2 minute read
Dear readers,
CAN YOU IMAGINE IF THERE were no stories to be told, colours to fill our days and creativity in our lives? SPARK ensures that whether we celebrate the beauty and wonder of the fall season or dive into the world of research and innovation, we do so through the art of storytelling, images, videos, metaphors and inspiring quotes.
This SPARK issue begins with a video from none other than our very own Ginger Grant, PhD., Dean of Research & Innovation. If you have ever wondered whether you are a scholar or what “scholarship” means, I am sure you have not heard it explained with reference to “chicken”! Yes, I did say “chicken.” View the video on the right and listen for yourself. Please follow our YouTube channel for more inspiring videos from our Dean and Humber’s research and innovation community.
Let’s not forget the Associate Deans of Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation (ORI). We reached out to them and asked them to define research and innovation in their words. Read on to find out what they had to say.
There is also a new partnership we are celebrating at ORI; Humber College is now an academic partner with the world’s leading market and qualitative research insights and analytics organization, ESOMAR. This year ESOMAR celebrated its 75th anniversary by hosting the ESOMAR Congress in Toronto, and, yes, you guessed correctly, we were a part of it. Hop on to our Events section to read more.
In addition to learning about the many projects Humber researchers embark on, don’t forget to let creativity inspire you–scroll on to read our book recommendations and quotes and attempt the crossword puzzle or simply enjoy the colourful spread and stories.
This issue, I leave you with these questions—would any of you surprise us with your response via humberpress@humber.ca?
1. What does “research” mean to you? 2. What does “innovation” mean to you? 3. If you had all the time, money and resources at your disposal, what topic would you conduct research on?
Enjoy the fall season, dear friends, In kindness, Anju
Ginger Grant, PhD., Dean of Research & Innovation, takes you through a series of videos, beginning with this first one. What is Scholarship? Hear it from Ginger Grant!