I rejoined HRO three years to the date after my first stint as a journalist at the publication. In the past 18 months so much has changed around almost every facet of the HR profession – from how a workplace operates to compensation and benefits – thanks to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19. Yet, much of what has come to fruition is what I wrote about in 2017 and 2018. Talk about clairvoyance, in our June 2018 edition we had the article – ‘79% of jobs in Hong Kong will be transformed in the next three years’ – and it went further by saying: ‘By 2021 digital transformation will add an estimated US$9 billion to Hong Kong’s GDP.’ Here we are at the end of 2021, and most, if not all companies, have embraced some kind of hybrid/work-from-home policy for their talent. It’s safe to say jobs have indeed undergone a digital transformation. While some managers may not thank the pandemic for this – the writing was indeed on the wall. The companies that have thrived through this turbulent time, and who will continue to do so, will be ones with agile people policies. If I can be so bold to make a new prediction – the workplace transformation is not over yet. When I look into my crystal ball I expect more companies will go all-digital, anytime, anywhere. Just like our feature on page 26 highlights. Jan Beránek, CEO of U+, reveals how it is getting in front of the ‘Great Resignation’ by hiring for talent rather than geography, and by empowering its employees with trust. This year’s InspireHR returned to a physical format – a twoday exclusive event for the city’s most inspiring HR leaders to talk about the most pressing issues facing the industry today. The highlight for me was Handi Kurniawan, Group Head of Leadership and Academies Learning – GHR at Jardine Matheson. So much so that we invited him to be our cover interview for this edition where he shares his invaluable insights from his background; to setting up Jardine Matheson’s learning and development academy; to his crystal ball for HR in the coming decade – all on page 16. Finally, we celebrated all our winners at this year’s HR Distinction Awards, and HR Vendors of the Year, which were combined into one HR star-studded event, where we had vendors and in-house HR teams under one roof to acknowledge the momentous job done by the HR industry over the past two years. Look out for names and photos on page 32 and page 38 respectively. With that, I would like leave you with my own thanks for welcoming me back to the HR fraternity, and to be at the helm of HRO for Hong Kong. The future of HR has never been more exciting, and we look forward to what 2022 will bring.
三年前,我首次加入《Human Resources Online》擔任記者。如今,我再次加入這個 大家庭。過去18個月,前所未有的新冠疫情為人力資源行業帶來翻天覆地的轉變,工作 模式以至薪酬福利等幾乎各方面都經歷巨變。 然而,我在2017年至2018年間所寫的,許多都已變成現實。談到預測,我們在 2018年 6 月號雜誌中,有一篇報導的標題是「79%香港職位將於未來三年轉型」,文中 進一步指「到2021年,數碼轉型將為香港的本地生產總值增加約90億美元的收益」。 來到2021年末,即使不是全部,但大多數企業已為其員工實行某種形式的混合/ 在家工作政策,職位的確經歷數碼轉型。 一些管理人員或許會因此歸咎於疫情,但警號其實早已出現。只有採取靈活人才政 策的企業,才能順利過渡這個動盪時期並一直蓬勃發展。 我敢大膽作出新預測 — 職場轉型尚未結束,我預測更多企業會隨時隨地走向全 數碼化。 正如U+行政總裁Jan Beránek在今期專題報導中分享,該公司如何在「大辭職潮」 出現之前,因應才能而非地理位置進行招聘,並通過信任賦予員工權力。詳文請見第 26頁。 今年的「InspireHR人力資源大會」回歸實體形式,為期兩天的獨家活動廣邀一眾 本港人力資源領袖分享最啟發人心的見解,共同探討業界目前的一些最迫切議題。 我亦很榮幸邀請到怡和洋行全球人力資源執行與管理 — 集團領導及學習培訓主 管Handi Kurniawan接受今期雜誌的封面專訪。他在訪問中分享自身經驗和寶貴見 解、成立怡和學院的過程、以及對未來十年的人力資源趨勢預測。詳文請見第16頁。 最後,恭喜今年「人力資源卓越大獎」和「年度最佳人力資源服務供應商大獎」的 所有得獎者。今年這兩個頒獎禮合併成為一項雲集人力資源精英的盛事,人力資源服務 供應商與企業內部人力資源團隊聚首一堂,一同表揚人力資源行業在過去兩年的傑出 成就。得獎名單和照片請見第32頁和第38頁。 我想藉此感謝大家對我重返這個人力資源大家庭的歡迎,並很高興能夠接掌 《Human Resources Online》的香港事務。人力資源行業的未來發展令人感到無比雀 躍,我們熱切期待2022年的來臨。
Bridgette Hall Deputy Editor
Q4 2021 « Human Resources Hong Kong «