Minutes from Valence meeting

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LycĂŠe Emile Loubet

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Minutes of the 5th Meeting in Valence / France Thursday, 7th February 2013 Participants: French Team: Marie-Ange Colin, Brigitte Gandon German Team: Anna Curto Naffisi, Patrick Jordan Spanish Team: Carmen Flores, Pilar Rodríguez Forn The Czech Republic Team: Barbora Hékjánova, Monika Hulova Italian Team( Chieti): Rita del Rosario, Carla Pertosa Italian Team (Nettuno) : Massimo Quattrini, Fabiola Razza Greek Team: Katerina Fyssaki, Mike Sarikos, Kostas Taliadouros Polish Team: Monika Leszczynska, Monika Oregana

Evaluation of the meeting in Poraj - Teachers Information concerning the meeting from foreign delegations: ranging from 8_ 10. Suggestions about logistics (1): Cost table in advance, possibility to pay with credit cards, students’ meals, hotel facilities, information about weather and suitable clothes. Suggestions about logistics (2): Information about delegations(number of participants) hotel rooms, visiting students( age, sex, health requirements), timetables of buses/trains to places of interest. Suggestions to hosting delegation: a hotel near the school or town centre, ensure standard hotel facilities. •

Coordination before the meeting:7-8 (2), 8-9 (4), 9-10 (1)

Suggestions about organisation of distant communication: use of Skype, communication is better with common mail but do not send to all information that concerns only one. Participation in chat sessions should be improved. Create a list of chat meetings in Valence, the chat coordinator should remind the others about the date and topics to be discussed a week before. Grade the progress of the meeting: see table. Topics neglected / suggested additions: crisis, police brutality, religious discrimination and disability, the right to a healthy environment, topics related to photo contest, more time for teacher’s conferences, need to take action, there should have been discussions after visits especially after the visit to Auschwitz Birkenau . Grade the timetabled programme: see table. Grade the balance between activities and breaks: see table. Time frame given to different activities: see table.

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Opinion about social and cultural activities: Great, interesting ,relevant, beneficial for both teachers and students. Have the activities been relevant to the objectives of the project? they should have been discussed and integrated into the project. Grade students’ contributions: see table. Grade welcome: Excellent Steps for meeting in Valence: clear enough, some questions about the scripts Areas of the project that are unsteady and need further discussion: religious discrimination (2), disability (2), minority rights, action in each school to bring life to HHRR and raise money for charity working on HHRR. Questions concerning the musical: information about individual performances, testing of music, material needed. Revision of aims and means of project. Suggestions for meeting in France: None (3), more discussions and conferences of teachers and students together(2), as much information as possible and the soonest possible from delegations, discussion about of violation of children’s rights in Israel and Palestine, organisation of street event in France to raise awareness of violation of HR.

Evaluation of the meeting in Poraj – Students Information concerning the meeting: see table Special arrangements to prepare the meeting in homeland: took photos related to articles of the Universal declaration of HHRR (7) and discussion, found information about the places we’d visit(4), nothing special/ don’t remember (4), special contest, Atmosphere of Polish home: 5-6 (1), 8-9 (4), 9-10 (9) Atmosphere of Polish school and relation with students from other countries: 3-5 (1), 7-8 (2) 8-9 (7), 9-10 (4) Did you enjoy the timetabled activities? excellent (14), pity we didn’t work together after Auschwitz – Birkenau (2) . Balance between activities and breaks: see table. Activities you liked best: Auschwitz –Birkenau (10). Krakov (7), Art centre workshop (3), everything (2), football ad volley ball (1), activities with Polish partners on last day (1). Activities you liked the least: none (5), polish lessons (5), Chestohowa(3), the relay race, museums in Krakov,art workshop. Suggestions for activities during meeting in France: none (3), more meetings and debate (3) Trips and activities in international group(2), decrease visits to museums, contact host students earlier, regular lunchtime- no changes, football. Contribution and participation in timetabled activities: see table How much you’ve learned: A lot (9), Participating in this project opened your mindto other cultures, languages and the European dimension:

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I agree (14), I don’t agree (1) Participating in the project benefits many people around you: I agree (14), I don’t agree (1) Assess the 4th meeting in Poland: see table. Comments and suggestions: none (3), more meetings/ debate (3) ,more group activities instead of attending lessons (2), improve coordination between host students, match people of same age, decrease visits to museums, more drama, football. Participation in next Comenius meetings, encouragement of friends to attend future meetings: Yes, of course (15), and many other very positive comments. Monika gave to all delegations a DVD and a magazine with an article referring to the 4th meeting in Poraj. E-book: The creation of a common E-Book is discussed. The products of our project, though, are presented on 3 different platforms, so it is agreed that creating an e-book is up to each delegation, individually, if they think that this is something convenient. The issue of EST is also discussed. EST stands for European Shared Treasure and it is a database where partners have to enter information about final results and products created during the project. If beneficiaries don’t contribute to the EST database no final grant payments will be processed. Vivian mentions that there is a deadline in May. Europe day: All delegations should prepare something special to celebrate Europe day, after the meeting in Karben. Katerina offers to upload our contributions in the blog in case we have difficulties in doing that. Disability: Some issues regarding disability arose in previous meetings. The delegations are asked how disability issues are dealt with at their schools. France: Marie Ange says they have issues with students who can’t read properly. these kids are given more time (about 1/3) when taking exams. At their school they have lifts and a special room for students with physical disabilities. They also have a physiologist or physiotherapist who attends them. They also have an assistant. They are fully integrated and allowed to use their computers. At the French school they have adapted the toilets to meet the needs of the disabled. The Czech Republic: Barbora says they have special cases. Things are very difficult due to the large number of students in class (30). Poland (Monica): there aren’t special classes for the disabled students but they have special assistant teachers. During exams students with dyslexia and learning difficulties are given extra time as well as a special teacher to help them. Spain (Pilar and Carmen): There aren’t students with physical disabilities at their school. Some of their students have problems of dyslexia, slight autism or borderline levels. They adapt content through an individual plan for each of those students. A psychologist-therapist attends them one or two hours a week. They also arrrange small groups of 5-6 students who attend two hours of classes of reinforcement for language and mathematics. Chieti (Carla and Rita): They have support teachers especially for exams. Students with special needs have fewer tuition hours. For example a girl on a wheel chair attends school 3 hours a week. Other problems students have include physical and mental disabilities.

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Nettuno (Max): They have teachers and assistants to help disabled students. They set up a minimal set of objectives for them to reach at the end of the year. There are no special facilities apart from a lift. They have a special room for a special project, where activities are held. At 1.05 the discussion had to stop for delegates to be on time for lunch at the school canteen so Greece and Cyprus were not able to make their contributions.

Vivian Toffi Team from Cyprus

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Minutes – Monday, 11th February 2013 10:30 – 12 a.m. Participants: Marie-Ange Colin, Anna Curto, Rita del Rosario, Katerina Fysakki, Carmen Flores, Brigitte Gandon, Barbora Hékjánova, Monika Hulova, Patrick Jordan, Monika Leszczynska, Monika Oregana, Carla Pertosa, Max Quattrini, Fabiola Razza, Mike Sarikos, Kostas Taliadouros, Vivian Toffi and Pilar Rodríguez Forn. Absences: Chrystalleni Hadjipieri and Arnaud Alzat-Laly (acting workshop)

Meeting in Karben Anna Curto explains important things teachers must take into account for the last meeting. Arrival day: April 14th. Departure day: April 20th. Anna needs the teachers to send her an email with the exact time of the flights arrival. FLIGHTS: There are two options to reach Karben, depending on the chosen flight company. 1. With a normal company or a big one you’ll arrive at International Airport in Frankfurt, from where it’s easy to go to Karben. Arriving in Terminal 2 will take a long way walking within the airport, but not if you arrive in Terminal 1. There are also buses or skyline small trains taking you to S-Bahn trains. In the underground, follow the S-Bahn sign and take the S8 or S9 trains (final direction Franckfurt Süd), you have to get off either at Frankfurt main station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof) or at one stop after that, Taunusanlage. If you get off at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, you have to get up the stairs to change platform. Taunusanlage is better, because when you get off, you’ll stay on the platform and just go to the other side. There you have to take the train S6 direction Friedberg or also Groß Karben and after 25 Minutes you have to get off at Groß Karben. 2. If your delegation is travelling with a low cost company like Ryanair or similar, then you’ll arrive at Frankfurt Hahn which is a smaller airport. There is a shuttle bus (14€ one way per person). It takes 1h 45’ with only one stop at the international airport, final direction is the main railway station of Frankfurt. From the Hauptbahnhof (main station) you have to go downstairs, look for the trains direction Friedberg and get the train S6 direction Friedberg or Groß Karben and get off in Groß Karben. It’s important to take into account that you need more than 30 minutes from the airport to take the luggage and get to the train station.

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TRAINS: Once in the train station, follow the sign Bahnhöfe to take the trains to Frankfurt main station (S8-S9). Be sure you have the ticket before entering the trains. You can purchase the tickets in the machines in the stations where you have to type Karben. There is the possibility to buy a group ticket and it’s the best option because it’s cheaper. A Group ticket is for a maximum of 5 persons. 1 Gruppenfahrkarte (groups from 2 to 5 persons): costs 15 € 1 Einzelfahrkarte (single ticket) costs 4,25€ one way. (adults = Erwachsene) Then you’ll have to change the train, and there are 2 options: 1. Frankfurt Hbf (main station). Get off and look for the platform S6 direction Friedberg or Groβ Karben (Anna hopes to be at that station to welcome the delegations). You can use the same ticket if it’s a group ticket, because it’s a day ticket. It takes about 29 minutes to get to Karben, and once you are there, the hotel is 5-10 min walk from the train station. 2. There are some trains that go further Frankfurt Hbf, then it’s better to stop at Taunusanlage, a small station, where you don’t have to move from that platform to take the train to Groβ Karben. www.rmv.de is the website for the underground trains. HOTEL: The name is City-Hotel Karben or Comfort Hotel (email: hotel.stadtkarben@t-online.de). Prices of the rooms: 56€ single / 76€ double room, breakfast included (brunch with sausages, ham…) Karben is divided into seven parts and the main one is Groβ Karben. It’s a town with 22000 inhabitants. It takes 15 minutes to go to the northern border of Frankfurt and 30 min to go to the city centre. You have a train every 15’ to go to Frankfurt. The last train to return to Karben from the Hauptwache departs at 1:00 am. Missing this train implies you’ll have to wait till 5:30 am for the next. To take a taxi is expensive, about 30€. Delegation

Students 3 students 2 boys, 1 girl (16 years old) 4 students 3 girls, 1 boy (13 years old)


Hotel rooms

2 teachers

1 double bedroom

2 teachers

2 single bedrooms

Italy (Nettuno)

4 students

2 teachers

2 single bedrooms

Italy (Chieti)

6-7 students

2-4 teachers

Still don’t know



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6 students All girls 16 - 18 years old


5 students 14 – 16 years old

Czech Republic

Still don’t know, but they will email as soon as possible.


2 students 1 boy (16) 1 girl (17)


Single bedrooms

3-4 teachers

1 or 2 single bedrooms 1 double bedroom

3 teachers

3 single bedrooms

MEALS: There’s a café or canteen in the school. Meals at school are possible but the food is not excellent. It costs 3-4€ a meal. AGENDA: The German Team is planning a one-day trip, but it’s not clear where. Holger Schmidt is trying to arrange a visit dealing with HHRR with a retired teacher willing to participate. Maybe it will include a visit to the Rhine River, walking by the riverside. There will be an unplugged concert with students playing instruments and singing individually or in a group. Max suggests participation with the students of the different delegations. The school choir will sing our common Comenius anthem (Human Rights). The final event will be the performance of the musical about HHRR. Patrick is welcoming foreign students in his class. MUSICAL All the students have to take part in the music rehearsals. Students from all the delegations have to learn the scenes Holger send us, but the different students playing the same role or character must wear the same costume. Part of the costumes will be prepared in Germany. Max will send pictures to show us the clothes he has used in his school. Anna suggests Nettuno could bring some German soldier costumes. Settings for the stage: there will be workshops with international groups in Germany. Max suggests projecting photos on the background of the stage, and then only little special furniture is needed. According to the agenda there will be workshops for student of upper classes for fairly trading clothes. Politics and economics teachers will hold these workshops. Some delegations complain about the different distribution of the scenes. Anna tells everybody that there’s no discrimination intention. The idea was that the more experienced schools have more to learn. Marie Ange complains because they have not enough time to prepare it.

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Carmen is concerned because if all the students are implied with playing a role then, who is going to do the workshops? That issue must be taken into account. Max suggests that the students without a role in a scene can help acting in the background, as figurants. Vivian explains she has three talented students playing music but one is deaf and the other one is very shy. Katerina has the same problem and the Greek team has to prepare a very large poem. Fabiola suggests dividing the scene between the students.

Carmen Flores and Pilar RodrĂ­guez Spanish Team

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