East Central Trader May 19, 2017

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Volume 8 No. 20

Friday, May 19, 2017

Students attend different PARTY By Becky Zimmer Journal Editor

Motor vehicle accidents can have a huge impact, and not just on the victims. That was the message Safe Communities wanted to get across with the 13th annual Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) program on May 10. “Any choices they do make affects more than just themselves,� says Shari Hinz with Safe Communities and that was evident in the presentations that were made by emergency services personnel, funeral home directors, and survivors. Young people are faced with choices everyday about drinking, drugs, and cell phone usage. If the program can provide them with tools and information to get them rethinking their choices, even if it is just one person who chooses not to drink and drive, the program is doing its job, says Hinz. Around a hundred students from Annaheim, Lake Lenore, Lanigan, LeRoy, Muenster,


Middle Lake, and Watson schools participated in the program which is a hands on learning experience about the impacts of drinking and driving and texting and driving. These students are also either currently in drivers education or have their learners license. That age group is also the highest for injury or death related to motor vehicle accidents, drug use, and other high risk behaviour, says Hinz. “To reach those students when they are new and young drivers on our highways and get that information to them, provide those scenarios and try to make them think of what they’re doing when they’re on the road...that’s so important.� Students started off the day with the Mock Crash Scene where emergency crews simulated a head on collision on the Elgar Petersen Arena ice surface. The scene was made as authentic as possible with Humboldt Fire, EMS, and RCMP on scene to arrest a drunk driver, extricate one victim, and attend to a deceased victim.

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A ‘victim gets tended to after being the crash victim at the PARTY program live demonstraphoto by Christopher Lee tion on May 10 at the Humboldt Uniplex.

Bruno students show leadership

14 Scott Bay - MUENSTER MLS#SK607486


Lanigan says that every adult in the room has been where the students are, they just want the students to be safe and make safe choices when out having fun. His presentation about attending motor vehicle accidents included showing the students pictures from actual accident scenes. That is part of the reality of talking with students about how serious their choices can be, says Hinz. During lunchtime, students were also expected to participate in a disability lunch where they were to attempt to eat lunch with some form of disability. Continued on page 2

Goodwill Page 5 Baseball

Watson hosts safety day 17 Centennial Cres. - HUMBOLDT MLS#SK607775

equipment. It can be quite a shock attending your first scene as part of an emergency crew, says Kwasnica. “This is the most realistic that we can do because we’ve got the victims, the scenario, the mess, the RCMP, so we like to use a lot of our newer members to do this because it is the most realistic that we can find without going to the real thing.� From the mock crash scene students attended presentations from the RCMP, addictions services, physical rehabilitation services, and emergency room personnel. Constable Chris Greenslade with the Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan out of

Those are all real implications of decisions people make on Saskatchewan highways everyday, says Hinz. “Everyday there are eight motor vehicle accidents in this province, one every three hours,� says Hinz. During a motor vehicle accident a lot of people are involved in providing care to victims, says Dave Mortensen with Humboldt EMS, and he wants the students to see that with the mock crash as well as how they can be impacted. Humboldt Fire Chief Mike Kwasnica says that they also use the mock crash scene to train their own firefighters who attend accidents and help with extraction and use of the

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Red Sox win again

Nancy Hegg Acreage MLS#SK587190


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