Volume 8 No. 25
Friday, June 16, 2017
Kelvington celebrates new integrated health care facility “It is home for our residents, so if they can be comfortable in a nice, It was the end of a bright, new facility, it’s decade-long journey to wonderful.” have a facility in KelvHarper said the comington that had all medibination of services has cal services under one been effective. roof. “First of all, we were The residents of the able to have staff work long-term care facilboth sides of the facility; ity – Kelvindell Lodge doctors are able to work – celebrated the openin the ER, they come and ing of the $15 million see residents in the longintegrated health care term care. We have only facility, which includes one food service.” them, the hospital and She said the facility a medical clinic, June 8. has also made it easier “It’s a wonderful to recruit doctors to the day,” said Shane Merriarea. man, Kelsey Trail Health Hugh Nerlien, the Region’s CEO. “It brings MLA for Kelvingtoneverything to a concluWadena, was also pression in terms of the projent at the celebration. ect.” “For my constituency, Rennie Harper, Kelsey it’s a tremendous accomTrail’s chair, said it was plishment for a numa decade ago that the Residents of Kelvington’s Kelvindell Lodge celebrated the new $15 million integrated health care facil- ber of reasons. First and health region and the ity in their town, which they are part of, June 8. foremost, because it’s an Kelvington community photo by Devan C. Tasa integrated facility that started to discuss replacreally serves the whole ing the hospital, which was four or five blocks away “Integrated health facilities had been tossed area, not just the community of Kelvington,” he said. from the long-term care facility. She said there was around a little bit and we thought it would be an “More importantly, it’s a celebration of the commuduplication of services, like the food service, so they ideal situation for Kelvington,” she said. nity’s will to get together, working with municipalistarted to talk about combining the two facilities. So the new hospital was built beside Kelvindell ties, working with government, working with the Lodge. It was opened in June 2016. Then health authority to create a tremendous facility that Kelvindell Lodge was renovated. The resi- will serve us well into the future.” dents were moved from wing to wing as the The province contributed $12 million to the facilrenovations were done. That was completed ity. The community, including local municipalities, March 2017. foundations and health care auxiliaries, raised $3 Merriman said the renovations aimed to million. improve the look of the facility and make the “I’m so proud of them, proud of the community,” washroom wheelchair accessible. Nerlien said. “They made it happen.” By Devan C. Tasa For the Humboldt Journal
Page 2
Bruno students become playwrights
Page 3 Anavet Cup returns to SJHL
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