GY Business Tel and Commercial Property August 2016

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TuTuesday, esday,August August 16, 2012 2016 June 21, 19, 2012 Tuesday,

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Firm’s on Cooking up a treat: Isfocus Grimsby becoming the Geneva of the offshore Will Mary approve futurewind finances Young’s goesWe gastro industry work boat world? find out why high street leases? see page 2

see page 16

Offices areending final piece A happy to a of potato empire tragic tale from puzzle Trent byDave DaveLaister Laister by BusinessEditor Editor Business

TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken


IVE years on from early £3-million hasinherbeen iting the managing directinvested into making or’s chair Lincolnshire of the family northern a business in tragic central hub for thecircumneeds Katy celebofstances, some of theMoss UK’sisbiggest rating sellers. being named First potato Woman of Engineering and Elsham Wold has just become the Manufacturing. new headquarters for AKP Group, The Trent Refractoriesgiant boss won supplier to supermarket through inand themajor most hotly Morrisons chip contested category at the First manufacturer McCain. Women Awards, and wasblock, crowned A state-of-the-art office at the Lancaster Hotel potato in London. temperature controlled Backed by theand CBI, it underlined storage facility grading line, an emotional journey that together with extensions to began with thehandling death of areas her father existing have as just negotiations to sell been completed, withthe the27-year-old northern Lincolnshire business 13-year-old firm headed by Richard she wasmoving not eventhe then part of Arundel whole were underwayback . administration into the area The loss of Robert ‘Bob’ from York. Crossland to a kitchen table The son ofled Grimsby town centre re-think, andStreet with interest and Freeman marketsrates at a record a decision grocer Davidlow, Arundel, who was also made mothermerchant and used tobetween act as a potato to daughter to forge the area’s fish and on, chiprather shops,than bank any accepted offer. joined forces with Suffolk “My mother was left behind and businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. she it was easier forstorage what she Thefelt former KP potato wantedwhich to achieve for the business facility has now been to keep goingdeveloped, rather than putting substantially was any salein proceeds in the bank,” acquired 2007, when a project she said. “I committed to running began to grow skin finished the business not potatoes on theand Islewe ofdecided Axholme. to sell.” “We wanted to show we could So began “near vertical produce the a required quality learning recognised this locally thatcurve” supermarkets were summein r. from Herefordshire, buying Mrs Moss, withimporting,” a young Scotland or even he daughter, rose tobacked the challenge, said. “Morrisons us with it keeping a steady workforce of 14 and we went to Yorkshire Forward at the Queensway Industrial (the scrapped regional Estate base in the shadows development agency) puttingof Scunthor steel works. together a pe’s plan.iconic We then tied the supply chain upknowledge and got theof the Without any funding.” refractory products or running a manufacturing set That equated tocompany, £700,000. she With herself therapid mandate to secure Morrisons’ growth in thethe jobs of her employees andhas run the retail world, the business been companyquickly, on behalf of working the family. propelled and Describing the “tireless wok to with Eastoft-based L Harrison & provide a stable future,” she said: Co, the infrastructure to allow for

WINNER: Katy Moss, managing director of Trent Refractories Ltd. Left, the prestigious accolade. Pictures: David Haber.

further increases has now been put in place. “We have taken two years to get to this,” said Mr Arundel. “We got the grant funding for storage and grading operations in 2009, and built the storage throughout 2010, to be open for that harvest. We have had potatoes in from 2010 and “It was tough time for our 2011, andathe whole project has been finished withathe offices just family and I had near vertical now. learning curve whilst also juggling my other career initially, “Our desire is to have more being only 29 producers at the timelocal it was quality potato to difficult people this site. Itbringing would cut downonon board.” costs. There is still a lot transport of potential, willworking help thea day a Mrs Mossitwas environmental footprint week for HSBC on the and this part of the world has the abilityand to management trainee scheme, grow some of the best potatoes having upskilled following thein the country, is whatshe wehad are just birth of herthat daughter, majoring on.” to business been promoted manager an 11 school academy A total offor 44 people are now

based at Retford, on the Lincolnshire and 120,000 tonnes employed, handling border, when ofNottinghamshire potatoes a year. Of that, 35,000 her dad cruelly taken. tonnes arewas self-grown, with a “When he died, me region comingand in growing group in this was just supposed a around another site to in be Suffolk, temporary thing,” Mrs Moss said. contributing the balance. “I was there to understand Recently 15 employees werethe sale, so I put my graduate job on hold to try added, with three and gain enough information.” trainees also part of the company, The rest is leading to the specialising inhistory, growing, logistics win, all the more poignant, as it and technical elements, including came as .National Women in agronomy The remaining Engineering was celebrated. investment hasDay seen a fleet of six “It wasrigs a wow moment. to Mercedes brought in toJust deliver the to customers, with was the bepotatoes nominated and shortlisted primary routeexperience Morrisons’but packing an amazing it has operations near Harrogate. made me reflect on the last five years to and I feel proud and Keen cultivate a prosperous honoured, it is nice to potato be future for Lincolnshire recognised by others, it was farmers, the 32,000sq ft and storage also nice be able have my 12 facility andto4,000 sq fttotwo storey year development old daughter –atwhich the event office drewas I hope seeing andGenesis meetingOffice such inspiration from

strong inspirational women gives her on drive and belief in herself to Park Grimsby’s flagship forge herdevelopment, own future.”will be Europarc Mrs Moss nowthis plans to try officially opened week by and grow the business further in a Agriculture and Horticulture challenging Board market. Development chairman From Menesha Trent John Godfrey CBE,Way, himself a supplies the majorfarmer. players in the North Lincolnshire steel industry in the“We’re Sheffield, Mr Arundel added: Rotherham andtoScunthorpe area – looking forward opening the where business has been new coldthe store and grading facility based since it began in 1989 – with – the uncharacteristic weather heat resistant toaline conditions have materials brought us fur naces. year, but the opening challenging Out 134rewards similar for companies, event isof just everyone’s lesswork. than a handful have female hard managing directors, less “The new facility willwith not far only of those actually producing enable us to meet the demand of refractory materials like £ our biggest customers, but the we’ve turnover business. also successfully improved the Katyand believes a fresh quality freshness of approach our has enabled the company to move potatoes by reducing forward. transportation, handling and using ● latest Continued on page six. the cold store technologies.”

see page 22

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64 St Peters Avenue Cleethorpes N.E.and Lincolnshire SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, Gavin Esler. DN35 8HP

Top table is set for CBI dinner


Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business gatherings later this year. The CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner takes place at Leeds University on October 10. It will be one of the first events with John Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby and Immingham, as chairman of the region. Mr Esler is an award-winning television and radio broadcaster, novelist and journalist. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons that can be gleaned from leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, and their guests. For more information about the dinner, which is frequently well represented by the South Bank and features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail or visit

your daily port of call £20m milestone passed

A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the region this last quarter has seen the total funds issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. The money, available to firms in northern Lincolnshire in seedcorn, equity linked for the latestloan andandbreaking investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million – is therebusiness to help smallnews and medium sized businesses around the meet their growth and development requirements. Humber The figure amounts to 224region investments in 183 small and medium sized enterprises since August 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and visit safeguarded the region. In the last quarter alone, the venture capital and loan fund completed 30 investments totalling more than £4.3 million. Alex McWhirter, chief executive of Finance Yorkshire, said: “We are looking forward to building on these figures and helping more companies achieve growth in the coming months. “We urge established and early stage companies to continue to speak to us to see if Finance Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” Supported by the European Union, it has attracted £30-million investment from the European Regional Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire Forward’s Single Programme, and £45-million match funding from the European Investment Bank. For information visit

CONTENTS:Energy P8 Food Chemical/Process 11 Logistics Energy 1210 Ports & Logistics 1412 Ports 15 Ca14 reeBusiness rs 16 Business Support 18 Tr16 ainTraining ing 19 C17 areCommercial ers 20 Commercial 25 Commercial Property 28 Last CONTENTS: P610 Chemicals P8 Ports and Business Support Careers Solutions 15 Food VehiclesVehicles 18 Diary 20 Commercial Property 21 Word

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