Innovation at work - Industry sector special

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Thursday, June 29, 2017


Process Sector Special contacts

WRITING TO LEAVE EU: May, Tusk and Steve Elliott, far right.

Editorial David Laister Direct line: 01472 806972 07730 639525 email: Advertising Angie Atkinson Direct line: 01472 806963 07920 823544 email: Twitter: @HumberBizEd LinkedIn: BusinessTelegraph

Volatile industry seeking a semblence of stability A

GREATER political consensus to deliver a Brexit solution is being sought by leaders of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, as one of the biggest contributors to UK GDP desperately seeks stability. The Chemical Industries Association brings the huge process sector together, and at a meeting of its council in the Yorkshire and Humber region earlier this month, members reconfirmed their commitment to the previously-published Brexit priorities. The organisation, led by chief executive Steve Elliott, underlined the need for: ● Tariff-free access to the single

market and the prevention of non-tariff barriers to trade ● Regulatory continuity and consistency ● Access to appropriately skilled people Speaking following the meeting in Leeds, Mr Elliott – a guest at Catch’s annual dinner last month – said: “The CIA Council also agreed that the current political situation presents an opportunity to reposition the UK’s approach to Brexit, encouraging greater predictability for business and employment during the inevitable transition period before leaving the EU. “More specifically, we believe that staying in the Single Market for that appropriate transition period would help support trade,

investment, jobs and overall economic growth in the critical time taking us to exit from the EU and our future new trading relationship. “We look forward to working with Government and others to deliver the best possible outcome for the country.” Several Humber operators are part of a special ten-strong Brexit committee formed by the CIA in October last year. Calum Maclean, chief executive of Synthomer, and Richard Carter, managing director of BASF UK, both operate plants on the South Bank, while Stuart Arnott, president of global operations at Hull-headquartered Croda International, is also on board. The team was also seeking the

supply of competitive and secure energy and a policy framework that encourages scientific progress, leading to sustainable growth. Following the publication of the “Brexit manifesto”, Mr Elliott addressed the House of Lords EU External Affairs Sub-Committee. Worth £6 billion to the regional economy alone, the process industry supports thousands of jobs and provides a basis for a major contracting community too. Domestically the industry is enjoying growth across four key economic measures. Latest figures showed that increases in sales, volumes, exports, margins and jobs.

Welcome to the latest edition from a growing business portfolio

DESK TOP, LAP TOP, MOBILE, PRINT: The business portfolio from the Grimsby Telegraph and Scunthorpe Telegraph.

THIS process industry sector special is the latest in a growing portfolio of business products brought to you by the Telegraph team. Spanning Grimsby and Scunthorpe, it is a platform for companies to outline what they do, what they need, and why they are here. It is an addition to the monthly Business Telegraph, which itself has celebrated 30 years of production in 2017. And while printed publications remain popular, the team has a strong digital presence. We are now 18 months on from the launch of our dedicated business website, www. too. Joining forces with sister North Bank publication the Hull Daily Mail, the platform provides the very latest business bulletins from across the Humber region. With a strong area and sector focus, it also includes a major commercial property database with partner companies, with the capability to sign up for a daily e-newsletter, bringing the headlines direct to your inbox. It is supported by a strong following across social media, with active, engaging accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. To find out more, log on and join the conversation.


Thursday, June 29, 2017


Process Sector Special

Super industry sets the standard for a South Bank success story T

HIS past week has seen Grimsby reach at a critical mass when it comes to power generation from offshore wind.

A total of 1GW of installed capacity was introduced as Dong Energy’s latest turbines were “plugged in” at Race Bank, off the Lincolnshire coast. It is the realisation of a new cluster, where out of competition and complementary services, comes expertise and best practice. A fledgling industry that has gone from zero to 1GW in less than a decade, it doesn’t have to look far to find a forerunner, that has made the introduction and development easier. The process industry made the Humber home from the arrival of peace to Europe’s shores, building bigger and better through the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies. With a need for flat, developable land, close to the ports and vital water supply, centrally located and picking up on an engineering base derived from fishing and steel, it flourished. Names have come and gone, iconic towers have gone up, and down, but the ability and cluster remains as strong as ever. Two complex refineries, a major titanium dioxide manufacturer, one of Novartis’ flagship production plants that has recently entered the cancer fight and a back-in-profit British Steel make the process sector a force to be reckoned with on a global stage. With advanced fibre production, water purification, construction materials, paints, resins, biofuel and specialty gases added to the mix, the Humber has an international tapestry of flags, with the UK and European market an attractive proposition. Backed up by beacon training facilities, both industry specific and excelling in allied areas such as logistics, and the blueprint for a cluster concentration is clear.

INDUSTRY CHANGING: Process supervision at Novartis, left, with ‘one-up one down’ on stacks with Phillips 66’s major investment and Tioxide’s removal from the skyline, while offshore tructures become ever more prevalent. Much of the good work to bring the cluster together in the past two decades has been achieved by the sector partnership Catch. Previously Humber Chemical Focus, the remit has been broadened as it embraces new and established industry. At the centre of the public/private body is the facility it now carries the name of, Catch, or the Centre for Assessment of Technical Competence – Humber, for long. The beacon Stallingborough site is a physical simulation of plants that neighbour it on the South Humber Bank, complete with workshops and other vital training facilities, mirroring what is found past the gatehouse of these huge companies. As it now enjoys a fourth phase of growth since a royal opening in 2005, it remains a huge source

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of pride. Chief executive David Talbot said the future relies on training in the present, when addressing a membership gathering last month. He said: “The skills gap remains a constant topic locally and nationally and at Catch we have a number of exciting projects on-going to support our stakeholders in bridging the gap. “Everything we do is driven by and for industry, and an excellent example of that is our Science Industry Apprenticeship Consortium, set up at Catch by member companies to implement the new government-backed apprenticeship standards on site. This is a great initiative that has seen the employers directing what they want their apprenticeships to look like. “Currently, apprentice numbers remain a challenge, which could

be due to employers holding out to see how the apprenticeship levy works out, but I firmly believe that in the longer-term the levy will be seen as a positive step forward and employers will continue to invest in their future skills needs by investing in apprentices.” Mr Talbot, who joined from BAE Systems having spent 21 years in the RAF, said there had been “a great deal of activity and change over the past 12 months” on the Catch campus, while detecting a message of “caution with a hint of muted optimism,” from the industry he serves. And he told how the decision to drop the reference to Humber Chemical Focus in the brand identity did not alter the status of the organisation. “This does not change our role as an advocate for the chemical

and process industries – and indeed industry in general,” he said at Catch’s annual dinner. “We will continue to represent our industries and our members through association with regional and national organisations. “Indeed, we have a very exciting vision for the future and many of you will have seen the infrastructure investment on site – a sign of confidence that Catch is heading in the right direction. “A major part of our vision for the future is around the offshore wind industry, as Catch is in the right place with the right facilities and the right partners in the University of Hull, AIS, CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM: and our wider network, to Catch chief executive support the sector’s needs.” David Talbot.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Process Sector Special

Total focus on the talent pipeline at Lindsey Oil Ref inery O

VER the past two years Total Lindsey Oil Refinery’s production capacity and organisation has been streamlined to become a smaller but a higher converting and profitable site.

came up Eastfield Road. Sophie Plater is one of those. She is on a one-year placement from her chemical engineering studies in Nottingham. The 23-year-old is also running the Learning Exchange, held every fortnight. Students as well as Having now undergone this employees give presentations on what restructure to make it fit for a future they do to give a rounded knowledge in the wider Total group, the focus of the refinery, as the placements are still remains on the talent pipeline. designed to immerse them into a While training to ensure those particular area, rather than just carrying out different daily roles is skimming the surface. Subjects nearing the end of what has been a covered range from refining strategic transformation, keeping the economics to corrosion awareness. new skills flowing is at the core of the Sophie arrived in North refinery’s ethos. Killingholme thanks to the strong Six graduate students are currently links TLOR has with the university. A on the refinery from various presentation had been given to the universities around the country, while year group highlighting the others return as employees having placement opportunities. been part of previous programmes. “I knew people from Nottingham One of those is Ajay Parmar, who is who had previously done a placement 18 months on from graduating from here and they thoroughly enjoyed it,” Loughborough University, having Sophie said. “With the oil industry come up to the Humber during his being something I am very interested studies. in, I applied. The process engineer enjoyed “It has exceeded expectations. I have student places in 2012 and 2013, and been given a lot more responsibility and opportunities than I ever thought I would as a student. I had the opportunity to identify a project I wanted to carry out, and I have been allowed to carry it through. I would look to come back, and I will see what opportunities there are. Even if it is not at Lindsey Oil Refinery I would like to stay in the oil industry.” Cristina Ayala Rodriguez has oil in her blood, with parents involved in the industry back home in Venezuela. The Manchester undergraduate has made her 12 months at TLOR her third year at university, continuing her studies alongside the placement. “It has been wonderful and Ajay Parmar surpassed my expectations completely,” the 21-year-old said. was delighted to make the grade when “We have been given a lot of it came to a permanent role. responsibility and support both “The oil industry employs a diverse technically and on the personal/social range of people, and typically the side too. I feel that Total really more ambitious and technical skilled supported me through my studies, people,” he said. “I want to become as giving me all the support I have technically skilled as I can, so coming needed. There is trust too, with work to Lindsey Oil Refinery makes sense. on your project as a person and as an It is an international company with engineer. It has been really good for good opportunities, where it is very my personal and technical easy to move around.” development.” Reflecting on his time so far, Ajay She was also a winning member of said: “It has been brilliant. The Lindsey Oil Refinery’s touch rugby culture is really good, the people team that was victorious in an make this place, they are very, very inter-refinery competition held in friendly. When I was a student I was Normandy, France. given a huge amount of responsibility “I have loved it, added Cristina. “I and opportunity to do what I wanted come from an oil and gas background, and that has continued in my both my parents work in the industry graduate role. There is responsibility in South America, so I have grown up and flexibility.” in this. I think it is the most interesting sector technically, and He is now focused on the smooth there is a lot of room for optimisation operations and optimisation of a and innovation. Total also has a stake number of process units on the site, and is enjoying seeing new placement in solar, so it is looking at renewables students arriving at the site, albeit in as well.” greater numbers than when he first Another successful graduate at the

The oil industry employs a diverse range of people, and typically the more ambitious and technical skilled people

TALENT PIPELINE: Graduate process engineer Ajay Parmar, centre, with graduate placements Cristina Ayala Rodriguez, left, and Sophie Plater. Right, the crude distillation unit arrives on site last year in a first major phase of capital investment. refinery is Michael Dee who works as a process engineer for energy who joined the team with a Masters in Chemical Engineering from Nottingham. He also completed a placement in 2013-2014 and won an award for “the most outstanding design project” at university. He is playing an active role in that relationship between Nottingham and TLOR. David Large, head of the department for Chemical Engineering at Nottingham University, said: “Since commencing our degree programmes with an industrial year, Total Lindsey Oil Refinery has been a leading partner in the provision of placements for Chemical and Environmental Engineering students at the University of Nottingham. Total provides our placement students with a supportive environment that

enables them to realise their potential as professional engineers. During their placement our students typically grow in confidence, earn responsibilities and benefit Total in a substantive manner. The skilled staff at Total are able to see and cultivate the potential in each student.” Total works with a number of universities across the UK and worldwide to help develop talent for the industry and their business. For Total Lindsey Oil Refinery All eyes are on 2019 and 2020 now, with further investment of the £33 million dedicated to the restructuring. It is seen as underlining a commitment to the area, and to the UK market, where the company is working closely with customers to continue their strong relationships.

FIT FOR FUTURE: Total Lindsey Oil Refinery, as seen from the south west, looking towards the Humber Estuary.


5 STE-E01-S5

— ABB Consulting Safe, reliable, efficient operations

ABB’s engineering and consultancy group supports clients in the high hazard process industries across the Humber through a range of specialist solutions, with recent contracts including onshore and offshore inspection services for gas storage assets, process safety risk assessments for an offshore production facility, technical software for an onshore gas terminal, equipment maintenance reviews for a chemical manufacturing facility, functional safety assessments for a pharmaceuticals facility and human factors studies on a power station. Operators in the high hazard industries aiming to achieve operational excellence in the face of increasing cost pressures, drives to cut downtime, alongside increasing operational reliability and efficiency, often require expert assistance. ABB offer expertise in: inspection; integrity management; process safety; project services; technical engineering; decommissioning and demolition; technical software; technical training and competency. ABB’s engineering and consultancy group is uniquely adapted to assist with company’s specific business needs, processes and objectives, benefitting customers by reducing risk, optimising cost and improving efficiency. ABB also share a wealth of expertise through their comprehensive suite of training courses, providing an expert view from our Humber office and our other global locations.

ENGINEE OUTSOU REFACTORY SERVICES AND CHEMICAL RESISTANT LININGS Engenda Group provides a fully integrated refractory installation and maintenance service including construction, inspection, removal and installation of refractory linings and chemical resistant linings. We work in a variety of industries including Power, Oil and G as, Petrochemical, Steel and Alloys, Cement, Incineration, and Food Production. We produce a range of materials including refractory monoliths and pre-fired shapes, chemical resistant resins, bricks, tiles and concrete, plus abrasion resistant screeds, high alumina tiles and basalt.

MECHANICAL DESIGN & MANUFACTURE; OFFSITE SUPPORT SERVICES & GENERAL FABRICATION Engenda Manufacturing specialise in the fabrication of pipework, secondary structural steel, vessels and supports. We have three fabrication facilities utilising a highly skilled workforce supported by modern fabrication, cutting, forming and welding techniques.The Group’s manufacturing capability is from 0.5” to 72” pipework and secondary structural steel fabrications such as nodes,stairways,supports and beams etc. The Engenda Group’s stable of engineering businesses includes the integration of Halton Fabrications, Ardeth Engineering, and Northern Plastics. The combined workforce and capabilities of these businesses into a single manufacturing organisation mean we can deliver an outstanding service to our clients in the UK and abroad.

HEAD OFFICE The Engenda Group is uniquely positioned to deliver essential, value adding mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and engineering services. Since inception, The Engenda Group has been progressively formed through a careful and selective acquisition strategy. This complemented, by impressive organic growth means Engenda Group has continued its augmentation into a market leader in the delivery of outsourced engineering services to multiple market sectors across the UK and Europe. We have built a reputation for delivering high quality, technically advanced and accurate, educationally specified equipment and facilities on time and within budget. Engenda Group prides itself on being an organisation powered by innovation, founded on a reputation for trust, integrity and ethical business practices. We recognise the increasing challenges facing our clients’ manufacturing operations. We tailor our approach to suit the specific requirements of each project to deliver proven improvements in productivity and competitiveness. Our highly skilled teams deliver challenging change programmes within our client’s organisations, operating as intelligent partners rather than instructed suppliers.

COLUMN TURNAROUND SERVICES Engenda Group includes a specialist mechanical services division operating in the petrochemical shutdowns sector. The division is an all-encompassing column turnaround specialist. From initial planning through to project execution, we can handle multicolumn turnarounds with highly trained and competent personnel. We have a fabrication facility for the manufacture of replacement trays, distributors, support grids, etc. Emergency supply including hardware replacement services is a particular expert capability. We have a complete automated weld overlay capability, which enables us to apply corrosion resistant alloys to the internal surfaces of ageing columns to increase operational lifespan.

Engenda Group Ltd, Dee House, Hampton

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ERING CHANGE…INNOVATORS IN URCED ENGINEERING SERVICES ENGENDA DESIGN The most recent acquisition by the Engenda Group is that of Clark Eriksson based in Falkirk. This allows Engenda Group to provide specialist engineering design and project management solutions with an emphasis on teamwork, customer focus, professionalism and integrity being key in how works are undertaken. Our extensive track record and the knowledge base of our varied engineering biased team demonstrates successful project delivery and an enviable history.

ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES Lectec Services was formed in 1977 and initially provided design, construction, maintenance, commissioning and inspection of electrical and instrumentation systems within the Oil, Gas, Chemical, Food, Power Generation and Steel Processing Industries. During early 2010, to fulfil Lectec Services’ ambition of continuous growth supported by a solid financial foundation, the company joined the expanding circle of companies held within the Engenda Group. We provide a comprehensive capability of combining both electrical and instrumentation work packages. With considerable experience in the field of process control systems both pneumatic and electronic, and in application and deployment of a wide range of PLC based automation, Engenda Group are best suited as your technical partner in this field. We enjoy membership of the E.C.A (Electrical Contractors Association) which is recognised by the Government, Industry and Commerce as the authoritative body representing the Electrical and Instrumentation contracting industry within the private sector. We are also accredited to EN ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

CONFINED SPACES AND HEIGHT RESCUE Engenda Group have an impressive rescue squad who are highly trained and have an inherent knowledge of industrial operating environments. Specialising in the rescue of workers operating in confined spaces or working at height, our team are able to satisfy HSE mandatory requirements for rescue provision. Our team members are equipped with bespoke rescue and medical equipment so that workers can operate with the peace of mind that experienced rescuers are on hand to intervene at the point of any incident. Our services include rescue planning, risk assessment and entry method statements.

COMPETENCY AND SAFETY TRAINING Engenda Group offer a comprehensive range of training courses to Group employees, external organisations and individual parties. Our ECITB approved training facility is fully equipped with modern, bespoke equipment to provide a pleasant yet challenging environment for undertaking personal competency improvement. Our training centre has pre-built training rigs for flange integrity and welder qualification. We hold IRATA approval for rope access and have in-house Level 3 qualified rope access trainers/ supervisors. Our facility has a multi-directional confined space, combining vertical and horizontal chambers, lifting equipment and bespoke flange integrity rigs to assist in the learning process.Training can be delivered at our facility or on our client sites.

n Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1TT 



Thursday, June 29, 2017


Process Sector Special

Investment in the black stuff at P66 as steel comes out of the red N

ORTHERN Lincolnshire’s biggest process industry giants have dominated the headlines, with the area’s largest private employer – British Steel – leading the way. It has been a phenomenal year for Scunthorpe, with the sale completing and losses of £80 million turned round to make a profit of £47 million, as revealed this month. A visit from the Prime Minister, Government support with Greybull’s takeover from Tata and a major message into the formation of the Industrial Strategy, and the importance of foundation industries, put it on the political agenda too. As well as the £126 million turnaround, British Steel offered 5 per cent in shares to its 3,000 strong workforce, while removing the salary sacrifice taken to get the initial deal over the line. It was the company’s best performance in a decade, despite an increase of 44 per cent in raw material costs. The exchange rate was a favourable factor, but an “entrepreneurial vision” and a clear focus on sector-based strategy brought the benefits to the new owners, while prompting further capital investment from laboratories to port infrastructure. British Steel executive chairman Roland Junck said that the transformation has been remarkable and that it is down to the people of the company that have led the change. “They are the reason that we can reveal the best financial performance in the long products business since 2007 and they are the reason I have great optimism for the future of British

PHENOMENAL FIRST YEAR: New British Steel chief executive Peter Bernscher, financial director Steve Mason, chair of the works multi-union committee, Paul McBean, managing director Paul Martin and executive chairman Roland Junck. Right, thereplacement of the crude oil reception pipeline off Tetney. Steel,” he said. Recently appointed British Steel chief executive Peter Bernscher said that the turnaround is “just the beginning,” having taken office in May. “To guarantee our future as a sustainable business for decades to come we must now seize and capitalise on the opportunities that have been created,” he said. He added that “maximising and growing” British Steel’s steel-making capability will be key for the company’s future growth. “While the challenges the UK steel industry has faced over the last decade have not gone away, we continually respond to the market and stay flexible in an effort to overcome them,” he said.

At Phillips 66 Humber Refinery, the safest year ever was celebrated in 2016, having included a “mega turnaround”, the likes of which will never be seen again. The largest shutdown in the site’s 48-year history, twinned with the replacement of the crude oil reception pipeline beneath the Tetney coastline, made 2015 unique. It saw the team at the South Killingholme refinery – one of the most complex and sophisticated in Europe – celebrated for it. It was named number one business unit in the entire Phillips 66 portfolio, recognising operational excellence. The spoils have been pumped into the community too, with an £18,000 donation split

between three employee and contractor-chosen charities and contractors. Julian Stoll, Phillips 66’s lead executive in the UK, and Humber Refinery general manager when the action was completed, said: “It was a tremendous performance. We shut down the most complex UK refinery, repaired it, brought it back online and ran for the rest of the year without any serious process issue. I’ve never seen that before, it was really world class performance. It was very fulfilling.” Mr Stoll, who started his refining career in northern Lincolnshire a quarter of a century ago, was subsequently promoted to regional vice president for refining, and relocated to Houston, Texas. It led to Darren Cunningham returning to the refinery he also began at, back in January. Of his role, Mr Stoll said: “It felt fantastic. It was a career high. Nothing will surpass the feeling of what 2015 meant to this facility. It was the place where I started, I care very deeply about the place, and I had immense pride in coming back to manage the facility and shape the future.” He praised the “exceptional skills and capabilities” which brought forward a “terrific quality of the work, fantastic team work and work ethic”. On a standard day it operates with 750 Phillips 66 employees and around 350 contractors, but the two projects saw, at peak, 2,750 people working. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on people and materials, with 1.2 million man hours in a window of 60 days.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017


Process Sector Special LOOKING FORWARD: Rob Sarracini, the new site director at Cristal, Stallingborough.

‘A bright future on a global stage’ A

N ability to compete more aggressively in the global market place is being welcomed at Cristal, as the parent company completes a £1.36 billion deal to create the world’s biggest titanium pigment producer.

company, focused on serving our customers and competing even more aggressively in the marketplace.” March saw the agreement signed, with the Saudi owner set to receive $1.67 billion and a 24 per cent stake in the new entity. Once all the regulatory approvals have been gained, it US giant Tronox is buying out will make it the largest company in its field based on Saudi Arabia’s National sales and nameplate capacity. Titanium Dioxide Company, At Stallingborough, more than having agreed terms earlier 300 full-time staff and around this year. 100 regular contractors are And the man at the helm of employed in what is the largest the UK operation, wholly based production plant of its kind in in Stallingborough, believes it Europe. Tronox does not will allow the combined currently operate in the UK. company to compete on a First opened in July 1953, greater level. pre-dating much of the South Rob Sarracini, site director, Bank industry, ownership has said: “This is a positive move changed on several occasions, for Cristal. The combination of with the 160-hectare site having mining assets, feedstock assets, operated as Laporte, SCM, production assets and expertise Lyondell and Millennium of both Cristal and Tronox will Chemicals. allow the combined company to Cristal, then a smaller expand TiO2 production, competitor in the industry, compete more aggressively in bought the business ten years the global marketplace and ago. It has been a decade of provide even better service to sharp contrasts, with our customers. production temporarily halted “Our goal is to take the best of as the recession bit deep, and a Tronox and the best of Cristal major reorganisation of the and create an even better TiO2 150,000 tonne capacity site

Community matters. We Proudly Support the Local Community Cristal Pigment UK Ltd (Cristal) has been part of the Stallingborough community for 60 years and is committed to giving back to the community in which we work, live and play. Through our Cristal Community Team, we work with local charities, schools, colleges and many other community organisations. Our employees are actively encouraged to participate in charity work and volunteering, and within our long-serving and loyal workforce, we have many club leaders and volunteers who provide services to local organisations. Cristal is the world’s second-largest producer of TiO2, a bright white powder made from titanium ore that has the ability to pigment virtually any material. TiO2 makes possible the opacity, brightness and durability in paint and plastics that have made many consumer products more cost efficient, easier to use and friendlier to the environment.

completed recently. Mr Sarracini, who arrived in October 2015 after stints in the Middle East and US, said the past year has seen a strong return for the team. Looking ahead to what could be a sixth entity in just over 60 years, he said: “Until the deal closes, nothing at all will change, so it is business as usual at all the Cristal sites, Stallingborough included. “Last year was a great production year us here at Stallingborough and we are fully focused on continuing that safe, reliable production into this year, regardless of the corporate changes taking place.” Titanium dioxide is a fine white powder which is a key ingredient in products like paint, UPVC plastic and laminate. It gives brightness and durability, making products easier to use and kinder to the environment. It also gives plastics and rubber opacity and whiteness, and is used in products as diverse as printing inks, paper, ceramics, glass, leather, synthetic fibres and colour for art paints.


Thursday, June 29, 2017


Process Sector Special

Call on experts for safety solutions


ompliance with HSE regulations and effective emergency planning is the key to preventing legal prosecution. For organisations based in the Humber and Lincolnshire regions, who operate in sectors such as chemical, petro-chemical, processing, energy, industrial and manufacturing, it is paramount to maintain high standards of health and safety, with workable emergency response plans and procedures, to meet legal compliance and HSE regulations. Whichever way you look at it, planning to deal with an incident or emergency on-site is essential. Effective planning and preparation will help to ensure the welfare of your workforce, protect the local community, uphold positive brand perceptions, prevent costs to the business incurred through lost time and maintain business continuity. Health and safety processes must be prioritised and reliance on local authority emergency services is not sufficient. How well is your organisation prepared for managing on-site incidents and emergencies? Emergency response plans should be living and breathing documents that are tested and reviewed on a regular basis. When were your emergency response plans last tested? What lessons did you learn? Have improvements been implemented? Are your current emergency response plans and procedures suitable and sufficient? Where do you begin when developing an Emergency Response Plan? Follow these simple steps to start the planning process: ● Make a list of the potential incidents that could cause an injury, require medical attention or impact on business operation ● Ensure all reasonable controls are in place to prevent these incidents from happening ● Determine the most suitable methods of responding, controlling and managing the potential incidents should they occur ● Document your findings and communicate with stakeholders ● Ensure that sufficient resources are available and personnel are suitably trained ● Test your procedures and update were necessary ● Ensure responders remain current and train regularly

Unless you are confident that your emergency response plans are robust, that you have sufficient resources and your workforce is suitably trained, you should review your status. This will mean that you have to take the appropriate steps to improve the level of incident response provision or the wider process. Compliance with HSE regulations helps to ensure your workforce can operate to their full capability. By reducing the pressure of potential prosecution from non-compliance, teams working in the aforementioned high-risk environments can operate with the peace of mind that the emergency response procedures in place for tackling emergencies and incidents are robust, effective and workable. HFR Solutions CIC provides advanced level of incident management training for Lincolnshire based COMAH site

Flixborough based upper-tier Comah site Jotun Paints is one such local business, who understood and benefited from this level of expertise in emergency response. They needed to increase the competency levels of the Incident Control and Crisis Management teams, which is integral to their overall health and safety policies and helps to increase the knowledge of implementing their emergency

response plans, making Jotuns better prepared for handling incidents and emergencies. The expertise of HFR Solutions CIC was called upon to support Jotun Paints in reviewing and testing their existing on-and-offsite emergency response plans, with subsequent training of 14 members of the Incident Control and Crisis Management teams utilising the company’s own emergency response plans. The syllabus looked at why incidents occur before covering incident management through suitable communication and control; using appropriate incident command systems and effective decision making and hand over methods. Alongside this, site-specific information was covered to aide understanding of a potential incident including Emergency Plans, Local Crisis Management Plans and Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP). Testing the team’s ability to follow the plan Theoretical learning and practical scenarios were designed to test employees’ ability to follow the plan under conditions which realistically mirror the highly-stressful circumstances of tackling incidents, such as a: ● ● ● ● ●

Tank fire Spillage Fall from height Site flooding Vehicle fire

Delegates were split into three different groups to represent all the roles that would be involved in an incident, ensuring that all aspects of the incident were thoroughly accounted for and understood. Rob Green, HSE Manager at Jotun Paints, explained what impact the training has had: “Giving the crisis management team and incident controllers a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities, with specialised knowledge of the operations, has helped us implement an effective emergency response plan, improving our response to on-site incidents. Overall, we are better prepared for what could happen and the potential impact to our site and our daily operations.” Tony Harvey, Emergency Response Lead, HFR Solutions CIC, commented: “We received positive feedback to the training delivered. The realistic computer generated practical scenarios really challenged the role players by placing them in pressurised situations, focusing on how they reacted as the emergency services would expect them to respond to an incident and if they followed their emergency response plans.”


Jotun Paints is confident that their workforce is much safer thanks to the support of HFR Solutions CIC. Can we support your organisation to meet your legal obligations? Working with an emergency response specialist, such as HFR Solutions CIC, is an established way to ensure the safety of your workforce. Not only do you benefit from their expertise in reviewing and improving the procedures of multiple Lincolnshire and Humber-based organisations, but they also have the skills, knowledge and experience of Humberside Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) behind them. HFR Solutions CIC – Our all-encompassing emergency response planning & incident management solutions ensure your organisation is better prepared for handling incidents. From emergency response planning to the review and testing of emergency response procedures, our expertise extends well beyond serving local organisations, to the support of high-risk environments operating throughout the UK to improve their emergency response provision. This unparalleled knowledge and insight in the area of emergency planning and response helps develop methods of preparing for operational incidents, training and prevention. HFR Solutions CIC also delivers a comprehensive range of workplace training and bespoke safety solutions such as: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Emergency Response Planning and Training Safety and Rescue Team Deployment On-Site Exercises Rescue Plans and Consultancy Fire Prevention Solutions Workplace Safety Training Behavioural Safety Confined Space Environmental and Hazmat First Aid and Medical Fire Awareness and Prevention Health and Safety Working at Height

If your organisation requires an emergency response specialist to review your existing procedures, workplace safety, rescue plans or to deploy rescue and safety teams, contact HFR Solutions CIC today on 01482 398521. HFR Solutions CIC:;

Call 01482 398521



What is

CATCH? CATCH is an industry led partnership supporting the process, engineering, energy and renewable industries in the Humber region. Created in 1999 to support the development of the £6 billion Humber chemical and process sectors, CATCH now boasts members and subscribers drawn from across a wide range of industries, their associated supply chains, regional and national government agencies and local authorities. CATCH operates the world-renowned CATCH training facility in Stallingborough that provides skills, training and competency solutions for industry across the UK and internationally. CATCH also manages the engineering contractor supply chain scheme ConCom as well as maintaining a wide range of working relationships with similar and equivalent network organisations, trade associations and professional bodies across the UK.

What does CATCH Membership offer?  Get connected – hear about best practice, develop strategic partnerships and business links through our network groups, events and conferences.  Member-only network groups allow industry executives to meet and discuss current issues aimed at sharing best practice and collaborating to ensure the continued success of industry. We currently run 9 network groups: Major Hazards, Environmental Managers, Skills & Competency, Human Factors, Fire & Security, Engineering Managers, HR Managers, ConCom Forum and Parish Council Liaison Panel.  Get discounted tickets to the CATCH Annual Dinner where you will have the chance to network with 250 of industry’s key personnel.

For more information on CATCH Membership please contact

What is CATCH Skills? Formed in 2016, CATCH Skills now offers a fully managed industrial training service to support the training & competency needs of the process, energy, engineering and renewable sectors. This includes a suite of off the shelf training courses detailed below or a request for a bespoke training course which we would then work with the employer to design and deliver.

CATCH Skills are currently offering Abrasive Wheels Asbestos Awareness ATEX/DSEAR BA Facefit BA Instructor BA Maintenance CCNSG – LaTS (Leading a Team Safely CCNSG Safety Passport – Basic and Refresher High Pressure Water Jetting Introduction to Plant Process Operations ISO 9001 Internal Auditor Laser Alignment (Rotalign) Safety Harness Inspection

Loss of Containment Manual Handling Mechanical Joint Integrity Permit Acceptor Permit to Work Pressure Systems Principles of Assessment Process Plant Familiarisation Pumps and Mechanical Seal Safe Isolation of Plant & Equipment Safe Systems of Work Slinging and Lifting Small Bore Tubing

For more information on these courses or to discuss your training needs please contact

HCF CATCH LTD Redwood Park Estate, Stallingborough, North East Lincolnshire, DN41 8TH

Tel: 01469 552828 Email:

Thursday, June 29, 2017


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