Things to think about on Earth Day April 22 is Earth Day, and there are a few things we should all be thinking about on that day, to reduce our impact on Mother Earth. They start with the three Rs. Reduce: • the amount of energy we use. Turn the heat down at night and during the day if you are not going to be home; • the amount of fuel you consume. Walk if you can, or ride a bike to work or school, or even carpool; • the amount of plastic bags you use — use cloth instead. Canadians use more than 110 plastic bags per week and one million plastic bags per minute are used worldwide; • the amount of “stuff” that could later end up as waste; • the amount of pesticides we use or even eliminate where possible. • the amount of paper we use — get e-bills or read the paper online; • the use of disposable diapers. Use cloth diapers instead. In Canada, 2.5 billion disposable diapers end up in landfill sites Reuse: • Re-use the water you use when possible; • Re-use building materials — give used ones to
Donna Harpauer MLA Humboldt
St. Gregor, Sk 366-2225
Habitat for Humanity or other organizations; • Use tree leaves or grass clippings for mulch around trees and flowers; • Try composting. You get a great soil conditioner and slow release fertilizer from the process. • Take any old magazines or books to your local community thrift store or hospital for someone else to read. Recycle: • Have recycling bins at home and at the work place. • When you recycle newspapers, they can be de-inked with some wood chips and made back into newspapers and also used in blown insulations. • Recycled cardboard gets made back into cardboard again. • Metals get made back into other metals for future use. • If we recycle electronic waste, we will keep it out of the waste stream. Other things to consider: •Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. They are very important in maintaining a healthy balance of gases in the air we breathe and in protecting the earth against global
warming. Plant a tree. • Canadians throw away 2,500 tonnes of steel every day in food and drink cans. In a year, this would be enough steel to make 350,000 cars — a lineup stretching from Regina to Chicago.
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute
The Community
Proud to support Earth Day 1.800.667.7477 Constituency Office 632 9th Street, Humboldt, SK Ph: 682-5141
2302 8th Avenue, Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Ph: 682-6299 Fax: 682-6286
Humboldt, SK Phone: (306) 682-5033 Fax: (306) 682-5080