Minutes from Chieti Comenius Project Meeting

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Minutes – Wednesday, May 3rd 2012 Discussions: - Discussions about having a bus taking us at the hotel to come to school. 6/7 euros/3 days. Maybe more on Monday (Nettuno students leaving on Saturday). A moment after : it's impossible (too expensive, the price was for one day, not three) - Introduction of the colleagues from each delegation. - Introduction of the Head administrator, in charge of the financial aspects of the school. Comparisons between some of the countries. Do they have a head administrator? It depends on the different countries. - Discussion about the agenda: o Circumstances in Lampetuza: there will be a meeting with a refugee. o . Change in the agenda : On Friday, should students watch a video about Human Rights at 9.20-10.45 or should they go on with the rehearsals of Drama, Music, Drawing ? o . On Monday, from 9.20 to 11.15 : NGO representatives are coming, no workshop. Shall we divide the students ? We'll decide according to the number of refugees coming. Evaluation of the meeting in Limassol: Students' questionnaire : 28 answers : indication of the highest percentage registered (see others on the blog). For more details, see the blog too : - Information received before the trip : 36%, corresponding to a 8-9 evaluation - Arrangements done before the meeting : The presentation of the history of human rights by each country/Collection of information about Cyprus/Poems on Human Rights/ Rehearsals about a musical play on HR/Logo contests/ Powerpoint contest to travel to Cyprus/Songs.rubbing up English/Programme of the week, classrooms, gifts for guests, etc. (Cyprus)/No special preparation - Atmosphere at Cypriot home and stay in Limassol : 82%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Atmosphere at school/relationship with the students of other participating countries : 64%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Working in international groups : 78%, corresponding to the mention "very much" - Contributions to the project at the meeting : 36%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Timetable activities : 46%, corresponding to the mention "very much" - Balence between activities and breaks or free time : 43%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Activities liked best : The video-making with the Cypriot drama teacher (12) /The song on HR and music workshops (9) /Art workshops (painting caps, etc.) (6)/Traditional Cypriot dances (6)/The debate/ discussion on HR after the presentations (5)/Meeting together in the afternoon/evening (farewell supper at school, party/supper at the Greek family’s home, etc.) (4)/Presentations on HR (1)/Trip to Nikosia and Lefkara (1) - Activities liked least : Can’t tell/ All very good/All great fun/ Loved all/ I enjoyed every single second of my time there./The presentations on HR – too long, no breaks, tiring. (5)/The trip to Nicosia – too short, no free time to walk. (2) - How much you learned : 57%, corresponding to the mention "quite much" - The meeting has opened your mind : 96%, corresponding to the answer "I agree" - Participating may benefit the community : 93%, corresponding to "I agree" - Assess the 2nd meeting : 76%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Suggestions for Chieti : Do it like the one in Cyprus (but with no strikes)/One-day trip to Rome please (2)/More debate on HR as on the last day in Cyprus. It is interesting to exchange, share and discuss current events with several people from other countries (2)/More ice-breaking games and activities so that we can get to know each other (2)/More activities with the teachers (2)/Better organization of timetabled activities – a lot of them weren’t included in the programme (2)/Finish… The song, the dance and the flash mob we began in Cyprus./Games to learn about different traditions in participant countries would be fun and interesting/Trips which the host students could attend to as well/The night at The

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TAVERNA (typical Cypriot restaurant) was an excellent idea so that all SS could meet. Find somewhere similar in Italy please. - Would you join the next Comenius meetings if you were invited to? Would you encourage your school mates to attend the next meeting in Italy? : I’d love to join the next meetings. /I’d encourage my friends./ Incredible experience that everyone should experiment./This experience will remain in my head all my life./Thank you to my teacher for giving us this amazing chance./Thank you to the Cypriot families for their welcoming./Enormous opportunity to know the history of our continent and its people./We all realized we share the same rights and the same problems and by being united, we can change the world into a better place./I made friends I’ll never forget. Additional remarks : We could have more active discussions, for example about sports, and ask the students' opinion (football for example) : Should we go and play if HR are not respected in the country? Teachers' questionnaire : All the delegations didn't answer. It might be weird for host countries, and we should select some questions/add some others - Information before the meeting : 72%, corresponding to a 8-9 evaluation - Suggestions : Technical equipment should be improved and installed from the beginning of the meeting./Information in advance about: the costs of transport, additional expenses, whether students have lunch with families or with their teachers, and approximate prices for students’ meals./History, politic and economic information about the host country is appreciated. - Coordination before the meeting : 29%, corresponding to two evaluations : 9-10 and 6-7 - ICT : 71%, corresponding to the answer : "good enough" Remarks : Facebook has improved communication/chats should be attended by more participants - Progress : 43%, corresponding to 8-9 evaluation : All the important topics were addressed/Improve the discussion about HR violations today in each country./More time for working in small international groups./More workshops working on concrete examples of HR or HR violations (by students, teachers or students-teachers)/A discussion with the winners of the logo contest could have been organised so that they talked about the colours, symbols, ideas, etc. behind their designs. - Timetabled activities : 57%, corresponding to a 8-9 evaluation - Schedule activities : 43%, corresponding to the answer : "quite appropriate" - Time frame given to the different activities : Quite adequate, good./Spanish proposal: Split the time devoted to evaluation into two sessions. Evaluation of the former meeting in the first session while discussion on the current meeting on the last session./Discussions among TT and SS should be part of the schedule./Extremely interesting social and cultural activities but little time to rest. - Social and/or cultural activities in the programme : Very good/ very interesting/ absolutely amazing/ memorable impression/ more than perfect./Necessary to get to know the country, town and school we are visiting./A cultural immersion into the host country’s culture helps us become closer to one another./In Nicosia : more time to walk in the streets and see the checkpoints./Cultural activities should be connected to human rights and our project. - Balance activities and breaks : 57%, corresponding to a 9-10 evaluation - Students' contribution : 43%, corresponding to a 9-10 and a 8-9 evaluation. - Variety of resources : 71%, corresponding to the answer : "ok but could be improved" - Welcome : 100% - Activities relevant to reach the objectives : 43% corresponding to the answers : "very relevant" and "quite relevant" - Balance share taks : OK / Quite balanced/ Congratulations to Greece on the blog./A question: Should there be a revision in the share of tasks in Chieti to see whether the agreements in Karben are really working?/A request to all partners from Greece: Please present your works via blog. It is very useful to gather all the activities on the same space especially when writing the annual reports for our national agencies./The students’ role in the meetings. Students should be more involved and productive than teachers (students could be given more to do and teachers less to do). The project should be more for them and by them rather than by the teachers. - Balanced share of tasks up to now (Part II) : More cooperation between teachers and students during the meeting. More time working together on aspects of the programme rather than separately and

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coming together at the end. - Steps for Chieti clear : 86%, corresponding to the answer : "Quite clear" - Areas of the project still unsteady or needing further discussion : Everything clear / okay./Further discussion on evaluation. The time devoted to evaluation has to be respected./Illustrations of poems and more particularly, drama work./Confusion about drama performances in the programme of the project: when and where? France or Germany? Or Chieti (is it too early?)?/Communication between students could be better./More activities involving teachers and students together. - Suggestions for the next meeting in Chieti (Part I) : About cultural visits. They should be linked to human rights and our project. There should be a warming-up activity before and then, some dynamic discussion or feedback afterwards./About the choice of rooms where meetings will be held. Choose rooms bearing in mind their size, adjustable light/brightness, good acoustics, necessary equipment available (microphones, speakers, Internet connection, projector, etc.)/The position of students when meeting teachers. Students should be sitting in a front strategic position in the room so that they feel more involved and participate more actively. - Suggestions for the next meeting in Chieti (Part II) : The role of students in the meetings. Pupils should be in the centre of the activities. Workshops would help students work more collaboratively. We have to encourage them to involve themselves in the project in a more active way./Necessity to get to know the host town and how the people live there. Students could visit some areas and organizations near the school to get to know the town and the people by doing a treasure-hunting game or filling in a questionnaire. They could process the data and analyse the results in the framework of a workshop. Finally a discussion together would be a nice feedback. - Suggestions for the next meeting in Chieti (Part III) : About the general planning./To have definite programmes concerning common performances or events, particularly drama./About the agenda./Discussion on concrete examples of violations of human rights and problems in the participating countries (e.g. inclusion of the disabled, immigration, frontiers, etc.)/More discussions between teachers and students./More clear communication about specific plans, especially concerning meeting points and times for both teachers and students. Remarks : The evaluation should be given earlier to the next organisator. And everybody should be more responsible, answer in time The topics should be decided before the chats/Students talk in their own language/not motivated to go again/we could put a video/Yet it's also to stay in touch. Teachers are responsible for the choice of topics/we could have topics for teachers. Further discussions: About the agenda: the poem contest is already organised, in a bigger contest in Chieti/ already decided : Italian one, Englishone with 3 best poems Mention of the organisation with the buses./Meals (lunch) On Saturday evening: theatre scenes/reading of best poems Marie-Ange Colin French Team Marie-Ange Colin

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Minutes – Friday, May 4th 2012 9:20-10:45 Participants: Holger Schmidt (German Team), Rita del Rosario, Carla Pertosa, Andrea di Gregorio, Massimiliano Ciancio, Nina Guarini (Italian Team), Barbora Hejnáková, Marcela Trlicova (The Czech Republic Team), Ashka Wiktorko, Justyna Bialas, Pawel Churas (Polish Team), Marie-Ange Colin (French Team), Rea Papadopoulou, Vivian Toffi (Cypriot Team), Katerina Fyssaki, Michael Sarikos, Kostas Taliadouros (Greek Team), Carmen Flores and Pilar Rodríguez (Spanish Team). Holger Schmidt begins the meeting by giving thanks to Andrea di Gregorio and Carla Pertosa for yesterday’s dinner in a trabucco on the sea. Situation in Lampedusa. European borders. Discussion. (Andrea di Gregorio) Lampedusa is an Italian 20 km2 island with 6,000 inhabitants that originally belonged to Africa. Lampedusa is one of the main goals of African immigrants when crossing the Mediterranian Sea. Some years ago, the Domestic Ministry gave shelter to immigrants coming from Tunisia, Libya and the South of Sahara. Only the last year, about 1,150 immigrants reached Lampedusa, and the original inhabitants feel uncomfortable because whereas in the past they used to leave open windows and doors, nowadays they don’t do that because they feel unsafe. The government told the Lampedusa people it would be only for a period of time but the situation has become permanent. Immigrants usually come by boats, and with the satellite phones call the police to save them while being in the sea, in international waters. Specially in the area of Malta, the government does nothing to face the situation. It is not clear who is responsible to save them. In Italy there was an agreement between Berlusconi and Gaddafi to send them back to Libya, and for that reaction, the European Court of Human Rights has recently condemned Italy for not respecting the human rights of the refugees. Andrea says the policemen do a great work but sometimes they don’t know what to do, and for that reason, it is a political problem. For example, if a fishing ship sees a boat full of people in the sea, they are not allowed to bring them on the ship, they must call the police. But besides that, there are the “sea rules”, which oblige the fishermen to save them. Then, if a fisherman helps the immigrants in the sea, he is facing the possibility of keeping the ship in port for a month without the possibility to work during this time. Marie-Ange Colin and Holger Schmidt say that maybe the actual tendency is to think about closing the borders in Europe. In France, that’s what Sarkozy said he wants to do. For that reason, MarieAnge asks herself if this is the limit of Human Rights. Ashka Wiktorko says that in Poland they have the experience of being immigrants: politics, economic dues, not wanting to join families, etc. Although maybe they are not at the level of not respecting the Human Rights, it is difficult to talk with the students about that. Africans are interesting for the Polish people, but students this is a distant problem, because there’s no multiculturality in their village. Maybe, in the future, the situation will be like the rest of Europe, but now it seems that the students will not be quite involved in the discussion of immigration. Katerina Fyssaki explains that in Greece, lots of immigrants have come, and the people of the centre of Athens feel bad: properties have been devaluated and they think they have lost privileges. Because of the bad economical situation, many Greeks are against the immigrants. The government does not do anything and wait for a grant from Europe. There is no protection of the borders; there are camps to put people near Athens because the local people don’t want them. The atmosphere for the next years is bad for everybody. Money is needed to protect immigrants. Students cared about the immigrants, but not now. The center of Athens is dirty because all of them live outside. The Greek offer them food and clothes, but there are no medicines. Right-wing parties are taking

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advantage of the situation, yet they can’t do a lot. Vivian Toffi explains the relationship between immigrants and Cypriot people was good while there were no economical problems, but right now they have a more aggressive attitude towards them. As teachers we should work with students against that racist attitude. This crisis is affecting everybody and is affecting the low levels of the society as it happened in the past. Ashka says that immigrants can bring some new values and energy: they are willing to be more active and maybe they will be more useful for the society. Carmen Flores explains that Spain receives immigration from the North of Africa. And the same problem is in the Canarian Islands. They enter Spain from the south and cross the country way to France and Germany. By now, many of them are leaving Spain. South American immigrants came because of the construction bubble and now, with the crisis, they go back to their countries. Holger also says that even before the crisis, immigration has been going down in Germany for 10 years. On Monday we’ll talk about the problem of Lampedusa. He proposes we could also confront the students with the question: are Human Rights taken into account or only finances are taken into account? In other words, are Human Rights only taken into account in good financial times or both in good and bad financial times? Holger asks Andrea when the refugees from Caritas are coming to the high school. Andrea will call them. The idea was to have a discussion with the refugees, so the students could ask them about their experience, and how they got into that situation. Holger proposes to all the teachers that maybe students could write down some questions to start the discussion with the refugees. Then he asks how long the speech of the leader will take, because he is worried about not having enough time for the discussion. Changes in the agenda: About Saturday afternoon: Carla asks when we want students to read the poems. There are 9 Italian poems of an inner contest and the 9 Comenius poems which could be read in the afternoon, at the final event. Rea asks if we can hang the poems, and Carla agrees to hang poems, illustrations and photos. Holger says that Germany has not finished with the illustrations, and Ashka says she will take the illustrations to Poland, for the 4th meeting. Program for the Final Event: We have the interpretation of the best poems, Rita’s son’s piano performance, and a Cypriot student, Juliana, playing the guitar. Barbora Hejnáková says that maybe a Czech student (Dennis) will play the guitar but she has to get the video registration by mail. Every delegation must find someone to read the poem, and if anybody wants to do something special, we must talk to Carla to put it in the program for the final event. We need 3 students to present the event, not of the same delegation. If there are enough students they can present each one a point of the event. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9 poem interpretations. Find the students to read them. Theatre(about 10 min?). Must be asked to Thomas or Arnaud. Music (Choirs) Piano, Italian student Juliana, Cypriot student, will play the guitar Polish interpretation Romanos with Max

The students selected to present the Final Event must stay after the museum visits to prepare the ceremony. They will meet in front of the school.

Pilar Rodríguez Forn Spanish Team

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Minutes – Saturday, May 5th 2012 9.30-11.20 a.m. Participants: Holger Schmidt (German Team), Rita del Rosario, Carla Pertosa, Andrea di Gregorio, Massimiliano Ciancio and Nina Guarini (Chieti Team), Barbora Hejnáková and Marcela Trlikova (The Czech Team), Ashka Wiktorko, Justyna Bialas and Pawel Churas (Polish Team), Marie-Ange Colin (French Team), Rea Papadopoullou and Vivian Toffi (Cypriot Team), Katerina Fyssaki, Michael Sarikos and Kostas Taliadouros (Greek Team), Pilar Rodríguez and Carmen Flores (Spanish Team). We begin the session by sharing our impressions about the students’ workshops taking place earlier in the morning. All the teachers appreciated the experience of attending the art, music and drama workshops and agree students are doing a great job. Carla Pertosa comments on practical questions about the agenda: - She needs to know the exact number of teachers and students attending the trip to Scanno and Sulmona to inform the bus company. It will cost 12 euros per person. The meeting point will be in front of the Iacone Hotel at 8.30 a.m. on Sunday. -

The students who will present the final event have to meet Rita and Carla today at 3.30 p.m. on the main hall of the school.


About the Comenius song on human rights which will be sung on the final event, it is suggested that it could be a good idea to prepare a karaoke so that all the students could join and sing it. However, we are short of time.


There are two proposals on short films to be seen on Monday. One about a disabled man struggling to obtain his 7-year-old daughter custody and the other one, which is Persepolis, a cartoon focusing on Iranian women. After some discussion, it is agreed to show. The topic of the film is proposed to be the next topic for students’ chat session on Facebook.


Students have proposed to play an international football match on Monday: Chieti team vs. international Comenius team. Teachers are invited to play too. It will be held at 1.30 p.m.

Inclusion of disabled students in Italian schools Andrea Di Gregorio introduces the topic of inclusion of disabled students in Italian schools since 1992, when a new law established that a person with disability may attend ordinary schools regardless of the degree of disability. Since then, special need schools have disappeared in Italy. Students with disabilities can have a support teacher at school and at home if the disorder is very serious. They have the same programmes and examinations as ordinary students with minimum target objectives to be achieved if the disorder is slight. Otherwise, a special report is written stating the skills the students have acquired when the disability is serious. In the practice, the support teacher not only supports the special need students but the whole class. These students with problems want a normal life and this is difficult to give. There are Braille programmes for blind students. Companies have to employ a 2% of disabled people, and they have to adapt the job to the disabled employee. In Spain as well as in Italy and France companies are given special tax benefits when employing

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students. We discuss the problem of integration within our own meeting in Chieti. There have been problems with Nettuno students staying at special need students’ homes. It is a pity because students become great friends and keep in touch later. There are special schools for these students in Germany. In the last years they have had 2 or 3 students in Karben. The Government wants to include them more and more within the ordinary school, although in a class with 34 students it is difficult to pay them the attention they need. Holger remembers the words of a student in Germany with a disabled brother who said the special need school his disabled brother attended could help him better than an ordinary school because of the trained staff. In France there are adapted buildings and classrooms. In Greece there are private special need schools for students under 18. The Government only includes slight special need cases in ordinary schools. A lot of dyslexic students attend ordinary lessons. Only a few number of special need students continue their studies when they finish secondary school. They still have architectonical barriers at the school. Lifts have been built for them. Schools in Italy are very old. Elevators were built after this law. The question is: Is it necessary for teachers to have a professional/vocational training for these problems? Teachers who haven’t been trained do not feel confident with these students and rely on the support teacher. In Cyprus, special Schools were abolished too. They don’t have the resources they need. Vivian has a student with hearing impairment who has two extra classes of English a week. In Poland, in rural areas these students attend ordinary schools. Sometimes students adapt well others not. It depends on families sometimes. They have mentally retarded students, physically handicapped ones, etc. People are still a bit ashamed of their disabilities. You don’t see many wheel-chairs on the streets because buses or streets have not been adapted architectonically yet. The law does not take care of adaptations for the disabled. There is not assistance at school, only a psychologist. Those students are met by the psychologist two hours a week. Some students can’t read and they have to pass the regular exams. Teachers feel helpless because they don’t have the tools they need to help students. In Spain we have individual plans for these students. There are different standards for them. Each subject establishes the goals, methodology and evaluation for these students. In The Czech Republic there are special need schools but they try to integrate the minor cases into normal schools. It is good to include students but when there are not enough economic means to have the right support for them, it becomes an uphill task. Some students try ordinary schools and then they go back to special schools. Other opinions in the discussion: - I agree with inclusion with students, but we have no special rooms or equipment to help them. There is too much inclusion in my country because sometimes it is not possible to help them. Only students with minor problems should stay at school. They deserve further help from our society. Some students require individual classes. They need that isolation because they get mad when mixing with the other students. -

The Government wants to save money by sending them to ordinary schools.


These students (e.g. autistic) should be included into school life but not into the school system. Going to school prevents them to sit at home all day.


Some subjects are more difficult to adapt. PE is okay, English is more difficult.

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Teachers have a great job to do so as to integrate those students because sometimes ordinary students reject them. Some ordinary students are destructive.

Holger suggests to make a petition or to publish a manifesto at the end of the project to our national agencies, by giving ideas on inclusion of students at schools. We will work on that on the next meetings. We could focus on the positive aspects of inclusion and the needs of teachers and schools to make this inclusion successful. The Preparation of the next meeting in Poland Ashka Wiktorko gives a decorated envelope with a hand-made illustration on to all the delegations. Inside the beautiful envelope there is a guidebook and a first draft for the agenda of the 4th Comenius Meeting in Poraj which will take place from 7th October to 13th October 2012. The guidebook shows the places the Polish team would like us to visit. The idea is to work out of the school if possible. Ashka goes over the provisional agenda – which is scanned on the attached documents. On Sunday 7th October there will be the arrivals of the delegations. Ashka informs us on the most convenient airports. Thus, Katowice Airport is the closest and most convenient airport while Krakow is another good possibility. There are bad combinations from Warsaw, so that airport should be avoided. It is possible to hire a 10-people minibus from the Katowice and Cracow airports to Poraj. It would cost 120 euros two ways. On Monday 8th October in the morning, students are invited to attend a class as observers. Ashka proposes the delegations to prepare a class with our visiting students for the Polish students. It should be a 45-minute class about any subjects, although it should be nice it was linked to human rights and our project. Another possibility is to prepare a class about our country, culture and/or language. Most delegations like the idea. Ashka reminds us there are 12 classrooms at the school. It would be one class per delegation. Ashka asks us to think it over and give our class’s topic and description to the Polish team by the end of June. Later there would be sport activities for the students in a peace relay. They would use 7 batons which would coincide with seven human rights, i.e: Baton # 1. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person” (art. 3) Baton # 2. “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile” (art. 9) Baton # 3. “ 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. 2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” (art. 13) Baton # 4. “1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property” (art. 17) Baton #5. “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. (art. 18) Baton #6. “Everyone without any discrimination has the right to equal pay for equal work.” (art. 23.2) Baton #7. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. (art. 24) These seven rights will be part of the rights which will be the subject for the first part of the art exhibition “Human Rights on Camera” which will be opened in a ceremony at school that afternoon. Ashka gives each delegation one article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights arbitrarily. The articles each delegation is given are as follows: Article 1. The right to equality – Poland Article 3. The right to life, liberty and personal security – The Czech Republic

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Article 12. Freedom from interference with privacy, family and correspondence – Nettuno, Italy. Article 17. The right to own property – Spain Article 18. Freedom of belief or religion – France Article 22. Right to social security – Cyprus Article 24. Right to rest and leisure – Germany Article 26. Right to Education – Chieti, Italy Article 27. Right to participate in the cultural life of the community - Greece The former articles will be their subject for the 3 photographs each delegation will send to the Polish team via email from the end of June till maximum the 17th September (absolute deadline) The size or resolution of the pictures will be 203x300 mm 300dpi or 2398x3542 300dpi. On Tuesday 9th October, students and teachers will visit Zarki and Czestochowa. The guiding right of the day will be: “Right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion”. We’ll see the Jewish culture trail and the Black Madonna’s monastery. We’ll do an art workshop about religious symbols of the world producing ceramic tiles which will be displayed on the second part of the art exhibition. On Wednesday 10th October, students and teachers will visit the Auschwitz Museum. The guiding rights will be: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person”, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile” and “everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”. After the visit to the Auschwitz Museum, they will do a workshop about “The exodus of the expelled – forced resettlement in wartime”. Back in Poraj, in the evening, there will be a Polish culture evening for both students and teachers. On Wednesday 10th October, students and teachers will visit Cracow. On Thursday 11th October, students will attend drama workshops while teachers will attend the conferences led by the coordinator of the project. Students and teachers will evaluate the meeting. In the evening there will be a farewell dinner. Ashka Wiktorko explains there are 250 students in the school and up to now, 25 families have offered to host students so they will be able to host 3 students per delegation with Polish families. The younger the students, the better, because most hosting students are between 13 and 15 years old. If extra students have to stay in the hotel it would be a nice idea to mix up nationalities in the same room. They have chosen a rural hostel in the forest. The Polish team will be able to inform about prices at the end of May. Any questions can be forwarded to Monika or Ashka by mail. The meeting finished at about 11.20 a.m.

Carmen Flores The Spanish Team

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Sunday, May 6th 2012 In front of the school

I.T.C.G. “F.Galian� in Chieti

Excursion to the mountains (Scanno Lago artificial lake)

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Minutes – Monday, May 7th 2012 9:20-10:45 Participants: Holger Schmidt, Thomas Pechar (German Team), Rita del Rosario, Carla Pertosa, Andrea di Gregorio, Massimiliano Ciancio, Nina Guarini (Chieti - Italian Team), Carlo Pagliaro, Massimo Quattrini (Nettuno – Italian Team), Barbora Hejnáková, Marcela (The Czech Republic Team), Ashka Wiktorko, Justyna Bialas, Pawel Churas (Polish Team), Marie-Ange Colin, Arnaud Alzat-Laly (French Team), Rea Papadopoullou, Vivian Toffi (Cypriot Team), Katerina Fyssaki, Michael Sarikos, Kostas Taliadouros (Greek Team) Carmen Flores and Pilar Rodríguez (Spanish Team). Holger Schmidt tells all the delegation that a report for the 1st year of this Comenius Project must be written. Each country has to do it individually. It’s a kind of evaluation for the 1st year. Ashka Wiktorko suggests that if we will have to report about our work in Human Rights for each country, we could agree in a more specific form, a kind of pattern in order that everybody will do it the same way. The Spanish team has had an idea for the evaluation of the Chieti Meeting. We’ve changed some words in order everybody could answer it, both visiting participants and the hosting ones. Carmen gives a paper copy to each delegation to take advantage that, when returning home, the members of each delegation will be together to answer the questionnaires and agree with the answers. Carmen also explains how to fill in the evaluation questionnaire. Deadline to upload the questionnaires: end of May (Spanish Team). Deadline to answer the questionnaires: end of June. (All the delegations, teachers + students) Evaluation of the meeting in Chieti: Holger asks specially the new teachers to comment the Comenius Project. Thomas Pechar: about theatre, although he would like to work more to improve the student’s preparation to get in and out the stage, he really loved to work with Comenius partners. He has had a great time working together. Arnaud Alzat-Laly: he has not being in the meetings because he was rehearsing the performance with the students. He enjoyed theatre students, who did a great work. He also suggests a change in the schedule to have more time for rehearsals. He enjoyed the students because they were fast in understanding what he wanted to do. More time to rehearse is needed, so he will ask for their contact to be prepared for the next meeting. Ashka translates Pawel, who enjoyed and liked the Comenius Project a lot. Ashka also says she was impressed with the cooperation among the Italian team. Massimo Quattrini complains for the student’s mobilities, because when meeting in the same country, they are not taken into account. He also wants to know if there will be a musical performance at the end of the meeting. Holger thinks a musical could be a great idea. Marie-Ange Colin highlights the importance to be clear if things have to be prepared previously or in common in meetings, in order not to repeat tasks. Ashka begs not to change the previous agreements. It was supposed to have the illustrations exhibition in Poland and it was arranged in the Célakovice minutes. Also Marie-Ange begs everybody to stick to the plan. Katerina Fyssaki asks if for Poland we only must bring the 3 pictures, not the presentations or video. Massimo is worried because he wants to know now if he has to continue or stop with the musical.

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Rea Papadopoullou asks Holger if he could write some words to the Comenius Coordination for Massimo’s issue. After a little confusion Massimo makes himself understood and also explains he does not have enough money at this moment. Then Holger suggests him to ask families to help in paying some things. He thinks that there is a problem of communication in his school. He offers to help him and he expects he will be with us at the end of the project. Massimo also says he will like to go on with this project. At the end, Massimo will write the musical and send every country its scene. Holger says it will be all represented at Germany, in the last meeting. Aska also asks if the drama scenes will also be performed in France and Germany Marzela: She talks about the respect among persons. She is also surprised by that the fact we have talked about the brights on human rights, but she also thinks on the duties we have to do. For example, to work on the other persons. We should focus on the attention when students were on the stage, otherwise, it’s hard to do it. Ashka says there were about 200 hundred people paying attention for 2 hours, and thinks it could be better to plan to do it shorter. Holger also sends warm gratitude to the Italian partners for preparing the meeting, and also talks about the importance that each delegation could bring new people to the project. They are like new winds that makes the project richer. Positive and negative criticism: Max will write the musical and send every country its scene. Holger: it will be all represented at Germany the las meet Aska: drama scenes for France and Germany? - A place in the school would be useful to put the schedule or timetable for the day and then everybody could see if something is changing. -

Stage responsibilities.


About being punctual. Everybody should be on time at the meetings, events…, otherwise, the students think there is no need to be punctual.


If it is possible, no changes on the order of the final event must be done.


Very good the discussions with the refugees.


Everybody has to have clear in mind what they have to do. And then work on it.


Good planning on the rooms the students have used when being at school.


The loudspeakers and the machine for acoustics were very useful.

Andrea fix up in advance that, at a quarter to eight, we must be ready in the reception desk to go to from hotel to the Farewell Dinner. Pilar Rodríguez Forn Spanish Team

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