Saskatchewan Mining Week

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Mining Week

2012 Mining Week Main Activities May 20 – May 26, 2012 Mining Week Theme: “Mining: Investing in Saskatchewan’s Growth” Week of May 20 Street banners go up in Estevan, La Ronge, Prince Albert, Regina

and Saskatoon. Tuesday, May 22 - Media Conference at the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) launching Mining Week. This year’s theme is

“Mining: Investing in Saskatchewan’s Growth”. Wednesday, May 23 – Ewen Morrison from EMW Industrial will make a breakfast presentation to the

Yorkton Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Painted Hand Casino in Yorkton. Wednesday, May 23 – Neil McMillan, President &


CEO, Claude Resources will make a luncheon presentation on “ The Future is Golden: The Seabee Gold Mine reaches a Million Ounces”

to the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Radisson Hotel in Saskatoon. Thursday, May 24 – Grant Goddard, Vice President, Saskatchewan Mining North, Cameco Corporation, will make a breakfast presentation “On Solid Ground: Cigar Lake construction update” to the North Saskatoon Business Association to be held at the Saskatoon Club in Saskatoon. Thursday, May 24 – Miller Thompson LLP will conduct a Mining Week Workshop in Saskatoon, Thursday, May 24 – Free Public Tour of Sherritt Coal’s Boundary Dam Mine and SaskPower’s Shand Power Station. Friday, May 25 – Darrell Zwarych, Vice President of Finance - Potash, The Mosaic Company will make a breakfast presentation on “A $6 Billion Growth Spurt: Mosaic’s Potash Expansion in Saskatchewan” to the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Hotel Saskatchewan Radisson Plaza in Regina. Saturday, May 26 – 44th Annual Emergency Response/ Mine Rescue Skills Competition at EVRAZ Place, Regina Exhibition Park, Regina. Monday, June 11 – Women in Mining and Women in Nuclear Meeting at TCU Place in Saskatoon. Visit us at: www. Submitted by Saskatchewan Mining Association


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