See page 7
Volume 8 No. 13
Friday, March 31, 2017
Provincial budget tough for Humboldt
Learning about residential schools
By Devan C. Tasa Tisdale Recorder Parkland Reivew Editor
Members of the Red Sky Theatre are currently on tour to local schools with Mistatim, a story about a wild h horse orse a and n two friends, one nd on ne from om a ranch, ran anch,, the th other from a reserve. The production was in Englefeld and Watrous on March 27 and Wynyard on March 28 which was widely received as invoking quality discussion on the history of residential schools. See story on page 7. photo by Devan C. Tasa
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Provincial government releases 2017 budget
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The provincial budget features a one per cent PST increase, removal of fuel exemptions for farmers, a 0.5 per cent income tax decrease, and cuts to items like post-secondary education, libraries and regional parks. The budget, released March 22, will have $14.8 billion in expenses. It will raise $14.17 billion. There will be a $685 million deficit. “It was no secret that this is going to be – and is – a tough budget where there has to be restraints,” said Donna Harpauer, the MLA for Humboldt-Watrous, adding that while population is up and jobs are going up, resource revenues from items like oil, potash and uranium are declining. “The budget is a proposal. It’s year one of a plan to be back to balance in three years.” Adam Duke, the Humboldt-Watrous NDP’s secretary, expressed displeasure with the budget. “It’s an exceptionally deceitful budget,” said Duke, who was the NDP’s candidate in the last provincial election. “Their entire campaign was about how they weren’t going to raise taxes.” “The one thing that I see them hiding behind is: there’s tough decisions to be made. Well, they’ve been in power for a decade and these tough decisions are due to their mismanagement. They didn’t save a dime from our boom.” Increased taxes The one per cent increase to the PST to six per cent was effective March 23, raising an estimated $242.1 million. On April 1, exemptions, including items like children’s clothing, restaurant meals, snack foods, insurance premiums and contracts for renovations on property, will be removed, raising $647.1 million. Continued on page 3
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