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Article References
Editor’s Note
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“In nature, everything is connected”: Lynn Short exemplifies the mindset of a lifelong learner and researcher
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At an international hackathon, Humber students use innovation and automation to tackle healthcare issues
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Researcher’s Corner
Cole, D. & Coulson, B. (2022). Through and Beyond COVID-19, Promoting Whole Person, Lifelong and Lifewide Learning. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 4 (1), 81-90. https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/ issue/view/5/6/81
Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education. https://jipe.ca Poulsen, C. (2022). The Online Condition as a Structuration of Feedback. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 4 (1), 62-67. https:// jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/issue/view/5/6/62
Innovation 360 Black Belt IMBB Innovation Management™
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