2011 June Graduations

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2011 June Graduations Congratulations Graduates!

St. Brieux School

ST. BRIEUX AGENCIES “For all your insurance needs”

• HOME • AUTO • FARM • BUSINESS 275-4525 www.sbagencies.com

GREAT JOB GRADS! BOURGAULT INDUSTRIES LTD. photo courtesy of Lynette Briens

ST. BRIEUX, SK www.bourgault.com

Back row: Criag Rouault, Myles Quaroni, Jordanne Eisner, Kirsten Moyen, Tyler Borstmayer, Meagan Yeager, Janell Hunt, Colby Kovacs, and Shay Folden Middle row: Katelyn Major, Danielle Guillet, Marissa Yeager Front row: Rachel Piatt

Delbert Kirsch, MLA Batoche Constituency

s t a r g Con ates! u d a r G St. Brieux Branch • 306-275-2033

Herb Holtvogt

Box 79 Annaheim, SK S0K 0G0

Jason Holtvogt Bus: 306.598.2074 Fax: 306.598.2023

Congratulations Class

All the best in the future! 256-3930 115 Main St., Cudworth

of 2011!

DUBE GAR AGE “The folks that take tim

e for you.”

Naicam, SK Ph: 306-874-2313

St. Brieux 275-2100

Annaheim School


CONGRATS TO ALL THE GRADS! Annaheim SK • Ph: (306) 598-2171

photo courtesy of Tara Vanderlinde Photography Derek Hogemann, Molli Patton, Bennett Frey, Kelsey LaRochelle, Brett Kunz, Kathryn Sarauer, Travis Crone, Chanae Dosch, Cody Denis

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