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Britcon boom Firm’s focus onas turnover hits £40m future finances
Double celebration Cooking up a treat: for Southgoes Bank star Young’s gastro
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Auto-Trail will Offices areAcademy final piece future-proof motorhome of potato empire puzzle
Our guide Willwho’s Marywho approve tohigh summit’s street speakers leases?
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64 St Peters Avenue Cleethorpes N.E.and Lincolnshire SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, Gavin Esler. DN35 8HP
manufacturing excellence Top table is set for CBI dinner
by Dave Laister
TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken
Business Editor
by Dave Laister early £3-million has been
Business Editor into making invested dave.laister@gsmg.co.uk northern Lincolnshire a central hub for the needs S the first UK’s motorhomes of some of the biggest are driven out of a potato sellers. expanded Elshammassively Wold has just become the dedicatedfor Grimsby mannew headquarters AKP Group, supplier to supermarket giantat the ufacturing facility, bosses Morrisons andbase major chip unveiled impressive have manufacturer McCain. plans to ensure they have a A state-of-the-art office block, production line for staff too! temperature controlled potato Auto-Trail has doubled capacity storage facility and grading line, in a multi-million poundto project together with extensions as it gears up to meet forecast existing handling areas have just demand in the luxury leisure been completed, with the market in firm the coming 13-year-old headedyears. by Richard But alongside Arundel moving the the space wholeit has created with northern administration back into the area Lincolnshire construction from York. specialists 3 and CR Parrott, The son of Cube Grimsby town centre andFreeman the efficiency and Streetmeasures markets it has introduced, will who be a also clear grocer David there Arundel, requirement build on the near used to act as atopotato merchant to 200-strong team. the area’s fish and chip shops, Stuart Turpin, retiring joint joined forces withthe Suffolk managing director stayed businessman Bruce who Kerrhas in 1999. on toformer see theKP project completed, The potato storage said: “We are has nownow in abeen position to facility which double capacity . The market substantially developed, was for motorhomes remains at a acquired in 2007, when strong, a project record the finished last 10 years, began tohigh growinskin with demand 12,000 units potatoes on thepushing Isle of Axholme. a“We year. wanted to show we could “We have the capacity to do 25 produce the required quality per cent of supermarkets that. We are the largest locally that were dedicated motorhome buying in from Herefordshire, manufacturer inimporting,” the UK. We he were Scotland or even knocking at the door before, nowit said. “Morrisons backed us with we we have gone pole position.” and went tointo Yorkshire Forward Asscrapped exclusively reported in (the regional June’s Business Telegraph, development agency) puttingthe company has added a further 6,000 together a plan. We then tied the sq m, by joining firstgot and supply chain up and thesecond phase buildings on Europarc. funding.” It has streamlined the building That equated to £700,000. With process within is now a Morrisons’ rapidwhat growth in the 16,000 sq m base, nearly triple that retail world, the business has been opened by Princeand Michael of Kent propelled quickly, working in 2002. with Eastoft-based L Harrison & has also taken a for Co,Auto-Trail the infrastructure to allow
employed, handling 120,000 tonnes of potatoes a year. Of that, 35,000 tonnes are self-grown, with a growing group in this region and around another site in Suffolk, contributing the balance. Recently 15 employees were added, with three graduate trainees also part of the company, specialising in growing, logistics and technical elements, including agronomy. The remaining investment has seen a fleet of six Mercedes rigs brought in forward, to deliver future-proofed business the potatoes to customers, with said the issue the company hadthe primary routewith Morrisons’ packing come across standard operations near Harrogate. apprenticeships was the level of involvement of each trade in the Keen to cultivate a prosperous buildfor of aLincolnshire motorhome. potato future farmers, the 32,000sq ft storage “We don’t have enough of the individual aspects totwo givestorey a facility and 4,000 sq ft certificate, it is very niche,drew we office development – which don’t encompass all the skills inspiration from Genesis Office
Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business gatherings later this year. The CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner takes place at Leeds University on October 10. It will be one of the first events with John Fitzgerald, port director for Grimsby and Immingham, as chairman of the region. Mr Esler is an award-winning television and radio broadcaster, novelist and journalist. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons that can be gleaned from leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, and their guests. For more information about the dinner, which is frequently well represented by the South Bank and features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail katya.menhennet@cbi.org.uk or visit http://yorkshire-annual-dinner.eventbrite.com
your daily £20m milestone passed port of call
DELIVERED ON TIME, ON BUDGET: Auto-Trail joint managing directors Stuart Turpin and David Thomas outside the major expansion. Below, inside.
further increases has now been put in place. “We have taken two years to get to this,” said Mr Arundel. “We got the grant funding for storage and grading operations in 2009, and built the storage throughout 2010, to be open for that harvest. We have had potatoes in from 2010 and 2011, and the whole project has been finished with the offices just now. “Our desire is to have more quality producers localoftothe furtherpotato 3.5 acres to the rear this site. would Way cut .down on site, on It Genesis transport costs. There of is still a lot “During the course this year ofwe potential, it will help the people, have recruited 30 extra environmental footprint and this andofnow are has looking at part thewe world the ability to forming training academy,” said grow somea of the best potatoes in Mr Turpin. the country, that is what we are Dave Thomas, who now assumes majoring on.” the soleof role, guiding the A total 44 people are now
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Park on Grimsby’s flagship Europarc development, will be officially opened this week by Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board chairman John Godfrey CBE, himself a North Lincolnshire farmer. Mr Arundel added: “We’re looking forward to opening the new cold store and grading facility – the uncharacteristic weather conditions have brought us a challenging year, but the opening event for everyone’s requis irejust d,” rewards he said. “You cannot hard givework. a certificate to say you are an electrician when you been “The new facility willhave not only pushing fitting enable us to meetconnections the demand of together a production our biggeston customers, but line, we’veas yousuccessfully cannot call improved it a plumber also theif you fit a toilet and a sink.of our quality and freshness “We need our own type of potatoes by reducing accreditation. handling and using transportation, ● latest Continued page four. the cold on store technologies.”
A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the region this last quarter has seen the total funds issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. The money, available to firms in northern for the latestloan andandbreaking Lincolnshire in seedcorn, equity linked investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million business news around the – is there to help small and medium sized businesses meet their growth and development Humber regionrequirements. The figure amounts to 224 investments in 183 small and medium sized enterprises since August 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and visit humberbusiness.com safeguarded in the region. In the last quarter alone, the venture capital and loan fund completed 30 investments totalling more than £4.3 million. Alex McWhirter, chief executive of Finance Yorkshire, said: “We are looking forward to building on these figures and helping more companies achieve growth in the coming months. “We urge established and early stage companies to continue to speak to us to see if Finance Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” Supported by the European Union, it has attracted £30-million investment from the European Regional Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire Forward’s Single Programme, and £45-million match funding from the European Investment Bank. For information visit www.finance-yorkshire.com
CONTENTS:Energy P8-9 Food 10 Process Chemicals 11 Energy Ports & Logistics 16-1714 Business Support 18 Training areers 20 25 Commercial 28 Property Laister’s Last CONTENTS: P6 Chemicals P8/Ports and Logistics 1012-13 Business Support 12 Careers Business Solutions 15 Food19 16CTraining 17Commercial CommercialVehicles Vehicles 18 Diary 20 Property Commercial 21 Word
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