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from NCAER releases India's first Land Records and Services Index to energise land governance in India
side data (and proxies for measuring preliminary citizens’ access) for assessing the extent of digitisation and gauge the quality of land-records’ related services offered. For the second round (N-LRSI 2020-21), a demand-side survey of citizens is proposed to be added.
The survey will be used to gauge the level of public awareness and appreciation of the digitisation process, and the services it has enabled as elicited by a primary survey of users. The 2019-20 exercise has enabled drawing attention to the nature of steps that are easily possible for States and UTs to assist in the creation of a more comprehensive, accurate record of the situation on-ground, and that can be updated in real time. Some of the steps mentioned above can be easily implemented by States/UTs in a short period of time. Depending on the progress made, the components of the Index could be assigned different weights in the subsequent rounds. This will ensure a forward-looking aspirational focus to the Index, that spurs States/UTs to improve their performance individually and hence, as a country as a whole. The Index is timely and now poised to attract the attention of the relevant stakeholders. Were it to gain traction from GoI, States/UTs and citizens at large, the Index promises to become a bellwhether of improved land governance in India. 1. CBDT (2012), Black Money Committee Report on ‘Measures to Tackle Black Money in India and Abroad’, Ministry of Finance, GOI. 2. Daksh. 2016. Access to Justice Survey 2015-16, Daksh. Bengaluru Daksh. http//dakshindia.org/wp-content/ uploads/2016/05/Daksh-access-to-justice-survey.pdf. 3. GOI (2018). Review Report of Physical Progress in respect of DILRMP released by Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural development, GOI accessed on Dec 01, 2018. 4. GOI (2019). Data on Fund Sanctioned, Released and Expenditure (in Rs crores), http//dilrmp.gov.in accessed as on 22 Nov 2019.
5. India Today, 2019. Summary - Exclusive Raghuram Rajan's plan to fix Indian economy in 10 points, Indi Today Web Desk, New Delhi, December 6, 2019 Accessed December 07, 2019 6. Kapur, Devesh, T. V. Somanathan, and Arvind Subramanian. 2014. "Land-shackled - I & II." Business Standard, July 21. Accessed December 25, 2017. http//www.business-standard.com/article/opinion/devesh-kapur-t-vsomanathan-arvind-subramanian-land-shackled-i-114072000708_1.html. 7. Kuldip Rai and D. K. Bhalla, article on Computerisation of Land Records in India by Geospatial World on 12/04/2010. Weblink https//www.geospatialworld.net/article/computerisation-of-land-records-in-india/ 8. McKinsey Global Institute. 2001. India The Growth Imperative. Washington DC MGI. 9. Namita Wahi (2010), web article on Understanding Land Conflict in India and Suggestions for Reform published on June 10, 2019. Weblink https//www.cprindia.org/policy-challenge/7872/regulation-and-resources 10. NCAER (2017). Report on ‘A Pilot Impact Assessment of the Digital-India Land Records Modernisation Programme Himachal Pradesh’ supported by Omidyar Networks, November 2017. 11. Prachee Mishra & Roopal Suhag (2017). Land Record and Titles in India. Policy Discussion Paper, PRS. 12. Standing Committee on Finance (2015-16) Sixteenth Lok Sabha Ministry of Finance (Dept. of Financial Services), Govt. of India, 2016 13. Synthesis Report (2017) on ‘A Pilot Impact Assessment of the Digital-India Land Records Modernisation Programme’, prepared by Partner Institutions NCAER; IGIDR and NIPFP, supported by Omidyar Networks, September 2017. 14. World Bank. 2017. Doing Business 2018 Reforming to Create Jobs. Washington DC World Bank.