Humdakin Spring/Summer 2019

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CLEAN & STYLE Spring/Summer 2019

CL E A N A N D S T Y L E - now an everyday lux ury

We hope you enjoy our new Spring/Summer 2019 catalog, we made it not only to showcase our products, but also to invite you into the universe that is modern household and cleaning. This catalog will introduce you to our range of products and how to use them. More importantly, we hope that it will inspire you to turn cleaning into an experience and an everyday luxury. Continue reading if you want to feel inspired to clean and style your home. Welcome to our modern household and cleaning universe. Happy Cleaning! #cleanandstyle - Camilla

H A P P Y C LE A NI NG #cle a n a n d s t y le

Clean house, clean mind, clean world. What does cleaning mean to you? For some it may be a tedious task. For us, it means keeping your home clean, fresh, and styled. It means doing something that brings you peace, while organizing and styling your home so that it may bring peace to others as well.


Cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be an experience. It can be those 10 mindful minutes you get each day, where you know you are doing something good for your home and your mind. With our products, you’ll also be doing something good for the planet.

Finally, it also means being conscious about our impact on our planet, and reducing the amount of chemicals we use everyday.

H O W TO U SE Un i ve rs al c le a n e r

This product is a concentrate. Recommended dosage: add 30 ml of universal cleaner to five liters of moderately warm water. When dosing the detergent, think about the environment do not overuse. The correct dosage will reduce the environmental impact. TIP: When using the Humdakin spray bottle, add one teaspoon of universal cleaner and fill the rest with water to get the perfect dosage.


1. Use universal cleaner on all surfaces that can tolerate water to reduce build up of bacteria. 2. Open the windows and air out for 10 minutes, three times a day. 3. Change all the dishcloths at least once a day. #happycleaning

H A N D CA R E B Y H U M DA K I N Choose betw een our three scents no. 01, 02 and 03

For you: Scandinavian weather often leaves hands dry and sensitive. Use mild hand soap and lotion to maintain healthy and happy hands. For your guests: Having Humdakin hand soap and hand lotion in the bathroom shows your guests that you value them. The aestitec look as well as the delicate and moisturizing formulas contribute to a luxurious atmosphere that helps make your guests feel at home. Add one of our fragrance stick bottles to pamper them even more.

H A N D S OA P Allow your busy hands a bit of luxury. Hand soap is one of the few things that is always out on the counter in the bathroom. If you want to clean and style, choose our beautiful hand soaps that safely and effectively purify your hands, but still contribute to a beautiful bathroom. Try our 3 scents: Sea Buckthorn Chamomile, Elderberry

and Birch, and Peony and Cranberry.

H A N D LOT I O N We wash our hands all the time, but many forget to moisturize them afterwards! Clean hands can still be dry and show signs of stress, so take an extra moment out of your day to pamper them with our light, moisturizing hand lotion. Place it right next to the hand soap as an easy reminder and to complete the look.

SUNDAY ME A N S L AU N DR Y DAY ..w ake up , tur n on th e ra dio , dr in k yo u r cu p o f co f f e e

Step one: Fill the washing machine with a colored or white load of clothes. Step two: Pour 65 ml Humdakin laundry soap in the correct compartment in the detergent drawer. Step three: Pour 30 ml Humdakin fabric softener in the correct compartment in the detergent drawer. Step four: Start the washing machine on the program best fit for the laundry load. #cleanandstyletip: Using excessive amounts of detergent does not actually make your clothes cleaner! So when dosing the detergent, think about the environment - do not overuse. #cleanandstyletip: For stubborn stains, carefully rub the stain with a few drops of the detergent and leave it for 10 minutes before washing. The results: Clean and soft clothes with a lasting delicate scent of sea buckthorn and chamomile and fibers that have been protected during wash.


A bucket with an elegant wooden handle, that not only keeps your laundry detergents organized, but also adds a visual aspect to the room, that makes you want to have them standing out for show.

L AU N D R Y S OA P This liquid laundry soap contains natural extracts of chamomile and sea buckthorn, which are known for their sensitive and hypoallergenic properties. It has added agents that provide protection and colour stability for your clothes. Do not use on wool or silk.

FA B R I C S O FT N ER The fabric softener protects the fibers in the fabric and helps your favorite items stay soft and easy to iron after every wash. It has a scent that matches the laundry soap, and uses the same scandinavian ingredients.


Ever since the early ages, great civilizations like the Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians recognized the value of cleaning. However, back then, one of their most effective tools was water. Since the introduction of antiseptics in the 1800’s, cleaning to reduce and remove bacteria has become a widespread phenomenon. Luckily, modern household and cleaning movements are based on cleaning with our planet in mind, so we reduce our environmental influence. Humdakin is proud to be one of the few brands that produce cleaning products that are safer for you and the environment. Since the founding of Humdakin in 2016 by Camilla, we have been focused on creating aesthetic, mild, and effective products that help you keep your mind, home and planet cleaner. We strive to make cleaning an experience, one that adds a little bit of luxury into our busy daily lives. After 5 years of development, Humdakin now offers a range of household, hand care and cleaning products inspired by the danish shores and forests. Our Scandinavian ingredients are chosen due to their mild, pleasant smell as well as their gentle effect on our skin and planet.

S PRING / SUMME R 19 NE WS Ivory & A m p le s c e n t r e f ill

You asked, we listened. We’re happy to present our new scent refills for our AMPLE and IVORY fragrance sticks. The scent refill includes 250 ml oil and 10 new sticks. Enjoy the warm, aromatic experience all over again by reusing the beautiful bottle and refilling it with new oil and sticks.


Fragrance sticks are the cherry on top after cleaning and organizing your home. Not only do they add a beautiful accent to any room or bathroom, but the mild, cozy smell helps a clean room feel and smell even cleaner. Let the luxurious Ample or Ivory scent be the first thing guests notice when entering your home.

N E W S E A S O N - N E W CO LO R S Oak, khaki and clay

Our new spring colors, oak, clay and khaki, add a fresh and bright nuance to any kitchen. The cheerful colors are subdued so that the functional textiles also add a decorative accent to the room.

1 0 0 % ORGA NI C GOT S CE RTI FI E D C OT TO N Our textiles are more than just decorative elements. They are made of 100% Oeko-tex and GOTs certified cotton. They have great absorbency and keep their color, shape and softness wash after wash. #organiccotton

*The ingredients in our products have been carefully


chosen to avoid parabens, dyes, essential oils, chemical

H and soap & hand lotion no. 02 and 03

perfumes, endocrine disrupting substances or carcinogens. All products by Humdakin are vegan and not tested on animals. Humdakin uses only allergy-friendly perfumes.

You have welcomed our original scent, 01, with open arms. We hope you will do the same with our two new scents, 02 and 03, that we will be introducing to our range this spring.

0 2 E L D E R B E R R Y & B I RCH

0 3 P E O N Y & C RA NBE RRY

The elderberry extract with an anti-aging effect

Peony activates the natural defense mechanisms

keeps your skin radiant for longer periods. Further-

of skin. The extract of peony has a regenerative,

more, it also acts as a natural detoxifying agent and

softening, moisturizing, firming and anti-inflamma-

helps prevent skin conditions caused by distress.

tion effect.

Applying the extract can also reduce inflammation and is used for treating skin irritation.

All the antioxidants and vitamin C in the berry help make your skin soft and smooth. Vitamins present

Birch extract is known for its skin healing and

in cranberries also lighten your skin tone and make

purifying properties. It is mainly used for its cura-

it look even and radiant.

tive effects and helps to heal skin irritations and rashes.


Combinations for mothers day, valentines day, birthday or hostess gifts. A perfect gift for anybody who loves a clean and styled home, with aesthetic and effective products they don’t need to hide away. EVERYDAY LUXURY


E ffect ive allerg y friendly cleaning kit wit h

Choose bet ween our t h re e s ce n t s f o r t h e

Humdakin universal cleaner, spray bot t le

hand soap and lot ion se t . O u r s m all lo t io n is

and dishclot h in 100% org anic cot t on.

for t he h an d b ag.



Our knit t ed t owel, frag rance st icks and small

E veryone loves soft , ple as an t s m e llin g lau n -

hand cream compliment each ot her

dry. Our laundry soap an d f ab ric s o f t e n e r in

perfect ly.

t he square bucket is t h e pe rf e ct pre s e n t .



For t he person who has everyt hing . Give

The knit t ed t owel, dish clo t h an d t e a t o we l

t hem t he effect ive dish soap, ant i-smell hand

are available in many d if f e re n t co lo rs , an d

soap and a wooden brush t hat t hey don’t

are a beaut iful accen t in any kit ch e n .

have t o hide away.


Dis h s oap wit h sea buckt horn & salvia

Univer s al C leaner wit h sea buckt horn & salvia

Laund r y s oap wit h sea buckt horn & chamomile

Fab r ic s o f t n e r wit h s e a b u ckt h o rn & ch am o m ile

Hand s oap

Hand lotion

Han d lo t io n 60 m l

01 sea buckthorn & chamomile 02 birch & elderberry 03 peony & cranberry

01 sea buckthorn & chamomile 02 birch & elderberry 03 peony & cranberry

01 sea buckthorn & chamomile 02 birch & elderberry 03 peony & cranberry

Fra g ra nc e stic k s A M PL E

Fra g ra nc e stic k s I VORY

Sc e nt re fill A M PL E

S c en t r ef i l l I VORY

St o n e

Co al

L at t e

L i gh t st o n e

Knitted d is hcloth 100% org anic GOTS cert ified cot t on A nt i sm e ll hand soap with r ed seaw eed

Spray Bo t t l e

D ustpan with wood

Dark ash

Dark wood

Ye l l o w fal l

Gre e n se aw e e d

Du st y p o w de r

D usty g r een


Violet plum

Kha k i


Cleaning dus ter

St o n e

Co al

L at t e

Dark ash

L i gh t st o n e

Dark wood

Ye l l o w fal l

Gre e n se aw e e d

Du st y p o w de r

Du st y gre e n

O ak

Vi o l e t plum

K h aki

Cl ay

K n it t e d k it c h e n t o w e l 100% o rgan ic G OTS ce rt if ie d co t t o n

S m all ha nd d is h b r u sh - Ba mb oo

Wo od bru sh B am boo

Hand broom Bamboo

D i sh c l ea ning b r us h - Mango w ood

St o n e

Co al

L at t e

Dark ash

L i gh t st o n e

Dark wood

Ye l l o w fal l

Gre e n se aw e e d

Du st y p o w de r

Du sty gre en

O ak

Violet plum

Kha k i


Tea towel - 2 p cs . 100% org anic GOTS cert ified cot t on

St o n e

Cle a ning bucke t

H u md ak i n ov al b u c ke t

Co al

Dark ash

Dark wood

Gre e n se aw e e d

Du st y gre e n

Hum dakin sqaur e bucket Vi o l e t plum

Du st y p o w de r

L i gh t st o n e

L at t e

Ye l l o w fal l

Guest towel 100% o rgan ic G OTS ce rt if ie d co t t o n

YO U A S K E D, W E L I S T E N E D ! That’s why we were able to create our scent refills for spring 2019. We love your input and we use it to improve our range and add more mild products that help you keep your home clean and styled. Keep talking with us on our social media! #cleanandstyle #humdakin

Facebook & Instagram @humdakin w w w. h u m d a k i n . c o m

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