Grimsby Institute Graduation Supplement

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1 GTE-E01-S3-OCTOBER 24, 2017

Graduation ’Make Grimsby great, go out and make a contribution to the world‘ THERE was jubilation and emotion as this year’s crop of students graduated from the University Centre Grimsby. Celebrations took place at Grimsby Town Hall on Thursday and Friday, as cameras popped and flashed, capturing every proud moment. Compere for the day, Nathan Michael, announced the academic prize winners – who were presented with their awards by principal guest David GibsonofOBE. HUNDREDS Grimsby’s brightest Mr Gibson, leading entreprenstudents were the honoured with awards eurship educator in the world and academic achievements at and emo-a key advisor to thecelebrations. Chinese Governtional ceremonial ment, graduates and their famProudtold parents and family members ilies about journey into educalooked on ashis students came together tion. at Grimsby Town Hall for the annual He alsoInstitute shared some motivational Grimsby graduations. advice for wore the the future: “You are Students iconic gradualready a lifeas long learner. You need ation gowns they were called up to build on that, continue this life one by one to receive their certilong learning. ficates of academic achievement. “Find area you’re passionate A seriesan of prizes were also handed about to highest that. out to and somestick of the achievers passionate, you will get of“If all,you’re for things like commitment to there in theand It may notfor always be education award excelstraight path. laen ce. “You have alreadyCentre committed yourAfter University Grimsby self and shownClaire outstanding sucvice principal Foster wel-

cess.” He added: “Your journey is not over. Make Grimsby great, go out and make a contribution to the world.” University Centre’s chair of governors Erika Stoddart said: “Education is a key to a door you can now unlock. “It’s the one thing that can change your life chance and that’s why graduation today is so important.” Dignitaries in attendance included the Mayor of North East LinBy Jack Longstaff colnshire Councillor Hazel Chase jack.longstaff@gr and University Centre’s nalist chief utive Gill Alton. After the ceremony, comed guests, compereacademics, Nathan graduateskicked and their took Michael, off thefamilies celebrations partannouncing in a procession through the by a selection of this town towards Grimsby Minye ar’s centre academic prize winners. ister for were a glass of champagne. Those presented to students by bagpipes, procession byLed the Labour MP for the Great Grimsby, halted traffic Melanie Onn. and passersby stopped toThe take photos spectacle. names ofofallthe graduates receivUniversity Centre Grimsby offers ing awards were then read out anda range ofwere higher education opportunawards handed to each student ities. reputation has gone from as theyIts proudly walked up on stage to strength toyears strength in recent conclude of hard workyears, and in a silver Teaching Excelsresulting tudy. lence Framework (TEF) in The vice principal said:award “Today 2018. tribute to your determination pays

PROUD DAY: University Centre Grimsby graduates celebrate their achievements outside Grimsby Minster. Picture: Jon Corken

First-class honour for students

The University Centre Grimsby graduation ceremony at the Grimsby Town Hall and Grimsby Minster. Pictures: Jon Corken and Rick Byrne

as students as you prepare for work or advancing careers. Alongside friends and family I hope you have a fantastic day. The Grimsby Institute is immensely proud of what you have achieved.” Melanie Onn MP said: “It is a pleasure to be here to join in with your celebration. Take this opportunity to remember today and just how important it is. “I want to tell you about my story, where I came from and how I got to where I am today.” Ms Onn told how, during her teenage and college years, she lived in a shared house, an experience that armed her with a “moral compass”. She said: “It made me aware of the

situations people can get themselves in. Without a roof over my head, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I try to help people every day. “This job gives me fantastic opportunities to challenge issues where government fails the town. “Your future starts today and only you will decide how to shape it and which path to follow. I wish you all luck and the happiest of futures.” Graduating level 6 student, Michelle Winchester, took to the stage to deliver a vote of thanks on behalf of all the graduates. She paid tribute to her peer learners and the teachers, tutors and university staff who guided students through their respective learning experiences.

There was a procession through Grimsby town centre, led by bagpipes, to Grimsby Minster. University Centre Grimsby principal, Debra Gray said: “This is only the start of your journey. You will make many mistakes but also make miracles and they will be remembered. “The excellence you have shown to get this far doesn’t happen by accident, it happens because every day you give more. And that won’t stop here. “I urge you to be brave and be bold and show employers what you are made of. You are the authors of your own destiny.”

Congratulations This could be you!

to all our graduating students!

See yourself graduating from University Centre Grimsby Quality degrees are on your doorstep. 0800 328 3631



GTE-E01-S3-OCTOBER 23, 2018

13th November 5.30pm - 7.30pm Come to our Open Event: Tuesday 14th



WHITNEY Jones, 22, came to Grimsby from Zimbabwe in 2006. She has now graduated with a foundation degree in hospital and health care. She said: “I have done this so I can go on and do a nursing degree at Hull University. “I wanted to do this because when I was younger my nana was ill – and I wanted to be able to help her.”

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


‘Baby Pippa is my inspiration’ WHEN Leanne Webster, 27, fell pregnant in her second year it only made her more determined to succeed. Her daughter Pippa Dean is now eight-months-old, and was there to see her graduate with a foundation degree in hospital and health care. “I always wanted to be a nurse,” said Leanne. “When I fell pregnant, it just made me want it more. She’s a massive inspiration.”

From Zimbabwe to Grimsby

A couple's celebration ADAM Hudaczek, who graduated with a masters in strategic business environment, won the Wendy Stubbs Memorial Prize for High Achievement. He celebrated with his partner Craig Bristow, who the day after graduated with a foundation degree in health and social care. “It’s been a big week, but I’m really proud of both of us,” Adam said. “We actually met in the library. “We now live together with our two dogs so it’s been an amazing journey and I’m so pleased we can celebrate together this week.” Adam is now aiming to study for a PGCE, and hopes to return to the University Centre Grimsby on placement in the future. He said: “I’ve always wanted to go to university but thought I’d postponed it for too long. “There was something in me pushing to do more so decided to just do it, and it was an amazing decision.”

‘University Centre Grimsby is no ordinary uni’ ZACK Scrimshaw, who received first class honours in games design and development, was awarded the faculty prize for Outstanding Engagement with Industry. He runs Posh Toffee Games with brother Drew, who also graduated from University Centre Grimsby. “We started the company, which makes mobile games, just before I went to university, so it’s been really helpful learning what it takes to be a better programmer,” he said. “The course has taught me the correct industry practices and new programming techniques. “I’ve also won three Global Game Jam competitions, which give you 48 hours to make a new game. “For me, University Centre Grimsby is no ordinary uni because of the tutors. This is the first university I’ve experienced where the tutors get you more involved.”

Are you leaving school next year? Not sure what to do next? Did you know that our further education courses lead to university places? Pay us a visit at our next Open Event or call us now to book a personal tour or guidance session.

Come to our Open Event: Tuesday 13th November 5.30pm - 7.30pm 0800 315 002



GRIMSBY TELEGRAPH Tuesday, October 23, 2018


‘I wanted to prove myself after my brain tumour’

‘I wanted something my son would be proud of‘ ELLIS Powell, 27, was inspired to take up studying by her son Louie. She started a foundation degree in health and social care after he was born three years ago. “I had just had my son,” said Ellis, “I just wanted something a bit of a change – something he could be proud of as he grows up.” She said the journey had been emotional: “Obviously, there have been highs and lows but it has just been amazing. “Overall, I have enjoyed every second of it. I am really proud and definitely relieved.”

NAVY veteran Shaun Cook, who graduated with a distinction in mechanical engineering, wanted to prove to himself he could return to education after surgery to remove a brain tumour in May 2017.

He received the Advanced Technology award for Outstanding Academic Performance within Engineering. “I was quite ill before the surgery with loss of memory, speech and reasoning, and had five years out of work due to the illness,” he said. “My sister went back into education and said I should do the same, so just decided to give it a go and I’ve absolutely loved it.”

‘It fills me with joy to have my dad here today’ ADELE Smith, from Alford, brought the Town Hall to tears with the story of her dad’s “miracle” sur vival. On the final day of term, the 28-year-old’s dad John suffered several aortic dissections – a condition that is usually fatal. After nine hours of live-saving treatment to repair the damage, John remained in a coma for three weeks – “motionless, silent and unresponsive to pain”. Speaking to her fellow students, Adele said: “For three agonising weeks we collectively prayed for the flutter of an eye or a hand squeeze to offer some hope of him coming back to us. “So it fills me with absolute joy to have him here today, to watch me on

this special occasion.” She graduated in community mental health and used her speech to thank her teachers and wish her classmates a bright future.

‘It’s changed my life’ KARA Bradley, from Grimsby, picked up the Tutors’ Award for Outstanding Dedication to Study. The 36-year-old returned to education to study a degree in Childhood and Youth Studies after leaving school with no qualifications. “I was a troubled teen,” said Kara. “That was my inspiration really, to go into youth studies to help young people who are struggling in the same way I did.” She will now take up a job as a caseworker at Best Futures in Aylesby. “This degree has given me the confidence I need,” she said. “It has changed my life really.”


to all our graduating students! Come to our Open Event: Tuesday 13th November 5.30pm - 7.30pm 0800 328 3631






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Tuesday, October 23, 2018


RESULTS IN FULL ■ BA (HONS) CRIMINOLOGICAL STUDIES WITH SOCIAL SCIENCE: Kelli-Anne Ablewhite, Susan Bailey*, Stacie Clarke, Jenna Clorley, Grace Cook, Beverley Foster, Ellie Gordon*, Kylie Green, Nicol Hatfield; Davinia Headman; Gemma Hodgson; Clarissa Lee; Marie Rodger; Victoria Tasker; Brendan Tweddle; Elizabeth Wray ■ BSc (HONS) APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: Michelle Bristow; Victoria Brown; Stephen Carter; Catherine Clark; Sarah Corringham; Tansy Crolla; Krystal Epton; Jody Fawcett; Maria Kavanagh; Shona Keetley; Rachel Kendall; Nicole Kowal; Glenn Marland; Claire Pearson; Nicole Randall; Craig Riggall; Elizabeth Robinson; Victoria Wood ■ BSc APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: Rachael Rettie; Liam Wilkinson ■ BSc (HONS) HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE (TOP UP): Zoe Adams; Tracy Alexandre; Samantha Brett; Keelie Furnell; Rebecca Isted; Jamie-Leigh Lawson; Fiona Magill; Lindsey McCue; Gemma Morgan; Zoe Sewell; Jade Todd; Laura Tombs; Charlotte Wadd; Samantha Wainwright ■ BSc HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE (TOP UP): Vikky Leatherland; Rachael Tasker; Kayleigh-Anne Thorpe ■ FdSc HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE (ADULT): Emma Aisthorpe; Emma Berry*; Danielle Blow; Briony Chestnut; Princess Chunga; Laura Coulbeck; Alice Hotchin; Whitney Jones; Michelle Kerr; Jasmyne Knights; Jaimee Lovett; Emily Owen; Rachel Palmer; Lucy Roberts; Bridget Rodgers-Gibbs; Linsey Short*; Danielle Stocks ■ FdSc HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE (ADULT): Amy Taylor; Karen Vickers; Leanne Webster; Debra Witts ■ FdSc HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE (ADULT) WITH FOUNDATION YEAR: Rebecca Ashworth; Fraya Burns; Gemma Davies; Lindsey Dickinson; Lisa Edwards; Kelly Gibson; Michelle Glenton; Zoe Redgrift; Hayley Stratton; Charlotte Tyler; Raluca Vilcea ■ FdSc HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE: Danielle Baker; Craig Bristow; Jessica Chesman; Sophie Collins-Barker; Jaqueline Croft; Alenka Davis; Georgia Davis-Eaton; Ann Gale*; Imelda Hibbert*; Sinead Kelly; Stephanie Lancaster; Mandy Mabbitt; Alexandra Muir; Elise Needham; Sarah Patston; Ellis Powell*; Georgina Reeves; Barbara Smith; Kate Waters*; Leigh Wright ■ BA (HONS) CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH STUDIES (TOP UP) Kara Bradley*; Cara Daly; Lisa Miller; Donna Robinson; Kim Robson; Hollie Silvester; Kelly Walker; Michelle Winchester* ■ BA (HONS) EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES (TOP UP): Zoe Allenby; Gemma Baggott; Chloe Batts; Michelle Bentley; Naomi Blanchard*; Aimee Brown*; Kayleigh Cartwright; Jacqueline Childs; Rebecca Codd; Gemma Deane; Lindsey Dimberline; Kylie Gittens; Jade Grabiniok; Ashleigh Harrison; Charlotte Heffernan; Michelle Ireland; Kimberley Jensen; Katie Lee; Emily Louis; Karen Marshall; Samantha Page; Helena Philips; Demi Rice-Bull; Shenley Robertson; Danielle Ryan; Linda Stocks; Sophie Stratton;

Mathew Tuck; Raheela Usman; Timothy Veal; Adam Wilkinson; Lucy Wilkinson; Richard Woodward ■ PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION: TEACHING IN; THE LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR: Khaled Al-Ankar; Adam Carmichael; Jemma Gill; John Mansfield; Soulane Mirage; Raychel Robinson; Krystal Rodgers; Siobhan Small; Hannah Thorp; Shannon-Mae Toyne ■ CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION: TEACHING IN THE; LIFELONG LEARNING SECTOR: Emily Arrand; Karen Porter ■ FdA EVENTS MANAGEMENT: James Burke; Gemma Leaning*; Tanya Thomson; Carrieanne Vaughan; Lucy Waller* ■ FdA TOURISM MANAGEMENT: Abbey Bedford; Hannah Dixon; Morgan Dyble; Aimee Haigh; Levi McGuine; Kyle Pawson; Magdalena Radon Abi Thompson at The University Centre ■ HND ANIMAL MANAGEMENT: Isaac Belcher; Grimsby graduation ceremony. Joanne Brakewell; Kae Burnell-Chambers; Kate Cribb; Lucy Dix*; Katherine Gooderham*; Lauren Joanna Swann*; Michelle Waters; Kelly Webster; Cant; Doyle Cook*; Courtney Easton; Bryony Saunderson* Flegg*; Stephanie Law; Adele Smith; Sharon Emma Winney; Louise Wivell ■ HNC ANIMAL MANAGEMENT: Bethan Gray; ■ BA EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES (TOP UP): Wallis; Leanne Whitcombe Abbey Lee-Johnson; Lucy Snell* ■ HND SPORT & EXERCISE SCIENCES (TOP Lucy Hyatt; Lorraine Stanhope; Kirsty Turgoose ■ CIPD LEVEL 7 DIPLOMA HUMAN RESOURCE ■ BA (HONS) COUNSELLING STUDIES: Lauren UP): Lydia Clark; Tyler Mackman; Victoria MANAGEMENT: Lorraine Bartlett; Lucy Burton; Toftegaard* Andrews*; Sally Campling; Tracey ■ HNC SPORT & EXERCISE SCIENCES: Casey Tina Fox; Samantha Moody; Lesley Mosley; Deboick-Winship*; Samantha Ford; Samantha Richard Rudd Barber; Khaya Parrott*; Michael Svendsen* French; Aimee Froud; Roxan Gardner; Joanne ■ CILT LEVEL 6 ADVANCED DIPLOMA ■ MBus STRATEGIC BUSINESS Grady; Claire Grozinger*; Dawn Guest; Helena LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT: Jonathan Ford ENVIRONMENT: Stuart Chestnut; Christopher Guiblin*; Rebecca-Amy Johnson; Michelle ■ CIPD LEVEL 5 CERTIFICATE HUMAN Kraatz; Sharon Pinder*; Lauren Quickfall*; Abby Filby*; Adam Hudaczek*; Denise Thompson RESOURCE; MANAGEMENT (INTERMEDIATE): ■ BA (HONS) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Smith* ■ BA COUNSELLING STUDIES (PRACTICING): Meadow Flint; Melissa Newson; Bethany Palmer; Darcie Baker; Lucy Bratley; Emma Davison; Emily Chelsea Salt; Rosie Scott; Mark Smith; Gemma Goodwin; Diane Gradwell; Ann Liesse; Debra Allison Dawes; Deborah Gladwell; Angela McDonald; Claire Oliver; Kirstie Spence; Emma Smyth; Ellie Spivey Graham; Michaela Jarratt Szakal; Claudia Williams ■ BA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Patr yk ■ BA COUNSELLING STUDIES (NON ■ BA (HONS) CREATIVE MUSIC: Jordan Barber; Ratajczak PRACTICING): Neil Costello; Dominic ■ BA (HONS) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH Daniel Clarke*; James Hansford; Joshua Davis-Eaton; Emmi Garside; Joanna Jones; Horvath; Michael Low; Rebekah Parkin; Jack ACCOUNTING: Joshua Barraclough; Emma Jessica Lewington Searby; Sharon Turner; Nicholas Whittleton; ■ BA COUNSELLING WITH FOUNDATION YEAR Blyth*; Emma Gilman*; Paul Hirons; Jennifer Steven Whittleton Meechan*; Michael Tyson* (PRACTICING): Jennifer Whitehouse ■ BA (HONS) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH ■ BA (HONS) DESIGN: Robert Barber*; ■ FdEd LEARNING SUPPORT: Avril Airey; Lisa Christopher Bruce; Juliet Haigh*; Bethany MARKETING: James Armitage; Dane Bampi; Ballard; Thomas Dalziel; Jessica Dawes*; Scattergood; Benjamin Ward Taya Bates; Lewis Dyson; Andrew Kemplay; Victoria Hambling; Julie Jones; Kayleigh ■ BA (HONS) DIGITAL FILM AND TELEVISION Marius Lagunavicius; Sophie Leshone; William Lamyman; Megan Newland; Chloe-Anne PRODUCTION: Samuel Brierley; Harry Dixon; Rayson; Wayne Smith Reynolds; Faten Salameh Diana Fenici; Alexander McColgan*; Ellie-May ■ BA (HONS) TOURISM AND BUSINESS ■ FdA CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE & Paterson; Andrew Ward MANAGEMENT (TOP UP): Megan Bishop; FAMILIES: Hannah Blow; Alena Cant; Ashley ■ BA (HONS) FINE ART: Katie Charters; Ruby Megan Chapman; Kayleigh Donskoy-Shinns; Falvey-Cromer; Melissa Harrison; Hayley Crimlisk*; Erin Gibbs*; Michael Murphy*; Judi Chloe Gould; Angelika Kachnowicz; Jessica Kerrigan; Claire Page; Helen Pearce; Emma Pickering; Deborah Powell*; Mark Tromans-Gee; Peck; Bethany Setterfield; Lacey Stockley-Bond; Landrey; Tyler Woods Chloe Vodden*; Julie Watson; Blake Weldon ■ POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Kelly Thornton; Julie Troth; Zowie Wilson ■ BA FINE ART: Abbie Whitehead EDUCATION: TEACHING IN THE LIFELONG ■ FdEd EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES: Nikki ■ BA (HONS) FINE ART PRACTICE: Kirsty LEARNING SECTOR: Emma Bailie; Daniel Banks; Lauren Brewitt; Chantelle Brown; Lidgard Samantha Burke; Amy Carlton; Lois Cudd; Hayley Carter; Hayley Chajid; Xiangwei Chen; Ashley ■ BA (HONS) GAMES DESIGN AND Davies*; Lily Day; Jade-Louise Donson; Rachael Darley; Kayleigh Davies; Cheryl Eade; Samuel DEVELOPMENT: Milena Begic; Corey Curtis; Ellis-Thompson*; Rebecca Good; Sophie Gracie; Eggleston; Daniel Felton; Carole Forrester; Joshua Foston*; Mark Hodsman; Leo Holland*; Calum Forrington; Gareth Hannan; Lisa Hodds; Jessica-Marie Grainge; Rebecca Grigg; Emily Kyle Holleworth; Jermaine Morris; Jake O’Brien*; Harrison; Natalie Heath; Kristen Jennings; Nikita Connor Hotson; Sarah Howard; Sherrie Jewitt; Oscar Palmer; Joshua Robbins; Connor Russell; Kennedy; Rebecca Leggett; Zina Lewis; Jasmine Richard Kay; Danielle Kelly; Mini Leons; Jodie Zack Scrimshaw*; Celine Snippe; Thomas Marks; Christopher Marsh; Ashley Meechan; Maroney; Faye Marsden; Ashton Mills; Victoria Stevens; Mark Thomas; Luke Tooze Vanessa Newbutt; Chloe Prescott; Alison Riley; Roberts; Hayley Vine; Kirk Wallace; Louise ■ BA (HONS) HISTORICAL & PERFORMANCE Jasmine Ritchie; Jammal Shahin; Marie Shaw; Watkinson; Tyler Wilbourne; Emma Zalewskyj COSTUME; FOR STAGE & SCREEN: ■ FdSc COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH: Casey Danielle Short; Steven Shortland; Chloe Tate;

Abigail Hanna*; Melanie Keir ■ BA (HONS) PROFESSIONAL WRITING: Rhys Barratt*; Heather Buckby*; Sharon Dormer*; Dominique Fieldsend*; Cora Gamester*; Gemma Gilbert*; Sophie Hollingsworth*; Toni Josefsen*; Ruth Liddemore; Laurence Short; Abigail Thompson*; Shona Wall*; Maria Walton ■ BA (HONS) SPECIAL EFFECTS MAKE-UP DESIGN FOR TV, FILM AND; THEATRE: Br yony Bradford; Raven-Cheyenne Caistor*; Laura Cassidy; Amy Crook; Kaleigh-Marie Geiger; Chloe Hollingworth; Laura Jordan*; Alice Kentsley-Baker*; Hannah Lea; Helen Louka*; Joanne McGarry; Natasha Milner*; Lauren Moore*; Danielle Partington; Amber Roberts; Elysha Suggit*; Emma West* ■ BSc (HONS) COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES (TOP UP): Gary Curtis*; Zack Eckley; Daniel Johnson; Darren Lee*; Shannon Norris*; James Pearson; Daryl Reast; Natasha Scott*; Grzegorz Tokarz ■ FdSc COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES: Shaun Curtis; Daniel Ley; Jonathan Tereszczak; Stephen Tucker; William Ward; Craig Wharton ■ FdA PERFORMING ARTS: Rachael Appels; Matthew Bett; Devon Carr; Alicia Clarke; Yvette Coggan; Bethany-Olivia Dadd; Bailey Ford; Kennedy Gardiner; Gemma Lewis; Sophie Marshall; Luke Mitchell; Ashleigh Pedersen; Connor Winter ■ FdA TELEVISION PRODUCTION: Caidan Ali; Aimee Griggs-Firth; Benjamin Kirman; Jack Lakin; Roman Letch; Liam Peacock; Dale Smith ■ HND CONSTRUCTION & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Drew Macdermid; Christopher Scott ■ HNC CONSTRUCTION & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Matthew Devaney; Julie McHamilton*; George Young ■ HND ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING (TOP UP): Michael Bray; Daniel Johnson*; Oliver Pearce*; Kieran Rose ■ HNC ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: Joshua Brown*; Liam Dunderdale*; James Kitching*; Brandon Laughton*; Corey Nunn* ■ HND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (TOP UP): Jay Cowan; Keiran Dinnes; Wayne Ducker*; Ryan Fenty; Elliott Gant; Lee Gorman; Christian Hasthorpe*; Mark Hill; Allan Johnson*; Joshua Key; Dylan Lingard; Kyle Mitchell-Quinn; Ebrahim Nassiri; Lewis Parker; Ethan Smith*; Joshua Tilling*; Ryan Williams; Daniel Wilson* ■ HNC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Gavin Adams; Mustafa Ali; Cameron Boal; Charley Boswell; Ryan Briggs; Alexander-James Campbell; Sam Campbell; Shaun Cook*; Daniel Cooling; Daniel Cooper; Cy Dalton; Jack Ellery*; Darren Evans; Nicholas Gemlo; Ryan Griffin; Joseph Hardy; Thomas Hill-Hussey; Charlie Leggett; Samuel Madeira; Daniel Nurse; Ryan Ottley; Jack Patchett; Bethany Sampson*; Joshua Sargent; Morgan Simpson; Oliver Smaller; Bobby Trott; Jeremy Waters; Connor Watson

Congratulations to all our graduating students! Come to our Open Event: Tuesday 13th November 5.30pm - 7.30pm 0800 328 3631



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