Report on the Greek Results of the “Human Rights Survey” The aim of this report is to present the findings of a recent survey carried out by the students co-operating in the framework of the Comenius project: “Human Rights in Europe; Between Ideal and Reality”, in order to establish their awareness of Human Rights in their country. The following aspects are dealt with: Awareness of the Declaration of Human Rights-Individual Liberties-Skin Color Discriminations Religious Discriminations-Sexual preference Discrimination Protection by Law Freedom-Asylum-Protection Against Violation Freedom of thought-Religious Freedom-Freedom of Expression Free Education-Discrimination because of Lifestyle-Free Expression at School Equality of Sexes-Violation of Others’ rights On the whole, it was found out that the extent of the students’ awareness of Human Rights is quite satisfying at this initial stage of the project.
Greek Respondents
The “Awareness of Human Rights” Survey was answered by 24 boys & 26 girls; 50 Greek Students in total.
Awareness of the Declaration of Human Rights Individual LibertiesLiberties-Skin Color Discriminations
It was found out that most Greek Teenagers (92%) were aware of the Declaration of Human Rights. Although the majority of respondents (46%) stated that the Greek Government respects individual Liberties, an important percentage of 60% stated that there are discriminations because of skin color.
Religious DiscriminationsDiscriminations-Sexual Preference Discrimination Protection by Law
While more than half (60%) of the respondents mentioned that all are equal regardless of their religion but not equally protected by the law, a striking percentage (76%) consider that there are discriminations because of sexual Orientation.
Freedom--AsylumFreedom Asylum-Protection Against Violation
While only half (50%) of the respondents mentioned that all are free in Greece and someone can seek asylum to avoid persecution from another country, a striking percentage (42%) don’t know if the legal system in Greece provides effective remedies for people whose rights have been violated.
Awareness of Human Rights Organisations
A considerable percentage (88%) have heard of Human Rights organisations and more than half (66%) know where to turn to in case of violation. Besides, only 42% stated that everyone has the right to citizenship in Greece.
Freedom of thoughtthought-Religious FreedomFreedom-Freedom of Expression
Most of the respondents believe that there is a freedom of thought and religious freedom as well as freedom of expression.
Free EducationEducation-Discrimination because of LifestyleLifestyleFree Expression at School
The vast majority believes there is free education but more than half (62%) stated there are discriminations at school because of lifestyle. A good percentage (78%) feels free to express themselves at school, though.
Equality of SexesSexes-Violation of Others’ rights
More than half, stated that there is equality of the two sexes and that they have never violated anyone’s rights themselves.
By: Christina Michou, Michou, B2 Class & Rafaela Louka Louka,, A2 Class 3rd Upper Secondary High School “Miltos Kountouras” in Athens, Greece