GY Business Telegraph and Commercial Property July 1907

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TuesdAugust ay,June July21, 19, 2012 2016 Tuesday, 19, 2012 Tuesday,

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Innovation Firm’s focus on on track as R&D deal done future finances page seesee page 2 3

Hi-tech up production Cooking a treat: line solution joy Young’s goes gastro seepage page167 see

Offices are final piece £7m Modal is motoring of potatoaempire puzzle towards flying start! byDave DaveLaister Laister by BusinessEditor Editor Business

TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE: Richard Arundel, managing director of potato processor AKP. Picture: Jon Corken


£7 million centre of excellence for training in early £3-million has been industries into vital making to the invested Humber is just months northern Lincolnshire a from central openinghub in for Immingham, the needs is already up to ofand some of the gearing UK’s biggest make sellers. an impact where it matpotato ters most. Elsham Wold has just become the new forof AKP Group, Asheadquarters an early vision what the supplier to supermarket state-of-the-art learning giant facilities Morrisons andis major chip today, will look like provided manufacturer McCain. major advances in road haulage and air freight provision are A state-of-the-art office block, being made controlled ahead of November’s temperature potato launchfacility . storage and grading line, together with extensions to of the It follows early purchases existing handling areas just very latest in vessel andhave crane been completed, with the simulation equipment as the 13-year-old firm headed by Richard Grimsby Institute and Humber Arundel moving the whole Local Enterprise Partnership administration back Training into the area joint-funded Modal sets from York. its stall out to lead on fully-integrated logistics The son of Grimsby townsupport centre across every Street transport sector. and Freeman markets grocer David Arundel, who also Patrick Henry, managing used to actsaid: as a “The potato merchant director, idea behind to the area’s fish andischip shops, Modal Training to provide joined forces with Suffolkhighest training of the absolute businessman Bruce Kerr in 1999. quality to businesses across the logistics supply chain. storage Not only do The former KP potato we have to invest in the advanced facility which has now been equipment and facilitieswas to substantially developed, achieve this, butwhen also have a solid, acquired in 2007, a project knowledgeable team behind us to began to grow skin finished deliver these potatoes on thecourses.” Isle of Axholme. Thewanted past month haswe seen this “We to show could boostedthe two-fold, with the team produce required quality responding to the national driver locally that supermarkets were shortage by providing dedicated buying in from Herefordshire, trainingor and support to help he Scotland even importing,” recruitment, staff retention and it said. “Morrisons backed us with workforce the and we wentdevelopment to YorkshireinForward haulage industry, while (the scrapped regional appointing Sue Chapman as development agency) putting sector lead for air. together a plan. We She thenwill tiedalso the head up plans open supply chain uptoand gotthe theUK’s first Freight Forwarding funding.” A cadeequated my. That to £700,000. With Closely involved with the design Morrisons’ rapid growth in the and development of the UK’s first retail world, the business has been accredited freightand forwarding propelled quickly, working qualifications, sheLwill start & with Eastoft-based Harrison delivery this month ahead of for Co, the infrastructure to allow

Port Mary investment’s Will approve cleanstreet bill ofleases? health high

see see page page 24 22

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64 St Peters Avenue Cleethorpes N.E.and Lincolnshire SPEAKERS: Sir Roger Carr, left, Gavin Esler. DN35 8HP

Top table is set for TraCBI nsfordinner mative year for Nisa


Sir Roger Carr, president of the CBI and Gavin Esler, best known for his role as a presenter on BBC Newsnight, have been confirmed as the guest speakers at one of the region’s leading business SCUNTHORPE’S £1.3 billion turnover wholesale gatherings later this year. giant a resurgent set of annual results this The posted CBI Yorkshire and Humber Annual Dinner past month. takes place at Leeds University on October 10. Inside, report onfirst howevents Nisa Retail chief It will bewe one of the with John executive Nick sees convenience Fitzgerald, port Read director forthe Grimsby and sector mapping out,as understand why town’s Immingham, chairman of thethe region. distribution is the “jewel television in the crown” Mr Esler iscentre an award-winning and and radio hear how ownnovelist brand Heritage is proving its worth. broadcaster, and journalist. Full details, see page nine. His latest book, due to hit the shelves next month, focuses on lessons that can be gleaned from leaders in how they tell stories, and will be the subject of his speech to the area’s business bosses, and their guests. For more information about the dinner, which is frequently well represented by the South Bank and features a drinks reception within Parkinson Court, home to the famous Marks & Spencer archive and art gallery, e-mail or visit

£20m milestone passed further increases has now been put employed, handling 120,000 tonnes Park on Grimsby’s flagship in place. Europarc development, will be of potatoes a year. Of that, 35,000 officially opened this week by tonnes are self-grown, with a “We have taken two years to get Agriculture and Horticulture to this,” said Mr Arundel. “We got growing group in this region and Development Board chairman around another site in Suffolk, the grant funding for storage and John Godfrey CBE, himself a contributing the balance. grading operations in 2009, and North Lincolnshire farmer. built the storage throughout 2010, Recently 15 employees were to be open for that harvest. We Mr Arundel added: “We’re added, with three graduate have had potatoes in from 2010 and trainees also part of the company, looking forward to opening the 2011, and the whole project has new cold store and grading facility specialising in growing, logistics been finished with the offices just the uncharacteristic weather technical including PROGRESS: Above, how one of the and Modal Training elements, suites will look. Left, Sue–Chapman, right Patrick Henry, and now.centre, work at the wheel is a huge focus. conditions have brought us a agronomy. The remaining challenging year, but the opening investment has seen a fleet of six “Our desire is to have more Mercedes rigs brought in to deliver event is just rewards for everyone’s quality potato producers local to haswork. also provided consultancy year, will deliver trainingwith for the moving towould the new the potatoes to customers, the hard this site. It cutcentre. down on digital age, using sophisticated services the British “Sue’s appointment is still a real primary route Morrisons’ packing transport costs. There is a lot “The newfor facility will not only simulation software to recreate International Freight Association, for us,itand expertise and operations near Harrogate. ofcoup potential, willher help the enable us to meet the demand of complex operations in a and headed up the Authorised experience in footprint the industry environmental andwill thisbe our biggest customers, but we’ve Keen to cultivate a prosperous Economic Operator project at controlled environment. incredibly beneficial,” said Mr part of the world has the ability to future for Lincolnshire potato also successfully improved the high street-serving Henry . “We delighted to have Sue spent 10 years ft asstorage sea freight quality grow some of’re the best potatoes in and freshnesslogistics of our and farmers, the 32,000sq distribution giant Advanced her on board.” the country, that is what we are manager Kuehne & Nagel, potatoes by reducing facility andfor 4,000 sq ft two storey Supply Chain.handling and using majoring on.” Forwarding afterdevelopment working as an account The Freight transportation, office – which drew manager for P&O Nedlloyd. She ● latest Continued page 23.. Academy, launching later this the cold on store technologies.” inspiration from Genesis Office A total of 44 people are now

A FURTHER £4-million of investment across the region this last quarter has seen the total funds issued by Finance Yorkshire climb to £23-million. The money, available to firms in northern Lincolnshire in seedcorn, loan and equity linked investments – ranging from £15,000 to £2-million – is there to help small and medium sized businesses meet their growth and development requirements. The figure amounts to 224 investments in 183 small and medium sized enterprises since August 2010, leading to more than 4,600 jobs created and safeguarded in the region. In the last quarter alone, the venture capital and loan fund completed 30 investments totalling more than £4.3 million. Alex McWhirter, chief executive of Finance Yorkshire, said: “We are looking forward to building on these figures and helping more companies achieve growth in the coming months. “We urge established and early stage companies to continue to speak to us to see if Finance Yorkshire can help turn their ambitions into a reality.” Supported by the European Union, it has attracted £30-million investment from the European Regional Development Fund, £15-million from Yorkshire Forward’s Single Programme, and £45-million match funding from the European Investment Bank. For information visit


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CONTENTS:Energy P8 Food Chemicals 12and Ports & Logistics 14 Energy 16-1712 Business Support 18 TraSolutions ining 19 C15 areFood ers 2016 Commercial 23 Commercial 28 Commercial Laister’s LastProperty Word 21 CONTENTS: P610-11 Chemicals P8 Ports Logistics 10 Business Support Careers 14 Business Training 17Vehicles Commercial Vehicles 18Property Diary 20




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