Apparently, to cover herself in the “gold cover”, she blamed and accused me of wrong doing things I never knew. At that moment I understood why she was calling me names and refused to explain all the bad words that were said in my address earlier. I don't come from a rich home. All materialistic appearances just a cover up to me. Some girls trying to cover their faces with a “golden powder and a pair of golden shoes.” I am not like many other girls. I like good quality cloths, but since my budget needs to be in control, I stopped shopping for things I can’t afford to buy. I decided it is better to stay away from the malls and the expensive branded stores, than use my credit card and become deep in depth of a financial crisis. I have a great taste and enough cloths to look good every day! I have my make up in the right place all the time. For my age I still look very good and even after having kids, my cloths size stayed the same As when I was a teenager. I don’t need to show off my good Burberry handbag and an Armani T-shirts To be respected in public. Maybe it feels good to have those amazing pair of Dolce Cabana shoes for $10,000 and a Coach handbag for another $ 5,000 to show my real personality. I hope the characteristics of a personality of Human’s nature will not be judged only by materialistic things and cloths.

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My personality and who I am is what matters the most! I feel that I have been stepped over again and again because I am not rich enough to be someone’s friend. Not qualified to go shopping everyday or go to the big parties where some girls like to show off their branded cloths. It is not only the financial status, but also the feeling of wasting time on talking about something that doesn’t make sense. It makes me sorry for waste my time like that. I want to talk to intelligent people about technology, books and real adventures, not about what kind of food they ate and cloths hey wear. Let’s not even mention what some girls are doing to their faces with plastic surgeries and fake tits. How unnatural and sometimes horrible their faces become after spending thousands of dollars on cutting themselves open during plastic surgeries. I am not sure what kind of mirror they have in front of themselves and what they see while they look in it. I don't believe that my friend is like this. I noticed that she loves buying expensive cloths but I never realized that she is so much involved in branded looks. Back in my minds I know she is a good person, hearted woman with an adorable smile. We were friends for years! All those jokes, trips, kids, laughs, and cries that we were sharing everyday! I never saw her being fake, until now! I am sitting and pulling my hair out from an anger at myself for letting her get into my life and even more sorry for letting her cut the robes at the convenient time for her! My heart doesn't hurt anymore like in that first time when she said very mean stuff to me.

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I am so much stronger now than before! I am a Woman of Strength! She pushed me away for a reason and I still wish her well. I will never let anyone to step over me again! I am a survivor, not a victim!

One cent to those relationships, that years of friendships can be ended in one moment over one word, one thought, one joke or one dollar!

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Finite Creatures

Author wants to stay anonymous

In a memory of a very good friend Eugene Lerner (1979-1993)

I waited for him all day until very late, and when I got home, I called him and there was no answer.

I could not close my eyes all night. Something was not right. I felt scared and nervous. When I called him back in the morning, his brother answered the phone. Where is he?� What do you mean he is not coming?! - I asked again with frustrated voice.

My madness was coming out of me, feeling that something else happened, I wouldn't let his brother talk! My hand started to shack, when his brother's voice began to talk.

You are the only one, he loved you very much! You listen to me and remember it always, you are the reason our family stayed this long in this horrible country. When he met you, his tickets had a date on them, with one way ticket. He loved you, do you understand, you are the one, - he started sobbing with his nose, and I realized that he is crying. What happened? - I asked him, but couldn't hear my voice, because my heart was beating very loud.

My hands and legs were shacking from feeling something horrible happened, but how bad can it be?

He died last night and he asked me to tell you, - his brother continued. He was coming to see you, but they stopped him. There was an incident and he had to leave this World for good. He also said that, he will always love you, now and forever! Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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Who stopped him?... Who was it?" - I creamed louder and louder.

My emotions were taking control over me, and suddenly I said: Wait, we will fix it, right? Everything is fixable!

How can we change it?

There is always the way out from a bad situation!

What do you mean, he is dead?.... How?.... Why?..... What do you mean, that he is dead???!!!

I don't believe you!... Do you mean,... that I will never see him, tor talk to him ever, again? What do you mean, he is dead?!!!" - then I just broke in tears…

I realized my phone was on the hooks only in couple minutes. I didn’t remembering how the conversation with his brother ended, when I heard another ring. Couple minutes later I realized the woman's voice.

I never heard that voice before. She was saying something about me, and how important I am to her and her son! Also she said that her son got so many feelings for me, and she would like me to be there for his last way. It was his mother, who’s voice broke in tears while giving me the directions where to come. Everything was dropping on the floor, while I was trying to get myself ready to leave the house. The phone rung again. It was his best friend telling me to met by the school. We are going together, wait for us, don't go by yourself. You can't see him looking like that, he would be embarrassed, trust me!

Who did it? - I stopped him from crying.

We will met in 10 minutes, I am afraid, it's time to grow up! You shouldn't worry about punishment, there is plenty of us, who is willing to revenge.

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You stay save and try not to be alone. Always be around girls, and one more thing, please, I beg you, make sure you lock your front doors at all the time! Recently, I was told that I don't know what pain is, and I never experienced loosing someone close to me.... This is a true story, happened at me at a very young age. Yes, I know what it's like to loose someone special, but yet, I try to hide my pain and make people laugh, creating jokes out of everything, because laughing is very important! Nobody needs to know my pain. I believe no one will not understand how much pain I had, and how close I was next to the “death"!

Trying to fix any mistakes or problems one by one, I just remembered, that the only one thing can't be fixed: is "Death"! I am sharing this story with all of you, my amazing Humans, opening my soul to public for a reason. I want everyone to know more about me and my past. By reading this peace you can get a little bit closer to knowing me, my world, and my pain!

What I am asking in return is for every Human soul to understand the usage of simple words to communicate. Please never assume anything before making a statement to someone. It might hurt their feelings by not knowing their passed. He was such a gentlemen with a long, curly, golden hair. His hair style was making me crazy! Long string of hair on the back of his head was wavy and just perfect. I could play with his hair like a little kitten for many hours. We talked about everything and nothing, created a fairy tales, singing songs together, playing guitar softly, picking the stars from the clear sky. He talked to me about future, placing us on the most beautiful island, and traveling around the world together and always together. Only once I saw sadness in his eyes, when he told me about tickets, waiting for him and his parents to go back home.

His home was in LA, California. While, traveling with his parents back to his native land, he was admitted to our school for another year. He had many good friends. At the age of 13, he looked very mature and almost adult. I was almost two years older than him and not once I met such a mature boy. Even now, it's hard to find that maturity in many adults. His educated manners, ability to talk and explaining every detail about his personal views, made me very attached to him.

Walking down the road, letting my hair fly with the wind, my crazy memories were following me at all the time. What will change if I will start blaming myself for what happened to him? Basically, it's me, who was holding him from going back home. Not knowing or realizing at that time, how much guilt I had to carry for the rest of my life, just because we clicked and got attached to each other. Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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When his brother said that I was loved, I believed him, because he was also loved. We just never had enough time to say it to each other, but we are kind of already knew. We were so young for the big words, yet, we were reading each other's minds. His best friend was already waiting for me. Slowly, group of closed friends started to come around. Everyone was asking me how I was holding up, when I just cut them off! I am fine, I got my legs and arms working, but he is not fine! He is the one we should all worry about!

Why is he missing his legs and arms? - I asked them with anger. Can somebody tell me what happened?!

One week prior to that horrible incident, his parents left to visit their relatives in another country, and enrolled their son to a summer overnight camp. Having a very hard time to use a phone to call me, he decided to come back to the city earlier and spend one week with me without telling anyone.

We talked for many hours straight. He told me all about his summer camp, who he met and how great it was, but he admitted that he missed me so much and that why he came back earlier. Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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Being next to him and hearing his voice made me the happiest person on Earth.

We were seeing each other every day that week, and it was getting closer for his parents arrival. We made plans to spend with our friends by the lake and he grabbed his guitar and was ready to leave the house. We were supposed to met by the statue.... The statue was the main spot for our meetings, located on the property of the University. It was big enough to sit on it and at the same time was very privately located. I never returned to that statue. I started hating it from the memories and from the long wait from that horrible morning. Spending all morning talking to each other on the phone, we were ready to met. He lived very far from me, so I had an extra hour to waste. Getting ready and singing to myself, I was happy!

When I got to the statue and he wasn't there, I got surprised. I am a girl! I like my man to wait for me so I usually arrive a little later. It was very close to the midnight, when I got home, leaving my statue alone. Upset, disappointed, and angry, I had no clue….

When he finally hanged up the phone, the clocks were showing 12:30 pm and he was feeling very happy! He started singing to himself.

Suddenly, he heard some noises behind him. When he turned around, he felt a heavy fist throwing him against he floor. Two huge men where beating him up with their heavy shoes, hard and with no breaks. There was no mercy. They got pretty mad at him for having such a long conversation with a girl over the phone. They didn’t want any witnesses, that is why they had to wait. Apparently, they were in his apartments way before he woke up. If they would leave him alone, after hitting him so many times, he probably would survive. But no, they didn't stop!

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They were following someone’s orders: “until he is dead!”

They pulled him up, putting something in his hands, they pushed him very harsh against the wall. "Are they done?", - he thought to himself.

"Thanks God, it's over!", - and then the exposure happened. Abusers ran away. Everything was in smoke, but quiet.

"Maybe my ears are clogged?" - he thought to himself.

"I am so late, and she is probably so worried!" - he continued talking to himself. "It didn't hurt at all"- finding some power to get up, he continued discussion. His feet were dragging behind his body. "I just need to get outside, it's too smoky here" - he pushed his body with his hands, and realized, that they were missing. " It's getting hard to breath here, I need to get outside!" Rolling himself from forth floor, pulling his body and trying to achieve the stair hall, he screamed for help loud enough to get someone's attention. Ambulance arrived 3 minutes later, and he survived another 5 hours. He lost 5 litters of blood, and even if all parts somehow would get attached to his body, loosing so much blood, made him fall asleep forever. This was a revenge by his father's ex- best friend, who desired to take a life of a boy, just to hurt his ex- friend! I think it was a bad decision! That boy was almost like a son to him. He was there when the boy was born. He was there for the biggest events in his life. How mad was he for a revenge like that?

He took away a life of an innocent boy; his future and my future also!!! How much money did his father owe to him?

Was is enough for the price of someone's child???!!!

I can assure everyone that the person who committed such a horrible crime, is no longer alive. His life was taken away very dramatically, as I heard.

He was a head of a Mafia Clone. He was rich and could by everything but guess what: “Money can’t buy a life!”

“Once you are dead, there is no coming back!”

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Dying of a Heroin Overdose Does Not Make You a Scumbag

Human Relationships Magazine wants to support people with addiction for

controlled substances and share this amazing article written by A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D.

“In the wake of the tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, I am shocked by the vast range of opinions and emotions that have been voiced in the public discourse. Media outlets of all shapes and forms are weighing in on his death -- and specifically, the foolish, self-destructive choices he made associated with his addiction. The explosion of speculation and moralizing surrounding this death brings to light how conflicted our feelings, as a society, are about this disease. And the science is clear on this point. Addiction is a disease -- and like so many other diseases -- its onset is caused by an inextricable cluster of biological, behavioral and environmental factors. But for some reason, this disease still inspires a socially acceptable prejudice that is simply not appropriate and certainly is not right. Last week I was speaking with a prominent and well-educated journalist who was doing a report on substance abuse. He was interviewing me as an expert in the field -- having spent my career researching addiction and working to advance policies and practices to support improved care. But in addition to my professional experience, and like so many of us out there, my experience is personal as well. In 2008, I lost my youngest son to an overdose. And yet, despite knowing my professional and personal background, this seemingly intelligent reporter made the following statement to me in casual conversation: "What a weak piece of sh** that Philip Seymour Hoffman was, eh?" Even as I sit here several days later, I am dumbstruck by the callousness, the audacity, and most of all, the ignorance of this comment.” Overdosing on heroin doesn't make you a scumbag. Having a drink after 20 years of sobriety doesn't make you weak. Having an addiction is not a moral choice. In fact, I think it is accurate to say that having an addiction is not a choice at all.

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Sure, it is a completely voluntary act the first time anyone picks up a drink, smokes a cigarette or uses another drug. And that remains true for at least several more voluntary choices to drink and/or use. But then something happens in the brains of about 10 percent of those who use -- we don't yet know exactly all that happens in those brains but for sure there is triggering of genetic expression, and likely induction of immunologic reactions. We know that those biological changes have primary effects in the brain especially in the areas responsible for governing judgment, inhibition, motivation and learning. We do not yet know why some drugs produce these effects in some people; how much or often one has to use to bring about these changes, or how long these brain changes last. And we do not yet know which of those who drink or use for the first time will go on to become addicted. But we do know two things for sure. Nobody -- nobody -- has their first drink in order to become an addict. And we know for sure that the brains of those who become addicted are very different from the brains they started out with. I wonder how the media or the public would have reacted if Mr. Hoffman had passed away as a result of another disease that he had been struggling against for 23 years? Say cancer? I think the young actor's triumph over cancer likely would have been celebrated throughout his career as an example of his personal strength -- a story of a talented individual bravely overcoming the odds. Perhaps he would have been "the face of" recovery from his particular form of cancer. Giving hope to fellow sufferers, raising awareness and needed research funds to find a cure. What, then, would have been our response if the cancer had come back, and ultimately he lost his valiant struggle? My guess is we would have had compassion -- we would have celebrated his struggle and remembered him for his courage -- and we would have been right to do so. But Mr. Hoffman reportedly died from the disease of addiction. An acquired, progressive, relapsing disease that he managed to beat back for 23 years of his life. And it was likely a day-to-day fight.

Science has shown that drug addiction actually produces lasting changes to the brain's structure, particularly in those areas responsible for inhibiting actions and moderating motivational urges. For example, we know that environmental cues associated with alcohol and drugs (like alcohol commercials on TV) can trigger brain changes associated with substance use. These environmental events (people, places and things associated with substance use) have been shown to evoke strong cravings even in sterile laboratory settings; and even among those who have remained steadfastly abstinent for years. In other words, commonplace situations -- like being offered wine at a dinner party -- can literally cause the recovering addict's brain to work against his effort to maintain sobriety.

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Cast in this light, maintaining recovery from addiction sounds like a pretty heroic effort to me. So why haven't we celebrated that part of Philip Seymour Hoffman's story? Why are there no national campaigns celebrating the many day-to -day battles that recovering individuals fight to stay clean and sober? And why -if this disease overtakes you and you lose the fight -- do people who should know better sneer and suggest that the victim was a "weak piece of sh**"? We don't talk about other diseases like we talk about addiction. But we used to. I am old enough to remember that before science helped us understand other stigmatized diseases like cancers, tuberculosis, polio, depression and HIV -those who suffered from those illnesses, and their families, were also ashamed, alone and angry.

But science and medicine changed public understanding for these still terrible diseases. Those who suffer from these diseases also fight relapse and they do it valiantly -- but at least they no longer have public approbation and scorn to add to their struggles. And they have large, well-funded public associations properly championing new and better treatments for them For each of these diseases science has changed the way they were perceived and managed; and with those changes came public understanding and ultimately public support. The science is equally strong in the case of addictions and it is time that media and public perceptions about addiction catch up with the science about this disease. Until that happens, too many talented and extraordinary people will struggle in silence and die in the shadows of shame.

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“We’ve been on it for two years.” “Did you do drugs before that?” “A line of coke at a party, every once in awhile we’d pop a couple Vicodin and watch TV. But we had normal lives. She was an office administrator, I was a cook. Then I got hurt and got a prescription for some Oxycontins. And I gave a few to her. And before long we were crushing them up and snorting them. Then we started doing heroin cause it was cheaper. It’s the same thing, really, as the Oxycontins. Just cheaper.” “What’s it feel like when you stop doing heroin?” “It’s like dying. And being reborn again. Your eyes keep crying and your nose keeps running and you’ve got cold sweats. And for like 4 days you’re flopping around and can’t get comfortable, so you can’t sleep for days so you start thinking crazy and seeing things. And if you can make it through those four days without getting a bag of dope, then you come out the other side so exhausted you can’t move. If you’re lucky you can get some methadone from a clinic, but that’s even more addictive than the heroin.” “Would you say heroin has ruined your life?” “Absolutely.” “Do you mind if I share that?” “That’s fine. Just say one thing. Be sure to say that we really do love each other and we’re trying to fix our lives.”

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What is the difference between Humans and Animals? The difference between humans and animals is not so big. We all need to eat, sleep, love, make family and survive in

this World. Just like humans, animals also in need of all those things to survive above and even more.

Many animals are so much stronger than humans and many examples proven to us that even more intelligent! For example: Dolphins are considered to be the most intelligent animals.

So, what makes us better than animals? Human’s ability to communicate in simple words teaching us how to create advanced World of Technology.

Humanity got so advanced only because we can talk, describing our wishes to others. Putting on the paper our thoughts, and putting it in practice, allowing us to drive, fly, travel on comfort level. One of the most advanced creations of Humanity is Internet, allows us to shop, work, build and create new World of Matrix. Words are the most powerful key to success and this maga-

zine is about communicating and teaching us to communicate in the simple but yet very powerful words.

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How much jealousy is enough to make significant other go crazy? Some people call jealousy, some call it craziness, some people believe it's a sickness. Looking at many life experiences, most of those people called:

damaged people, who either experienced bad love relationships, or themselves thinking about cheating or cheating themselves. In the simple words it’s called mental Abuse! But what if it's not true? What if, that person, imagined in his head that his or her partner is cheating?! The way he or she replies to strange questions sounds like an irritable answers. Does it gives a right to anyone to accuse without a reason?

Frankly, I believe that person is not sick or jealous, I strongly believe that he or she is just Selfish person, who don't care about other’s people feelings, and instead of trusting, they start accusing! Those accusations will link to a divorce, because not too many people can handle to be wrongly accused! Many women like when their guys are jealous, but in many relationships there should be trust.

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Why kids misbehave…

According to, there is 8 reasons why kids are not behaving good. 1) They want to test whether caregivers will enforce rules.

2) They experience different sets of expectations between school and home.

3) They do not understand the rules, or are held to expectations that are beyond their developmental levels. 4) They want to assert themselves and their independence. 5) They feel ill, bored, hungry or sleepy.

6) They lack accurate information and prior experience.

7) They have been previously “rewarded” for their misbehavior with adult attention. 8) They copy the actions of their parents.

The best teacher of how to misbehave or act and speak inappropriately is by watching mom or dad misbehave or act and speak inappropriately. Remember, what children see and experience in the home is what their normal is.

So, if they see mom and dad yelling, they will yell. If they get spanked, they will likely use hitting to express their anger or frustration. If they hear, “What?” instead of “Pardon?” that is what they will use. How can we expect any different?

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How to identify a stroke YOU COULD SAVE A LOVED ONE'S LIFE BY KNOWING THIS SIMPLE INFORMATION!!! Stroke has a new indicator!

Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue: During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this. A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S *Ask the individual to SMILE. T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. Chicken Soup) R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this post share it to your friends ; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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Love and Hate one Step Apart How much time do you think you will have from the moment you love somebody, to the moment you started to hate them?

It could be years, could be never, but also could be one minute, one word, one step, one disappointment and the strongest feeling will grow in opposite direction.

There is an old saying : ” What comes around, goes around”! SO TRUE! Respect each other, don’t cheat and lie in the relationships, always remember that one person who loves you, might stop loving you forever.

Don’t hurt each other with bad words, because words could be more painful than a hit! The more you respect, love and appreciate your significant other, more love you will get in return!

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You are nobody until you’re loved! You are "so right", and I am not hiding lovers, and nobody awaits for me today. My space is closed, and nobody allowed, Just underneath, my God along with you. The only human, who I trusted ever, You took my world with your eyes, I trusted you from moment you created, Our mutual and happy love. We are together, growing older, Creating comfort in our home, By raising kids as family, together, Because you are nobody, until you loved! I am with you on every step behind, You walking slow, to catch, I am running, One step of your, is equal 5 of mine, But I am nobody, until I am loved. When we together, our powers are growing, And flowers are blooming every day, Sometimes we hate each other also, But we are nobody, until we’re loved!

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I decided to write something fresh and exciting, when my eyes stopped on the old notebook of mine, where my feelings as a young teenager experiencing first love, first break up, distance relationships, new friendships, new stories and new lives are born, and I stopped… Why would I bore you with the present life, when I have an amazing stories to share! This is a true story about a friend I met in California many years ago, hoping that one day he will read it and know it was about him! The original story was written in Russian language as a poem, it was challenging to translate and still keep it as a poem and keeping the original version close enough for our audience. Russian language is a very powerful language, it’s not quite the same as English.

The Island Of Love

There are places, in this World, Where human’s steps have never been, There are beauties, in this World, Where human’s eyes have never seen.

Author wants to stay anonymous

I would love to tell you a story, About the World, which don’t exist, Many people can't even imagine, For many, it’s only a dream! Once, there was a young boy, From far, far, far away, Once, I had a chance to meet, That "extraordinary" boy!

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PART I Once, when I was little, I remember, my Dad and Mom They were rich and famous, Always with smile and love. Our house on the Island, The biggest house on land, My mom decided to hire, The nanny, before I “came”. She hired people for service, And made every room occupied, She wanted to have people, In our house, in our lives.

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Five hundred and fifty rooms filled, With humans, to serve, and to share, Our house, our lives, became occupied, With music of Love and Enjoy! The Island was getting richer, By growing so much bigger, With birds, that fly around, With new lives, were born, around! My father was stronger than ever, He loved being wealthier ever! My father was loved forever, They called him an Angel’s Guard!!!! We traveled around the World, He took me on a trip, when I was ten, I saw many poor and sick nations, And many in good wealth!! One day, my dad was drinking, Enjoying his brother's game, Playing cards, and laughing loud, They were drinking and making a bet.

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Drinking, laughing and playing cards, Devil still cheats, and then wins a game, My father had lost to the bet he made, By giving him everything he ever had! We thought he was joking and never assumed, We were forced to leave home, very soon, Our home was made with heart, brains and hands, To a bet with his brother, the only one he had!! My uncle said :”Sorry, but I am not joking”, He called for a judgment, and got support, By beating my dad very badly, They kicked us out, away from home. For some people this would be funny, For some, it’s just a joke or a life story, But me, my mom and my brothers, Stopped counting tears anymore. They kicked us out, away from our home, With no money, no food, and no drinks at all. From being so wealthy and rich, in ONE kick, Our lives became completely gone, to a myth!

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My father was beaten so bad, Some punks in the suits, with guns in their hands, His brother stepped over my dad, and said: “You are nobody now, and I win again!” We were walking along the road, My dad was quiet, embarrassed!? Feeling ashamed and sorry, For the only brother he had! My uncle was never famous, Neither, too smart or too rich, My father trusted him fully, And invited him over for good! We buried my dad by the ocean, His heart stopped, it was the dead end! He was bleeding and still walking, Very fast, when our future changed!!

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We were walking along the ocean, Me, my mom and my brothers, When we saw a boat, hidden, We decided to sail away. Looking at the Island, and sailing away, Saying goodbyes to home, land, and friends. Sailing away, and searching for good, Saying hello to a new future soon!!! Me, my mom and my brothers, Without bread, drinks, and cloths, Sailing away in the ocean, In a boat by ourselves at night. How long we were in the ocean, Nobody kept any tracks, Maybe a week or a month, maybe longer, Nobody knows now?! My mom looked tired, exhausted, I looked at her, and my tears, Were coming down, not holding, And all of the sudden, got dark.

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I woke up from my mom’s voice, talking, Saying softly, with no strength at all. All I heard was: “we are close”, We are almost by our home! I jumped and looked around, I couldn't believe my eyes, It was an amazing Island, I called it: “The Island of Love”. On the top, in the middle of the Island, There was two big volcano’s apart, In between was a deepest hole ever, Looked like two brothers, and blood everywhere. I will build the castle on Island, I will build it with my brains and hands, I will make people to love me, I will always be as myself! I will repeat what was started, I will be strong, smart and fair, I will continue steps, that are not finished, Too bad that my brothers didn’t survive!

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Continue reading Part 2 in the next Issue 2

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Author wants to stay anonymous

....I woke up from screaming coming from my dream. Even when I opened my eyes I still could hear screaming .... My dream was gone and funny part is, that I don't remember anything, I just remember dark "scream", coming from behind or underneath me, how could that be? All day I was walking like a zombie, thinking about that dream and hearing that echo in my ears! I remember that night...,when I had a dream about my friend, who passed away a week prior that dream, he came to say goodbye and he kissed me... He kissed me on my lips and I felt his warmth and at the same time freezing lips, his breath was close and I felt his touch, it was a real strong goodbye kiss. We were standing in the empty apartment and people were walking around us, moving furniture, bags, boxes but that time when he kissed me, everything froze around us, it's like they stopped in time, I heard clocks ticking - tick-tack, and then I heard my heart pounding making that noise so loud, it was pounding in my head now, I woke up....

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My lips were red from kissing, but nobody was in the room. I want to remind everyone that it was my first real kiss. I have never experienced French Kiss before, and this is how I knew it was real. I saw his picture on the floor laying face down...I know he was there, I could feel now the emptiness in the room, and I understood that he was gone.. More than 30 years passed by now. That strange dream and feelings that he was around me again! It was so long ago that I can't ever believe he would remember me! We were kids, teenagers, it's all far behind, but that dream just woke me up again!!! No, I didn't think about him in years, I was busy lately to even think..... I was just wondering... if he died at 13, he never got a chance to grow up to be a man, how does he grow up in me dream? Or he is still a child? I could probably guess as much as I want, nothing will change around my guessing, and the answers can't be found nowhere, that's why we call it mystery! Have you ever felt the same way about loved one you lost in the past?

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HOW MUCH TRUST DO YOU PUT IN PEOPLE BY TELLING THEM YOUR SECRET? What if you tell your closest friend or your spouse about your personal secret and that person shares it with his or her friends.

What if the trusted person find out that your personal secret is not a secret to many people anymore, and your inside was taking outside?

How much trust do you put in people by telling them your secret? This is what I believe and heard from many people before: “Why do I have to know? I didn’t ask her or him to tell me such a personal stuff! Why do I have to care about that?”

One of my colleges tells me: “Be very careful on who you choose to be your trusted friend.” You know that person for many years, you should know what you can or can’t trust them with, but in real time, friends break on categories: social friend, communication friend, and trusted friend. All three categories are still your friends, but which category you should trust?

1. People believe that their trusted person is the same as you, and that is a wrong assumption and not true! Everyone is unique in their own way. What is important to you, not necessary is important to them!

2. People would like to give a second chance, believing strongly that the person they trust, will change and

understand their mistakes from previously made before. Some people learn from mistakes, some don’t and you are not having those rights to judge them, but not trusting them on your own. It is your choice to trust them, but understand the outcome of it, you are the one, who probably will get really hurt later!

3. People who’s priorities to have and enjoy their closest friends next to them, for good and bad life experi-

ences, will never gave out your secret away, just because they are born that way, they know what real friendships is all about, how hard to find a truly trusted friend and stay by you for life!

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You are in control of yourself to pick the right category of friends who is the most trusted to you, and they respect you and your personal secret will be safe with them. Listen to your heart and make a right decisions.

When you meet and make a new friend, try always test them with a false secret, see if that fake secret will hit fast around the world or not.

Unfortunately, after having a real life experience in trusting to a wrong friend, this test should tell you if your new friend will be a respected and a real true friend! Good Luck!

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Many centuries people tried to describe word “Love” in a simplest way possible. Many good writers de-

scribed the meaning of Love comparing the feeling they experienced on their own, so each of them has their understandings and as we read, we get to know the author closer.

Many people approach a relationship either consciously or unconsciously. Others believe that love is a sensation based on physical and emotional attraction, that magically and spontaneously generates,

when that special person appears. Surprisingly, can disappear just as easy. You fall in love, and you

can fall out of love. Love is the attachment that results in deeply appreciating another’s goodness. When we value most in ourselves, we value most in others. God created us to see ourselves as good, and to seek goodness in others. Nice looks, an engaging personality, intelligence and talent (all of which

counts for something) may attract you, but goodness is what moves you to love. If that person doesn’t

see the same goodness in you, love is not possible, because it really takes two to love or to express it a little better, it is “give and receive”.

Remember a person can’t love if they don’t want to be loved. Love is a choice, if love comes from appreciating

goodness, it is growing overtime and becomes very strong and last longer. By focusing on good sites of another person, you can easily fall in love for all good qualities.

Obviously, there is a far distance between personal love and unconditional love.

Unconditional love is rooted from within...only a

person who captures your true love, will receive it, because you see the true goodness in them. How do you deepen your love for someone?

Action affects our feelings the most. If you want to become more compassionate, thinking compassionate thoughts that is a good start. Giving ultimately is a key!

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While most people think that love leads to giving...the truth is actually the total opposite, giving leads to love! The first action of giving is care: demonstrating the active concern for a person’s life and growth! The second is responsibility: responding to their expressed and unexpressed needs, esp. emotional needs. The third is respect: the ability to see a person for who they really are, to be aware of their unique individualities and wanting that person to grow and unfold as they are. These three actions all depend on the forth, knowledge. We can: care, respond and respect another only as deeply as we know them. It allows us easily to be involved with another’s person’s world and opens up the ability to receive their goodness. At the same time, it means to sacrifices a part of yourself and becomes a part of another soul. This will enable to love as yourself and be loved as well. Love is also a behavior, a relationship thrives when two partners are committed to behaving lovingly through continual, unconditional giving—not only saying, “I love you” but also showing it! People come into our lives for a reason. When someone is in your life for a reason, they have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually and your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring an experience to your life, teach you something good or bad. Sometimes it can be painful experiences and in most cases they come for a reason as well. They make us stronger, they teach us how to survive, how to appreciate life and who to trust in the future. Also relationships teach us a lifetime lessons, things we must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.

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Good and Bad…

How do we know what is good and what is bad? In ancient times people always tried to see who is a good and who is a bad person, by looking at individual characteristics. One of the strongest manners in the human behavior was kindness. Kind person always get to be recognized as a good human, but how do we know what is kindness? How do we know that helping others are good manners? Reading this article might take some people on the different level of their life: by perfecting themselves to become better. Humans are always in search for good and bad sites of each other, but everyone wants to imperfect themselves to be better, not because they are bad people, but because they don’t know what is right and what is wrong! Fox example: During World War 2 people had to put tapes on the windows to prevent from booming and windows breaking. Also because of that, all rooms looked very dark, no day lights would come through those windows. Kids, who was born and raised first 5 years of their lives in dark rooms, during World War II, got used to dark! When the war was over and parents started taking down those tapes, kids thought the parents are immortal and not supposed to do that. They thought it was against the rules! This is a very good example to show how wrong sometimes humans are, by not knowing that they are raised in the bad environment. It’s not their faults, they don’t know better! Many people knows that killing another human is bad, but what if you tried to protect yourself and your family? Do you think killing someone, who tried to hurt you and your loved ones is OK than? Yes!-

would probably said 99% of people I know and you know, and this is right. So depends on each

situation, good and bad can’t be measured in one category. Each situation is different and sometimes something really bad in one situation, is not so bad in the other situation.

Intuition is a human feeling, comes from inside of you. Some people listen to their own intuition and following it very thoroughly, some don’t and later they might regret by saying: ” My intuition was right!” This is where the big BUT comes: what if we were living, were raised and raising

your kids now in the wrong environment, and our intuition, tells you what is right for your environ-

ment, but your environment is not a good one, you just don’t know it?! This is where our intuition is

not a 100% a good choice to follow. How do we know if we are good or bad humans, and who is the ones that deciding and judging us?

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WE ARE judging ourselves to imperfect our future, by creating laws to follow, by following the basic 7 rules of humanity and keeping them under control. If everyone will follow basic 7 laws we will be safe to build better future, but if we not only following those

laws ( don’t step on the grass, don’t smoke in public places, and so on), but also trying to (safe another

human being, feed hungry animals, give poor people cloths, and much more), we called those people GOOD, not because they follow rules only, but

because they do much more above without asking anything in return!

At the end I want to bring out materialistic point of view, that was described in many books as danger to our humanity: ” Mine is mine, yours is yours“, – this saying can

lead to negative reaction and can lean toward hating, raping, destroying other lives and the most scary one of all is a War, with massive death tolls and blood draining like water.

Searching for good, makes people better!

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Simple Words

When God decided to create a Human Being, he called Angels and asked about them about his idea. Angels replied to God with ” NO”, explaining why they don’t think it is such a good idea. “Putting a holy soul inside of a body, would not be a good combination and will not have any success”. Some time later, after God has created our World, he called Angels and asked them if they can give any name to each object or an animal, but Angels couldn’t create even one name for things they saw. On the sixth day, God created Adam ( first man) and called out to Angels to see his creation. While Angels were looking at the first Human, God asked Adam to name all objects around him. Adam started naming everything in words ( birds, sky, blue, green and so on) without even thinking!

He was creating names, combining them into sentences by using simple words. Angels were amazed on how quickly Adam was giving names to everything his eyes saw around him: grass green, water, clouds, butterfly, apples, trees and so on. Finally, Angels agreed with God that his idea was successful. Going back in times our Humanity was made to create a new World of communication by using our skills in using words! Ability to communicate in simple words gave us an ability to grow and progress in every aspect and field. Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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One of the biggest invention by humans using simple word practice is definitely Internet, Virtual World of Matrix, in which we are existing now and our future generation. Please understand the importance of your words! Sometimes words can hurt more than a hit, cut or a broken leg!

Human’s nature is to remember bad words longer than good words, because painful words leave a deep scar on their hearts and their souls! Love each other by respecting, listening and understanding simple words! It gives much better results in the future when politeness and just simple, but yet, very powerful words are applied in friendships, marriage relationships, work environment and just on everyday life. Using proper language helps to understand and support each other in the hard situations. Also in many life situations it helps to inspire humans to live full enjoyable with a lot of potentials life.

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How Money Can Hurt Employee Motivation Think money motivates your employees?

Sure. But it’s not the biggest motivator.

Many entrepreneurs believe that digging into their pocketbooks will help drive employee engagement, but the reality is that 67% of workers say praise and commendation from a manager is what truly motivates (vs. the 52% who say an increase in base pay does the trick.)

Instead, consider making quality time with each employee a priority, pick up a personal tangible gift, offer a high five or fist bump, tell them they’re doing a great job or pitch in on a task. Connect with them.

They’ll respect you more and work harder as a result. This info-graphic takes a look at the truth behind employee engagement and how you can motivate your workforce without reaching into your pocket. 42% of the global workforce says they’re disengaged at work.

90% of leaders say employee engagement is essential to their businesses. 75% of leaders do not have an employee engagement strategy.

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Why is it so important to have a dream!? Dreams gives us motivation and willingness to fight for our future! Some people have a dream to write their own book, maybe biography and maybe fiction. Other people dream to develop their own application or a website. Some girls wish to become models or movie stars. Another category of people willing to become a scientists and discover something new, some one wants to win a gold medal during Olympic games. Today we would like to take this subject deeper into a logic of Humans and describe some of the real life examples when people achieve or fail their dreams. Author wants to stay anonymous I always wanted to become my own boss, not only to get an authority of being a Director of a Corporation, but also a chance to make my own decisions. Ability to analyze businesses and to make the right decisions for an employers pushed my so hard to go separate direction. The rudeness of bosses, who feel right to scream at their personnel is exceeds all expectations. Sending my ideas to the garbage cane and three months later takes the same idea and converted as their own, made me sick.

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Acknowledging their employees as slaves, pushing them around and never admitting the positive results and their dedication to the company, feels the worst of all. In most cases an owner hires a professional business analyst, who develops the entire plan of execution, who plans carefully step by step all departments for the smooth operations and to adjust and convert business into the new era of social networking. All of it stops once the owner lost control on payroll hours. Owner who is not being able to understand the concept of time and the Internet Commercial needs is not a good boss. Not being able to monitor their employees, who are sitting in front of the computer all day and clicking and digging around social media. Sometimes it is beyond their understanding. Strongly believing that the only person who needs to sit in front of the computer is themselves (Bosses)! Their old school of training and running businesses doesn’t work anymore. Couple years from now, they will close their businesses because they don’t want to adjust to the new reality of social networking within a digital world of matrix .

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They tried by making me sit on the phone for the entire month, and call new businesses over and over again without a single result. It was a huge proof that old school of business is dying. “What do you think the first thing a business manager does in the morning?” – I asked her once. “Checking the email box for new messages,” – she replied to me right away. “So why do you make me to spend so much time calling that person, who refuses to pick up the phone, while he or she reads the important email information from some other business? Why you don’t let me to email them instead?” – my words came out so fast in the sense of business analytical mind. I tried to make her to understand that old school is left behind and it is time to learn newest tricks in digital world. Being as a team member for six months on the specific project, I never heard a good word from that business owner towards me. She refused to acknowledge the facts that sales grew over 100% within my first month. One day she just told me that she doesn’t want to proceed with digital networking and it doesn’t give her any results, she sent me home for further notice. I deleted all accounts that I linked her business with my social media and that was the end! Couple months later I received an email from her company, where the tax return document for the 12 months of business, opened up as an attachment in front of my eyes. Black on white; the results shown me that during the time I was working for the company, I generated 100% increase from the previous months and once I left the company, the sales decreased more than 100%. Apparently it was her loss. She tried to get me back on her team after she saw the results, but I was re-playing the entire situation in my head with her business and her attitude towards me, I politely explained that I am working on different project.

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Another major role played the feedback from her: “I am not a micro-manager! I don’t need to know what and how this is done!”, – and while all that said, she physically doesn’t let me do my job. That statement made her disagreed to her own previous statement:”This is my business and I am the boss! I decide what is good for the company and what is not! You are my employee and you will do what I say!” Well, this is 100% correct, she is the boss and it is her business. No one tries to take her business away. I was there to execute her digital world as a contractor, not a partner and to make more money for her and her company. But how am I supposed to work when I have two absolutely opposite statements about executing my job. How wrong of someone to say: “I am not a micro manager, but I am the boss and you do what I say!” – Confusing? That’s right! In the result she lost trusted and hard working employee, ability to generate double income sales and closed the doors to social media option.

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The statement of the boss:” I am not a micro manager!” It is the most absurd statement I have ever heard!

For example: if the corporation has over 1000 employees, each department has a manager, who takes care of the main issues, this statement can possibly pass for a true and correct approach. But we are talking about a company with less than five employees! That specific owner has only five people to manage, and it is her business! That statement breaks down in tiny little pieces, where the stupidity and mentality of a human being stays above those broken pieces! Not even high school diploma needed to understand this! In one of the previous articles we published about the difference between a boss and a leader.

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As we discussed the differences, many comments and opinions came to our email box from all over the world. We clearly developed an idea that the leader – is a person, who knows how to train and to monitor employee’s progress. Leader is that person who knows how to make the job done and not afraid to work with the employee one on one. The boss is almost like a dictator who points the finger towards the job, but never spend any time to train or to show the correct ways of any particular job. During the development of those differences, we recognized and tracked down the highest turnover of employees – belongs to the companies with bosses-dictators, while the companies with leaders; train, support and keep their employees for years and maybe a decades. Training is a key to successful growth of the company! Without proper training most of the employees will fail the required job. Huge factor plays a key role, when the company creates a team of players and each employee have a feeling of being important, motivated and involved with different projects. How many times a person hired by the company had an experience with a business manager, who don’t like to acknowledge that the newer employee produced better results. He or she will do anything to keep sitting in the same chair for years, getting a good chunk of paycheck in their pocket and slowly destroys the reputation of the good, hard working youngster. It is almost like a boomerang; an owner – don’t know the details of a current situation, takes a side of an older and trusted employee; business manager – pushes out the youngest hired person, and the youngster – loses the confident and motivation to be working at the place where the abuse and disrespect exists.

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Let’s turn around the possibilities in the same situation; business manager – spends good amount of time and gives a proper training to the new employee, where the new idea or innovation is supported. Gives an opportunity to be involved with development and follows up on the progress. In the result – the sales growth becomes visible and both of them become a team. Business owner satisfied with their work and production and happily raises both of their salary. It is almost a fairy tale with happy ending. So why, so many owners are not even trying to get better results? Why, so many unhappy employees, who feel not appreciated and under paid? Why, many companies close their eyes on such an important factor of training their team? Why they don’t understand the importance of a Human? I don’t care how much education anyone has, I care if a person is trainable! I had many situations where an immigrant with broken English was able to learn within a time frame more than an individual graduated from a highest institute with a Bachelor Degree. As of today, I became seriously tired of watching how many businesses destroy other’s people lives.

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Huge disappointment working for such a boss-dictator, who promises a golden gates opened for their future success and never keeps those promises. But I am not sorry to experience all those bosses. I

am thankful to every single one of

them; for pushing me so hard, where my dream become a reality!

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Parable 1

Once upon a time—an angel of Poverty and an angel of Wealth came up to a man and asked him a question: “Who do you think is more attractive to you?” - they asked in one voice. The man started to think;

-If I tell that an angel of Poverty is more attractive, an angel of Wealth may get angry and walk away. -If I tell that an angel of Wealth is more attractive, an angel of Poverty may get angry and curse me. Finally he found a good solution on how to answer to their question.

-I am having a hard time, deciding who is more attractive, while you are standing in one spot. -Can you walk around, so I can decide with my final answer?

Both angels started to walk around in circle. The man looked at them and said;

-You, an angel of Poverty, look really great from the back, while you walking away! -And you, an angel of Wealth, look fine in the moment of coming!

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Parable 2 A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, “I’ll give each of you just one wish.” “Me first! Me first!” says the admin clerk. “I want to be in the Bahamas , driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.”Puff! She’s gone. “Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina-Coladas and the love of my life.” Puff! He’s gone. “OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.” Moral of the story:

Always let your boss have the first say.

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Circuitous Paths

Author wants to stay anonymous

Way passed midnight, when I heard some noises outside of my front door. At first I tried to ignore them, but couple minutes later, the noise became more into knocking. Curiously, I turned the lights on, and looked in the window. Someone was there, but the appearance of a human was far from separating the gender. I opened the window a little, and asked who is there?! The voice began to talk, at first very quietly, and grow into woman's voice. As I tried to realize the gender of that person, I missed what she asked me, and the last words I heard :" please, help me". I got confused about help, she was asking me for, and then she repeated her question. She was looking for directions to the closest mall, which was about 45 minutes to walk, but it was around 2 am and all malls are closed. I asked her if she is aware of timing, when she replied that she is very sorry to disturb my family in such a late hour, but she is catching her bus home from that mall right on time and she loves late walks anyway, she just lost orientation due to the darkness. I told her the direction to the big street and explained to her to stay on the street all the way. She will see the mall on her left hand side. She told me that she knows the rest, and thank me very much for all my help. I got shy, because I really didn't do anything . I asked her if she needs a ride, and she declined it. I was still discussing in my head on how weird and strange that lady was. She wasn't too old, or too young. Her voice was so nice, but very low. I couldn't catch her eyes, because she was covered with a warm hat and she was holding her head down all the time. As she started to walk away from me, and thanking me again for all my help, suddenly she turned around and I saw her eyes staring straight inside of mine! Her voice changed while she started almost like a song, but her eyes were looking still, no blinking and no movements: " Your heart and your soul are so special, there is no one like you! You are not alone, and even if you are feeling lonely and scared right now, you are blessed all the way, and will be happy soon enough to know it! Don't cry my girl, and don't be sad, be happy for them, as the laugh at you, they laugh at themselves! You are so much above them, they will work for you as your slaves, and they will respect you for every word you say! Trust me, I know! Close your eyes and make a wish, as you do, I make it true!!!" I closed my eyes, and quickly made my thoughts into a wish, but as I opened my eyes, no one was there. Such a weird dream, I thought to myself, and closed the window on the door. Copyright @ 2016 Human Relationships . All rights reserved.

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Just Tired


Finite Creatures


Dying of a heroin overdose doesn’t make you a scumbag


How to survive in marriage if both have the same addiction


Humans and Animals


How much jealousy is enough to make significant other go crazy


Why kids misbehave


How to indentify a stroke


Love and hate one step apart


You are nobody until you’re loved


The Island of love




How much trust do you put in people by telling them your secrets


What is Love


Good and Bad


Simple Words


How money can hurt employee motivation


Why is it so important to have a dream


Parable 1-2


Circuitous Paths


Inspirational Quotes


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Suicide Prevention


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